TheLucian Dec 7, 2016 I think it's really cool when you click on new people here the first thing they do is look at reporting guidelines. That's a good sign.
I think it's really cool when you click on new people here the first thing they do is look at reporting guidelines. That's a good sign.
QuikMiner Dec 3, 2016 "If Plan A Doesn't Work The Alphabet Has 25 More Letters In It." Lol nice signature
TheLucian Nov 30, 2016 Guys I can't be online today to much. Sorry. To much homework ope I will live.
TheLucian Nov 30, 2016 Goodnight guys. As always great stream @Mac I had fun talking to everyone today. Hope you have a amazing nigh/day for everyone @zDutchie
Goodnight guys. As always great stream @Mac I had fun talking to everyone today. Hope you have a amazing nigh/day for everyone @zDutchie
I iDontPlayMinecraft.exe Nov 30, 2016 Congratulations with 400 likes :D we haven't played in such a long time, does Friday work for you.
Mr_Riolu_ Nov 29, 2016 |¤ ING: LucianYOLO ¤|¤ Rank: Emerald¤| Questions? You should change ing to IGN :P
TheLucian Nov 28, 2016 Sadly I wasent too active today. I was to addicted to @Mac streams. Thank you for the awesome day mac and everyone else. Goodnight.
Sadly I wasent too active today. I was to addicted to @Mac streams. Thank you for the awesome day mac and everyone else. Goodnight.
TheLucian Nov 25, 2016 Would love as much feed-back as possible on this.