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Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Jul 2, 2017
the agency
It’s almost embarrassing, but if I read this all, I feel like my life is perfect and way too easy, especially when I compare it with the stories above.
I grew up in a really lovely family and my relation with my older sister and brother are perfect. I’d say they are my best friends. I’ve never had conflicts with them. I am not really a social person but I have enough friends, and I’ve never had troubles with school.
Damn I now realize how lucky I am..
I feel the exact same way sometimes. One thing I like to do to give back a little bit for the lucky situation I've been given is to just be there to listen and help out when someone else may be going through something difficult. It means a lot more than you might think :]


Forum Expert
Jul 14, 2015
The Multiverse
I didn't plan on replying to this thread, as I keep my personal life pretty secret to a lot of people. But seeing all these comments I've decided to step out of my comfort zone and express my feelings.

I was bullied a lot by a lot of people. With me being a really short guy, and really sensitive, people found out that I was an easy target and started making fun of me. Every day was like hell for me and I did not feel comfortable in my surroundings. It made me really insecure about myself and I got depressed. With my parents getting divorced at that time as well, everything together really hit me hard. The massive support I received from my family really pulled me through everything.

I was pretty lonely at the time, but I didn't really give it any thought. I was always busy with myself and on school breaks I would always isolate myself in a corner with my earbuds in watching videos and/or listening to music. I am a pretty open person and when I get too comfortable sharing my feelings, I got backstabbed by my only friends. This made me really anxious about making new friends. I'm still wrestling with social anxiety as of today since I don't have a lot of irl friends.

My way out of this, and still is, is Gaming. I have made a lot of friends and I'm glad they take me for who I am. And things have got a lot better since middle school and it really does get better. If you ever feel down and need someone to talk to, you can always text me on discord(Typical#9571).

Thank you Dylaila for creating such a wonderful thread💕
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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2019
I honestly didn't feel like replying to this thread at all, simply because I thought that sharing such sad stories on a Minecraft server forums website would take away all the cheerful vibes, but I guess it turned out different and now I just want people to know how I felt in the past and what I feel right now.

Last year when school ended and my summer vacation started I obviously started playing more because I simply had nothing to do due to everyone being in lockdown. I was a part of the 1.8 FFA Community and I really felt like that was where I could find joy and just be myself. Not too long after when Summer ended I started a new year of school. I immediately started becoming anxious because my class existed out of people that I did not know at all. I have a lot of problems with talking to people in real life since I have social anxiety. In the end, I had 1 girl in my class that I had known basically my entire life, which gave me a safe feeling and I thought I could just spend all my lunch breaks and time I had with her. She ended up being friends with 3 other girls in my class, and I guess the 4 of them became really close. Now I think you can figure out that I'm basically the 5th wheel of the group, I don't really belong with them but I have no other friends that I talk to anymore so I just have to stay with them because walking alone during lunch / our breaks is "weird" to a lot of people I guess. My grades were not as good as they normally are and at that point, my online life started falling apart as well, which made my mental health become more and more unstable.

I had an amazing friend group, or so I thought. One of the people I hung out with turned out to be someone that had been saving everyone's IPs in a document. I told other people about it so they knew that their IPs had been saved and that they could tell the person himself that they didn't like him doing that. They started calling me a "snitch" and started doing horrible things. They looked up my personal information, my parents' Facebook accounts, Instagram accounts, anything you can think of. They doxxed and ddosed me ever since. I had to use VPNs because it was just too much. My parents had been calling our provider and I had to listen to them calling while I was stressed because I obviously didn't want them to find out that all of this had actually been because of me. I was at a dead end and I just didn't know what to do or feel anymore. Every night I would cry and think about how bad of a friend I must've been for sharing the information I shared, even though it was the best thing I could've done. I would barely get any sleep and I didn't eat a lot either. I lost some weight during that time which no one knows but it didn't become worse than that, luckily.

