Thanks for your contributionHello.
That's nonsense, cheetos192's really loud lawnwower got bitten in knee? I don't think bitten in knee
Ikr? It obviously would have been bitten in the elbow seeing as how lawnmowers don't even have knees. Come on people, get your facts straight.That's nonsense, cheetos192's really loud lawnwower got bitten in knee? I don't think so.
It's ok. Just don't make the same mistake again. Most lawnmowers are very self-conscious about their knee-challenged disabilities. You could have started a public outcry.Sos, had a drunk moment. RIP lawnmowers elbow XD
Well, the story began to fall apart after the first few posts on the thread, and now its pretty much a bunch of small stories consisting of 2 or 3 posts. And now we've gone and completely broken the "4 word" rule. #Im'aRebelLol LAWNMOWER RIOT!!
what has become of this 4 word game thread haha