Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

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  1. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    New GAME:

    Like what @RemiO05 said, the game is money walls and was filled with bugs. This was also said by a few staff members. -1
  2. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Royal cup

    This sounds kind of similar to hypixel’s game battle royal? I don’t mind this being a game, but what would be kind of cool is if that paraschute is how the game starts in bingo..?
  3. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    What is your choice?

    I’m actually going to take this seriously :p Anyone I think these people should have helper. @RemiO05 @Zombiepower @AFreakingCookie (Hank) @ItsDavey_ @Spuuuni @komododragon 2002 @Sophie @Berre Edit: I forgot some people, sorry about this! @_The13thDoctor_ and @CommunistCactus
  4. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Other Games [CHALLENGE] Who can get the most coins in a game?

    Most I got was like 15k... I am bad at the game xD
  5. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    /nick for people in the leaderboards

    No. This would cause a lot of chaos...
  6. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    [Discussion] Which version do you prefer?

    I like any version as long as I get to communicate with other players.
  7. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Private Bingo

    Yes please! This would be great to play with a friend! +1!
  8. AFreakingCookie (Hank)


    I would just message a random staff member about it. Not that big of a deal.
  9. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Spectator mode improvements

    I like it how easy it is to look around the map after dying. I think it’s fine.
  10. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Why do some maps show up more often than others?

    I don’t see those maps much either, but I don’t mind. If you play certain annoying maps over and over, you get used to it.
  11. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Just a suggestion ;)

    No. 15 seconds would completely unfair. 1 minute is good enough.
  12. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    FFA poison pot

    I don’t have this issue though. I just strafe those players or I just die and don’t care. But I can see how this would be very annoying.
  13. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    How to increase your FPS?

    Good methods, but they aren’t useful to me. I have enough fps.
  14. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Team SkyWars map suggestion

    No thanks. The maps were made for the certain amount of players. As long as they make the maps smaller, sure.
  15. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Make cubelets worthy again!

    No. I think that the best is to make it open instantly by changing the option in settings. I just save up my cubelets because it gives self-motivation.
  16. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Screen Recording Hackers Help

    Quick time never worked for me. Just use OBS or any thing with a water mark. Water marks dont matter fyi. I use geforce experience.
  17. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Vote Here- 'Freebuild'

    I didn’t play it today, but I got kicked like twice. It isn’t that big of a deal.
  18. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    dumb eggwars challenges

    That looks challenging. I kinda want to try that!
  19. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Skywars Maps- Give us feedback!

    Favorite- Sundea because of its super small islands Trees- I like sometimes how far away the islands are. Dislikes Any map that can easily be rushed other than sundea.
  20. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    I translated the FAQ to Dutch!

    Nice work! Thank you for translating. I myself don’t speak dutch, but this will help for those who do!
  21. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Video Archer Assault, BlockWars, and SkyWars! | Episodes 3, 3, 1

    Why wouldn’t I enjoy them, I’m just being honest.
  22. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Builds Minecraft Creation - Kiote

    My best build is probably my family house in like a neighbor hood. I have other great builds but they are for memorials and stuff.
  23. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Improvements on the lobby Games

    These sound like some cool tjings to add for another thing to go for. +1
  24. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Artwork anything lol

    I really hope you don't take this in a rude way, but I don't understand what that is. Sorry. Mind if I ask what it is?
  25. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Artwork My art

    Nice drawings!
  26. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    New EggWars lobby

    It (in my opinion) is getting old. I liked the one before a lot better.
  27. AFreakingCookie (Hank)


    Nice to meet you Clarifity! And welcome to the forums!
  28. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Level Up! :D

    Congratz dude! gl on 50 levels!
  29. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Artwork Cuddles!

    It looks adorable! <3
  30. AFreakingCookie (Hank)

    Implemented Improvements on 'Bingo'

    I like everything, but my most favorite would have to be teams. +1
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