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Void Krun

Novice Member
Jul 2, 2020
In the void
Reading through the part on clicking methods it says “we recommend avoiding drag click”. Does this mean im allowed to drag? I am aware of the setbacks it may cause if it is allowed and if I use it.

It also mentions about “Added Streamsniping” but I cant find it :/.
Edit. Found streamsniping


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
What actually qualifies as "other language intended to belittle, offend, or upset other users." That's incredibly broad. And I don't think it's entirely true either. You can get away with a lot of thing that are upsetting and belittling to others. Like I would say calling others a cuck is meant to be belittling, and yet it's allowed.

Even lesser things like: noob, you suck, idiot and the likes can most definitely fall underneath that too. Yet it's allowed.
We review these cases with the entire Moderation team (: if someone is extremely harrassing, toxic or bullying it can have consequences. Noob or ez does not fall under this.
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Feb 13, 2021
Hi. I'm new to the Cubecraft scene (about maybe 10 or 15 days in), and I read through the rules. Honestly I don't fully know all the problems these rules are intended to fix, but I did want to raise some concerns with the Among Slimes gameplay issue.

These rules may be in direct conflict with how the game is intended to be played. I know what you're thinking: It's Among SLIMES, not among us™.. completely different, right? Well, that's not what I mean. Let me give you an example:

In a game as Imp, I was caught- dead to rights. The crewmate who saw and accused called me out. I then said "I believe it was actually him, a self report, and his imposter teammate is this other guy(actually my imposter teammate)". My teammate, wise to me, said "naw, it's not me" and I was voted off. In a last ditch effort, me accusing my accuser and my teammate, actually cleared my accuser and my teammate, when it was revealed I was an Imposter. Clearing my imposter-teammate's suspicion was the goal, you see.

Under your new ruleset, these types of "high I.Q." strategies cannot be used because you cannot accuse your teammate of being imposter, under the strictest adherence to the rules. I'm bringing lawyerism up here... Could the syntax be moved around? Re-wording to say what is actually meant? Or maybe bringing in a random jester once every 10 games or so? (Jester is a special gamemode where there is a random crewmate with no tasks who, if voted off, wins the game and everyone else loses. Therefore the goal becomes to impersonate an imposter, and imposters can impersonate a jester. It forces people to take care when voting)

One last thing and I'm done. Last game I played was yesterday. There was a crew team Red&Blue and Pink&Orange. It was 1 v 4. I called lights, managed to kill Orange and frame Pink. They instantly said it has to be me, but I managed to throw enough uncertainty around that the vote was split- 2 for me, 2 skipped.

They jumped up and held on the button. I let the cooldown-call happen. Then they said- "no! we have to get him out". I rebuttled.- "dude, if it were me, why didn't I just call sabotage? You all were hard pressing the button and I know that means curtains for me. Think about it. Pink and orange trusted each other and were together the whole time. Pink WANTS this call to happen". And so they voted pink, and I won easily.

This type of masterful lying cannot happen under the new rules because Red cannot trust blue and Pink cannot trust orange- Teaming is against the rules. Such things are integral to gameplay.

I Get it- the dying words of an imposter "green is the other imp" ruins the game. A party saying "I was killed by white"- "ok. Tina says it was white", Ruins the game. I think these things that the rules target are important. I've been playing for about 10 days and have around 150 games. I have had my fair share of hackers and ruined games- But I cannot in good conscious violate a known rule and also enjoy myself...

Thus I bring the issue of the wording to light. I leave it to the community. Sitting in a circle saying "Who is it" and not able to say who it is for fear of a ruling constraint is not in the spirit of Among Slimes.

Feb 13, 2021
Wait so I have a question: What does stream sniping have to do with the update rules?
Stream sniping is just another way of unfairly gaining advantage. Think of it like a Wall Hack where you can see other players through the walls. If you have a literal split screen of someone twitching Among Slimes on one half, and you on the other, then you can find them easy, avoid imposters, use info to vote out the imposters, etc. It ruins the game for the streamer, and whomever is on that streamer's team.

