Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Do you agree with the ideas promoted above?

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    Votes: 6 31.6%
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    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Maybe a little editing would do

    Votes: 7 36.8%

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2017
Before I get in to this, I love the updates the Cubecraft team are making. This is not meant to hurt any of the previous updates made by them. These are just friendly suggestions I have put together in my spare time and sharing them with the community of Cubecraft. At the end there will be a poll if you like the ideas down below. Yea or nea? I doesn't matter what your opinions are, and feel free to express them!!! After all, Cubecraft is a very safe community where all peoples come together!
  • Redstone Rank This rank should probably be better than the Obsidian Rank, just because if not it would upset the balance for other players that have bought a rank. The TAB colour of the rank should be red, even though that the YouTube tag is red, so my plan for that.... change the YouTube tag to be out in front. If you don't understand, look at what the Sr. Mod tag looks like.
  • The Return of Money Walls Yes, this game has had problems in the past, mostly with hackers I would think. However, this game almost became the heart of Cubecraft and when it was released, most people on the server would play the game. More YouTubers came in a started playing, getting the server more active. Although Cubecraft is one of the most popular servers to date, Money Walls would boost it even more.
  • /report Command Now, now, this command shouldn't be available to everyone. Not everyone on Cubecraft would take this command to heart, only the people that support the server and have shown that they actually care. So maybe this command should be released to players with ranks. If not, make it for the Obsidian rank, because people complain that the Emerald rank and Obsidian Rank are to "similar". This might not be the best idea, as I am basing it off of the fact that I hope people use it to help, not destroy.
  • Creative Revamping Creative is one of the ways people can express their talent on Cubecraft, and people support it by giving Diamonds. So should diamonds be worth points? Maybe you could sell diamonds for points. IDK. What also comes to mind is the Whitelist problem. Yes, I know the staff are working hard on it, but that's not all. There should be a /promote co player command that only owners of the plot can use. This would give all co-owners of the plot control of building on the plot, or maybe not with the settings!!! Owners should be able to control what people do on there own plot. This, however, should not affect the owner of the plot in any way. There should also be a /fly command, or a way to give a /fly command to a visiting player on the plot. Since most plots are based off of parkour these days, giving a player that has finished the parkour permission to fly and to help out others, if necessary. If you want to see more examples, I would suggest checking out what Hypixel's system looks like, then adding it on to Cubecraft. This would not be advertising because of the fact that I am trying to help Cubecraft by giving the server advantages. Creative already has WorldEdit, and I'm sure the staff has more ideas in mind.
These are just a few ideas I have created. This page is only meant to help the staff team, not destroy the ideas that they already have. If you, the public community of Cubecraft, would like to vote on these suggestions, scroll up more. I would love to hear more ideas so I can create another page. Better yet, I can forward it to the Mods so they can try the same thing. Technically, I can't do anything on my own. The staff team can't either. They idea's and support on those idea's, so this is a way I can help, even though I might not be a part of the staff team anyway. So do you like these ideas? The choice is yours!!!
-Much love to all yall, CamBam300
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Dedicated Member
Mar 13, 2016
1. What would be the difference between the Redstone rank and Obsidian? I don't think we need more ranks anyway, unless you can think of more perks to give out to make it appealing.

2. I've personally never played it, but it sounds like a fun game and I think it should be added back.

3. The /report idea is a terrible idea. Even if it's just for Obsidian ranks, there are still some of them who will spam the staff with it for fun. The new report system works just fine.

