Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Aug 1, 2016
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Hi everyone!

Today we are here to talk about something very important, mental health.

Many of us struggle with mental health issues on a day-to-day basis, this can affect daily living, relationships, and physical health. Maybe you have experienced this yourself or you have seen others struggle. The purpose of this thread is to build awareness and allow you to open up.

Methods & Tips
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Here are some coping mechanisms and information that may help you. Even if it's just one thing that stands out and helps change your routine and attitude for the better, that is already a push in the right direction!

▼ 5 Tips of Wellbeing
This is a method that has worked for me:

Stay in touch with people - Discord, friends, family, parents.
• Get involved more in your hobbies and interests by joining more communities related to them.
• Join in on more events or Discord calls with your friends, this can lead to making new friends!

Keep learning
Watching YouTube and documentaries can be very educational.
Learn new skills, challenging yourself stimulates your brain in a positive way when you accomplish something.

Be active
Try to take on a new hobby, this can become your new daily activity and gives you something to do. (I got back into Figure skating! ⛸️)
Going outside can transform your mood. Just going for a walk is more than enough but try to visit a happy place, this could be a park, beach or maybe even a library.

Take notice
Appreciate the little things. It's Important to find the little things in everyday life that make you happy.
Essentially learn to appreciate all the great things you have around you. This could be a support group. For me, this is my online friends.

Random acts of kindness towards others can make you feel more positive like you made a difference on other people and put a little good into the world too.

Helpful links/sites:
Mental health contact lines
Player Safety Guidelines

If you have any coping mechanisms or information that has helped you then please do not be afraid to share them below the thread, we are all just trying to support each other!

You are not alone

I want to invite you all to share your own experiences with mental health whether that be your own or from supporting others around you, no matter how big or small.

There are a few people that wanted to open up about their own experiences, you can read about them right below this thread, we hope this might help you open up yourself and make you feel less alone. Together we can fight the stigma to help normalise opening up about something that everyone will experience in their life.

It gets better
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I hope this thread reaches many people and allows them to open up and find mental clarity.

I want to let all of you know that things do get better, always but it will take time, it's important to stay positive and constantly work towards your goals but if you can't then that is okay and I'm still proud of you! Just getting out of bed in the morning is more than good enough, try to take each day little by little.

Some of you don't know me but I have personal experiences with mental health too and I want to offer support to as many of you as I can, my DMs are always open whether it be Discord or the forums. Don't be afraid to reach out to me, I'd love to get to know you guys better, I am always up for a chat, call, or game. I'm here for you!


Forum Expert
Apr 21, 2020
Amazing thread Dylaila! I’ll start by sharing my personal experience. 3 years ago, my life was pretty poor. I was bullied, I was failing school, I had few friends and I cried myself to sleep every night. Here I am, 3 years later, with the girl of my dreams, I’m my class Vice President, I’m still kinda failing school but that’s the pandemics fault, and I no longer cry every day. This didn’t just happen overnight and it took some effort for me to finally be happy with everything going on again. Mental Heath is something EVERYONE is struggling with right now, the pandemic has definitely taken a toll. That being said, what’s helped me cope is trying to do things that make me happy as much as possible. If that’s Minecraft, or YouTube or something like that, it’s always good to take a little break from working and stress. Another thing that has helped me take a break is a bit, weird. Before the cold winter months I went and played mini golf with 2 of my friends almost every day. Just going outside and being active for a bit each day can do a lot. During winter a lot of us (including myself) just stay in our homes, which can cause us to feel poorly. I encourage you to take 5 minutes and reach out to your friends, as it can really make a difference when someone feels isolated. Hope everyone stays safe and healthy, and it would be great to see others share their experiences as well!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2020
Thank you so much for this useful thread Dylaila! 💓
My mental health has been an issue for quite a long time, and the one thing I always realized was that it's extremely essential to get some fresh air. Seeing the sun/clouds out there, thinking about nothing but how beautiful life can be if you just look at the right things. Life has lots of ups and downs, it does for everyone and that's completely fine. Crying is fine, everyone needs to cry. Don't try to hide your tears because it's okay to cry.
If you ever feel like you're stuck in a hole and you're not sure how to get out, I'll always be here to listen to your worries and help you out. Even if you just need to vent, I will be here. 💜


