Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2017
Spain, Burgos
I know that this topic has been touched in other threads but i wanna make a longer one explaining my point of view as an experiemented player on it with more that 16.000 games played on it and more than 55 days.
To start with, all started with a gamemode called lucky islands teams mode where u could join with ur friends in a same team cooperate and play together, or at least that was my main reason to play it. All was so good till suddenly seems like solving bugs was not more a priority to the developers and lots of bug started appearing and we could see how they would take months and months to be fixed. No one or almost no one was asking for updates in the gamemode, everyone was asking for bug fixing in a gamemode where there was big communities that would love playing the game daily and enjoy with their friends and making new friends in game. There were communities as one i did called the wee gang that achieved to take together in a discord server around 200 people that would play together this game mode daily. Also mentioning many others like CaloriMod client users that many of them would play together, some friends of that community i can mention as iiMandy_, iiJoris_ and the rest off ii clan too sometimes. Also a community like the one that would have people like Sergi92, Yeyo_MX, Anhelus, Ninde, etc.... Others like RaceCraft comanded by players like Shah, GizmoTheTurtle, Adamsony, HammerTheBear..... I know there was way more communities that deserve a mentioning but well i am going to try also to make this not that long. After years i can even remember many of those bugs like:
1-The grappling bow u would use and stay stuck in mid of it and fall into void
2-Explosive bow breaking ice generated by frozen bow making the one inside it bug and the people outside hit them and kill them easy.
3- Shield wand making u appear above it after using it (what would be annoying if u use it when u run away and u need to win time to eat)
4- Automatic bow that would only shot 1 or few arrows and stop working
5- Horses that would walk alone because u could see the person on it
If all those bugs (and more i wont keep mentioning because it could be a long list, same as the communities) would have been solved the game was perfect, the main game of cubecraft and most played. I remember the grappling bow bug that took maybe 4-5months to be fixed and it was really annoying as it would make it risky using it.
What I mean is that this game that was created by this server and was the heart of it, wasnt logicly removed.
Now with only solo u find a game with more bugs than before even, less maps what makes it repetitive, where people team as there is not a game mode for playing together. Also having new kinds of lucky blocks that honestly are no sense, like the blocks one where u suddenly get honey blocks or sand or the food one where u get zombie flesh or glowing berries. After playing it for some days i still dont see the difference between the blue and the yellow lucky blocks.
I suggest to the cubecraft staff doing a thinking about this and i think the server would thank a lot that if it has to be chosen between solo gamemode and team gamemode, team would make the server more active, more playable and more social and turn it into a community again. I already know quite a lot of people, including old staff members of cubecraft that dont play cubecraft at all or very little that would come back if lucky island teams would be back and others that would do it more often and come back to this gamemode.
Hope this idea is supported as its deserves, sadly the others i have been seen werent, and not because people wouldnt want it, more because they didnt even check forus of cubecraft.
Thanks for ur attention and hope we can all be playing team lucky islands soon again!


