Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
May 25, 2020
I'm afraid I have to disagree with your mall analogy.
For one; our games aren't tenants. They don't move out of their own accord. So that's not a factor in what players see or what attracts people to our server.
And two; we haven't neglected Java at all. We regularly do maintenance, bugfixes, and updates to the games on there. They're not as grandiose as some people wish them to be, but we have to limit our time and attention to what we can only financially afford to for, frankly, a much smaller proportion of our player base.

Every update for a game, especially for Java, is a financial risk. These can sometimes take weeks or even months of spec'ing, dev time, and QA, plus any service costs for database / server space. And if the update doesn't hit well, that's all that time and money wasted. If it's well received then more players join, and we see player numbers (and, yes, sales) go up.
But if we don't update? The game goes stale, player numbers drop off, and the only ones left are the few players who think the game is perfect as-is, but this then costs us more money than it makes.
So ultimately they're risks we have to take.

We do our research into the games before updating, we have focus and test groups who know the games well and advise on what improvements the games need, and give feedback on our ideas, we have a whole feedback section on the forums and take onboard what is suggested there.

I'm afraid I fail to see where these plenty of opportunities were. It's something easy to say, especially with hindsight, but actually pointing out the details is where a lot of hand-wavy opinions come into the discussion, with no real facts to back them up.
We have taken plenty of opportunities and risks to get players interested in Java again over the years, listening to what the majority of players want but understanding that we won't be able to please everyone. So now we've put together a plan to revamp Java, which is potentially our biggest risk to date with the network, because the alternative is to just shut it down.

If CubeCraft was just a hobby project by a handful of us, who had money to pay for it all with no worries, then we'd be trying all sorts of crazy stuff to get the Java player numbers back up, and making stuff which was just for fun without the worry of the cost of things. But it's a business, and although I wish it didn't, it does have to be run like a business, and it has to be treated like a business.
Just buy members ez


Sep 9, 2022
Cubecraft was my favourtie game for almost 2 years, but with this update they destroyed the game. My favourite games are gone so I dont want to plat the game anymore. It was one of a few good servers in minecraft, everything was nice. Maybe egg solo wasnt that popular but I waited until the game was full, even when it taked more then a few minutes. Because it was worth it. I dont understand why this update came, but what I know is that you guys ruiend the server and this will be the reason why the game is dead(according to some people) I will play cube still sometimes, but with less fun. I hope I wont get muted or banned about this message(My friend almost got muted because he told his opinion). ANd I hope that some persons from the staff from cube will listen to the players and bring all the games back. Because this is the opinion of 90 percent of the cube players.
Thank you guys for everything and I hope that I will see the other games back soon!


Dec 24, 2021
Hey CubeCrafters!

Nearly 10 years ago CubeCraft was created by @rubik_cube_man , this birth occurred on the original version of Minecraft, Java Edition. We've been a Java server for most of our history, we pioneered all of our current Bedrock games on this version. Today we sit here with a huge platform which has held over 25 games loved by tens of millions of players all over the world.

I was one of these millions of players, joining in 2014 to pass time whilst I was in school, it ended up being more fun than I could've imagined and now I've been here for 8 years and now operate internally with the rest of the team working on making those same experiences for other players.

Working at CubeCraft has been super fun, I love spending months on updates and then watching all of you experience it and talk about it. Those release days are always my favourite even if they are a bit stressful! One of the things I've learned from being on the CubeCraft Team is that sometimes tough decisions need to be made.

Even as a loving dedicated community member I am faced with one reality, our Java platform is struggling. It cannot support itself with 1,000 players, especially with its current structure which was intended for way more.

I don't want to be a big Godzilla and ruin everything for all of you, I came onto the CubeCraft team to make things better no matter what, sometimes this can only be achieved by taking risks.

At this time, Java needs to grow beyond 1,000 players or we will need to close it. This is sad news but rather than come to you today to tell you we are closing Java, we are here instead to unveil some of our big plans to deliver amazing experiences to even more players, to inspire them like I was way back in 2014.

So what is happening exactly?

🪄 Update to 1.19

We will be fully updating CubeCraft Java & Bedrock to Minecraft 1.19. ✨

Starting from today, our team will be focussed on bringing a huge 1.19 update to Java & Bedrock, featuring all new content, as such we will not be making any changes to the network for approximately 4 months until this is completed.

It will be all hands on-deck for this exciting new chapter, we cannot wait to welcome you all (and frogs View attachment 214671) into the new CubeCraft era with all the amazing content that comes with it.

⚙️ Java Changes

One of the issues we've currently addressed from our player reduction is a lack of games starting in many periods of the day. We have decided to remove these games & modes in order to keep the network going until we can relaunch our amazing update in a few months.