In the end, @Ducky who I had been sharing all my problems with helped me get him to a network ban. I felt this huge feeling of relief and from that moment I started playing 1.12. (thank you ducky btw, I'm still really grateful to you for coping with all the feelings I felt <3) I met a lot of awesome people on 1.12 and I decided that I was gonna force myself to get into 1.12 more simply because I'm basically the most hated player on 1.8 at this point. The people I met really helped me to get used to the new PvP and they took me for who I was and made me become a better person. I'm currently pretty known as the girl who spends most of her time in lobby 1, and I do that so I can socialize with people and just become more and more known in the whole community. Now, I wanna thank all the people that have been there for me and that have just been hanging out with me / being in calls with me because that honestly helped me a lot, even if you might not know it. I currently have a lot of friends and even a few really close friends who I'm really grateful for. I can share my felings when I have to and they'll just put up with it, which I really really love about them. The people that feel addressed right now, thank you <3.

I just wanna say, if you're ever struggling with mental health problems, it's temporary.
You should see it as a rainy day, they don't last forever and in the end the sky will clear up and the sun will shine, you just have to find the right moment.
I also wanna apologize if I've ever been mean to people online, I still have some issues trusting new people I guess and I don't always like meeting new people. If you wanna try and have a fresh start just hit me up on discord and I'll be happy to talk to you! Taïs#4049

Thank you for taking the time to read my story, stay strong and take care <3
Jan 25, 2021
View attachment 186824

Hi everyone! View attachment 186841

Today we are here to talk about something very important, mental health.

Many of us struggle with mental health issues on a day-to-day basis, this can affect daily living, relationships, and physical health. Maybe you have experienced this yourself or you have seen others struggle. The purpose of this thread is to build awareness and allow you to open up.

Methods & Tips View attachment 186839

Here are some coping mechanisms and information that may help you. Even if it's just one thing that stands out and helps change your routine and attitude for the better, that is already a push in the right direction!

▼ 5 Tips of Wellbeing
This is a method that has worked for me:

Stay in touch with people - Discord, friends, family, parents.
• Get involved more in your hobbies and interests by joining more communities related to them.
• Join in on more events or Discord calls with your friends, this can lead to making new friends!

Keep learning
Watching YouTube and documentaries can be very educational.
Learn new skills, challenging yourself stimulates your brain in a positive way when you accomplish something.

Be active
Try to take on a new hobby, this can become your new daily activity and gives you something to do. (I got back into Figure skating! ⛸️)
Going outside can transform your mood. Just going for a walk is more than enough but try to visit a happy place, this could be a park, beach or maybe even a library.

Take notice
Appreciate the little things. It's Important to find the little things in everyday life that make you happy.
Essentially learn to appreciate all the great things you have around you. This could be a support group. For me, this is my online friends.

Random acts of kindness towards others can make you feel more positive like you made a difference on other people and put a little good into the world too.

Helpful links/sites:
Mental health contact lines
Player Safety Guidelines

If you have any coping mechanisms or information that has helped you then please do not be afraid to share them below the thread, we are all just trying to support each other!

You are not alone View attachment 186832

I want to invite you all to share your own experiences with mental health whether that be your own or from supporting others around you, no matter how big or small.

There are a few people that wanted to open up about their own experiences, you can read about them right below this thread, we hope this might help you open up yourself and make you feel less alone. Together we can fight the stigma to help normalise opening up about something that everyone will experience in their life.

It gets better View attachment 186838

I hope this thread reaches many people and allows them to open up and find mental clarity.

I want to let all of you know that things do get better, always but it will take time, it's important to stay positive and constantly work towards your goals but if you can't then that is okay and I'm still proud of you! Just getting out of bed in the morning is more than good enough, try to take each day little by little.

Some of you don't know me but I have personal experiences with mental health too and I want to offer support to as many of you as I can, my DMs are always open whether it be Discord or the forums. Don't be afraid to reach out to me, I'd love to get to know you guys better, I am always up for a chat, call, or game. I'm here for you! View attachment 186834
what cubecraft does what other servers don't, ty for doing this


Apr 30, 2020
As a young adult, mental health is just as important as your physical health. Coming from a Buddhist background, your mind is just as free and as vulnerable as your physical form is.

My story to tell is probably surprising for a lot of people who have come to have met me here.

During my primary school years, I was quite the 'crybaby'. I was bullied and manipulated by other classmates for being too sensitive, which came with being in a local school in Thailand whilst having to learn the local language (I was not fluent at that time) with them. Unsurprisingly- I was the stupidest kid in my classes because It was hard to keep up. I was picked on continuously if I made a simple error in any sentence I made, by both teachers and students. I cried probably hundreds of times, whenever people argued at me, yelled at me, bullied me. It was so common that kids used to call out "oh she's gonna go cry again!" and laughed as I sobbed tears.