Dedicated Member
Dec 25, 2016
Safe to say loneliness has been in my life for quite some time now. I have gone back and forth from having friends to feeling alone in the middle of a crowd. As people slowly drifted away from me, I decided having friends wasn't my thing. Instead I did what I could do best: be on the internet. I made up my mind and vowed to learn video editing. I would give this YouTube thing a try and give it my all. I had nothing to lose. Never had an intimate relationship, my last few best friends were seperated from me, at home the divorce of my parents didn't help and frankly sometimes I wasn't talking to anyone in days. I reached new lows to the point where I knew I had only so many options left.

Now of course this isn't the full story. Incredibly enough I did meet someone who I spoke to for a while, but that's also when I realized internet relationships were just not optimal. Don't love a girl you've never met kids! Looking back at it I can laugh now, but man the amount of loneliness and isolation was killing me. There were days I completely gave up on anything, to the point where I would spend my days alone in my room looking at the ceiling, staring at my walls or going out into my neighbouring park for easily 4 hours a day. My only friends were the animals there believe it or not.

My escape used to be gaming and YouTube, but now it involved video editing as well. I started practicing, committing to making videos every week and soon enough I was speaking directly to Admins and Developers, had a great circle of friends around me and genuinely got excited to wake up sometimes. I enjoyed editing, still do, it was like the escape of it all. Dad got pissed at me? I'll edit this video. School grades aren't that good? I think I have another idea for a video. Haven't really spoken to anyone the last few days? That staffmember might be a great addition to my podcast!

If I could give any advice it would be to start meditating. I can easily meditate 40 mins everyday now, all thanks to because I started so early. My plans are to hit several hours everyday. I don't mean this in the sense of any religious motive, but simply to understand yourself more. It's because of this that I can enjoy little things more. If someone has been nice to me, I'll remember that. I'll deeply care about that. My love has expanded, I can now safely cry in happiness. True bloomer believe it or not.

Much love to Dylaila for creating this thread. I hope I can read the stories of everyone else as well.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2020
I had that too like last year, mostly focused on online learning. One time I was crying because I was overloaded with online schoolwork and I didn't know what to do. And the worst part was, that my grandfather had sadly passed away, during my struggles in school, very sad. What I did was talk to my parents about my struggle on school, as well as my grief to my grandfather. I suppose this thread will really help people having difficulties on their mental health. If you are struggling with online school, take a break from all the stressful stuff and go outside, breathe fresh air. Talk to your parents, guardian, or your sibling about it, I assure they would help you to the best they can do.

One method that worked for me was that I go watch some funny shows or movies on Netflix. Again, I'm gonna tell you this that laughter is the best medicine, and it always will be the best one.

I have nothing much else to say, but other than that, huge thanks to Dylaila for creating this thread. I assure you all that this will be a useful remedy to people with mental health issues.

Stay safe and have a good day, people!


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2018
a fairy tale.
I'm glad that someone brought this up, although I'll admit I didn't expect to see it here! We're living in times that we've really never seen before, or at least in modern times. Not many people know what to do, and a lot of people are feeling lonely- myself included. The points mentioned in this post are absolutely accurate. There are many things that you can do to destress and connect to other things around you.

In reading all of these posts, something vital to note is that sharing your story is important, vulnerability is power. For those who fear judgment, you're never alone. There are many people who feel just like you, like I said prior, we're living through something that's never happened before in modern times. You might feel lonely, but always remember that other people feel that too. Slowly but surely we're going to go into a "new normal", and this new feeling you might have will disappear.

Personally, ever since the quarantine started, I have taken the personal choice to truly "go with the flow". If I see an opportunity and or a chance to make good I'll jump it. But for the most part, going with the flow has suited me well over these past months. Being able to take things as they come and understand that it's just part of this life is essential to understand. It's not worth stressing over the little stuff that truly won't matter in the late game. Admire your past, work on your present, and plan for the future. But like everything in life, it's easier said than done.

