Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Feb 20, 2016
I see this thread is quite inactive now, but I still wanted to share my story, or actually the story of the people around me!

Allright, so a little over a year ago, I randomly got a message from a friend in a snapchatgroup that he couldn't feel his body anymore... Turned out he overdosed on a lot of unhealthy medicines that night... But for some reason it seemed like a lot of my friends had already given up on him, (I re-joined that friend group a few months prior) but me and a friend or 2 realised how serious the situation actually was!
I couldn't sleep that night; I was scared I would hear a message in school about how one of my friends took his own life... Luckily that never happened, and I also realised I dont ever want to hear something like this, so from that day forward, Ive decided to try and help anyone that comes to me with their mental issues.

A few months later I found my way back to CubeCraft and met a lot of great people. Then me and @GladiusYugen decided to set up a channel in our Discord community, hidden from most regular users, where mental issues would be discussed. This channel really opened my eyes about how many teens these days walk around with feelings of depression, anxiety, stories about bullying, not feeling accepted and fears.
This experience made me decide something should change. So, I started to look around, seeking for platforms that offer full safety for their users, where the main focus is mental health. But I concluded that this actually does not really exist. So, I went to my dad, and together we decided to start building it ourselves, and now we are about 7 months in the process of building, and we are close to releasing the first alpha test to our testers.

So yeah, this is the perfect example of the butterfly effect: I decided to react to that snapchat message that evening, and now I am developing my own app!

I also wanted to quickly add something for everyone troubling in their life:
Youre amazing, these are hard times, you will get through it! I have seen people on the edge of life, nearly ending it all, climbing out of the pit, and rising to an unbelievable level... I know you can do that too!

If you ever want to vent, or just simply talk, feel free to send me a message! :)


Mar 20, 2021
View attachment 186824

Hi everyone! View attachment 186841

Today we are here to talk about something very important, mental health.

Many of us struggle with mental health issues on a day-to-day basis, this can affect daily living, relationships, and physical health. Maybe you have experienced this yourself or you have seen others struggle. The purpose of this thread is to build awareness and allow you to open up.

Methods & Tips View attachment 186839

Here are some coping mechanisms and information that may help you. Even if it's just one thing that stands out and helps change your routine and attitude for the better, that is already a push in the right direction!

▼ 5 Tips of Wellbeing
This is a method that has worked for me:

Stay in touch with people - Discord, friends, family, parents.
• Get involved more in your hobbies and interests by joining more communities related to them.
• Join in on more events or Discord calls with your friends, this can lead to making new friends!

Keep learning
Watching YouTube and documentaries can be very educational.
Learn new skills, challenging yourself stimulates your brain in a positive way when you accomplish something.

Be active
Try to take on a new hobby, this can become your new daily activity and gives you something to do. (I got back into Figure skating! ⛸️)
Going outside can transform your mood. Just going for a walk is more than enough but try to visit a happy place, this could be a park, beach or maybe even a library.

Take notice
Appreciate the little things. It's Important to find the little things in everyday life that make you happy.
Essentially learn to appreciate all the great things you have around you. This could be a support group. For me, this is my online friends.

Random acts of kindness towards others can make you feel more positive like you made a difference on other people and put a little good into the world too.

Helpful links/sites:
Mental health contact lines
Player Safety Guidelines

If you have any coping mechanisms or information that has helped you then please do not be afraid to share them below the thread, we are all just trying to support each other!

You are not alone View attachment 186832

I want to invite you all to share your own experiences with mental health whether that be your own or from supporting others around you, no matter how big or small.

There are a few people that wanted to open up about their own experiences, you can read about them right below this thread, we hope this might help you open up yourself and make you feel less alone. Together we can fight the stigma to help normalise opening up about something that everyone will experience in their life.

It gets better View attachment 186838

I hope this thread reaches many people and allows them to open up and find mental clarity.

I want to let all of you know that things do get better, always but it will take time, it's important to stay positive and constantly work towards your goals but if you can't then that is okay and I'm still proud of you! Just getting out of bed in the morning is more than good enough, try to take each day little by little.