Instead of accepting my sensitivity, and accepting the fact that it was ok to cry, considering all those circumstances, I was told to bottle it in and to 'toughen' up, because girls can cry but you can't cry so much. And I listened to them.

Flash forward to 2019,

I finally became fluent in Thai from all my mistakes and all the cruel words. My aunt was dying of cancer, and I let all the toxic words from my youth get to me. I couldn't even cry when my Aunt passed away in her hospital bed surrounded by family- and I was called out by her widow: "You're not caring about your own aunt, you're not even crying!". I felt like I had the depths of despair with me, but had no way to show it. I only physically expressed emptiness.

This broke me. I allowed masculinity norms of 'don't be a crybaby' to stop myself from truly expressing the feelings I've had all along. I realised that by bottling my sensitivity I actually stopped myself from being able to open up and have ways to fix my mental health- I was a victim of not only a cruel society but a victim of my own self-harmful words.

The lesson I hope to teach from my personal story to others is that you have to be open with your vulnerabilities and your sensitivities. Bottling things up is not the way to tackle mental health. Instead, you should allow yourself to be open to the emotions you feel- even the ugly ones. By opening up, help will come your way and you will be able to tackle your underlying problems in healthier ways, with friends and/or family.

To those that read my anecdote, be strong and keep your chin up, but remember that it is ok to have days where you personally are not strong too. Do not be afraid to express it.


Forum Expert
Oct 18, 2016
First of all thank you @Dylaila & @Younisco for doing this, you are amazing! 💙

Mental health is very important, and this pandemic definitely does not make things easier for any of us. I can say that 3 or 4 weeks ago, I was in the worst state of my life and I honestly didn't know how I could make myself feel better.

Today 4 weeks ago I lost a very good friend... A friend that I've known since I was 2 years old, because that was when we became neighbors. He passed away and he didn't even have the chance to say goodbye to anyone, not even his family. I felt so devestated, didn't know what to do and I wasn't motivated to do anything at all.

I realized that I wanted to spend more time with people that I care about, because life is short and it can end at any time. The main reason I resigned from Moderator is to have more spare time to actually be with the ones I love. Because all of this, I decided to stay home from work for the week, and yes this actually got me fired- eventhough they knew what I was going through. My life already collapsed and they decided to make it even worse by making sure I won't be getting any money, and due to this pandemic getting a new job is very diffecult.

There I am, in 1 week, I lost a friend and I lost my job. I didn't know how to feel, because I know I had to deal with a lot of stuff since I wasn't motivated to find a new job, and therefore I won't have any income. Besides that, I lost an amazing friend, one that was always ready to help me with anything, a friend that I grew up with since I was 2 years old. I saw how devestated his family was, how emotional my mother was, and there I am- feeling absolutely horrible and didn't know how to move on with my life. Once you lose someone, it's very weird. Your world stands still while everyone else moves on.

Yet I somehow managed to feel a little better, I spent more time with the people I care about the most (hence the inactivity on CubeCraft, sorry), I have daily conversations with my family and they all tell me that I'm strong enough to get through this and that everything will be fine eventually. This really gave me a boost to fight through this hard time in my life. I haven't reached out for professional help yet, but I will next week- and hopefully be more motivated again to do things. ♥️🌟

Also a special thanks to the people who checked up on me regularly :heart:
(@ItzEnd3r @Ben5124 @Cornmeal27 @Passer @Elenahh @Eli @Technosword, you are amaing <3)

Once again, thanks for doing this. I'm glad I get to share my story eventhough there aren't many useful tips for people to use when feeling down. Anyways, I believe everyone deals things their own way, this is how I'm fighting through it and I hope I will inspire people to never give up!
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Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2017
The Netherlands
To be fully honest - at first I was unsure about this thread. It just felt unusual to me to see a mental health thread on a Minecraft server forum. Talking about mental health just didn't seem like it belonged here. After giving it some thought I accepted it and figured it wouldn't be so bad if it helps others in the community. So here I am, telling you all my own story.

