Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. Shayley

    Intro 2.0

    Heey everyone, I've already done an introduction 2 years ago i thought but i wanted to do it one more time because i have been a whole different person. So, to start, my name is Daphne (my gaming username is always Shayley by the way) and i'm 19 years old. I live in The Netherlands (yes that...
  2. N

    My Introduction

    Hello World! I am a new member (in the forum)! Who am I? My ID is "Nugget_Of_Death"(currently), also I'm called "nugget" in game. Where am I from? I'm from Saitama in Japan... here is almost filled with sun, a few rains... Hobbies I program in some languages, I'm using JavaScript in most...
  3. mitgobla

    Hello CubeCrafters!

    My name is mitgobla! Where am I from? I'm from a small country called Wales which is in the United Kingdom. We get a lot of rain here... a lot. How did I find CubeCraft? I found out about CubeCraft through Insomnia Gaming Festival! I've been an attendee at the gaming event since i61, with i63...
  4. __QstDubbsQst__


    Hello, I am Dubbs. I am a 16 year old indie game dev who enjoys taking moonlit walks on beaches and helping small animals, wait it isn't that type of sight... Oh, I am so sorry. I enjoy playing minecraft and working with java script to create games. I am currently taking a break and come Nov...
  5. Cebble (OLD)

    My Introduction!

  6. DqrkMqtter

    Thread Title...

    I didn't want to make the title too cheesy, so I made gave it the best title possible. Okay, I've been here for about a month, and thought it would be great to just make an introduction instead of my account being a mysterious thing on the forums. If you don't know me, my name is DqrkMqtter...
  7. P

    Updated Introduction

    Hello, readers! I thought of doing another introduction because people change and so my hobbies and interests may have changed since my last introduction! I am Berre, but seeing as no one can pronounce it correctly, you can call me Riley :D I'm 15, will be turning 16 years old on the 5th of...
  8. Mackan_YT


    Hey! uhm… i'm Mackan if you didn't know. This is my introduction thread! I play minecraft alot. I moved on from Hypixel to here cause i keep getting banned on hypixel, cause "auto clicker" even though i just get up to 12 cps. And i play eggwars, im a tryhard. pls don't ruin my ego by ruining my...
  9. Elenahh

    A Late Introduction: My CCG Story

    Hello my friends! This for sure will be one of those very late introduction threads, but I realized that I have never really introduced myself to the community since I am on the forums, neither told my CCG story - how did this place turn into one of my favorite ones. Well, this thread contains a...
  10. Rayo

    Ray's Introduction

    Hello and thank you for your click ^^ I've joined Cube's community since the last year, yet, never had a chance to introduce myself, what to call me : Ray | Ray Ray I like eggwars, parkour and arcade games ! I enjoy listening to nightcore and classical songs and even Jazz My fav colour is...
  11. Jackxist

    I AM BACK :)

    Goodmorning/Afternoon. I am finally back after almost a year of being away from Cube. I had to deal with other responsibilities I had towards other game servers and I would have to say that cubes community was by far the best so I decided to finish up my responsibility to those servers and I...
  12. Lezappen

    Weekly topic vote thread!

    Introducing the weekly suggestions compilation thread -------------------------------------------------------------- Every Saturday we will be announcing a new topic previously voted by the community. Please put the "Theme" you want in the comments below. The topic thread will be a place to...
  13. Nexyy

    Konichiwa From Nexyy!

    Information About me! Glad you decided yo read this introduction! My name is Nexyy (Forums) or xInfamousx Rain (IGN) I'm currently enjoying the Cubecraft server as we all probably our. Below is some info about me- My real name is Joshua or Josh whatever you prefer I'm 6ft in height (Scary...
  14. TempFreak

    Hello All

    Hello All, well how do I start this, oh by making an interesting thread about introducing myself to the community!! Well, my name is TempFreak but you can call me Tempz. I have played Minecraft for about 5 years and I must say I am a proud builder, but even tho I enjoy playing creative, I too...
  15. TheDarkSavage

    Introducing myself :D

    My In-Game Name: TheDarkSavage My In-Game Rank(s): CubeCraft - Gold Hypixel - VIP My Age: I am 365 years of age. My Species: I am an alien Where I Live: I live in Mars, Milky Way Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy. My Interests: Gaming, Computers, Gaming, Music, Gaming Music I Enjoy: I love...
  16. TheDarkSavage

    Introduce yourself!