I'll also be honest with this, through quarantine I have learned a lot about myself and what I want to do in life. With this being said, it's always important to notice the beauty in things that feel bad. That might sound silly, but noticing the little things that make you smile is a good habit to get into. This might all sound like mumbo-jumbo, but this advice has been good for me, and for the people around me who feel the same way.

And just in case anyone is curious, my quarantine pass-time has been gardening :)
Thank you.


Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
I always felt like I had control of my decisions and life, so much so that I was always really happy and upbeat with people around me for most of my life, until specific people on the internet decided that they did not like me and wanted to ruin everything in my path by spreading very dangerous rumors about me with fake evidence, they did such a good job in fact that people in my real life found out.

Many people treated me differently and it hurt that people would believe such terrible things about me that weren't true, I spent a lot of time alone during that time, I was afraid to show my face to anybody because I thought they were all judging me for something I'd never done, I went on a lot of late night walks and attempted to drop out of College just so I didn't have to interact with other people anymore.

I was in a very dark place during that month, I wanted to leave, however I had a small group of friends who stuck by me and trusted in me and I'll never forget that, try to focus on the people that know you the best, try to reach out to them when you feel trapped or hated by the world, they wont give up on you.

If you feel like you have nobody at all, feel free to contact me on Discord @ Story#0001 I'd love to connect with you. 💙

(Let me know if you added me on Discord via forums because I get a lot of requests from people asking me moderation questions so I cant tell the difference D: )
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
As someone who's experienced a lot relating to mental health and suffered with mental health issues for... I don't even know how long at this point and still does, it's great to see that someone is trying to raise awareness for it. I can't even describe how useful this can and will be to plenty of people and I really hope that it is.

I've had a lot of things that have happened in my life that affected my mental health, spanning back years and years but if I had known this sort of stuff near the beginning I honestly don't think I would have suffered as severely as I have in the end. Stopping mental health issues from getting to crisis level is so much better than just stopping it at crisis level (coming from personal experience). Even if you feel just a slight bit bad, don't feel afraid to reach out to people around you. Family, friends, trusted adults, your doctor, a teacher you like, anyone can help you out or direct you to the place to go.

While I know my story will be different to everyone's, I used to have a relatively normal life when I was a child. Eventually, over time it just all broke down. Loneliness and bullying in real life coupled with abuse and harassment online ended up with me tumbling down and down into a dark spiral that I was stuck in for far too long. Eventually, after lockdown added more stress and enabled more online abuse to happen I was hospitalised for attempted suicide in May 2020. Thankfully after being under continued care from multiple different support services I'm in a much better state, but now I know the lessons I wish I knew a lot earlier.

If you need help, please reach out to someone. I'm not the best at supporting people myself but if anyone wants somewhere to go, feel free to message me here on the forums or send me a friend request and message on discord (@KitsuneToru 🌺#3218), and I'm more than willing to send some of the support information I've been given your way.

The main piece of advice I can offer is just to not keep it to yourself. Trust in someone else so that you can rely on them and get their and other's help. Mental health isn't something that you can always just take on all alone.

Additionally some other things (that most other people have probably said) that can help are just to do things that make you happy, relaxed and calm. Listen to music, rest in bed, hang out casually with some friends. You don't always have to say exactly what's on your mind, good friends should understand and help take care of you and just hang out with you if that's what you need.

Times have changed a lot in the past couple of years, and it's more important than ever to keep up on your mental health than ever before. Stay safe everyone.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2020
Mental health is an important part of your life to be aware of. However, like all ideas, people, places, or things will have an issue. That means that mental health can have issues, but you can fix them. However I saw that a lot of people have mental health issues, and sometimes they don’t even think to share their feelings to feel better. Thank @Dylaila had the tools to fix this issue in people! I do say this because I have mental health issues too, and my story was from the plains of happiness, to the mountains of periodic anger, sadness, and stress. I’ll share my story.