Some of you don't know me but I have personal experiences with mental health too and I want to offer support to as many of you as I can, my DMs are always open whether it be Discord or the forums. Don't be afraid to reach out to me, I'd love to get to know you guys better, I am always up for a chat, call, or game. I'm here for you! View attachment 186834
this is really helpful and even though this is like a gaming thing it is very helpful everywhere thank you
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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2020
The backyard.
I'm reading everyone his story and this is heartwarming. I will be sharing my story too now. :)

When I was younger I always got rejected by classmater, outstanders, and just pretty much everyone. I tried getting to know people but I couldn't because I was different than other people and it was really hard for me to find new friends. I luckily had a couple of friends, who are still my friend now (9-11 years now).

My mom and dad were divorced and my dad went back to Algeria where my whole family comes from expect of me and my 2 sisters. Because he lived there I only got to see him about 1-2x a year. Because of that it didn't even feel as my dad but some man I haven't seen in a while. My mom got a call when I was 9 and she was shocked on the phone and was like "Oh my god, I'm so sorry to hear that" and me as a 9 year old was really curious for one of the first times ever because it sounded really intense.

The same day after school I went to my aunt just staying their because my mother had to do something. My uncle sat next to me and he said "Ahmed, I have to tell you something." I said "Ye okay spit it out." And he told me that my father had past away. I didn't know what to say because I really didn't know what feelings I had at that moment. I kept everything inside me and I didn't say a word for the whole day.

After that event I have always kept my feelings for myself. I have always felt bad, stupid, and insecure about a lot but I have never talked to somebody about it. I started skipping school and didn't even care about nobody anymore, expect those friends I had. I became a problem kid and nobody asked me why. They assumed I was always like that, which I really wasn't. I never got accepted by anyone back then and sometime's I don't now.

But I have learnt to talk about feelings and help people who struggle with the same problem. Everyone that's going thru a rough time, feel free to dm me on discord Colleeee#0001 :)! I love you guys, stay safe! :)


Novice Member
Feb 12, 2021
I want to talk about my mental health. Things have been resolved now since but it got very bad here.

I had a false player report filed against me, I had my name slandered so much by people I trusted, I consulted Cubecraft admins but they did minimal to help, the false player report was filed against me and spread around that I was a child predator, there was little to no proof to back this up other than their testimony and a testimony from someone who wasnt there at the time that the conversation in a voice chat occured that was twisted to become a lie. I am still getting messages about it today, I just want to play the game without this stuff killing the fun.

Thats just my problems within this community, thought some good things came of it and I think I want to tell this to the community.

I am officially coming out to the community as gay, I have told a few people and had a load of support for it! I think its time I talk to people about it now, I was reluctant before not because of shame but because I don't want people to be treading on egg-shells around me and be worried about offending me or anything, hope ya proud of me @Younisco ;)


Dedicated Member
Feb 20, 2016
I am officially coming out to the community as gay
Yo... You might not know me, but I am proud of you for saying this!
I recently had a friend IRL come out to me and I have seen his struggles with my own eyes...
I wish you a lot of strength in the future, cuz sadly some people still cant accept that not everyone is "straight" these days... Keep in mind that youre stronger than those people tho!

I am sorry to hear about that false player report, It is sad to see that stuff like that happens, and it makes me wonder how many more false things like that exist!

Oh and mate, if you want it or not, you got a friend in me now :)


Novice Member
Feb 12, 2021
Yo... You might not know me, but I am proud of you for saying this!
I recently had a friend IRL come out to me and I have seen his struggles with my own eyes...
I wish you a lot of strength in the future, cuz sadly some people still cant accept that not everyone is "straight" these days... Keep in mind that youre stronger than those people tho!

I am sorry to hear about that false player report, It is sad to see that stuff like that happens, and it makes me wonder how many more false things like that exist!

Oh and mate, if you want it or not, you got a friend in me now :)
Thank you so much :) I have discord if you want to add me there <3 GHSpaghetti#5358
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Forum Expert
Aug 28, 2016
Doofenshmirtzz Evil Inc.
By far, in my eyes, the best thread ever created on the forums. Even better than CCN Memes *runs*. We all are different people on this planet with our problems. And no matter how hard life will be, there always comes a time when it's finally your turn to shine. People always say that they understand you. But you know what? They don't. No one can fully understand you other than yourself. You all are gifted with the power to get back on your feet. Even when you fell for like 100 times. You are stronger than you think.

