Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. BurntCrown8876

    Bedrock Small Bridges improvement

    Hello there! This is just a very small and quick, yet useful and important, improvement I think should be made to Block Wars Bridges. Currently, say you pick up an arrow/TNT power up, when you score a point you will respawn immediately... but without the arrows/TNT (As my example goes.) I...
  2. iThunder

    Are rollbacks possible?

    so we’ve all seen our fair share of skyblock bugs today. but let’s just say hypothetically a players island is completely corrupted and no longer can get in is it possible to rollback to a point when it wasn’t like that? similar to the way realms are with backups? if not i feel like this is...
  3. S

    Bedrock Ranked Eggwars/Skywars (Competitive)

    Heyo, i have a suggestion which I've seen very many people be interested in. I believe that the bedrock version of Eggwars/Skywars should have a Competitive / Ranked Gamemode This gamemode would ofc be up to people to decide if they want to play but this is to cater to people that want a...
  4. IDKhan

    Bedrock change the new UI a little

    dont get me wrong, the new UI looks amazing and the people who made it did a great job but i think it should change a little, the bundle and map selection should be changed, its just way to small and the bundle is too big the main focus of what your looking at will be quick play and maps, so...
  5. SoloWarz

    Bedrock Suggestion regarding /f list cmd

    Hey, CubeCrafters! ~This will be my last suggestion for a while... I have a small suggestion about the /f list command in chat. When you type /f list and one of your friends is playing EggWars teams (Duos/ quads/ mega) -for example-, it displays that they are playing EggWars teams instead of...
  6. D

    Skyblock idea

    Dear admins and developers When i play skyblock on my coop island it is sometimes difficult to manage things. For example, buying expensive things. My friend and me have enough money together, but you cant buy it together. So maybe it is an idea to make a "share" command. Also it is maybe an...
  7. drummerboy_928

    All Networks FFA Map Suggestion

    Hello Everyone! Ive heard about this a little bit ago and thought I'd make a suggestion. Since Assassin's is being removed soon I personally think the two maps Desert and Trees should be reused in FFA since they are classic maps that would work well for this game mode. They would probably only...
  8. IDKhan

    Bedrock VIP levels

    i think VIP levels should be changed add more levels with better rewards, cause after the 1st one its all the same really also a lot of people cant afford to buy things like rank so i think that everytime you level up or something, maybe even every 5-10 levels you gain some VIP exp for the...
  9. IDKhan

    All Networks spectating

    adding spectating would be a great idea imo SPECTATING FRIENDS- so you can go on your friends list and watch a friend play a game. LOBBY- idk if this would be possible but adding a way to go into spectate mod in the lobby so the player can look around easier and also you could get some good...
  10. IDKhan

    All Networks server events

    it would be really cool if the server did planned events like a tournament or something they never really do that and i think it would be amazing im pretty sure events happen sometimes like that squid game one but that was java only and wasnt really announced but a server event would be...
  11. IDKhan

    Bedrock looking at solo island SB

    not sure if anyone has said this yet but i think there should be a thing so you see peoples solo islands like you cant do anything except fly around and look at things so basicly spectating i think that would be cool and its always annoying when you cant show someone else a solo profile
  12. Blom

    Implemented Suggestion regarding 3.14 Rule Update

    Hi there! Not one of my usual big threads, but definitely an important one. I'm here to talk about the recent rule change of rule 3.14, which makes 'bumping' threads against the rules. I know why this decision is made, and I understand it completely, but it also brings a big, big problem with...
  13. D

    Bedrock Minerware Rank

    Ive heard about adding the Minerware rank to bedrock so I thought i would throw in an idea of what I'd be like and some suggestions. Easy Cooks request: More stock of the food needed Drop to the ground: everything is a hay bale. One in the chamber: start with 2 shots Tnt tag: more speed or...
  14. Magikey

    Bedrock EggWars Update - Bring back old generators!

    Maps are great, the favourite items thing is a good thing, emeralds are cool but might be improved (I would consider them as a key resource to "unstuck" games at a later stage when people start camping, even though widening bridges and developing some building skills is way more entertaining...
  15. GamingforGod

    The Main Hub Could Use More Content

    CubeCraft's main hub looks really cool now, but it's so huge! I think it would be cool if there was a bunch of parkour courses hidden around the map with secret hubtitles that you could unlock. I had this other cool thought, imagine if there was like a quest system set up in the hub, sort of...
  16. SoloWarz

    Web Denied A helpful addition to the page that shows all of the trophies.

