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This discussion focuses on Lucky Islands, try to stay on topic!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
This week’s discussion will cover some questions which will be very important in helping me with future feedback posts. I want to figure out what you guys think about lucky islands in general and why. Here are the questions you could answer in your reply:
  • If you like lucky islands, what do you like about it? What makes it appealing?
  • If you don’t like lucky islands, what do you dislike about it? What makes it unfun?
  • How do you like to play lucky islands?
  • What style of games do you like in general?
  • What makes lucky islands stand out from other gamemodes?
  • What kind of game do you think lucky islands should try to be, or what crowd do you think it should appeal to?
Of course, I’m not expecting everyone to answer every question and am happy with any reply as long as it aligns with this general topic.
I like lucky islands for introducing a variety and diversity of different features which keeps the game fresh and keeps matches from becoming repetitive. It’s a nice balance between luck and skill, and encourages players to find creative ways to win using the resources they are provided with. I play it competitively and try to win quickly and consistently, although I sometimes mess around with strategies or try ideas I come up with.
In general, I gravitate towards 3D platforms and actually enjoy games that are rather poorly programmed, as I like trying to break them. I also like competitive online pvp games and I tend to find one and stick with it. Sometimes, I also play turn based strategy games. I tend to only play a few games at a time and learn them at a high level.
While lucky islands may seem similar to SkyWars at first glance, the different items, features, and lucky block outcomes create a completely different game with a more chaotic and less repetitive gameplay. The playerbases also feel different and I think of lucky islands as being a more casual and carefree game. I think lucky islands does a good job trying to appeal to casual and experienced players who want a chaotic and fun competitive game experience as opposed to other sweatier gamemodes. It allows players to play at their own pace and players can choose to take it seriously, or goof off.

Last weeks thread


Forum Expert
Oct 16, 2019
Turkey ❤️🤍
I love playing Lucky Islands, but with a team because playing with my friends by partying and talking is more enjoyable than playing solo. I hope it will be added to Java again in the future. (team lucky islands)
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Forum Expert
May 25, 2022
Canada, America’s 51st State
Take note that my answers consist of my Solo Lucky Islands experiences, as I only play squads with friends which is rare.
  • If you like lucky islands, what do you like about it? What makes it appealing?
There are a few main things that I like about Lucky Islands.
One of those are the fun items, such as wands, explosive bows, weighted amulet, elevator, etc.
Another thing that I enjoy is that there aren’t many sweats/tryhards in the game. On the rare occasion that I do encounter one, they aren’t as sweaty compared to a sweat from eggwars or FFA.
  • How do you like to play lucky islands?
First thing I do when I enter the game is I vote for either Crazy or Overpowered mode (depends on what I feel like playing). Then, when I drop from my cage, I always open my block and food lucky blocks first in case I open a lucky block that is “dangerous” (for example with husks, zombies, lava, etc.). I then proceed to open every lucky block on my island. As I make my way to mid, I may kill some players that I encounter. I will also open diamond lucky blocks. I then usually open the rainbow lucky block (if it’s there), and I will go kill the rest of the game. That’s a typical game for me.
  • What style of games do you like in general?
It really depends on my mood. When I’m in the mood for intense games, I’ll usually play bridges 5v5, bridges 1v1, FFA, Skywars Solo, Skywars Duos, Battle Arena Duels, and CTF 5v5. However, when I’m in the mood for more casual, relaxing games, I will play Skyblock, Lucky Islands Solo, Minerware, and Competitive Parkour.
The following are the games that I don’t play very often or almost never play: Skywars Quads, Skywars Mega, Skywars Chaos, Giga Blockwars, CTF Duels, Survival Games Solo, Survival Games Duos, Normal (non-competitive) Parkour, Lucky Islands Quads, Eggwars Solo, Eggwars Duos, Eggwars Quads, Eggwars Duels, and Eggwars Mega.
Take note that pre-1.19, I would oftenly play Eggwars Duos, Eggwars Duels, and Eggwars Mega. I would sometimes also play Eggwars Squads, but would still rarely play Eggwars solos.
  • What makes lucky islands stand out from other gamemodes?
Same answers as question 1, but I would also like to add that I really like the maps. They’re very nice and functional. I really like the updated “Pond” map, however I would prefer the old “Pirates” map to the updated one.
  • What kind of game do you think lucky islands should try to be, or what crowd do you think it should appeal to?
I think Lucky Islands should try to be a gamemode that appeals to casual players. Don’t really have much else to add to this answer.


