Hello CubeCraft community!
Today we are releasing a major update to our rules for all our platforms.
I want to thank all community members, our partners, and our moderation team for their feedback and suggestions.
Right now, the English version of the rules has been updated, and versions in all supported languages will be added soon.

List of changes
-Added a full list of camping examples
-Added Among Slimes rules
-Added stream sniping
-Added hate speech
-Added harassing to our swearing punishment
-Added forums rules and punishment tracks
-Added Discord rules and punishment tracks
-Added Discord tempbans
-Exploiting and bug abuse bans are now combined and both fall under the bug abuse punishment.
-Sentinel 7 days bans have been removed.
-Sentinel and staff cheating bans are considered the same offence and now follow the same punishment track
-Tons of clarification to our previous rules
We recommend reading our updated rules here:
We will continue to make adjustments if necessary and these (if minor) will be reported in the #changelogs channel on our Discord server.
Not part of our Discord community yet? Don't wait any longer and join!