When I was in Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade, I had a lot of fun because nothing really bad was happening, but at the end of 3rd Grade, the plains of happiness started to disappear once I started to move into the hills and mountains of periods of anger, sadness, and stress. It all started when I was angry when I could not play with my other siblings on the Xbox. This was actually the first time I got grounded for at most a day. I did not feel happy at all and hid in my closet crying for maybe 4 hours! After that day I frequently hid in my closet crying about what happened. Then I got disobedient for revenge and that only made things worse. Overtime when something broke or I didn’t finish my food, I am the first person to get blamed and grounded. Then lightning of stress, anger and sadness struck hard when I was on top of that mountain. Eventually my parents did figure out that I was the one that did something bad like break the chair or something like that, and that stopped around when I was in 5th grade. However at the end of 5th grade, I had those periods again, but much more worse and my parents were not accusing me. That was when I reached the top of Mount Everest. Overtime in 6th Grade, 7th Grade, and now in 8th Grade, I do still get these periods, but less severe. As bad as a 150 foot hill at least.

Thanks for reading my story

Now the periods of being upset got less severe because of some realizations and tricks. When joining CubeCraft I never expressed my feelings when I had my periods of being upset. I’m still trying to figure out why I feel this way. At least we had one person who has the gift of making the awareness. Thanks @Dylaila! :heart:

Mental health has issues like all things. Almost everyone has these issues and I see a lot of the CubeCraft community have them, but the community supports each and one another. So let’s fix these broken issues and fix them with the tools we have, supporting!

My Discord: The1stLlama#6575
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Feb 20, 2021
I think I really needed this. I have struggled with anxiety and depressive thoughts which have been occurring more recently nowadays. I also sometimes struggle to accept my homosexuality and the fact Im gay. I almost always keep my feelings to myself. I do get my ups but it just crashes down so suddenly at times. I also had suicidal thoughts and tendencies. But reading everyones experience made me realize I’m not alone and reading your post made me realize not everything is hoepless. And thank you for that. ☺️💙


Forum Expert
Nov 17, 2019
After reading all the things people are going through, it’s absolutely crazy to see how bad of a year 2020 truly was. There was definitely bigger downs than ups for me. If I were to write all the cons of my 2020 I would write the longest thread in the world so I’ll keep the cons short.

Cons of 2020:

- My grandpa had 3 major surgeries, two during COVID which made it even harder.
- My grandpa had a surgery that went wrong and his overall health is not the best anymore.
- My dog almost got put down twice. She broke her paw and we had absolutely no money for surgery. Because she is a miniature dog, she would require some sort of special micro surgery to repair her paw. We brought her to get her leg amputated instead, and an hour before the amputation the doctor said there would be a possibility of it healing on its own. We decided to stick with that and after 6 months of being in a cast she finally healed. Immediately after she healed, she got very sick. She was having constant problems and this time we were sure it was her time to go. We had literally brought her to the vet to get put down, but the vet declined and gave us some expensive medicine to give the dog instead. After many other medicines and appointments, we think she is finally ok. She is not suffering anymore and is hopefully doing well.
- I went to the worst school I had ever been to. I’ve moved so much in my life I’ve been to 5+ different schools. The school I went to in 2020 though, was the worst by far. My teachers were never impressed with my work. I went from being a 90% student to a 60% student that year. Halfway through the year I had actually given up. I took up the bad habits of procrastination and put the least effort in my work as possible. The last day of school I actually wasn’t happy it was over. I was so upset with how bad I did and how much I had given up.
- This school year is my first year of high school. I am so overwhelmed with work, and my bad habits I learned last year carried on to this year. I have so much more work and so much stress, that I’ve had this rash for a year now that will not go away.

I have some more personal things I will not be sharing for safety sake, but overall you see how bad last year was. I shouldn’t just focus on cons though, so...


- I think the biggest pro of 2020 was my YouTube channel. It had been a dream come true to have a successful channel - my literal dream job. I am thankful for everyone who enjoys my content and love producing content.
- I have a much better school this year that I enjoy.
- My dog’s health is doing really good and so is my grandpa’s for now.

Like many others, talking to friends and music is what got me through 2020. I would talk to my friend every day of 2020 and would play often. I would listen to Twenty One Pilots and many other bands that have deep music that I love listening and decoding. I really hope 2021 can be a better year for everyone. Thanks for reading. Stay safe.