4. I've never played Creative so I personally have no opinion on this idea.
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Forum Expert
Nov 23, 2014
the Netherlands
  • Redstone Rank This rank should probably be better than the Obsidian Rank, just because if not it would upset the balance for other players that have bought a rank. The TAB colour of the rank should be red, even though that the YouTube tag is red, so my plan for that.... change the YouTube tag to be out in front. If you don't understand, look at what the Sr. Mod tag looks like.
No, I don't want more ranks to cubecraft because there are enough. This has been suggested many times. Also it can be really confused by players because you have also nametag admin in red.
  • The Return of Money Walls Yes, this game has had problems in the past, mostly with hackers I would think. However, this game almost became the heart of Cubecraft and when it was released, most people on the server would play the game. More YouTubers came in a started playing, getting the server more active. Although Cubecraft is one of the most popular servers to date, Money Walls would boost it even more.
Oh Yes, i've Enjoyed This game a lot, and would to see a return of it!
  • /report Command Now, now, this command shouldn't be available to everyone. Not everyone on Cubecraft would take this command to heart, only the people that support the server and have shown that they actually care. So maybe this command should be released to players with ranks. If not, make it for the Obsidian rank, because people complain that the Emerald rank and Obsidian Rank are to "similar". This might not be the best idea, as I am basing it off of the fact that I hope people use it to help, not destroy.
/report has been, removed because it got abused many times, with fake reports. Also I just like the report system we have now.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2017
You guys decide, I am not here to discourage your opinions!!! But maybe these need some re editing... Jees, I'm getting all the heat on the street!!! :p
Last edited:


Forum Veteran
Feb 6, 2016
Before I get in to this, I love the updates the Cubecraft team are making. This is not meant to hurt any of the previous updates made by them. These are just friendly suggestions I have put together in my spare time and sharing them with the community of Cubecraft. At the end there will be a poll if you like the ideas down below. Yea or nea? I doesn't matter what your opinions are, and feel free to express them!!! After all, Cubecraft is a very safe community where all peoples come together!
  • Redstone Rank This rank should probably be better than the Obsidian Rank, just because if not it would upset the balance for other players that have bought a rank. The TAB colour of the rank should be red, even though that the YouTube tag is red, so my plan for that.... change the YouTube tag to be out in front. If you don't understand, look at what the Sr. Mod tag looks like.
They're not planning to add more ranks, so no.
  • The Return of Money Walls Yes, this game has had problems in the past, mostly with hackers I would think. However, this game almost became the heart of Cubecraft and when it was released, most people on the server would play the game. More YouTubers came in a started playing, getting the server more active. Although Cubecraft is one of the most popular servers to date, Money Walls would boost it even more.
  • \
It got removed due to its unpopularity and I don't think this will come back.

  • /report Command Now, now, this command shouldn't be available to everyone. Not everyone on Cubecraft would take this command to heart, only the people that support the server and have shown that they actually care. So maybe this command should be released to players with ranks. If not, make it for the Obsidian rank, because people complain that the Emerald rank and Obsidian Rank are to "similar". This might not be the best idea, as I am basing it off of the fact that I hope people use it to help, not destroy.
  • The command /report was removed as it was being abused by players. Some players used to use the command /report in an inefficient way. Some moderators were wasting their time with fake reports. For those reasons, the command /report was removed.If you see a hacker just try to record them and report at https://reports.cubecraft.net We would appreciate it!

    • Creative Revamping Creative is one of the ways people can express their talent on Cubecraft, and people support it by giving Diamonds. So should diamonds be worth points? Maybe you could sell diamonds for points. IDK. What also comes to mind is the Whitelist problem. Yes, I know the staff are working hard on it, but that's not all. There should be a /promote co player command that only owners of the plot can use. This would give all co-owners of the plot control of building on the plot, or maybe not with the settings!!! Owners should be able to control what people do on there own plot. This, however, should not affect the owner of the plot in any way. There should also be a /fly command, or a way to give a /fly command to a visiting player on the plot. Since most plots are based off of parkour these days, giving a player that has finished the parkour permission to fly and to help out others, if necessary. If you want to see more examples, I would suggest checking out what Hypixel's system looks like, then adding it on to Cubecraft. This would not be advertising because of the fact that I am trying to help Cubecraft by giving the server advantages. Creative already has WorldEdit, and I'm sure the staff has more ideas in mind.
    Parkours get a lot of diamonds most of the time, it's definitely not woth it and I don't thinkk people without buidling skills have to gain points by simply building a parkour.



