Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. maflenoo

    All Networks NEW Skywars Kits

    Hello cubecrafters :D I hope you are all good and safe <3 Today I have a new amazing suggestion It is about adding new skywars kits Now, I will telll you the kit name with details : 1.No cleaners or Strongman : - You start the game with drinkable strength potion for 30 seconds or you take 5...
  2. YahirplaysMC123

    Bedrock Which kit do you use

    Im just curious due to the tank and healer kit subjectivly seem to be better than the others. Golden apples are good for rushing and pvp, since you arent guaranteed to get golden apples at your starter chests, tank is good for rushing and you arent guaranteed to get boots and chestplate from...
  3. Skoedel

    Bedrock Kit selection

    Hello Today I played Skywars on Minecraft Bedrock and I would like to have something that is also in java. If you select a kit in Skywars Java then is the kit also selected for the games after you choise the kit (same with eggwars, lucky island) and I think this also needs to be in Skywars...
  4. Alxssa

    Pvp rank kits.

    Hi, Is it an idea to add some rank kits? Not op kits but some extra kits the rankers can choose? Yes or nah?
  5. ElKajas

    Bedrock Enchanting tables, bookshelves, lapis, and XP bottles for Skywars Bedrock

    In almost every Skywars map the creator adds enchanting items. We should add new kits and new items like bookshelves, enchanting tables, lapis and lapis ore, and XP bottles. This is just an idea and I think we should add it. The kit could be something like an enchanting table, 2 lapis and 2 XP...
  6. ElKajas

    I think cubecraft should add more kits to Skywars Bedrock

    I think we should add some other kits to Skywars Bedrock like miner or something more creative like pumpkin man. This is just an idea, I don't know if you would like it, it 's beacause I think 4 kits is insufficient, I think at least 8 would be good.
  7. Andrew Gustafson

    Bedrock best kits in all modes & games

    i thought it would be nice making a video explaning all the kits in the game that actually good
  8. Oreo♥️

    Escalated FFA Cosmetics

    Hey! So I've been playing FFA recently, and I've noticed that it doesn't really have any cosmetics, eggwars, lucky islands and skywars have cages, but what does FFA have? Well, we could say it has arrow trails, but that's more of a general network thing. So here's where the suggestion (I don't...
  9. Twistee

    Bedrock 2 kit ideas

    I have 2 kit ideas. (don't have any other cause I can't think of any) Rusher- Start with a stone axe and 10 woodblocks. This kit would be good for rushing, as of course, you start with a stone axe and 10 woodblocks. You can break chests with the axe to quickly get loot (like no one knows that)...
  10. Fisktratt

    Java Skywars - Kit revamp

    The point with this suggestion is to revamp the kits so they work for every voting option. In my opinion, the other kits are good as they are. I think this could work, but if you got any better ideas, please reply to the thread.
  11. Eli

    Java BlockWars Kit Revamp

    What I am about to present is an update that was thought with the purpose of reintroducing a once very popular gamemode in the network. A game mode that had the potential of being incredibly successful. Sadly it wasn't well taken care of, but it's never too late to solve old mistakes! With...
  12. Ding Junhui

    Java Kit Layout

    Would be nice to be able to change the inventory layout of a kit. By this I mean; put items in different hotbar slots or in different inventory spaces, auto-equip armour or not. Think this would be useful, rather than having to move items or unequip armour every game
  13. D

    All Networks Mini Suggestion Compliation

    Just a few suggestions that aren't really that big or i just cant be bothered until now to make a thread for them. That's all for now I think. I know that as soon as I publish this thread I'll remember something important but oh well I'll probably just edit it in if i remember to. My...
  14. A

    KitPVP Kit

    Hi ! You can add more kits in kitpvp server ? Thanks
  15. André Andersson

    Lucky Island - MORE KITS

    Hello! I have been playing Lucky Island for a while now. And I would love to see some new kits. I mean Playing the same kits over and over again in kinda boring. What do you guys think? IGN: iArtorias
  16. Jevmen

    Skywars kits

    Hello :D I want to say somethibg about kits. This post is only info. Hello im here to teach you something about kits :D Told me your favorite :) =good kits= —swordsman: start with a good sword is cool (i use this) —enderman: some enderpearls, leather armour and strong blocks, (is a quite op)...
  17. Elenahh