When I was younger I used to hang out with this girl, let's just call her M. We were great friends, we'd go to swimming lessons together, hang out after school almost everyday and sometimes even schedule to dress up the same way. At that point her mom felt like a second mom to me since I was going over to her house so often. I honestly feel very ashamed of it now as I even had the thought that her mother was better than mine because she was always so nice to me and we could indulge in things I usually couldn't at home. M's family was pretty well off, she'd always get things I couldn't and I felt very jealous of her.

After some time I realized that M started getting pretty possessive over me, to the point where it would make her upset when I hung out with other girls. Eventually my mother stepped in and decided that I shouldn't hang out with her anymore because she realized how bad it was getting for me to be in that environment.

Instead of me and M matching with each other we started to compete over everything. Whether it was just the way we dressed or the friends we had. I remember going to school one day after dying my hair for the first time and then found out that she also dyed her hair the exact same color. It didn't feel okay to me anymore to be matching with her because we'd just be ignoring each other at school and it was like a constant war that she was winning. Her friends would also give me glares, I just always had the feeling that she was saying bad things about me.
Some of the friends I had even started drifting away from me and became her friends. I felt worthless. I just wanted to know what was wrong with me, I felt like such a freak.

When I was in 4th or 5th grade I stopped bringing my lunchbox to school and would just not eat at all. I didn't feel like eating and I started to feel like I was fat because my thighs looked bigger than most girls' and I felt like everyone looked a lot more attractive than me. Around that time I also stopped going to all other activities like piano practice, swimming and singing altogether. I just didn't have the motivation to do any of those things anymore let alone school. On top of that I started getting acne on my forehead and felt very self conscious of it. There were so many things I just hated about myself and it even got to the point where I harmed myself, it was only once and I never did it again after that.

I eventually managed to make new friends after a while since I was going to a new school but to this day I still struggle with my self image and self esteem. I have issues with overthinking and it's just always been hard for me to think that people actually like me.

Mental health is something very important and I believe that everyone should be able to express how they're feeling. I might not be the perfect example but I'm always open to making new friends and being someone to vent to! My discord is cristina#0001 if you ever wanna have a chat.


Novice Member
Jul 20, 2020
this thread is amazing. i feel so thankful to be in a community that cares about my wellbeing. lately i have been really struggling mentally and having really bad, and intrusive thoughts but luckily ive been able to find many new friends that i know are always there for me and want the best for me and am forever thankful for it. thanks for always being there and helping me out cubecraft community <3


Forum Expert
Aug 18, 2019
First off, amazing thread.

So to share some of my experiences, this mainly started with the pandemic, as i had never enjoyed being at home, not going to get into specifics because my parents like to check up on my internet history, but I just couldnt trust the people at home, and the pandemic was a really lonely time. I had just moved to HS and i was one of 3 people from my previous school who went there, all of my friends had gone to other schools. So i didnt really know anyone i could talk to, and once the pandemic hit i didnt have many chances to continue talking to people.

I had a massive amount of freetime and pretty much no one to do anything with so i started playing Minecraft again, I logged into my forums account again and decided to try it out, along with this i started playing hypixel skyblock. it was a good filler of time, and i got pretty high up in the community but it was just more of the same jerky toxic things that i came back to minecraft to get away from.

Luckily i found this community and forums mostly, i loved talking with people and it was a breath of fresh air, so many nice and helpful people. This community really helped me out of a massive hole, and helped me i guess start talking to people again.

Mental health is something so many people struggle with and its great to see people opening up about their experiences to help others. This community is amazing and if anyone wants to talk about anything feel free to dm me on discord and im happy to talk with you about whatever you want. (Ender#3312)


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2017
The Netherlands
great thread, especially now with the whole pandemic going on people seem to really reach their lowest point in life.
i wont tell every detail because i could write a book about my life so far :P but still tell all the actually important details.

i've always had trouble socializing because of different reasons. being possibe pdd-nos, not socializing enough with other people... and im still struggling at times to talk to people without feeling uncomfortable.
primary school wasn't easy. 8 years of bullying, almost every single day in school. the first few times you can laugh about it, but it works on your nerves to the point where everyday is a new fight. i didnt have many friends back then, and most of them moved away sadly. weird thing? i still remember their names despite not having talked to them in more then 10 years! a new person came to school? you were either part of the bullies, or part of the "victims". being friends with me would make you one of their targets instantly. as a lot of people can relate to, teachers didnt do much at all and parents would always say "but my kid would never do something like that!". luckily, i still had some friends which im still friends with today.

