Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. StuffWithJason

    New Kits on Survival Games

    Axeman kit- Starts with 2 steak, leather chestplate, wood axe, and 2 sticks. Costs 500 points Crazed Kit- Starts with a sharpness 1 wooden sword When in battle, has blindness but strength 2 Costs 650 points Hunter kit- Starts with 2...
  2. Jackxist

    Eggwars - Presets - Villager Shop

    The Problem: Have you ever played a game of egg wars to just spawn at the start and buy yourself items and think, If only this could be faster because another team right next to yours is rushing you? Or have you ever gotten a lot of diamonds at mid for someone just to chase you to your base and...
  3. BadGuy

    Kits changing depending on gamemode

    in op some kits just become useless for example: In eggwars the kit egg armor is not viable in op mode. I suggest changing get this so the kits change to match gamemod so egg armor would get prot IV in op mode. Thanks for consideration -nathan
  4. Gatsbe

    Wings PvP kit rebalance

    ok So as of now, normal maps have balanced kits. However, because wing maps need elytra, this removes the chest plate from all 5 kits and creates a huge disadvantage to a few classes. For example, the ninja kit has three armor points on normal maps. In elytra maps, they have half a point of...
  5. lars.l

    Kits update

    Hello people @lars.l here this time a suggestion about kits Blockwars Kit 1 potion man -wooden pickaxes -Potion or potion 1 -leather boots -speed for 1 minute Kit 2 defender -stone sword -leather chestplate -jump boost Kit 3 tank -full iron -wodden pickaxes Skywars kits Kit 4 -Iron...
  6. Cactus Awex

    Castle Runner! (Game Suggestion)

    The game I am suggesting is called Castle Runner. It is a simple PVP based with not that many rules etc. The premise is also simple. Either you solo, or you in a team, run around a castle and kill people. Team/Player with the most kills after five minutes wins. Easy. Another thing to bring up...
  7. thedestroyer_101

    New Egg Wars Kit

    Ive had all the egg wars kits for a long time waiting for a new one so I thought I should make my own. Here they are. (note all these kits are for basic egg wars not speed) 1. There has never been anything in egg wars that lights stuff on fire so the Pyro kit (change name im bad) Gives Fire...
  8. Capitan

    Kits trial versions

    Hello cubecrafters! Today, I was reading the forum and I found this post, from @SmartyPig (https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/trading-eggwars-kits.193484/) and I think, why don't allow a "trial / test" for every kit (all game types)?. I will explain how it works: In the shop, all the kits have...
  9. ImJunior

    New kit idea

    hello there cubecrafters Me and a friend were thinking about a new idea for kits, our idea is 2 golden apples and an iron chest plate with protection 1 for skywars btw. Let me know what you guys think of this kit. Greets, Accuration
  10. L

    Why the obsidian people cant have all the kits?

    Hello, I am obsidian rank in cubecraft. I have paid the rank as a year before, I am very happy with the features and things that bring with my rank. BUT why can not I have all the kits If I paid for the range of obsidian (the highest of all)?
  11. Lllamacorn

    Custom Kits in Egg wars

    you should be able to create a custom kit in eggwars, so you can combine the aspects of different kits, there can be options so it's not to op for example, you can have leather armor and steak, or a bow ten arrows and some carrots, the possibilities are endless, of course, you would have to...
  12. nemsol

    Ninja kit FFA

    I think the ninja kit, in combination with the wing maps, loses a lot of people wanting to play it. Since the ninja kit is based around the boots and chestplate, and the most important of them both; the chestplate gets replaced by wings, the armor points get decreased a lot. Due to this the kit...
  13. Kepler

    PvP ffa abylity & kits

    To 1.12 update would it be posible to add an ffa pvp with buyable kits? Buy the armor peaces, swords and ability with points, and to it remains forever? Like Iron golem quit of sky wars. Have 4 basic kits and then a shop with permanent ones, that cost from 1000 points to 3000... If its...
  14. Jackxist

    Eggwars New Kit - Egg Kit

    The Suggestion I recently made a suggestion as to add eggs in the egg wars shop to stop players from rushing you and destroying your egg right off the start. A lot of people think it is way too over powered. So I am back again to make another suggestion that hopefully will not be too...
  15. crazydog0

    Kit fixes

    My idea is that once you have selected a kit in a game it will stay selected until changed like done on hypixel so you will never forget your kit in a game ever again
  16. CuzImSnowY

    Eggwars kit suggestions

    Pyromaniac - Flint and steel (Can only be used 5 times) Boxer - Sword (Knockback I) Demoman - 2 TNT Runner - (Similar to the kit in blockwars except no armor) Potion of swiftness Ninja - (Also similar to the kit in blockwars with no armor) Potion of invisibility This is my first suggestion...
  17. StinkyKiyoshi

    Eggwars kits.