I've read all of your stories and some of them kinda hurt me. But look at you now. You overcome most of your problems or are fighting really hard. I'm proud of you. Don't ever give up. You all can do it. I will write my story someday here. Smile and someday the world will smile back at you.


- From your Quakecraft weirdo


Apr 26, 2021
View attachment 186824

Hi everyone! View attachment 186841

Today we are here to talk about something very important, mental health.

Many of us struggle with mental health issues on a day-to-day basis, this can affect daily living, relationships, and physical health. Maybe you have experienced this yourself or you have seen others struggle. The purpose of this thread is to build awareness and allow you to open up.

Methods & Tips View attachment 186839

Here are some coping mechanisms and information that may help you. Even if it's just one thing that stands out and helps change your routine and attitude for the better, that is already a push in the right direction!

▼ 5 Tips of Wellbeing
This is a method that has worked for me:

Stay in touch with people - Discord, friends, family, parents.
• Get involved more in your hobbies and interests by joining more communities related to them.
• Join in on more events or Discord calls with your friends, this can lead to making new friends!

Keep learning
Watching YouTube and documentaries can be very educational.
Learn new skills, challenging yourself stimulates your brain in a positive way when you accomplish something.

Be active
Try to take on a new hobby, this can become your new daily activity and gives you something to do. (I got back into Figure skating! ⛸️)
Going outside can transform your mood. Just going for a walk is more than enough but try to visit a happy place, this could be a park, beach or maybe even a library.

Take notice
Appreciate the little things. It's Important to find the little things in everyday life that make you happy.
Essentially learn to appreciate all the great things you have around you. This could be a support group. For me, this is my online friends.

Random acts of kindness towards others can make you feel more positive like you made a difference on other people and put a little good into the world too.

Helpful links/sites:
Mental health contact lines
Player Safety Guidelines

If you have any coping mechanisms or information that has helped you then please do not be afraid to share them below the thread, we are all just trying to support each other!

You are not alone View attachment 186832

I want to invite you all to share your own experiences with mental health whether that be your own or from supporting others around you, no matter how big or small.

There are a few people that wanted to open up about their own experiences, you can read about them right below this thread, we hope this might help you open up yourself and make you feel less alone. Together we can fight the stigma to help normalise opening up about something that everyone will experience in their life.

It gets better View attachment 186838

I hope this thread reaches many people and allows them to open up and find mental clarity.

I want to let all of you know that things do get better, always but it will take time, it's important to stay positive and constantly work towards your goals but if you can't then that is okay and I'm still proud of you! Just getting out of bed in the morning is more than good enough, try to take each day little by little.

Some of you don't know me but I have personal experiences with mental health too and I want to offer support to as many of you as I can, my DMs are always open whether it be Discord or the forums. Don't be afraid to reach out to me, I'd love to get to know you guys better, I am always up for a chat, call, or game. I'm here for you! View attachment 186834
very sweet of you to do this <3

Deleted member 576174

This post is very informative and will help lots of other people, thanks!
Last edited by a moderator:
  • Like
Reactions: Dylaila and Matriox


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
So... like... I'm probably very late... But regardless, I'd like to share my difficulties in life over the years and how they impacted my mental health.

My life was alright until I turned 8 years old. I had a lot of close friends and a very loving family. However, my parents split up after my mom came out of the closet. I did not really know what that meant at the time, so all I could think about were my parents separating. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, especially because my mom immediately moved out to live together with her partner. I got into a drastically different environment than I was used to. I cried, day after day, I just wanted to be with my father. At home.
After that relationship came to an end, my mom had a new girlfriend. She seemed nice at first but was extremely manipulative. She didn't let my mom see her friends anymore, or even my father was no longer welcome. Until then, my parents had a very healthy friendly relationship despite the divorce settlement. My mom's new partner completely isolated her. It came to the point where she emotionally abused me. One time, we were driving home in the middle of our holidays in the Southern part of France. She had gotten a lot more abusive on this trip which is why I begged my mom to drive me home. And she did. My mom's partner continuously yelled at me for 10 consecutive hours, while my mom was in the seat next to her, crying her eyes out. It is undoubtedly one of the worst nights of my life. At one point, they pulled over and dropped me on the highway in the middle of the night.