when i finally left primary school (about 12 years old) i kept saying "i will make a new start and change my life for the better!", also my latest promise ever made.. i started in a completely new environment. i knew nobody, nobody knew me. sadly... i started sick. i had extreme case of anemia, B12 to be more specific. after a long and tiring vacation in france, we went to the hospital for a checkup. few days later we had to come back, and sit there almost a full day with only this much information; its either anemia, or cancer. it honestly triggered something in me, i didnt feel fear or panic, i just said to myself "so be it." im not afraid of the end of the road, im afraid of leaving everyone i met on my way there, and still am honestly.

but to be honest, i had three okey years in school despite everything. some days are good, others werent. most drama was between me and family, but in school? despite being the most quite kid, i found my love for music. teachers liked me, i liked (most of) them. not only that, i made some of my best friends in those years! both online and offline!

my exam year... or should i rather say, part 1/3.
i was always building up my frustration and emotions, but a human has their limits. i had a burnout, one to never forget. all the anger and frustration from my whole life came back because of one argue with my mother. its probably not a surprise, but this really got me down and even depressed. i luckily met the furry fandom, and found the support i needed. in fact, i finally made a change in my life. people were nice and we related to each other in many different ways. i came out of depression because i started seeing things optimistic. yes, i've been trough hell and back, but that only makes who we are now. we have bad days, but there's still tomorrow. not only have i found optimism and a great fandom, but also managed to accept my past and forgive everyone who once hurt me. honestly if i saw one of my bullies right now, i'd just ask them how they've been and have a nice chat. maybe even laugh about the past...
i finished just a few subjects this year, so had to do my exam year over with less subjects.
my second exam year... well, it was not much different from anyone else. covid decided to join the fun and mess up a lot of things, i once again got to finish some subjects and move on with less to another exam year.

yep, im for my third year in a row in my exam class! im currently following math and geography class on a completely different school, which is going great for me! my teachers are really nice, my grades are good and the people in my class are nice. all thats currently tearing me down is a... i wanna say toxic, but its more of a stressful friendship. we're both just tired of covid and we just love throwing our frustrations in each other face x3

i still try to live on with optimism, but its not easy to keep smiling all the time. im open minded and will be honest; im part of the LBGT+ community. its not easy seeing this much hate coming from people who dont respect others the way they are, its sometimes quite depression hearing the insults.

mental health is important, and we should always look both after our own, but also the people around us. dont forget to take a break from things when you feel like its becoming too much, you're just a human who has their limits and thats okey.
we're all tired of the current situation, but please keep in mind you're not alone! wherever you are, whatever your situation is... people got your back, no matter what.

my advice on how to stay strong and keep moving; quotes. they can be inspiring and when you really let them get trough, changing. here are a few i really love. (you get free bag of nothing if you know where the quotes are from :D)
- follow your passion, and life will reward you.
- many things that seem threatening in the dark become welcoming when we shine light on them.
- good times become good memories, but bad times make good lessons.
- in the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself... that is the meaning of inner strength.

if people ever need a listening ear without judgement, or just someone to talk with about.. well, basically anything, you can always dm me here or on discord (Snep#0573) :)


Forum Expert
Jul 6, 2016
The Netherlands
Hello dear people who are reading this topic, I'm here to share my experience with mental health.

Lots of people here went through very tough situations and I want y'all to know that you're strong and that I'm proud of you that you made it through those situations. It's not an easy thing to deal with and trust me you are never the only one! If you're different, that's okay! Be yourself, do what you want to do despite what others think and have to say, you is you and you is amazing!

With that being said let's write my own story.

I've not been very open about this to other people but you all sharing your stories made me gather enough courage to share it with you.

I was bullied for quite some years in primary school because of my length and they way I looked. I used to be very small and everyone from my school was much bigger than me, even the girls. I had no friends, I never had family who had my back except for my parents and even teachers let me down and didn't even try to help me a single bit. I hated myself, my length and I felt so so alone for a loooong time. I didn't wanted to go to school and barely had any social interaction with people. I started gaming more and I started closing myself off from the outer world. I wasn't doing very well and my physical health became worse and worse. I always pushed people away who were actually trying to help me and to become friends with me, I am lucky that they never gave up and always kept trying to make me feel comfortable and wanted. I was so happy when I finished primary school and I was very hyped about high school, new people and maybe new friends. 1 year in and my mental health went backwards again. I didn't have any motivation and almost failed 3 years of school already. My parents barely spoke to me because they were very disappointed in me not doing my best to have a good feature.

