Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Jun 28, 2021
Seriously can't believe Tower Defence is being removed, it's literally the only reason I regularly play Minecraft!
I've never had trouble starting a game, and from my experience Tower Defence is usually one of the games with the most amount of players? Not to mention there is zero competition (at the moment) from other servers.
I understand that you need to do what you need to do, but please save tower defence!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
Bunny Town
This update is removing the only reason I'm on the server, Non-PVP Games. I'm horrible at Java PVP (1.9+) because I'm a Bedrock main. Cubecraft had fun Non-PVP games like Among Slimes, Paintball, Minerware, Wing Rush and many others which I liked playing, but now all those games are removed and now only two games that are Non-PVP are on Cube, Parkour & Skyblock.

Parkour, it's fun I play it but once you played all the maps you don't want to play it anymore. And why should I even play Parkour on the Cube if there are thousands of other parkour servers with more maps.

Skyblock, don't get me wrong Skyblock is a great game, but when you finish it you don't have that many things to do anymore, and sometimes you get tired of it and want to take a break, are there any other non-pvp games that you can play? NO.


Novice Member
Jan 2, 2021
Genuine question, does reducing the number of maps for Lucky Islands, EggWars, and SkyWars reduce operation costs for the server? If so, how?
It doesn't.
There will be new 1.19 maps soon which will expand that list.
Then, could you leave some more maps? Only 6 seem too few, and the gamemodes games that are going to stay almost always keep filling up

I still do not understand why maps are being removed. The games were perfectly fine with them, and as mentioned, required no server costs.

I don't see how waiting for the 1.19 update in 4 months will prevent people from leaving. If anything, this seems like a shallow attempt to gut most of the games' replayability so that there's a good reason to finally kill Java - no one wants to or is playing on a rotting corpse of a server. I doubt Java will last until this promised 4 month wait time.


Novice Member
Jul 24, 2022
Obsidian + 1y and 6 months plus rank.
damn, I kinda feel bad for you. Since it seems like that you have not bought the ranks recently, the chances of you getting refunded is slim to none. I do not buy any ranks because its usually only for one multiplayer minecraft server and it does not offer a lot of features for its price. For example, minecraft currently costs $30 and it offers so many things, such as creative mode, multiplayer, many many kinds of blocks, mobs, items, minecraft realms, and so much more. In comparison, gold rank on java costs around $34 dollars and it allows you to use chat prefix, colored names, vote certain things in certain gamemodes, have more friend slots, select maps, and a few niche things? That is a joke for $34, when an entire game costs less and offers 1000x more things. Seems like many people realized that ranks are a scam on java and stopped buying them, which could partially explain why cubecraft can't afford to keep the java servers up and running. They should have at least cut the prices in half and start offering a lot more things, and maybe java's situation would not be as bad as it already is.

quartz 🌈

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2020
the furry fandom
They are removing battlezone, At all times the free for all has around 200 players at all times, so they are full of shit when they say it is to retain players because they are removing the one game mode that is genuinely the most popular on the server. As I said before in a previous post, release the update all at once or not at all. Don't delete half the server for laziness. Removing Solo Eggwars and even all the team eggwars except for teams of 4 will just send more people to hypixel for solo bedwars instead. Please use your brains admins because right now you seem a little high on something.
It isnt permanent, read the faq


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
It isnt permanent, read the faq
You must be the dumbest person alive man, Even if the gamemodes do return it will be too late. Once they are removed the playerbase will die, that has been mathematically and statistically proven by several other people smarter than me. They claim the main reason for this is too high expenses and a low player count, so you tell me in 2 months' time when they only have 300 players averaging on the server do you really think they will spend money to bring all those servers back online? Or follow the trend they have been following all along and say, man, these expenses are not worth the income we're making right now, and not enough players will fill the lobby so let's just not add them back. Cube will not spend money at a loss even if they are the ones that created the loss by stupid decisions, when the players go the money goes, and with no money or players to fill the games they won't add them back. So the FAQ only applies if people stay and we can all see that a LOT of players will be leaving so I do not trust it whatsoever as the admins have clearly displayed they cannot be trusted and the FAQ relies on the player count going up or staying the same which it will not. So think about things before you blindly follow and support the admins of this server and think for yourself.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016

Need I say more about it killing the playerbase?


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
These are off-peak hours, so it is quite expected for the player count to be pretty low during this time. (During peak hours, the server tends to get around 1.5K players) + update hasn't happened yet
We shall see, again the math has been done and the month of the games being wiped will kill the server before the update even comes out. It's going to be a pretty quiet update celebration that's for sure.
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Oct 17, 2016
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Need I say more about it killing the playerbase?
You are aware that this is the problem? 270 players divided over all current games results in games not starting. So newer players leave because it is unplayable. By reducing the total number of games, the wait times should drastically fall and hopefully new players will stay as the games are fun (IF you can play them)


Aug 2, 2022
It isnt permanent, read the faq

It doesn't have to be, but it most likely will be. Much like the Big Change, this will be a bandage, might help for a bit, but it isn't going to save a sinking ship.

Considering the server now will offer pretty much just what you can find on any other server, I doubt it's going to be a year before we see another one of these posts. I totally understand removing games to fill the other games up quicker, but what they need is something to attract new players... these 6 beaten to death gamemodes aren't going to be doing that.

Hypixel had a massively succesful skyblock, what does Cubecraft do: focus their attention on creating a skyblock too. Yeah, no. Be realistic, you aren't going to compete with the sheer amount of content Hypixel is putting out with their Skyblock. Find something unique and something that can be played for extended amounts of time, something people can play on Cubecraft and Cubecraft only, something they want to come back for. But that's easier said then done, of course.

(I have no faight left in the management of Cubecraft though. In mere hours we will be left with 6 gamemodes, and the store is still open selling ranks as if nothing is changing, no warnings in sight... that's just pathetically sad.)


Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
I've talked to a lot of players about what they are going to miss the most. How most players said 'MinerWare', 'Tower Defense', 'Duels' or 'Among Slimes', one person (I won't mention their name) made me shed a tear with their answer. Reason for that is because I understand and relate to their pain. I'll try to quote it as much as possible since it was in a call and not in english:

"I'll miss my friends the most. Most of my friends I met online, with CubeCraft being our only reason we stayed in touch. The anger this update caused with them made them decide to quit. CubeCraft didn't only remove some of their best games, but also some of their best players, and a big part of their community. I get the decision, but it saddens me knowing I probably won't return, as my friends won't be online anyways."

The pain caused by many is not only because their favourite games are gone, but because everything they experienced and built up from their youth is removed. Some of my favourite games (e.g. Battle Zone, Archer Assault, Competitive Parkour) are dead games and the decision to remove them was very obvious. By removing some of the really popular games as well, even games I barely/never played (e.g. Tower Defense, MinerWare (both mentioned above), Quake Craft, Slime Survival, Line Dash), you can bet all your money on it that this community will never grow back to the size of 1k players ever again.

Some cuts were understandable, but too radical. By setting up a goal but removing the path towards that goal you might as well say it's a dream that will never come through.

An ex-CubeCraft player in 5 hours


Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
They are removing battlezone, At all times the free for all has around 200 players at all times, so they are full of shit when they say it is to retain players because they are removing the one game mode that is genuinely the most popular on the server. As I said before in a previous post, release the update all at once or not at all. Don't delete half the server for laziness. Removing Solo Eggwars and even all the team eggwars except for teams of 4 will just send more people to hypixel for solo bedwars instead. Please use your brains admins because right now you seem a little high on something.

I assume you're talking about Battle Arena, which only duels is being removed from?
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im too late but still happy birthday capitan :3
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