I felt very detached from my mother and her side of the family. My father, and especially my grandmother were my go-to. It happened very often that I'd just start crying when I saw them. They didn't ask me what was wrong. They knew. They were just there for me and gave me a shoulder to cry on. Even now that I'm writing this, I can't help but cry a little. It was a very dark period in my life, one that I will never forget. I'm really not certain if I'll ever be able to forgive my mother for the horrible way she let her partner treat me. We were both victims, though she could end the situation far sooner but didn't.
Eventually, my mom did end the relationship after some dumb argument they had over who could use the bathroom first. Wasn't complaining though.

Going into puberty, my life was stable again. A lot of damage had been done but it was bound to get better. But then... puberty (dun dun dun duuuuun)
Like many others, I started questioning my sexuality. I was often bullied/teased for having a few 'gay characteristics'. I was also the victim of real-life & online stalking which caused me to further isolate myself. My parents sought help for me and I started seeing someone soon after on a weekly basis.
Coming out of the closet was one of the most difficult yet best things I have ever done. Unfortunately, it didn't really go down the way I envisioned it. Several rumors were spread about me after I was seen publicly going out with other LGBTQ+ people. Not long after, I admitted the rumors were true. The reactions to this were better than I could've hoped for. I was now finally starting to become myself, and after having gone to uni, it only got better from there. I am surrounded by very accepting people. After years of isolation & loneliness, I am finally just opening up to people.


Moderator ☀️
Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Mar 25, 2021
So... like... I'm probably very late... But regardless, I'd like to share my difficulties in life over the years and how they impacted my mental health.

My life was alright until I turned 8 years old. I had a lot of close friends and a very loving family. However, my parents split up after my mom came out of the closet. I did not really know what that meant at the time, so all I could think about were my parents separating. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, especially because my mom immediately moved out to live together with her partner. I got into a drastically different environment than I was used to. I cried, day after day, I just wanted to be with my father. At home.
After that relationship came to an end, my mom had a new girlfriend. She seemed nice at first but was extremely manipulative. She didn't let my mom see her friends anymore, or even my father was no longer welcome. Until then, my parents had a very healthy friendly relationship despite the divorce settlement. My mom's new partner completely isolated her. It came to the point where she emotionally abused me. One time, we were driving home in the middle of our holidays in the Southern part of France. She had gotten a lot more abusive on this trip which is why I begged my mom to drive me home. And she did. My mom's partner continuously yelled at me for 10 consecutive hours, while my mom was in the seat next to her, crying her eyes out. It is undoubtedly one of the worst nights of my life. At one point, they pulled over and dropped me on the highway in the middle of the night.

I felt very detached from my mother and her side of the family. My father, and especially my grandmother were my go-to. It happened very often that I'd just start crying when I saw them. They didn't ask me what was wrong. They knew. They were just there for me and gave me a shoulder to cry on. Even now that I'm writing this, I can't help but cry a little. It was a very dark period in my life, one that I will never forget. I'm really not certain if I'll ever be able to forgive my mother for the horrible way she let her partner treat me. We were both victims, though she could end the situation far sooner but didn't.
Eventually, my mom did end the relationship after some dumb argument they had over who could use the bathroom first. Wasn't complaining though.

Going into puberty, my life was stable again. A lot of damage had been done but it was bound to get better. But then... puberty (dun dun dun duuuuun)
Like many others, I started questioning my sexuality. I was often bullied/teased for having a few 'gay characteristics'. I was also the victim of real-life & online stalking which caused me to further isolate myself. My parents sought help for me and I started seeing someone soon after on a weekly basis.
Coming out of the closet was one of the most difficult yet best things I have ever done. Unfortunately, it didn't really go down the way I envisioned it. Several rumors were spread about me after I was seen publicly going out with other LGBTQ+ people. Not long after, I admitted the rumors were true. The reactions to this were better than I could've hoped for. I was now finally starting to become myself, and after having gone to uni, it only got better from there. I am surrounded by very accepting people. After years of isolation & loneliness, I am finally just opening up to people.
While reading your story I needed also a tissue. You’re very brave to share your story with us! Despite everything you've been through, you've become a great person. You should be proud of yourself. And always stay yourself, you are amazing just the way you are! Big hug 💜💜💜


Senior Moderator
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Oct 18, 2019
I just noticed this thread again and kinda want to share some things too.
It's probably gonna be quite random since I'm not the best at writing these long texts xd.