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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
I know that this topic has been touched in other threads but i wanna make a longer one explaining my point of view as an experiemented player on it with more that 16.000 games played on it and more than 55 days.
To start with, all started with a gamemode called lucky islands teams mode where u could join with ur friends in a same team cooperate and play together, or at least that was my main reason to play it. All was so good till suddenly seems like solving bugs was not more a priority to the developers and lots of bug started appearing and we could see how they would take months and months to be fixed. No one or almost no one was asking for updates in the gamemode, everyone was asking for bug fixing in a gamemode where there was big communities that would love playing the game daily and enjoy with their friends and making new friends in game. There were communities as one i did called the wee gang that achieved to take together in a discord server around 200 people that would play together this game mode daily. Also mentioning many others like CaloriMod client users that many of them would play together, some friends of that community i can mention as iiMandy_, iiJoris_ and the rest off ii clan too sometimes. Also a community like the one that would have people like Sergi92, Yeyo_MX, Anhelus, Ninde, etc.... Others like RaceCraft comanded by players like Shah, GizmoTheTurtle, Adamsony, HammerTheBear..... I know there was way more communities that deserve a mentioning but well i am going to try also to make this not that long. After years i can even remember many of those bugs like:
1-The grappling bow u would use and stay stuck in mid of it and fall into void
2-Explosive bow breaking ice generated by frozen bow making the one inside it bug and the people outside hit them and kill them easy.
3- Shield wand making u appear above it after using it (what would be annoying if u use it when u run away and u need to win time to eat)
4- Automatic bow that would only shot 1 or few arrows and stop working
5- Horses that would walk alone because u could see the person on it
If all those bugs (and more i wont keep mentioning because it could be a long list, same as the communities) would have been solved the game was perfect, the main game of cubecraft and most played. I remember the grappling bow bug that took maybe 4-5months to be fixed and it was really annoying as it would make it risky using it.
What I mean is that this game that was created by this server and was the heart of it, wasnt logicly removed.
Now with only solo u find a game with more bugs than before even, less maps what makes it repetitive, where people team as there is not a game mode for playing together. Also having new kinds of lucky blocks that honestly are no sense, like the blocks one where u suddenly get honey blocks or sand or the food one where u get zombie flesh or glowing berries. After playing it for some days i still dont see the difference between the blue and the yellow lucky blocks.
I suggest to the cubecraft staff doing a thinking about this and i think the server would thank a lot that if it has to be chosen between solo gamemode and team gamemode, team would make the server more active, more playable and more social and turn it into a community again. I already know quite a lot of people, including old staff members of cubecraft that dont play cubecraft at all or very little that would come back if lucky island teams would be back and others that would do it more often and come back to this gamemode.
Hope this idea is supported as its deserves, sadly the others i have been seen werent, and not because people wouldnt want it, more because they didnt even check forus of cubecraft.
Thanks for ur attention and hope we can all be playing team lucky islands soon again!
There are a few things I would like to add here. I’m a solos player on bedrock with around 20 days of playtime, so keep in mind that there are some versions differences between the games we play.

The bedrock version of lucky islands has its own host of bugs, although not any of the ones you’ve mentioned. I’m already at the third page of bug reports, and I‘ve only been here a few months. I guess the more game mechanics you add to a game, the more bugs the game will have.

I sympathize with you dissatisfaction about the new block types and general displeasure for the recent updates. I feel like these changes were made purely for the sake of change, and they aren’t actually innovative or make the game more fun, a few of them have made my experience less fun (I’ll be covering my own feedback one day) I think lucky islands is one of those games that isn’t going to get stale no matter how much you play it, so updates should be made carefully and time should be taken to make sure the release without bugs and add fun to the game without making it imbalanced. I suspect part of the problem is that whoever has been working on these updates simply doesn’t get what makes lucky islands fun to play.

Although I don’t experience your problem here, since we have TO4 on bedrock, I agree that teams could be more fun then solos for a lot of people and people would care less about having bad teammates than in other game modes.

PS: Not to long ago, a person who was a developer at the time (things happened I guess) actually gave a list of lucky block drops with weights. I am in the process of finding the drop probabilities based on these weights, which you can find here (sorry if it’s a little messy or confusing) As for the diamond lucky blocks, this former dev mentioned they contain most of the good drops, and sets all of the weights to 1. She also mentioned that they are different between versions. Based on my own knowledge, I was able to produce this list. Hope this helps explain the difference between these two lucky blocks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2023
I also know many of my friends who don't play that much anymore, but would most likely return if Team Lucky Islands is added back. And there is no doubt that I would also enjoy playing it again every day with my friends.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2017
Spain, Burgos
There are a few things I would like to add here. I’m a solos player on bedrock with around 20 days of playtime, so keep in mind that there are some versions differences between the games we play.

The bedrock version of lucky islands has its own host of bugs, although not any of the ones you’ve mentioned. I’m already at the third page of bug reports, and I‘ve only been here a few months. I guess the more game mechanics you add to a game, the more bugs the game will have.

