Hello Cubers 
For some of you, Halloween is the best part in the year and lets bring a little start of it? Post your favourite thing about Halloween and what skin you would like to use when CubeCraft enter the Halloween party.
Here is an easy example on how to it :)
IGN: Zrathex
Best part of halloween? Darkness :eek:
What skin would you like to use? https://namemc.com/skin/b1521e0c206d684f
Easy as that huh? :D
Official Plebs: @Diogu @Camezonda @HackersDontWin @Anmazing @zDutchie @yoyamin @TheFastBowler @Alex_de_Grote @Max111D. And a lot more I am too lazy to tagg :p

For some of you, Halloween is the best part in the year and lets bring a little start of it? Post your favourite thing about Halloween and what skin you would like to use when CubeCraft enter the Halloween party.
Here is an easy example on how to it :)
IGN: Zrathex
Best part of halloween? Darkness :eek:
What skin would you like to use? https://namemc.com/skin/b1521e0c206d684f
Easy as that huh? :D
Official Plebs: @Diogu @Camezonda @HackersDontWin @Anmazing @zDutchie @yoyamin @TheFastBowler @Alex_de_Grote @Max111D. And a lot more I am too lazy to tagg :p
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