    First of all, hello, and welcome to CubeCraft (or CC, CCG, or CCN for short)! CubeCraft has been around since December of 2012 and has grown from 0 to over 30k players since then. We offer many different gamemodes, such as Eggwars, Skywars, Factions, Creative, Survival Games, and more! We have...
  17. SpringWarz

    My Late Introduction

    Hi! Most of you might know me, but others not so much. My name is David (In real life) and I'm a 15 year old from Scotland. I really like to do History, Science etc. as my hobbies or helping people with things like, which game is which or to help guide them somewhere etc. I usually hang out...
  18. P


    Hi my name is idris My in game name is: Rendings (used to be PartyRocksGaming). I have been a part of this community for a year I think but had been gone for a while. I like to play minecraft in my spare time or some modded minecraft. My favourite games are: minecraft (obviously), Starcraft...
  19. Eli

    Elivat's Introduction

    Hi, my name is Elivat and this is my introduction to the forums. I'm twelve years old, I speak Spanish, English and basic French, as you can see by my profile page I really like dragons, I love drawing (although I'm not good at it), I love making Minecraft skins, I play the violin, and I love...
  20. remio

    2000 messages!

    Heya, I'm RemiO05 and I wanted to thank you all! I have finally got 2000 messages! Tip: Read until the end! I really want to thank a couple of friends! (The list is under maintenance) I want to thank @Demiroo for always being one of my best friends on the server! (It's fun to play with you, we...
  21. P

    Meet OfficiallyBerre

    Hey there! Thanks for taking time out of your schedule for me :) I am Berre, I'm (currently) 15 years old, and I have a passion for Minigames and creating Adventure maps. I joined Cubecraft in 2013, a friend of mine told me about it. And oh boy, the Skywars lobbies were 20x20 blocks and you had...
  22. JuztAndy

    Hello awesome Cubecraft comunity!

    Hello Cubecraft community! My name is Andy and I am new to Cubecraft Forums, I want to do my best on forums and in-game, the games you'll find me at are all because I love them all! (Even arcade!) My IGN is JuztAndy! I am 12 years.... I love cubecraft I am baned on Hypixel I dont want to type...
  23. Sulphate

    Hello CubeCraft!

    Hey! :) I'm Sulphate. I've been playing Minecraft for many years now, been across many servers and have yet to decide which is the best. I mainly play EggWars, SkyWars and Survival Games (probably because I haven't played the others yet!), feel free to send me a friend invite if you want to...
  24. Ayroh

    RaginC's Introduction

    Hello community of Cubecraft! My name is RaginC and I am a level 29 on Cubecraft. I am someone who will be becoming very active on the forums starting as of today (I have no good excuse as to why I never joined the forums earlier). I would like to become someone that you guys can come to with...
  25. Xpie101

    Hey! :)

    Hey! My name is Matthew and I live in Texas (around Dallas). I'm 13 years old and have recently started playing on Cubecraft. I'm really enjoying the server so far as it's super fun and kills times. The only thing I don't like is the way the pvp is set up...
  26. ThaDoggo

    My introduction

    Hello everyone! Im jessey a 10 year old boy from the netherlands! I first logged in to cubecraft in 2016 And my favourite minigame is skywars! That was my super short introduction! Goodbye!
  27. PixelBunz

    Hi Guys! So happy right now. :D

    This is so COOL, I caught 2-4 hackers 2 days ago but I was at my cousin, they haven't gotten WiFi yet, so I couldn't upload or edit my video of the hackers, I will be editing the videos on Friday the 13th, I got a hacker to confess what hacks they were using. I hope that it helps CubeCraft Fix...
  28. remio


    Hi, I'm RemiO05! I'm 12 years old and I'm happy to be on the CCG Forums! I know I'm registered since 2016, but I just want to introduce myself! xD I really like to play football and game with friends! I don't say so much because I also have a bit of privacy xD! Bye Bye!
  29. Foxy011

    My Introduction :)

    Hey guys, I have been on this forum since the 16th of April 2017 so it's been a few months now. So I believe it is time I introduced myself! :eek: I have been playing Minecraft PC for a bout two years now - and I discovered Cubecraft a few months later when me and a friend were looking for...
  30. Lars_L


    HEY! my name is Lars, i realy love it to play with other players on cubecraft so feel free to ask me to play! im coming from the netherlands. Hallo nederlanders! And another nice thing to know cubecraft is the first server I played on! PS: Im not new XD
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