I used to play soccer for 10 years, I played it a lot and it was something I could rely on when I felt bad and I really loved doing it. During a game I tore my groin. This injury made me quit soccer, it took the thing I loved to do the most away from me and it made me feel empty. Soccer was a place for me to socialize and to just run every single bad feeling out of my body.

I started gaming more again and I joined the Cubecraft community. It's an understatement when I tell you that this community kinda saved me. I met lots of amazing people here who always supported me during rough times (@Quis @xTypical <3 ). Becoming a moderator was also an important thing for me, I finally succeeded to achieve something I really wanted to achieve. Cubecraft really helped me to become the person I am nowadays.

The Translations Team also really helped me become a happy person. I became a communications manager of this amazing team and I love every single one of you. The Heads team feels like a 2nd family, even more like family than my real family .They always support me and they are always there for me when I need them. (@Fisktratt @FocusTurtle @Elenahh @miguelitoindus @Majksa @NotAName @Ge1ster @Eli @Axyy )

I'm doing great right now and my mental health is much better than it used to be. I started working on myself and became a healthy person surrounded with people who are really friends and always can rely on :)

If you need my support or if you just want to get something off your chest then I'm here for you, keep in mind that sharing your story doesn't make you weak at all and you are definitely not alone!


Forum Expert
Feb 4, 2020
The Netherlands
To start with, I really relate to the story from @Lozora. I got bullied because of my long hair and 'cus I was kinda weird (they made me think that).
I was unhappy and wanted to improve myself because I felt like I needed to.

At the beginning of 2020, I entered a tough period. I had a hard time focussing on school and the coronavirus came to the Netherlands. I'm someone who liked to talk to other people and see and hug the people I love. This wasn't possible anymore (for a big part). I felt like escaping from the real world, so I started gaming again. I've always done this and it will probably never stop.

At this point, I wanted to play Minecraft again. I joined a few Minetopia servers and wanted to moderate on them. This was a big goal for me. I always wanted to become one when I was little, so I started on some little Dutch servers with friends. As I learned more and more about it, I wanted to be more and do more. So I started playing on Cubecraft again, created a forum account and joined the Discord server. This was a positive step in my life. I improved so much as a person. I feel like I speak more mature now and that really helped me at school.

Back to moderation. I joined the translation team because I thought it would help me become a moderator. Why? I don't know.
I met @Lozora. When we both failed the test, we started chatting more and more. We found out we had the same goal and passion. We started "working together" by motivating each other and kept each other up to date about Cubecraft news and Juice WRLD songs. This was by far the best Cubecraft moment for me EVER. I had such a great time and always wanted to spend time on the Cubecraft forums and server.

When we finally became helpers after waiting SO LONG, we still motivated each other. This was possible because we got the same mentors. When we found out about that, we kind of screamed out of happiness to each other.

2 months flew by and Lozora made it to the moderator rank. I tried really hard, but I kinda messed up at the end and didn't make it. Was it hard? Yes. I was really upset about it. Not because I wasn't able to use my helper perms anymore, but because it was something Lozora and I did together for so long and now I'm stuck at the beginning again and Lozora doesn't really need that kind of motivation anymore. I still struggle with this.

Luckily, we met @xTypical. This guy is one of the best people around here (don't u dare to change my mind). He never became a helper, but still needs some motivation sometimes. We always have fun together. Thanks for everything you two.

So back to mental health. I'm really thankful for what Cubecraft gas brought me. I improved myself and met the people I always kinda needed. And of course, there are way more people that I need to thank, but that's just way too much. Those people will know when they read this. Thanks.

As I read back now this seems more like a thank you message, but this was kinda about how I felt last year.