    I think Eggwars needs more kits and better kits. Maybe like a Diamond kits or a god apple kit. I really don't know what you're going to think of this but please consider
  18. StinkyKiyoshi

    More options for the people who don't have ranks.

    I think people without ranks should be able to have more abilities that people with ranks have. You could try to add more things to the donor ranks so they don't feel scammed I'm not sure how convincing this is but please consider it.
  19. CorruptedSyntex

    Are new kits going to be released? (Skywars)

    I was just wondering if there's gonna be any new kits in the future (for skywars) I play a lot and I already have all the old kits, some new kits would be really cool.
  20. DragonSan

    Survival Games Kit Suggestions

    Just a few ideas, if anyone wants to add to this or comment feel free! . KitKat: 3 Ocelot Spawning Eggs (to combat 'Man's Best Friend' kit, make ocelots much weaker but faster than dogs) . Safety First: Water Bucket, Gold Boots (Feather Falling I) . Shovel Knight: Iron Shovel (Sharpness I) ...
  21. amgjmg

    Kit Archer skywars

    The skyward Archer kit could be updated to match 1.9. Instead of just normal arrows it could include arrows of poison, levitation, etc.
  22. amgjmg

    Anvil kit skywars

    I think the enchanted book in the anvil kit should be more powerful than protection 1 since iron chestplates found in chests are already enchanted with that. Perhaps a thorns book or fire protection for armor or knockback or fire aspect for swords.
  23. amgjmg

    Allow fishing rods to pull players

    I'm not sure this is possible, but it would be cool if you could make fishing rods able to pull others toward you like they do in single player. This would give some use to the fisherman kit in skywars.
  24. YourLocalDoctor

    Eggwar trolls

    I am so tired of people in team eggwars who go and purposefully hit you with the potions. So if you could please make it so you can't hit your own teamates with debuffer and make it so you can't hit the other team with buffer.
  25. Rick02

    Special kits for Donators.

    hello everybody. i think that all Donators really want the old kits back. for example: the Enderpearl kit in skywars and you can select it with Diamond or higher, i remember those kits and i and manny other players/Donators really want thoose kits back, or maybe new ones!! maybe other people...
  26. M

    New Explosive Bow Kit Is Just Bad (Duels)

    Honestly it's just dumb. Isn't the whole point of duels to see which player is better? This kit removes the sense of skill from the server. Anyone can bowspam in a certain direction and hope for the best. It just kind of ruins the feel of the server for me. I'm quite proud of my K/D ratio (which...
  27. Gaminggallade

    Bloodlust Buff

    Bloodlust (+10% damage per kill but -1 max heart per kill. Max Bloodlust of 3) is quite weak at the moment. Killing players makes it easier to kill and be killed, a similar effect to double edged. The benefit to bloodlust is sneaking up on players and chasing them down. If you have max...
  28. Andingore

    EGGWARS!!: ways to make the game better

    HI! I would like to state somethings about Eggwars Eggwars is an insanely fun game. I play it alot and think that it is the best game on Cubecraft! It is very original. But having said these thing, I think there are ways to make it better... 1. add wands, as in lucky islands! I think it will...
  29. B

    KITS EGGWAR (cool idea I think)

    Hallo, I love the game eggwar and have almost all the Kits. I would love to see a new kit. This is my idea for a new kit, this kit will stop games that last for hours because people camp on their Island full iron with bows and everything. KIT: Enderpearl. If you select this kit you are able to...
  30. SenpaiOfTheRye

    How do you get Egg Wars Kits?

    I donated to the server; I have iron. I do not know how to get kits. Can someone help?
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