As of September 5th, Java will only consist of the following library of games:
  • Solo SkyWars
  • Solo Lucky Islands
  • Teams of 4 EggWars
  • Free for All
  • Skyblock
  • Parkour

View attachment 214670

In addition to these changes we will also be reducing Lucky Islands, SkyWars & EggWars to 6 maps each.

These changes are in preparation for our 1.19 update on the horizon, which will have much more polished maps featuring many new mechanics from all the versions we've missed. We've made this change early to avoid confusing players on release.

Our new 1.19 maps will have more map-only features for example; a swamp map with mangrove trees & boats at mid. A nether map in the nether dimension with blazes at mid that drop items or striders that take you to generators above lava. The possibilities are endless!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What maps are staying?

Solo Lucky Islands:
  • Pirates
  • Luck
  • Village
  • Underwater
  • Candy
  • Nest
  • Blizzard
  • Bloom
  • Trees
  • Shrine
  • Explosive
  • Ping Pong
Team EggWars:
  • Mushroom
  • Olympus
  • Palace
  • Ruins
  • Beach
  • Fairytale

Q: Is there any chance for these modes to be added back again?

A: Absolutely. We are currently in a position where we need to grow our network, additional content can return once we're certain they can start in all times again and that they are still fun!

Q: Why can't you just put them in featured games and keep this system?

A: Featured Games as a concept was intended to have players squeeze together into small timeframes so that the games could start properly and wouldn't need to be removed. We are at a point where even featured games cannot be supported, it's also a difficult system to maintain. We'd like to focus our efforts on the remaining popular games and new exciting content to grow the network.

Q: Are the removed Java-only games going to be on Bedrock?

A: They could in the future, we currently have no plans for those specific games however we'd like to try everything in our Bedrock 'Beta Games' at some point to see how they perform on that platform.

Q: If you aren't doing updates for 4 months, is Halloween cancelled?

A: Due to the fact that seasonal updates don't require much development resources and that we had most of it completed already. We've decided to release Halloween as normal in October!

We all remember the excitement of enjoying CubeCraft for the first time, the buzz of meeting new friends and having new experiences. I'm very excited to get Java back to this point so we can provide amazing experiences through the Java platform once again like we did all those years ago.

That's everything we have for you today, thank you so much for reading!
Don't bring netherite or the new combat update into FFA. That will kill the community


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2017
Hello @Story
I get where this is all coming from, but this seems a little too extreme.
Why remove tower defence and minerware just because on the mornings it doesn't fill up?
That means you are blocking 150~ people from playing the games during peak hours. Also team lucky islands
What about just opening the currently planned list in the mornings and open everything that fills up in the evening.
Why did duels get removed? It doesn't need much players right?
Why not reduce the size of maps. Make tower defence 5v5 or 4v4. Make all solo maps 10 players. No more than 24 or 16 player maps in team modes etc etc
This all seems to be a bit too much and killing off some games and not updating for 4 months will prob not guarantee more players.
I mean if after the 4 months of no update , and we don't have 1k players , will that mean server will be closed?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2016
okay i really do think you guys need some sort of quality control or a PR manager. As much as it sucks to lose most of our favorite games / games that made cubecraft unique i do understand that you guys are trying to cut costs to make running the server alittle more affordable.
But switching to 1.19 and making users who don't play on that version forced to update is going to kill the last little bit of playerbase you have. 1.12.2 is the most popular version players play on for 1.9 style pvp. Because of how pvp feels and bridging. I understand this is a last ditch effort to try to get more players to join but i believe full heartedly that this is going to fail.

I think once this update is pushed out you might get a small spike of players joining to just see everything that is new. But because of being forced on 1.19 not many dedicated players that the server has now is going to stay. aka most of the playerbase.

So what is my solution? Cubecraft has been my main server / my only server that i play on minecraft since late of 2015. Ive been through the ups and downs. horrible changes and updates and good changes as well. As much as i hate to say it i dont think there is really anything cubecraft can do. If they keep the server the same how it is and not force a 1.19 update the playerbase wont grow anymore then it is. But you will keep the last bit of players you have.
If cube does update to 1.19 and not support 1.12.2 anymore i believe that the server will slowly die for good.

I really don't think there is a fix for this. sadly cubecraft was many years too late for updating there games / adding new things and features. throughout 2017ish / 2018 to 2020 there was a deadzone where we as a community got barely any updates / features / gamemodes added to the game, The scandals with staff abuse AKA the Yamin bullying children thing and with the anti cheat at the time being unbelievably horrible most of the community left and never came back.