Forum Veteran
Jul 14, 2018
The Netherlands
Well, currently I'm just fine and doing well. With all these things going these days, it's kinda frustrating for people. They can't do anything. Like, your freedom is 50% gone in fact. I'm not a person who likes changes, I want everything to be old school and the same. Well, I felt the emotions 1 month ago and I was sick & tired of it. Well, my parents got corona, they're just fine and everything but yeah, it's kinda spooky what's going on, on that moment. If someone in your family has it, don't be scared that fast. I don't if I had it because I didn't felt anything but I could've gotten it. But yeah, that month was kinda boring and online school, but boi I hate it so much. Like, the only fresh air was in our garden. There was nothing to do and my relationships kinda went to dead. So, it was over and it felt soooo great to see some people. Like, I work in a supermarket so people need to work there. Was great to see everybody. Also I got bullied in high school the first class, I hated it, lost a couple friends and yeah... But yeah, went to a different school and it became a lot better now!

I just want to make it very clear: If you're struggeling with things and more things, (like for me my exams) it may help to talk with people who you trust, for example. There are always solutions and it will work out anyway!
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Feb 24, 2021
A cat castle
I know I'm a bit late to this thread, but I joined the forums yesterday, saw this and just felt like I should reply as well.

I've been struggling with social anxiety and depression for 3 years now, although I've always been a really introverted kid. I had a few friends and a best friend who I'd continuously stick to because I was too scared to go up to other people. That worsened when I went to middleschool, since I went alone without knowing anyone, and all the kids there were way different than me. I was kind of like that weird quiet kid in the corner. The kids there were so different from me, while I was already dreaming about what I want to be and achieve when I grow older they were only thinking about how someone else's hair was looking funny. I didn't exactly get bullied, but I did develope depression which resolved into me going into therapy for a second time. A second time because I had gotten therapy before about how I saw myself.

So yeah, I got therapy and left that school, now I'm in a better school with a few friends I feel comfortable around. I'm still struggling with the mental health issues and my class isn't exactly the greatest. But as my mum told me, just treat them like colleagues. You don't have to be friends with people you don't feel comfortable around! It's going better although I'm still struggling with asking questions to my teacher's and talking to people in general, resolving into grades that could've been better. But I'll get there on my own pace.

I't was nice having a small outlet like this, and thank you so much for this thread!:heart:


Feb 25, 2021
View attachment 186824

Hi everyone! View attachment 186841

Today we are here to talk about something very important, mental health.

Many of us struggle with mental health issues on a day-to-day basis, this can affect daily living, relationships, and physical health. Maybe you have experienced this yourself or you have seen others struggle. The purpose of this thread is to build awareness and allow you to open up.

Methods & Tips View attachment 186839

Here are some coping mechanisms and information that may help you. Even if it's just one thing that stands out and helps change your routine and attitude for the better, that is already a push in the right direction!

▼ 5 Tips of Wellbeing
This is a method that has worked for me:

Stay in touch with people - Discord, friends, family, parents.
• Get involved more in your hobbies and interests by joining more communities related to them.
• Join in on more events or Discord calls with your friends, this can lead to making new friends!

Keep learning
Watching YouTube and documentaries can be very educational.
Learn new skills, challenging yourself stimulates your brain in a positive way when you accomplish something.

Be active
Try to take on a new hobby, this can become your new daily activity and gives you something to do. (I got back into Figure skating! ⛸️)
Going outside can transform your mood. Just going for a walk is more than enough but try to visit a happy place, this could be a park, beach or maybe even a library.

Take notice
Appreciate the little things. It's Important to find the little things in everyday life that make you happy.
Essentially learn to appreciate all the great things you have around you. This could be a support group. For me, this is my online friends.

Random acts of kindness towards others can make you feel more positive like you made a difference on other people and put a little good into the world too.

Helpful links/sites:
Mental health contact lines
Player Safety Guidelines

If you have any coping mechanisms or information that has helped you then please do not be afraid to share them below the thread, we are all just trying to support each other!

You are not alone View attachment 186832

I want to invite you all to share your own experiences with mental health whether that be your own or from supporting others around you, no matter how big or small.

There are a few people that wanted to open up about their own experiences, you can read about them right below this thread, we hope this might help you open up yourself and make you feel less alone. Together we can fight the stigma to help normalise opening up about something that everyone will experience in their life.

It gets better View attachment 186838

I hope this thread reaches many people and allows them to open up and find mental clarity.

I want to let all of you know that things do get better, always but it will take time, it's important to stay positive and constantly work towards your goals but if you can't then that is okay and I'm still proud of you! Just getting out of bed in the morning is more than good enough, try to take each day little by little.