    Speed Eggwars: Beyond the Basics

    Hello Cubecrafters, Since I joined the server, Speed EggWars has always been my favorite game. My favorite game indeed, because I have always loved the fact there are smaller maps, and the games are more intensive. I have always had a great time while playing this amazing game with my friends...
  18. H

    Kits and old maps

    Sinceramente creo que CubeCraft en los tiempos antiguos era el mejor servidor para jugar cualquier modalidad, sobre todo skywars y creo que deberian volver a meter los antiguos mapas y antiguos kits, como a la gente que juega desde antes nos encantaba. Siento que si lo hacen, el servidor...
  19. ImJunior

    What can I do with my points?

    Hello! I just hit 17.000 points, what should I do with the points? Fun kits? I already got Swordsman, Iron Golem, Chicken, Smuggler and spiderman. Any suggestions? Thank you! :) -eSoldier
  20. L

    Java Trading Points

    I know i am not alone in having points, and not having things to buy with them (that would at least pertain to the games i play) I think there should be a 1:1 point trading for people who have large amounts of points and would like some loot points. I think it would help improve game play...
  21. X

    Elytra maps update!

    Hii yall Everyday when i want to play 1.8 pvp i hope that it isnt a elytra map. That is because i cant fly up. I think it is a great idea if there would be added rockets in every kit! If you would do that you can fly down but also fly up! Another thing is that the kit ninja/samurai doesnt have...
  22. Andyyy

    New kits for Blockwars

    Hi friends, today I have decided not to rant about how badly the messed up the update and have decided to give some ideas for new kits and changes to current ones! Archer kit: Reduce it's arrows upon spawn to 5 but when below 5 arrows, you get an arrow every 5 seconds, this is a simple fix to...
  23. Jevmen

    viper kit _blockwars

    the viper kit is very good but the poision potion is very costly but you need wait 30sec the kit is very simple and unpowerfull you can upgrade them woth something of this -more armour a pants and boots of leather -best sword a stone sword -less time 30sec--->20sec and i think the same about...
  24. Andyyy

    Ultimate Blockwars Guide (In depth)

    I thought that the pinned guide seemed outdated and not in line with the current meta, I was really bored so a wrote this. This strategy is only covering CTF because core sucks, if I have made any mistakes in this please tell me and I will fix it! Enjoy and learn! I'll split this into 4...
  25. God.

    Block Wars kits changes (the third time lucky)

    Please add new kits for blockwars like something more varied. Heres is an old post that I made about this: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/a...usta-la-papa-sancochada-v.192042/#post-853238 Well,lets start. Usually the most used kit is the runner(is the main kit for the pros in this...
  26. ArianCra

    Buff iron golem kit

    i propose to buff iron golem kit in sw, I feel that it is too weak compared to what it was before, practically in all the matches opening the chests you find exactly the same as if you chose the kit or not, that's why it's a kit that is not worth it, the best thing is that you get a buff that...
  27. ThaDoggo

    Favourite kits?

    hello im jessey and want to hear what most players have as their kit? My kit is swordsman just because i dont wanna fight with the golden sword. Comment your favourite kit down below and say why you use the kit. Bye! @RemiO05 @iCheeetah @MajesticMark @Time_4_pvp @Demiro16...
  28. iJoshuaaa

    Skywars kits revamp!

    Howdy fellow Cubecrafters, Skywars is one of my favorite gamemodes but in my opinion the kits are not very unique and the abilities do not have much impact on the game. What do I mean with not unique? The kits in Skywars are very straight forward swordsman gives you a sword Iron golem some...
  29. ThaDoggo

    Skywars kit chicken

    hello there its jessey here with a suggsestion! So in the skywars update proposal they said that you get a chicken hat with the chicken kit. They didnt add it but its not overpowerd at all! So i would like this to be added @Diogo Sorry for bad language! Regards jessey
  30. StuffWithJason

    New Kits on Survival Games

    Axeman kit- Starts with 2 steak, leather chestplate, wood axe, and 2 sticks. Costs 500 points Crazed Kit- Starts with a sharpness 1 wooden sword When in battle, has blindness but strength 2 Costs 650 points Hunter kit- Starts with 2...
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