This honestly hurts my heart to see the server in this state but i sadly don't believe that there is anything that we could do about it.

quartz 🌈

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2020
the furry fandom
okay i really do think you guys need some sort of quality control or a PR manager. As much as it sucks to lose most of our favorite games / games that made cubecraft unique i do understand that you guys are trying to cut costs to make running the server alittle more affordable.
But switching to 1.19 and making users who don't play on that version forced to update is going to kill the last little bit of playerbase you have. 1.12.2 is the most popular version players play on for 1.9 style pvp. Because of how pvp feels and bridging. I understand this is a last ditch effort to try to get more players to join but i believe full heartedly that this is going to fail.

I think once this update is pushed out you might get a small spike of players joining to just see everything that is new. But because of being forced on 1.19 not many dedicated players that the server has now is going to stay. aka most of the playerbase.

So what is my solution? Cubecraft has been my main server / my only server that i play on minecraft since late of 2015. Ive been through the ups and downs. horrible changes and updates and good changes as well. As much as i hate to say it i dont think there is really anything cubecraft can do. If they keep the server the same how it is and not force a 1.19 update the playerbase wont grow anymore then it is. But you will keep the last bit of players you have.
If cube does update to 1.19 and not support 1.12.2 anymore i believe that the server will slowly die for good.

I really don't think there is a fix for this. sadly cubecraft was many years too late for updating there games / adding new things and features. throughout 2017ish / 2018 to 2020 there was a deadzone where we as a community got barely any updates / features / gamemodes added to the game, The scandals with staff abuse AKA the Yamin bullying children thing and with the anti cheat at the time being unbelievably horrible most of the community left and never came back.

This honestly hurts my heart to see the server in this state but i sadly don't believe that there is anything that we could do about it.
As a 1.19 player with hundreds of hours on 1.19 I can say that 1.19 is way better for pvp everything than 1.12 is. The reason 1.12 is the "preferred" version for the newer pvp is simply because 1.12 servers can handle more players than any newer version. It's the reason 2b2t hasn't updated to 1.19 yet, the server wouldnt be able to handle that many players.
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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2016
As a 1.19 player with hundreds of hours on 1.19 I can say that 1.19 is way better for pvp everything than 1.12 is. The reason 1.12 is the "preferred" version for the newer pvp is simply because 1.12 servers can handle more players than any newer version. It's the reason 2b2t hasn't updated to 1.19 yet, the server wouldnt be able to handle that many players.
As a player of both 1.19 and 1.12.2 i can say i prefer 1.12.2 way more. from how knockback works to speed bridging to everything. There was a status page that cubecraft had awhile ago showing what was the most played version and 1.12.2 was on the server. most people in the comunitiy play on that version because of how pvp and bridging feels and how it works. again it is preferce and you may enjoy 1.19 better but from what people have said in this forum alone proves my point lol
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Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
As a player of both 1.19 and 1.12.2 i can say i prefer 1.12.2 way more. from how knockback works to speed bridging to everything. There was a status page that cubecraft had awhile ago showing what was the most played version and 1.12.2 was on the server. most people in the comunitiy play on that version because of how pvp and bridging feels and how it works. again it is preferce and you may enjoy 1.19 better but from what people have said in this forum alone proves my point lol
The most recent versions are the most popular by far. This includes 1.19.

As of yesterday-
69% of the player base was on 1.19+.
9% of the player base was on 1.12-1.12.2.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
"This update is to retain player" bruh prime time yesterday, on a dang Friday evening had 530 players, willing to admit you screwed up yet? Noon in London as of writing this and they can't even break 1000 players, willing to admit you screwed up yet? Because your ego's are killing the server.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2021
The Netherlands
"This update is to retain player" bruh prime time yesterday, on a dang Friday evening had 530 players, willing to admit you screwed up yet? Noon in London as of writing this and they can't even break 1000 players, willing to admit you screwed up yet? Because your ego's are killing the server.
This updated isnt meant to gain players yk? Its so games can stared. The server is dying 4sure, with or without the 'update'. Atleast they are still trying to do something about it. Attacking and blaming the staff isnt gonna help.
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Quality Assurance
Team CubeCraft
🧪 Quality Assurance
💌 Customer Support
Oct 17, 2016
bruh prime time yesterday, on a dang Friday evening had 530 players, willing to admit you screwed up yet?
From 4PM to 11PM; the player count stayed between 950-1150. 530 was only reached at 1am. Which is hardly evening

While there is no doubt Cube has lost players with the update; Cube was going to lose players either way. This updates aims to give new players a better playing experience in the hope to keep them. A server can't survive on without getting new players, old players grown old and quit.

