Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


  1. B

    Bedrock Skyblock Nether quest confusion

    I have been confused about a few nether quest. And I have seen other people confused on discord about the same thing. There is a lack of consistency. And that is my suggestion to create consistency. How that consistency is created does not matter to me but I think the main problem is the lack...
  2. EagleOguzhan


    İ Think there should be /visit (playername) command ingame so we can see peoples islands without getting invited or they see our island without inviting them
  3. loulou6522

    Bedrock Hide and Sneak in Lucky Blocks verry annoying

    Hello, First of all, i would like to specify that i'm a french player, so it might have some mistakes in my suggestion. To be honest i love your server, particularly Lucky blocks game. Most of the time a game run for 5min, but sometimes, when you don't have tracker player the game can last after...
  4. OpeikoGamerYT

    Bedrock Report faster, easier, and better

    What do y'all think of this: Cubecraft adding the role ''Reporter''. Now, let me explain what it is, before you go totally bananas. Alright so people with alot of successful reports, and respected members of the cc community, would get a prefix or role ingame, with the name reporter. Of course...
  5. SoloWarz

    Denied Add Text Colour Picker

    Hey, cubecrafters! The Minecraft 1.12 update made it possible to make worlds more colourful, by adding more colours to the game; because everyone likes colours, especially, coloured text! But, on the forums, the available colours for the texts are sooo limited, and the way to add more colours is...
  6. SoloWarz

    Bedrock More Maps

    Hey, cubecrafters! I love everything on cubecraft, it has its own unique maps, and also, it's funny to play, but, maps on the java version of cubecraft has a lot more maps than bedrock version, so why not adding java maps to bedrock? The possible maps that can be added to the bedrock version...
  7. J

    Bedrock Few bug fix and suggestions

    Hey Cubecrafter, Hello! Here a few suggestions and few bug hopefully fix it! Pls read all. 1.Fix and active /fmsg commands First,you can see we have a /fmsg in friend command list,but…when you use it,it will said it is unknown commands,and you never can use it.Here ,hopefully cubecraft active...
  8. Daimzor

    Bedrock 3 Skyblock Suggestions, (...) that may never come true

    Hello huuumans, (i´m from germany so please dont hate for my bad english) Cubecraft is in my opinion the best Skyblock Server i`ve had ever played. Currently im at Savannah Island and having much fun playing on this Server with my girlfriend but actually it needs sooo much time to finish some...
  9. Wulfiee

    Implemented FFA regeneration system

    Current problems with the regen Current regen is fine when you fighting someone but when you are not it takes you 1 minute and 15 seconds total (+-75 seconds) to heal from half a heart to full (10) hearts. Making you wait quite a bit till your next fight as well as making it harder for you to...
  10. C

    All Networks Suggestion: capture the flag mega mode

    There should be a new game on blockwars called "CTF MEGA" (capture the flag mega) where there's 10 players per team and a very big map. The game also needs working cannons that has a 15 second cooldown that has a range of 20 blocks, the cannon would do little damage to blocks and kills a player...
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