Does this make sense? Apparently it was an issue so they addressed it.

Deleted member 492126

In a game as Imp, I was caught- dead to rights. The crewmate who saw and accused called me out. I then said "I believe it was actually him, a self report, and his imposter teammate is this other guy(actually my imposter teammate)". My teammate, wise to me, said "naw, it's not me" and I was voted off. In a last ditch effort, me accusing my accuser and my teammate, actually cleared my accuser and my teammate, when it was revealed I was an Imposter. Clearing my imposter-teammate's suspicion was the goal, you see.

Under your new ruleset, these types of "high I.Q." strategies cannot be used because you cannot accuse your teammate of being imposter, under the strictest adherence to the rules. I'm bringing lawyerism up here... Could the syntax be moved around? Re-wording to say what is actually meant? Or maybe bringing in a random jester once every 10 games or so? (Jester is a special gamemode where there is a random crewmate with no tasks who, if voted off, wins the game and everyone else loses. Therefore the goal becomes to impersonate an imposter, and imposters can impersonate a jester. It forces people to take care when voting)
The new rule is "Imposter going against their imposter teammate for no reason". In this context you had a reason to "accuse" your teammate (you were trying to win the game), so what you did would be allowed

This type of masterful lying cannot happen under the new rules because Red cannot trust blue and Pink cannot trust orange- Teaming is against the rules. Such things are integral to gameplay.
The new rule is "Crewmates teaming with imposters", not "Players teaming with other players". This means things like helping an imposter win by not doing tasks, giving false information, etc. Red trusting Blue would be allowed because that's just part of the game
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2020
ohhh i see now. sorry a little bit confused there as in bedrock, stream sniping often happens and there isnt anything wrong about it other than just to have fun.
Stream sniping is just another way of unfairly gaining advantage. Think of it like a Wall Hack where you can see other players through the walls. If you have a literal split screen of someone twitching Among Slimes on one half, and you on the other, then you can find them easy, avoid imposters, use info to vote out the imposters, etc. It ruins the game for the streamer, and whomever is on that streamer's team.

Does this make sense? Apparently it was an issue so they addressed it.
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Novice Member
Jul 25, 2019
Good updates overall! Just don't fully agree with the anti-cheat being on the same punishment track as staff members, because of false bans are stuff but I guess it's fine if they've been improving Sentinel over the past few years.


Dec 23, 2020
Hello CubeCraft community! 👋

Today we are releasing a major update to our rules for all our platforms.

I want to thank all community members, our partners, and our moderation team for their feedback and suggestions.

Right now, the English version of the rules has been updated, and versions in all supported languages will be added soon.

📖 List of changes

-Added a full list of camping examples
-Added Among Slimes rules
-Added stream sniping
-Added hate speech
-Added harassing to our swearing punishment
-Added forums rules and punishment tracks
-Added Discord rules and punishment tracks
-Added Discord tempbans
-Exploiting and bug abuse bans are now combined and both fall under the bug abuse punishment.
-Sentinel 7 days bans have been removed.
-Sentinel and staff cheating bans are considered the same offence and now follow the same punishment track
-Tons of clarification to our previous rules

We recommend reading our updated rules here: cbecrft.net/rules

We will continue to make adjustments if necessary and these (if minor) will be reported in the #changelogs channel on our Discord server.

Not part of our Discord community yet? Don't wait any longer and join! discord.gg/cubecraft


what's a bug 🍪
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Jul 2, 2017
the agency
Reading through the part on clicking methods it says “we recommend avoiding drag click”. Does this mean im allowed to drag? I am aware of the setbacks it may cause if it is allowed and if I use it.
I'm late, but if you still need an answer to that: Staff won't ban for drag clicking, but Sentinel can detect it and will ban you for it that way
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2020
So the new rule in this thread, did it get implemented into the rule book? I don’t see it in there.


what's a bug 🍪
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Jul 2, 2017
the agency
So the new rule in this thread, did it get implemented into the rule book? I don’t see it in there.
The behavior outlined in that thread is now punishable under swearing(harassment), like Lozora said when he locked the thread.
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