Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. iamthebeeper

    iamthebeeper's introduction :)

    Hello! Hi! I'm a little late to do this, but I just found this so I figured I should write an introduction. Actual introduction My name is iamthebeeper, but if you want you can just call me beeper or conn, or anything actually I don't really care that much. I play on bedrock and jump between...
  2. Dexten

    Introducing myself

    Hello! I'm dexten I'm a cuberaft bedrock youtuber I play eggwars skywats I mostly play with other people bc I like to play with more people and I personally think that that would bring you guys the best content, why did I start youtube I started youtube to entertain as much people as a I can...
  3. G

    LaughingSnow57's Introduction

    Hello all, welcome to my introduction. I just found out there are forums for the server and there's one for introductions so here I am. I used to play Minecraft all the time but then moved on to Fortnite, Warzone, etc... Those games are now boring to me and I don't like the playstyles anymore...
  4. unbarredchart70

    UnbarredChart’s introduction

    Hi everyone, i play for several years on Cubecraft but only discovered the forums by now. Gaming is my passion and hobby. i hope i will be accepted in the community and i can help this server to another level!
  5. D


    Hey y'all! 👋 It's already been about 5 years since I first joined CubeCraft, and I have had an account on the forums since 2017. As of now, I would love to become a part of this side of the community, so here is my introduction! I'm an 18-year old guy from Belgium, with a narrow (specific)...
  6. JokeKaedee

    JokeKaedee's Reintroduction <3

    Hey, CubeCrafters! 👋 I'm back with a reintroduction because it has been a while since I last properly introduced myself. My name is Joke, but you can call me Kaedee too if that's what you prefer. Basic information. Let's start with the basics. I am currently 16 years old (23/07/2004) and I was...
  7. eternalmariam

    Hello everyone!!

    Hi! I am Mariam (MAR- YIE- M/ or Mari if you can’t pronounce my name lol). I am from Egypt, my pronouns are she/her. I play MCBE. Cubecraft had been lately my top server since there isn’t alot of sweats and its chill. I don’t have any friends in the community so it would be nice to have some! My...
  8. TBroz15

    My Introduction :D

    Hello I am TBroz15! Not recently new but a 1 year Cubecraft Player I do PVP (thats all) You can ask question at me :)
  9. CapitalSpoon


    Hello everyone! Figured I would post a thread here as well. My ign is CapitalSpoon but I’ve played as P3drozZ and GetDeadKidz as well. My irl name, however, is Isac. I'm 17 years old and I come from Sweden. 🙂 I first joined CC in 2014 and started my website account a year after that (2015). I...
  10. Samixly

    My Introduction!

    Hey everyone, I have never introduced myself on the forums before, I am also not very well known on the forums but I thought why not, right? (Sorry in advance, I'm not very good at this so I'm going to do my best) ABOUT ME 🙋‍♂️ I am Samixly or as some people already know my real name...
  11. bradayy

    Introduction | Bradayy | 2020

    About me: I am a youtuber who decided to make a fresh start in august 2020. My old channel was at around 800 subscribers, but I had been inactive for a year due to being diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in august 2019. I am still undergoing treatment and will be in treatment until...
  12. TheAcrobat

    Introductions of the Acrobat

    Hello My name is Saul but I just go with TheAcrobat. I am a 13 Year old from Brazil and have been playing Minecraft ever since 2013-2014. i really got Into servers around mid 2019 or at the end of 2019 but I got seriously into it at the beginning of this year. ill say some of the things i...
  13. D


    Hi there, I'm NieckMeinema, nice to meet you! I'm 15 years old, from the Netherlands, and looking for friends. :) So be sure to leave a comment if you'd like to be friends with me, hahaha.
  14. ChiefAaron

    FPSaltyRaccoon Introduction

    Hello, CubeCrafters! I just realized I haven't made a proper introduction in the introduction threads lol. This is Chief Aaron, and I've started using the amazing cube craft forums last month. I used to play cubecraft on Java Edition from around 2015-2016. Ever since I started playing...
  15. Anneum

    Anneum's introduction

    Heya! I recently realized that I've never made an introduction before and I still wanted to do it so here it is! My name is Anna but of course I'm better known under the name Anneum. Let's skip the irl part since I have no idea what to tell about that (feel free to ask questions tho). I started...
  16. Twixmeneer