In my last year of primary school, I was diagnosed with Asperger (autism).
So when I first went to secondary school my old school and my parents talked with my new school to make the change as less stressful as possible since I really don't like big changes and can get really stressed if things aren't going as they should be going. After 3 months of my new school I basically refused to go because my school just didn't keep their promises and didn't listen to me and my parents. I was getting so stressed and tired of school that I spend the rest of the school year at home gaming for 8 hours a day and doing basically nothing.

I really isolated myself that year and felt like no one understood me. I didn't speak to anyone except my parents. I also didn't see my real-life friends often because they were busy with their school and made new friends there. The only other people I spoke to except my parents were a couple of friends I met on cubecraft. I would wait until their school was done and play Minecraft with them for the rest of the day. Later in the evenings when everyone went offline I realized the situation I was in again and felt quite sad.
(some people probably think a year without school is really fun that's what I thought too but the longer your home and have nothing to do and no one to talk to it's not fun at all :/ )

Right now I'm on a new school (for kids with autism) where they do help me and listen to me. I still find it really hard to connect with new people and socialize but it's getting better :).

This is kinda like a short version of the story because as I said I'm really bad at writing these texts so I have no idea how to tell everything xd. If you have questions or want to say something idk you can always contact me on discord: Hqtefull#0848 :D

Deleted member 576174

Remember that even if you're sad or feel lost there's always someone out there that will come to you and give their hand to support you.

Last edited by a moderator:


It's a bit of necrobumping but whatever, I'll add my part too.

Right now I'm VERY lost. No family to come to, technically no friends to talk to. Everyone in my life just goes in and goes out. It all feels so temporary to me I don't even know if friendship and love is real. I am not really ready to step into the full adult world yet - especially not given the circumstances I am in.

I'm too poor to seek refuge abroad or even for any domestic settlement. I don't have the money and psyche to start transitioning both on medical and legal field. I'm too scared to pursue anything really in my life due to fear of being outed as trans without my knowledge, especially in such a violent environment. Or out of fear of being doxed by some of my stalkers that are probably reading this now.

If it wasn't for my severely abusive "family" and the pathetic state of how mental health affairs are handled here, I would probably be on therapy already. I'm too scared to go there and talk about it all. I'm too poor to afford a competent therapist that wouldn't make it worse. I feel locked in a cage with no way of getting out.

Video games and art were only temporary solutions and don't work anymore. I'm so done.
Unable to socialize with anyone because I am pushed away by the communities. Perhaps a bit on my demand, as my untreated anger management issues often show up at the worst time, at the worst place.

I'm now dealing with loss of one of the people I was very close to. At my own request. I really have no other choice but to swallow it up and accept that I'm not the winner. Again.

A bit negative, but at least true.
If any of you would like to shoot me a message, feel free to do so on my Discord.


Nov 28, 2021
View attachment 186824

Hi everyone! View attachment 186841

Today we are here to talk about something very important, mental health.

Many of us struggle with mental health issues on a day-to-day basis, this can affect daily living, relationships, and physical health. Maybe you have experienced this yourself or you have seen others struggle. The purpose of this thread is to build awareness and allow you to open up.

Methods & Tips View attachment 186839

Here are some coping mechanisms and information that may help you. Even if it's just one thing that stands out and helps change your routine and attitude for the better, that is already a push in the right direction!

▼ 5 Tips of Wellbeing
This is a method that has worked for me:

Stay in touch with people - Discord, friends, family, parents.
• Get involved more in your hobbies and interests by joining more communities related to them.
• Join in on more events or Discord calls with your friends, this can lead to making new friends!

Keep learning
Watching YouTube and documentaries can be very educational.
Learn new skills, challenging yourself stimulates your brain in a positive way when you accomplish something.

