1212hawks_ Dec 22, 2016 Hey, I've seen that you've been making a couple of one word posting that is against one of the rules stated here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/official-forum-rules.74962/ Just a little "heads up" so, you won't get a warning :P
Hey, I've seen that you've been making a couple of one word posting that is against one of the rules stated here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/official-forum-rules.74962/ Just a little "heads up" so, you won't get a warning :P
TheLucian Dec 14, 2016 That kid from school that was messing with my PC I told the sro about and he called the really cops on him. Hopefully I should be ok now.
That kid from school that was messing with my PC I told the sro about and he called the really cops on him. Hopefully I should be ok now.
TheLucian Dec 14, 2016 500+ likes!!! GCC.Thank you guys so much for everything. I go away for dinner for an hour anf0d come back and I have 28 notifications. :)
500+ likes!!! GCC.Thank you guys so much for everything. I go away for dinner for an hour anf0d come back and I have 28 notifications. :)
TheLucian Dec 12, 2016 If there is a kid at school who hacked into my pc and is downloading malware what should I do?
TheLucian Dec 12, 2016 Hopefully I will be back before my 1 year celebration here. You guys are the best, it is hard for all of us.
Hopefully I will be back before my 1 year celebration here. You guys are the best, it is hard for all of us.
TheLucian Dec 10, 2016 Thank you all for saying goodbye. Hopefully I will come back as an Xmas present.
TheLucian Dec 10, 2016 I'm Leaving https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/the-post-i-never-wanted-to-make.178076/