    Hey, CubeCrafters! At this time, when we open the ”all of the available trophies“ page, it shows the available trophies like this: But, there’s one problem: it doesn't show which trophies you claimed, so my suggestion is to add "claimed" beside the trophies you've been awarded, like this...
  17. bgeat leader

    All Networks New special skyblock shop section

    There should be a new section in the skyblock shop where you can buy xp bottles for 15k per bottle and other stuff like extra hearts 100k per heart and Even more stuff that could be special.
  18. bgeat leader

    All Networks Reseting you skyblock solo island

    You should be able to reset your solo island if you want to or if you made a mistake
  19. bgeat leader

    All Networks New eggwars and skywars kit

    You should add a kit for egg wars and skywars that allows a player to start with a bow and 8 arrows
  20. SoloWarz

    Bedrock Add "Randomize" button for EggWars generator skins

    Hey, CubeCrafters! Let's quickly dive into the suggestion: -I suggest u add a "randomize" button for EggWars generator skins so that the game would choose a random generator skin on every game of EggWars. Currently, there is no "randomize" button for generator skins, so this MUST be added...
  21. SoloWarz

    Bedrock Add kill effects to Duels

    Hey, CubeCrafters! I've recently bought the [Survival Games Rank] in order to unlock one of the coolest loot: kill effects! The kill effects are awesome and they work on every PVP game mode except for Duels, so, my suggestion simply is to add all types of kill effects to Duels! -Here is a...
  22. pitzj

    Bedrock Competitive Parkour Map Sleection

    Map selection for competitive parkour is very unfair! People with rank can just choose a map every single time because the maps are always available and will never go offline so they can just do a map that takes only 18 seconds to win. They should really make it so the maps go offline and online...
  23. EagleOguzhan

    All Networks Buyable Xp bottles

    Buyable xp bottles at skyblock for like 1k each price at skyblock shop
  24. B

    Bedrock Skyblock Nether quest confusion

    I have been confused about a few nether quest. And I have seen other people confused on discord about the same thing. There is a lack of consistency. And that is my suggestion to create consistency. How that consistency is created does not matter to me but I think the main problem is the lack...
  25. EagleOguzhan


    İ Think there should be /visit (playername) command ingame so we can see peoples islands without getting invited or they see our island without inviting them
  26. loulou6522

    Bedrock Hide and Sneak in Lucky Blocks verry annoying

    Hello, First of all, i would like to specify that i'm a french player, so it might have some mistakes in my suggestion. To be honest i love your server, particularly Lucky blocks game. Most of the time a game run for 5min, but sometimes, when you don't have tracker player the game can last after...
  27. OpeikoGamerYT

    Bedrock Report faster, easier, and better

    What do y'all think of this: Cubecraft adding the role ''Reporter''. Now, let me explain what it is, before you go totally bananas. Alright so people with alot of successful reports, and respected members of the cc community, would get a prefix or role ingame, with the name reporter. Of course...
  28. SoloWarz

    Denied Add Text Colour Picker

    Hey, cubecrafters! The Minecraft 1.12 update made it possible to make worlds more colourful, by adding more colours to the game; because everyone likes colours, especially, coloured text! But, on the forums, the available colours for the texts are sooo limited, and the way to add more colours is...
  29. SoloWarz

    Bedrock More Maps

    Hey, cubecrafters! I love everything on cubecraft, it has its own unique maps, and also, it's funny to play, but, maps on the java version of cubecraft has a lot more maps than bedrock version, so why not adding java maps to bedrock? The possible maps that can be added to the bedrock version...
  30. J

    Bedrock Few bug fix and suggestions

    Hey Cubecrafter, Hello! Here a few suggestions and few bug hopefully fix it! Pls read all. 1.Fix and active /fmsg commands First,you can see we have a /fmsg in friend command list,but…when you use it,it will said it is unknown commands,and you never can use it.Here ,hopefully cubecraft active...
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