Forum Expert
Jul 23, 2023
United States
I like playing Lucky Islands, specifically Teams of 4. Lately, I haven't been playing Lucky Islands as much so I'll try to explain why in a little bit

Why Teams of 4? 🍀
  • I feel like the gameplay of Lucky Islands is more stable when I have teammates. It can make for more slower-paced and thoughtful rounds, while still being somewhat chaotic
  • I tend to like teamwork, especially with friends or social/friendly teammates
My Thoughts on Teammates

I know that this isn't directly related to the prompt, but it's kind of related to Teams of 4 Lucky Islands

In my opinion, the best teammates are the ones that I can trade items with. I try to give items to my teammates sometimes.
Also, I think that Lucky Islands Teams of 4 is more fun when you play with one or more party members

The Experience

I feel like Lucky Islands Teams of 4 has been getting a little bit bland. Part of it is the maps; I guess I've seen each map too many times?
There is a newer map that's related to the RGB Bundle but I haven't played it yet. It would be cool to try it out soon; maybe it'll spruce things up

It's difficult to explain why the gameplay has been getting slightly bland, other than the fact that I've played the game a lot

Also, although I've played a decent amount of Lucky Islands, I still am not familiar with every feature that the game has. For example, I don't think I have ever seen nor gotten a rainbow apple, nor a yoink rod (I found out about these items through the Lucky Islands Quiz). If I have gotten either of these items, it's probably been a long time since…
It's cool that these items exist, and it would be nice to come across them more often in the game. I’m not sure why they're so rare for me. Where and how do you get these items? Are they limited to Lucky Islands Solo?

Overall, a good solution to the blandness problem is playing with friends in a party; it's an enjoyable experience 👍

What Makes Lucky Islands Unique

Lucky Islands is a game where you can be creative; you don't have to be limited to sword fighting but you can also do all sorts of interesting tricks with the wands and other custom items that the game has. Also, the degree of randomness is cool. The gameplay style helps players rely on unique strategy more often instead of only sword fighting

My Game Style Preferences

I've played a lot of SkyWars Solo, and one thing I've done a lot in that game is use the void to my advantage.
Sword fighting on its own is not my greatest strength. It's why I don't find myself playing FFA or Survival Games at all. Playing either of those games is super rare, but if I were to choose one to play, it would be Survival Games as I am not really an FFA person
I'd consider myself to be a bow person at times. Also, when confronted with a risky situation, I’ll often try to get onto higher ground; sometimes I know that running into a fight means I am going to lose

Overall, I prefer games that have additional ways to eliminate players that don't solely rely on sword fighting. Of course, this goes for PvP games, like Lucky Islands and SkyWars

I also enjoy playing Minerware, which is a non-PvP game. I like how it's both a casual and competitive kind of game


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
Also, although I've played a decent amount of Lucky Islands, I still am not familiar with every feature that the game has. For example, I don't think I have ever seen nor gotten a rainbow apple, nor a yoink rod (I found out about these items through the Lucky Islands Quiz). If I have gotten either of these items, it's probably been a long time since…
It's cool that these items exist, and it would be nice to come across them more often in the game. I’m not sure why they're so rare for me. Where and how do you get these items? Are they limited to Lucky Islands Solo?
Rainbow apples and Yoink rod can both be obtained through opening rainbow lucky blocks, which I assume exist across all team numbers in bedrock.


Dedicated Member
Feb 2, 2023
OG Blockwars Lobby
In lucky islands my favourite part is the block lucky block, it made the game so much better and now lucky islands is really fun. I mainly like speedrunning lucky islands teams of 4 with my friends. I think lucky islands is a great game, but I prefer playing games like eggwars, or bridges.


Forum Expert
Oct 31, 2023
anywhere but here
I'm all in for the chaos that ensues predetermined by the game's RNG

I'm absolutely loving how the game forces you to improvise when a situation is extremely dire due to bad luck

(me basically having infinite blocks and projectiles once out of my snow golem's snow trail because it was literally the only thing I had and a shovel)

though I'm not really a fan of its pacing, like I'd choose Skywars over this any day since it's better/faster paced suited for more aggressive playstyles which I usually employ in games

I'd highly recommend trying out Lucky Islands when you're bored out of your mind or want to play something chill with a bit of PvP and quick thinking at the same time
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