Dedicated Member
May 2, 2017
Happy to read about these amazing life changes. But personally, staying lonely for a long time made me a rough & isolated person. I don't feel fully comfortable with online friends because they don't feel what I face or because I speak Arabic which makes me not comfortable with speaking English. I hope I find a real friend one day.


Jun 11, 2020
Around Proxima Centauri
Honestly, I have to admit that after reflecting on how my life has been going, only seeing others having a hard time is all that really bothers me. There are always things to gripe about complain over, but reading others thoughts on this has made me realize it much more clearly that I'm in good hands. My community has mainly been Covid-free, (with around only 30 total cases since last March) my family and friends are doing well, and I've been living a clear, balanced life. I give my condolences to everyone having a hard time right now, and hope there is something I could do to help.
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Forum Expert
Oct 16, 2019
Turkey ❤️🤍
A lot of people misunderstood me I have been online for 3 years and not well known so I needed new friends but nobody wanted to talk to me yet because of my English but I didn't give up and I only have almost 400 friends on discord I hope there will be more. New friends are true friendship, I will never forget this and I will do my best to deal with more challenges myself I am not sure if this can be the cube or any other place but I know that friendship is the most important thing and don't upset anyone for that. Some people may attempt suicide because they are upset, this happened in my country so I know I hope you understand what I mean and thanks @Dylaila !!! 😍


Forum Professional
May 13, 2014
Great thread Dyl! I'm super glad this thread now exists, and I can definitely see it helping people out! 😄

Just to share my experiences: I was really severely bullied in primary/secondary school, to the point that simply getting up out of bed, knowing I'd have to go to endure relentless comments from every direction, was the biggest struggle. I used to come back from school, acting like everything was okay to my parents, only to go in my room and just sulk to myself- probably one of the most destructive things I could have done, which was bottling things up. It wasn't until I told my problems to my parents and online friends at the time (which didn't go down without a river of emotions! It's perfectly okay to cry- it doesn't make you any less than who you are!), that things started to get a lot better! Bear in mind, it wasn't an instantaneous change, and still took years, but things slowly started to look up. Even when I went to Sixth Form, I was still receiving comments, but definitely at a lower scale.

Something that really helped me get through it all is the form of escapism that I got from playing on Minecraft servers (I probably would have played other games if I didn't have the worst laptop in existence xd). Whether it was a server set up by one of my friends, or on CubeCraft, I gravitated towards online communities. I met people that were perfectly okay with me venting to them for 30 minutes at a time so I can feel better or people who would play games with me just to distract myself from the crappy reality I had. And that really went a long way. I met these people on this server, most of whom I still talk to now, and I genuinely feel like I'm forever indebted to the CubeCraft community, purely because I am not sure where I'd be without everyone here.

I had put a lot of trust in the community around these times. I had made a thread titled "Real life help." back in February 2015, where I talked about what sort of comments I'd get from people in school, and how I can get help for it. It feels surreal reading this thread 6 years later, but to me, it proves that things eventually do end up getting better. If that's in a weeks time, a months time, or longer, it sometimes takes time for something to change. In that time, I started to appreciate the smaller things in life- be it listening to music at full volume when I'm walking home, immersing myself in my studies and getting involved in more creative arts like theatre. In those times, I met friends in real life (for once!) that helped me distract myself from reality to the point that I had paid little attention to it. Definitely feel like they helped a bunch as well, which I am so thankful for. :heart:

This thread and reading the responses really shows how unified our community is, it's really heartwarming to read that we're all here for each other, and I'm no exception. I'm always around to listen to you talk about what's happening in your life, and though I might not be able to help as much as I can, I can try, and just be a listening ear, as I know sometimes that's all you need 💙 My Discord is Younisco#0001, shoot me a friend request or a DM (my DMs are open :D ) and I'd be more than happy to listen to you. Stay safe, and keep being you. 💕


Novice Member
Jul 9, 2020
View attachment 186824

Hi everyone! View attachment 186841

Today we are here to talk about something very important, mental health.

Many of us struggle with mental health issues on a day-to-day basis, this can affect daily living, relationships, and physical health. Maybe you have experienced this yourself or you have seen others struggle. The purpose of this thread is to build awareness and allow you to open up.