Be active
Try to take on a new hobby, this can become your new daily activity and gives you something to do. (I got back into Figure skating! ⛸️)
Going outside can transform your mood. Just going for a walk is more than enough but try to visit a happy place, this could be a park, beach or maybe even a library.

Take notice
Appreciate the little things. It's Important to find the little things in everyday life that make you happy.
Essentially learn to appreciate all the great things you have around you. This could be a support group. For me, this is my online friends.

Random acts of kindness towards others can make you feel more positive like you made a difference on other people and put a little good into the world too.

Helpful links/sites:
Mental health contact lines
Player Safety Guidelines

If you have any coping mechanisms or information that has helped you then please do not be afraid to share them below the thread, we are all just trying to support each other!

You are not alone View attachment 186832

I want to invite you all to share your own experiences with mental health whether that be your own or from supporting others around you, no matter how big or small.

There are a few people that wanted to open up about their own experiences, you can read about them right below this thread, we hope this might help you open up yourself and make you feel less alone. Together we can fight the stigma to help normalise opening up about something that everyone will experience in their life.

It gets better View attachment 186838

I hope this thread reaches many people and allows them to open up and find mental clarity.

I want to let all of you know that things do get better, always but it will take time, it's important to stay positive and constantly work towards your goals but if you can't then that is okay and I'm still proud of you! Just getting out of bed in the morning is more than good enough, try to take each day little by little.

Some of you don't know me but I have personal experiences with mental health too and I want to offer support to as many of you as I can, my DMs are always open whether it be Discord or the forums. Don't be afraid to reach out to me, I'd love to get to know you guys better, I am always up for a chat, call, or game. I'm here for you! View attachment 186834
  • Like
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Deleted member 545489

Thank you really much, this was so helpful! <3
Maybe I'm a bit late but this was still amazing!
  • Love
Reactions: Dylaila


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2022
the sun
View attachment 186824

Hi everyone! View attachment 186841

Today we are here to talk about something very important, mental health.

Many of us struggle with mental health issues on a day-to-day basis, this can affect daily living, relationships, and physical health. Maybe you have experienced this yourself or you have seen others struggle. The purpose of this thread is to build awareness and allow you to open up.

Methods & Tips View attachment 186839

Here are some coping mechanisms and information that may help you. Even if it's just one thing that stands out and helps change your routine and attitude for the better, that is already a push in the right direction!

▼ 5 Tips of Wellbeing
This is a method that has worked for me:

Stay in touch with people - Discord, friends, family, parents.
• Get involved more in your hobbies and interests by joining more communities related to them.
• Join in on more events or Discord calls with your friends, this can lead to making new friends!

Keep learning
Watching YouTube and documentaries can be very educational.
Learn new skills, challenging yourself stimulates your brain in a positive way when you accomplish something.

Be active
Try to take on a new hobby, this can become your new daily activity and gives you something to do. (I got back into Figure skating! ⛸️)
Going outside can transform your mood. Just going for a walk is more than enough but try to visit a happy place, this could be a park, beach or maybe even a library.

Take notice
Appreciate the little things. It's Important to find the little things in everyday life that make you happy.
Essentially learn to appreciate all the great things you have around you. This could be a support group. For me, this is my online friends.

Random acts of kindness towards others can make you feel more positive like you made a difference on other people and put a little good into the world too.

Helpful links/sites:
Mental health contact lines
Player Safety Guidelines

If you have any coping mechanisms or information that has helped you then please do not be afraid to share them below the thread, we are all just trying to support each other!

You are not alone View attachment 186832

I want to invite you all to share your own experiences with mental health whether that be your own or from supporting others around you, no matter how big or small.

There are a few people that wanted to open up about their own experiences, you can read about them right below this thread, we hope this might help you open up yourself and make you feel less alone. Together we can fight the stigma to help normalise opening up about something that everyone will experience in their life.

It gets better View attachment 186838

I hope this thread reaches many people and allows them to open up and find mental clarity.

I want to let all of you know that things do get better, always but it will take time, it's important to stay positive and constantly work towards your goals but if you can't then that is okay and I'm still proud of you! Just getting out of bed in the morning is more than good enough, try to take each day little by little.