Some of you don't know me but I have personal experiences with mental health too and I want to offer support to as many of you as I can, my DMs are always open whether it be Discord or the forums. Don't be afraid to reach out to me, I'd love to get to know you guys better, I am always up for a chat, call, or game. I'm here for you! View attachment 186834
thank you
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Ellie Williams

Forum Veteran
Jan 6, 2016
University of Eastern Colorado
Reading all of your comments reminds me of my own little issues. Unfortunately, there's not much I can do for you guys, but hopefully, these pictures of cute cats will at least make your days a little bit better.






Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2020
I can't believe that someone finally made a thread about this. I know how it is to have problems with mental health. Well, many bad things happened to me. but I know that sometimes even worse things happen to other people.

What happened to me? Well, I was bullied for 5 years straight. Classmates were beating me, shouting at me, destroying my things (notebooks, drawings, even phones). I was thinking about suicide back when I was 10. I never did it, because I knew it would not only kill me, but also my friends and family.

Few months ago, my parents divorced. It changed my life a bit. My Dad is living with his new girlfriend happily. He have lots of money and is overall happy. Meanwhile my mom has not so much money and need to care about me and my siblings (younger brother and sister).

Right now, I am feeling good. I have a few friends I am going out and play games with. My mom still have some problems with money but not so many. We are moving out soon and I am little worried about that, but I am trying to stay positive.

If you have any trouble or if you're feeling alone, remember, that we are with you :))


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2014
Rhyl, North Wales ❤️
Great thread Dyl! I'm super glad this thread now exists, and I can definitely see it helping people out! 😄

Just to share my experiences: I was really severely bullied in primary/secondary school, to the point that simply getting up out of bed, knowing I'd have to go to endure relentless comments from every direction, was the biggest struggle. I used to come back from school, acting like everything was okay to my parents, only to go in my room and just sulk to myself- probably one of the most destructive things I could have done, which was bottling things up. It wasn't until I told my problems to my parents and online friends at the time (which didn't go down without a river of emotions! It's perfectly okay to cry- it doesn't make you any less than who you are!), that things started to get a lot better! Bear in mind, it wasn't an instantaneous change, and still took years, but things slowly started to look up. Even when I went to Sixth Form, I was still receiving comments, but definitely at a lower scale.

Something that really helped me get through it all is the form of escapism that I got from playing on Minecraft servers (I probably would have played other games if I didn't have the worst laptop in existence xd). Whether it was a server set up by one of my friends, or on CubeCraft, I gravitated towards online communities. I met people that were perfectly okay with me venting to them for 30 minutes at a time so I can feel better or people who would play games with me just to distract myself from the crappy reality I had. And that really went a long way. I met these people on this server, most of whom I still talk to now, and I genuinely feel like I'm forever indebted to the CubeCraft community, purely because I am not sure where I'd be without everyone here.

I had put a lot of trust in the community around these times. I had made a thread titled "Real life help." back in February 2015, where I talked about what sort of comments I'd get from people in school, and how I can get help for it. It feels surreal reading this thread 6 years later, but to me, it proves that things eventually do end up getting better. If that's in a weeks time, a months time, or longer, it sometimes takes time for something to change. In that time, I started to appreciate the smaller things in life- be it listening to music at full volume when I'm walking home, immersing myself in my studies and getting involved in more creative arts like theatre. In those times, I met friends in real life (for once!) that helped me distract myself from reality to the point that I had paid little attention to it. Definitely feel like they helped a bunch as well, which I am so thankful for. :heart:

This thread and reading the responses really shows how unified our community is, it's really heartwarming to read that we're all here for each other, and I'm no exception. I'm always around to listen to you talk about what's happening in your life, and though I might not be able to help as much as I can, I can try, and just be a listening ear, as I know sometimes that's all you need 💙 My Discord is Younisco#0001, shoot me a friend request or a DM (my DMs are open :D ) and I'd be more than happy to listen to you. Stay safe, and keep being you. 💕
been really inactive here but you used to be my closest friend and I can say from the bottom of my heart you're amazing! and even though i'm not so active anymore, i'll still always be here for you if you ever need it :) gonna add you on disc rn so look out for a friend request from MatthewYeet#0001
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