Methods & Tips View attachment 186839

Here are some coping mechanisms and information that may help you. Even if it's just one thing that stands out and helps change your routine and attitude for the better, that is already a push in the right direction!

▼ 5 Tips of Wellbeing
This is a method that has worked for me:

Stay in touch with people - Discord, friends, family, parents.
• Get involved more in your hobbies and interests by joining more communities related to them.
• Join in on more events or Discord calls with your friends, this can lead to making new friends!

Keep learning
Watching YouTube and documentaries can be very educational.
Learn new skills, challenging yourself stimulates your brain in a positive way when you accomplish something.

Be active
Try to take on a new hobby, this can become your new daily activity and gives you something to do. (I got back into Figure skating! ⛸️)
Going outside can transform your mood. Just going for a walk is more than enough but try to visit a happy place, this could be a park, beach or maybe even a library.

Take notice
Appreciate the little things. It's Important to find the little things in everyday life that make you happy.
Essentially learn to appreciate all the great things you have around you. This could be a support group. For me, this is my online friends.

Random acts of kindness towards others can make you feel more positive like you made a difference on other people and put a little good into the world too.

Helpful links/sites:
Mental health contact lines
Player Safety Guidelines

If you have any coping mechanisms or information that has helped you then please do not be afraid to share them below the thread, we are all just trying to support each other!

You are not alone View attachment 186832

I want to invite you all to share your own experiences with mental health whether that be your own or from supporting others around you, no matter how big or small.

There are a few people that wanted to open up about their own experiences, you can read about them right below this thread, we hope this might help you open up yourself and make you feel less alone. Together we can fight the stigma to help normalise opening up about something that everyone will experience in their life.

It gets better View attachment 186838

I hope this thread reaches many people and allows them to open up and find mental clarity.

I want to let all of you know that things do get better, always but it will take time, it's important to stay positive and constantly work towards your goals but if you can't then that is okay and I'm still proud of you! Just getting out of bed in the morning is more than good enough, try to take each day little by little.

Some of you don't know me but I have personal experiences with mental health too and I want to offer support to as many of you as I can, my DMs are always open whether it be Discord or the forums. Don't be afraid to reach out to me, I'd love to get to know you guys better, I am always up for a chat, call, or game. I'm here for you! View attachment 186834
Awesome thread! I definitely know what it feels like to go through these mental things. It’s never been serious for me but I’ve had family members that have had suicidal thoughts. Things did get better and they are happy now!

“Don’t stress on the little things cause someone is always going through something worse.”

this quote is true and I hope the people going through hard times, (now especially due to this Pandemic) get better because there is light at the end of the road.


Gameplay Engineer
Jul 12, 2020
The Netherlands
It’s almost embarrassing, but if I read this all, I feel like my life is perfect and way too easy, especially when I compare it with the stories above.
I grew up in a really lovely family and my relation with my older sister and brother are perfect. I’d say they are my best friends. I’ve never had conflicts with them. I am not really a social person but I have enough friends, and I’ve never had troubles with school.
Damn I now realize how lucky I am..


Forum Expert
Apr 21, 2020
It’s almost embarrassing, but if I read this all, I feel like my life is perfect and way too easy, especially when I compare it with the stories above.
I grew up in a really lovely family and my relation with my older sister and brother are perfect. I’d say they are my best friends. I’ve never had conflicts with them. I am not really a social person but I have enough friends, and I’ve never had troubles with school.
Damn I now realize how lucky I am..
No need to be embarrassed! Sometimes some people have an easier time in life, and that's ok! Just always be grateful for what you have, no need to be sorry for living a happy life :)
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sebasxd12 wrote on Flxen's profile.
ta bonito tu perfil hermano lol unica cosa en español aca
I love cubecraft bedwars gang
coolzombiee wrote on SlinkyGnu05604's profile.
You should make a theory based on this for the secret project 3, a shopping cart emoji?
coolzombiee wrote on Reesle's profile.
That’s crazy lol
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Daily question 8 (just doing one to help out)

What is your favorite country (excluding any country your from (cant be above 25%))

Me: France 🇫🇷
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