Some of you don't know me but I have personal experiences with mental health too and I want to offer support to as many of you as I can, my DMs are always open whether it be Discord or the forums. Don't be afraid to reach out to me, I'd love to get to know you guys better, I am always up for a chat, call, or game. I'm here for you! View attachment 186834
i know im 87373 years late but tysm for checking up on every single one of us in this community! i would like to share u a story abt me and my struggles with severe anxiety + aspergers:

⛔⛔️ TW // mentions of sewerslide and sell farm ⚠️⚠️

if you are struggling with this type of stuff please consult an adult/someone you trust ❤️

since last april, i was hiding a decline in mental health from my parents. i was scared that they would tell me that i am a liar and that i should suck it up, so it led me to bottle everything up. now let me tell you, bottling things up is not a good thing, you have to get it off your chest before you begin to show signs of feeling better. and thats exactly what i did: some time in late august, i told my mum about how i currently felt. at that moment it just got to a point where it couldnt be hidden anymore and it clicked in me that i really needed to tell a person i trusted. before that moment, i had told some of my friends about my recurring suicidal thoughts because i trusted them(funnily enough one of them was fake and he was the one i told first but i’ll get to that later)but it didnt really get much off my chest because i felt like i had to not cry in front of them otherwise it would be too embarrassing for me(but you should cry it helps). after our first day back in year 8(7th grade)i was told by the nurse to come into her office. it turns out that my fake friend(call him E)told our form tutor(we were in the same form)about all of my struggles. the form tutor as a result went to the nurse and told her about me. at lunch i was called to the nurses office and was asked to describe how i was feeling, and i felt like i could be honest with her. i said to her all the methods in detail that i had thought of to attempt suicide, and she said to me it was particularly worrying that i had already clearly thought of methods instead of just wanting to die. naturally i was worried and asked her if i was going to be sectioned(placed in institution) and fortunately she said no. in case you didnt know, my father works in an institution and he says that you would not leave for years on end even if you got better. afterwards, i was forwarded to the NHS, where i was diagnosed with severe anxiety. then later forwarded me to the CAMHS team. instead, i was taken to a different mental health facility where i would take therapy sessions with someone who was experienced with both aspergers and anxiety. she had told me that it was particularly difficult to suffer from both disorders at once(i wouldnt call aspergers a disability just a different ability)due to the nature of the overthinking and panic attacks of anxiety + ease of being overwhelmed and poor social skills that came with autism. this did not come to a good mix, as in october, i was taken to the nhs again for attempting self harm with a tie(i thank my mum for catching me ❤️). the next few months, it began to die down during the christmas period. however in february, i started feeling worse again for unknown reasons. i began to suffer being overwhelmed by crowds, hair-pulling, self-punching, etc. i was taught by my therapist to punch soft objects like pillows, and techniques like colour breathing(imagine breathing in one colour and breathing out another)but in february and march i suddenly forgot all of this without knowing why. in mid-march nearing my birthday, i lost a friend(person E from earlier)finding out he was a faker. all my real friends who were friends with him told me that he left me for my personality, and this really hurt because i genuinely thought he cared about me. during this period i especially felt awful, and as a result i resulted to attempting to self harm with the same tie again this time without any parents around. luckily my dog walked in(ilysm tom u saved my life)and i realised, “who would he cuddle at night if i died?” so i put down the tie and started breaking down into tears. not long after i contacted a helpline hoping they would let me get a grip of myself. i told them all about my attempt but then they sent police and ambulance services to my door because of how worrying all my texts had been to them. it was a terrifying experience as i did not really expect them to come at all, and that i now know the consequences of my behaviour. right now i have the occasional outbursts of crying, but other than that i am doing so much better without a toxic friend and i have resorted to my 3rd friend group(im part of 3 different friend groups but that one i was most similar to and happy in even if it was mostly popular kids)and overall i am doing better now ❤️

so i just want to let you know that if you are struggling please do not hesitate to tell anybody! if you need me i am not a good advice giver but i am a good listener so feel free to vent to me if anything is on ur mind

stay safe everyone dont catch my covid
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