    Introduction Cqrefull

    Hi i am Cqrefull (Justin) I am 14 years old and I love to play CubeCraft I play Minecraft for lets say 5/6 years and the server i play the most is CubeCraft <3 I am not good at PvP but i try my best and try to learn it to get better! I am making videos about Cube to, (YT: Cqrefull) I think...
  17. Hinterglemmer

    Hinterglemmers Introduction

    Hello everyone I shall also introduce myself because many are doing it and I haven't done yet. And not everyone knows me. So, here I am! Who am I? 👦 My name is Simon, I'm 15 years old and come from Belgium (So my English is not very good yet, but I am doing my best!). My Minecraft name is...
  18. Maaarijn

    My introduction! :D

    Lol cringe
  19. W

    My introduction (removed) | Wood_456 |

  20. Periqito

    My introduction - YeZos

    Hello people! My name is Periqito .. emm .. I say, Jesus! (I get into the character a lot) I want to tell you a little about myself, but I'm a little embarrassing (lie) the case haha Here we go! As it says in my profile, I currently live in Madrid, and I am 17 years old (increasingly older...
  21. NoodleGoddess

    A Noodle's Introduction

    Hello everyone! I thought I'd make a quick introduction to you all, seeing I have recently joined the team here on Cubecraft as a Designer! First thing you need to know: I love Joji (and the Filth of the Frank that came before him), and I won't hide it! Now for the general stuff: I can be...
  22. Quis


    Hi! I think I'm a little late but I still want to do a introduction. My username is _Quiss but you can call me Q or Quis if you want.. I am 17 years old and I live in the Netherlands. I play on Cubecraft since 2014 I guess. I really enjoy gaming and sports. I also like music a lot. I think I...
  23. oCHOSEN

    My Introduction

    Hello. Name's Chosen and i got falsly banned thats the reason im here.Ive been banned on 4 server's in a week now and its getting pretty annoying ngl. I think i got banned for autoclicking but im just butterfly clicking ive gotten unbanned on 2 of the servers but not mmc (Minemen club) Well...
  24. CommonNonsense


    Hey y'all, my names Riley (IGN: CommonNonsense_) I'm from Canada I've been playing Cubecraft for around 8 months now, and have just decided to be more active on forums and discord Interesting facts about me: I kayak competitively, I'm 6'4", and I have a wack sleep schedule Hope to interact more...
  25. m3nt05p3r50n

    Introducing Myself

    Hello, might as well make one now while I'm still a newbie! My name is m3nt05p3r50n. The only reason why my user is so complicated and not memorable is because 'mentosperson' looked quite boring and basic. I've had that user since 2016 and since then it's been my user for most things. I can...
  26. Hoshi

    Re-Introduction - Hoshi

    Back in the day, I used to go by the name ‘Astral’. A lot might remember me from then now that I mentioned it, so if anybody I used to be familiar with is reading this, then: Heya there old pal! My first introduction thread (the one that I posted a year after joining the forums - which really...
  27. Dronade


    Hey there I'm Dronade :) MC background; I've played on the cubecraft java server a few times with @mitgobla but other than that I'm pretty new to this server as a whole; I have however been playing minecraft since 2014 and used to be a builder for a few various servers. What I do; Im now part...
  28. RosiePlayz

    Introduction Rose :3

    Hi im Rose, I love playing minecraft, especially CubeCraft. I play on both bedrock and java, but i prefer bedrock. Im level 21 on bedrock and VIP level 4. My gamertag is RoseGamingYT for java and xRoosje for bedrock so hmu if you want to play some games ;p
  29. ScorpionXoXPlay

    Hey everyone

    This is my fist time joining the Cubecraft forums and fist time being false banned i was accused of using third party programs otherwise known as "Illegal Modifications" IGT-ScorpionXoXPlay A player reported me by posting a video of him having his fov on 100 and accusing me of reach hacks all i...
  30. ____

    Cebble's Introduction!

    Hey there, and thanks for taking a look at my introduction! I fairly appreciate it! Alright, let's start with a little story. I originally started playing on CubeCraft in 2015, but I have taken several breaks. I am 15 years of age, I come from The Netherlands, and I'm fluent in both English and...
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