I sympathize with you dissatisfaction about the new block types and general displeasure for the recent updates. I feel like these changes were made purely for the sake of change, and they aren’t actually innovative or make the game more fun, a few of them have made my experience less fun (I’ll be covering my own feedback one day) I think lucky islands is one of those games that isn’t going to get stale no matter how much you play it, so updates should be made carefully and time should be taken to make sure the release without bugs and add fun to the game without making it imbalanced. I suspect part of the problem is that whoever has been working on these updates simply doesn’t get what makes lucky islands fun to play.

Although I don’t experience your problem here, since we have TO4 on bedrock, I agree that teams could be more fun then solos for a lot of people and people would care less about having bad teammates than in other game modes.

PS: Not to long ago, a person who was a developer at the time (things happened I guess) actually gave a list of lucky block drops with weights. I am in the process of finding the drop probabilities based on these weights, which you can find here (sorry if it’s a little messy or confusing) As for the diamond lucky blocks, this former dev mentioned they contain most of the good drops, and sets all of the weights to 1. She also mentioned that they are different between versions. Based on my own knowledge, I was able to produce this list. Hope this helps explain the difference between these two lucky blocks.
In bedrock there is much more players idk why tho when i find that version of the game much worse than java tbh and they are able to hold solo and teams same time i guess, but in java seems they had to choose one because of the fall of players the game had, fall provoked because of the amount of bugs i said before as one of the main reasons. The thing is that if u are going to leave only one gamemode i think they should leave teams available due to the reasons i said above instead of solo. I am 100% sure they would have more players


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2023
In bedrock there is much more players idk why tho when i find that version of the game much worse than java tbh and they are able to hold solo and teams same time i guess, but in java seems they had to choose one because of the fall of players the game had, fall provoked because of the amount of bugs i said before as one of the main reasons. The thing is that if u are going to leave only one gamemode i think they should leave teams available due to the reasons i said above instead of solo. I am 100% sure they would have more players
Bedrock has more players because it's a version which is available on a mobile and console devices as well.


Novice Member
Dec 7, 2020
cat tree
I totally agree with that. i'd rather play with my friends in team mode, even with fewer players, than not be able to play with them at all.
Cubecraft has always been one of my favorite servers, but I can't play since the change, even though I often want to.


Nov 29, 2023
I'd also like to add that, 1. Cubecraft doesn't have a really casual gamemode right now. Skywars, eggwars and Solo Lucky, i find to Be pretty competitive. so adding a More casual gamemode (team LI) would give The More casual gamers a better experience, and could bring them Back on The server. And 2, Solo Lucky and Solo skywars are very Similar gamemodes, so there's really no need to have both. They just take players away from each other. So switching Solo li to team li would Be beneficial to The server. And people in Solo Lucky are literally starting to team now since they don't have a mode to do that in. So it seems that there is a lot of support for switching Solo li to team li. Honestly just don't see a reason why not to do that at this point


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2017
Spain, Burgos
I'd also like to add that, 1. Cubecraft doesn't have a really casual gamemode right now. Skywars, eggwars and Solo Lucky, i find to Be pretty competitive. so adding a More casual gamemode (team LI) would give The More casual gamers a better experience, and could bring them Back on The server. And 2, Solo Lucky and Solo skywars are very Similar gamemodes, so there's really no need to have both. They just take players away from each other. So switching Solo li to team li would Be beneficial to The server. And people in Solo Lucky are literally starting to team now since they don't have a mode to do that in. So it seems that there is a lot of support for switching Solo li to team li. Honestly just don't see a reason why not to do that at this point
Thats why i am not asking for adding team lucky, i understand that cubecraft cant hold anymore that much different games, but then change solo and put teams instead, its not adding more games and server improve need, its just change a game for another more worthy
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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2020
Exactly, teams is simply more complex and silly haha then solo is. Especially cus you can play around with wands more since they tend to lean more towards team spirit shenanigans lmao.
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Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
I really hope the admins think about this suggestion...

Team lucky was so fun to play, whether solo or in a party.

Also great for people like me who are hopeless in eggwars as I cant have as much of an armour and item advantage lol.

This has gotten a lot of support and I see a lot of people suggesting it so I really hope it's noticed
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