Just keep playing till the big update is here. And then judge if it still worth playing



Novice Member
Jun 2, 2020
Hey CubeCrafters!

Nearly 10 years ago CubeCraft was created by @rubik_cube_man , this birth occurred on the original version of Minecraft, Java Edition. We've been a Java server for most of our history, we pioneered all of our current Bedrock games on this version. Today we sit here with a huge platform which has held over 25 games loved by tens of millions of players all over the world.

I was one of these millions of players, joining in 2014 to pass time whilst I was in school, it ended up being more fun than I could've imagined and now I've been here for 8 years and now operate internally with the rest of the team working on making those same experiences for other players.

Working at CubeCraft has been super fun, I love spending months on updates and then watching all of you experience it and talk about it. Those release days are always my favourite even if they are a bit stressful! One of the things I've learned from being on the CubeCraft Team is that sometimes tough decisions need to be made.

Even as a loving dedicated community member I am faced with one reality, our Java platform is struggling. It cannot support itself with 1,000 players, especially with its current structure which was intended for way more.

I don't want to be a big Godzilla and ruin everything for all of you, I came onto the CubeCraft team to make things better no matter what, sometimes this can only be achieved by taking risks.

At this time, Java needs to grow beyond 1,000 players or we will need to close it. This is sad news but rather than come to you today to tell you we are closing Java, we are here instead to unveil some of our big plans to deliver amazing experiences to even more players, to inspire them like I was way back in 2014.

So what is happening exactly?

🪄 Update to 1.19

We will be fully updating CubeCraft Java & Bedrock to Minecraft 1.19. ✨

Starting from today, our team will be focussed on bringing a huge 1.19 update to Java & Bedrock, featuring all new content, as such we will not be making any changes to the network for approximately 4 months until this is completed.

It will be all hands on-deck for this exciting new chapter, we cannot wait to welcome you all (and frogs View attachment 214671) into the new CubeCraft era with all the amazing content that comes with it.

⚙️ Java Changes

One of the issues we've currently addressed from our player reduction is a lack of games starting in many periods of the day. We have decided to remove these games & modes in order to keep the network going until we can relaunch our amazing update in a few months.

As of September 5th, Java will only consist of the following library of games:
  • Solo SkyWars
  • Solo Lucky Islands
  • Teams of 4 EggWars
  • Free for All
  • Skyblock
  • Parkour

View attachment 214670

In addition to these changes we will also be reducing Lucky Islands, SkyWars & EggWars to 6 maps each.

These changes are in preparation for our 1.19 update on the horizon, which will have much more polished maps featuring many new mechanics from all the versions we've missed. We've made this change early to avoid confusing players on release.

Our new 1.19 maps will have more map-only features for example; a swamp map with mangrove trees & boats at mid. A nether map in the nether dimension with blazes at mid that drop items or striders that take you to generators above lava. The possibilities are endless!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What maps are staying?

Solo Lucky Islands:
  • Pirates
  • Luck
  • Village
  • Underwater
  • Candy
  • Nest
  • Blizzard
  • Bloom
  • Trees
  • Shrine
  • Explosive
  • Ping Pong
Team EggWars:
  • Mushroom
  • Olympus
  • Palace
  • Ruins
  • Beach
  • Fairytale

Q: Is there any chance for these modes to be added back again?

A: Absolutely. We are currently in a position where we need to grow our network, additional content can return once we're certain they can start in all times again and that they are still fun!

Q: Why can't you just put them in featured games and keep this system?

A: Featured Games as a concept was intended to have players squeeze together into small timeframes so that the games could start properly and wouldn't need to be removed. We are at a point where even featured games cannot be supported, it's also a difficult system to maintain. We'd like to focus our efforts on the remaining popular games and new exciting content to grow the network.

Q: Are the removed Java-only games going to be on Bedrock?

A: They could in the future, we currently have no plans for those specific games however we'd like to try everything in our Bedrock 'Beta Games' at some point to see how they perform on that platform.

Q: If you aren't doing updates for 4 months, is Halloween cancelled?

A: Due to the fact that seasonal updates don't require much development resources and that we had most of it completed already. We've decided to release Halloween as normal in October!

We all remember the excitement of enjoying CubeCraft for the first time, the buzz of meeting new friends and having new experiences. I'm very excited to get Java back to this point so we can provide amazing experiences through the Java platform once again like we did all those years ago.

That's everything we have for you today, thank you so much for reading!
Yeah, sorry im leaving. 1.19 is no brainer "NO" for me that version is bad and I hate that reporting system, I won't risk my all multiplayer on any 1.19 server because random kid report me for nothing.
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