Forum Professional
Dec 31, 2015
The Netherlands
  • Redstone Rank This rank should probably be better than the Obsidian Rank, just because if not it would upset the balance for other players that have bought a rank. The TAB colour of the rank should be red, even though that the YouTube tag is red, so my plan for that.... change the YouTube tag to be out in front. If you don't understand, look at what the Sr. Mod tag looks like.
I don't think CubeCraft is going to add more ranks as we've got enough ranks now.

  • The Return of Money Walls Yes, this game has had problems in the past, mostly with hackers I would think. However, this game almost became the heart of Cubecraft and when it was released, most people on the server would play the game. More YouTubers came in a started playing, getting the server more active. Although Cubecraft is one of the most popular servers to date, Money Walls would boost it even more.
The game 'Money Walls' has been removed due to the unpopularity of the game. As that, I don't think it'll come back.
  • /report Command Now, now, this command shouldn't be available to everyone. Not everyone on Cubecraft would take this command to heart, only the people that support the server and have shown that they actually care. So maybe this command should be released to players with ranks. If not, make it for the Obsidian rank, because people complain that the Emerald rank and Obsidian Rank are to "similar". This might not be the best idea, as I am basing it off of the fact that I hope people use it to help, not destroy.
We had the /report command in the past but it has been removed because it was being heavily abused. Players were submitting fake reports and Staff Members were wasting their time on fake reports. Due to these and some other reasons, the /report command won't be added back.

You can still help CubeCraft out with hackers and all the other rule breakers of course! Please report rule breakers here (with the correct evidence) > https://reports.cubecraft.net.

  • Creative Revamping Creative is one of the ways people can express their talent on Cubecraft, and people support it by giving Diamonds. So should diamonds be worth points? Maybe you could sell diamonds for points. IDK. What also comes to mind is the Whitelist problem. Yes, I know the staff are working hard on it, but that's not all. There should be a /promote co player command that only owners of the plot can use. This would give all co-owners of the plot control of building on the plot, or maybe not with the settings!!! Owners should be able to control what people do on there own plot. This, however, should not affect the owner of the plot in any way. There should also be a /fly command, or a way to give a /fly command to a visiting player on the plot. Since most plots are based off of parkour these days, giving a player that has finished the parkour permission to fly and to help out others, if necessary. If you want to see more examples, I would suggest checking out what Hypixel's system looks like, then adding it on to Cubecraft. This would not be advertising because of the fact that I am trying to help Cubecraft by giving the server advantages. Creative already has WorldEdit, and I'm sure the staff has more ideas in mind.
Creative has just got a massive update, it's a long time ago > https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/freebuild.167516/ - https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/freebuild-update.185869/.

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
1. Someone. I don't remember whom. Probably Marco, claimed that Obsidian Rank would be the last donator rank Cubecraft would implement. No exceptions. Besides the current ranks are extremely unbalanced and not worth the money. Obsidian already has too few exclusive perks. I don't really want the situation to get worse.

2. <3

3. reports.cubecraft.net

4. Please no! I don't want even more kiddos without any kind of originality advertising their bad plots 24/7. No thx


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Redstone Rank This rank should probably be better than the Obsidian Rank, just because if not it would upset the balance for other players that have bought a rank. The TAB colour of the rank should be red, even though that the YouTube tag is red, so my plan for that.... change the YouTube tag to be out in front. If you don't understand, look at what the Sr. Mod tag looks like.
this is not at all useful
how is it better?
it isn't better than obby rank just let obby stay the top
The Return of Money Walls Yes, this game has had problems in the past, mostly with hackers I would think. However, this game almost became the heart of Cubecraft and when it was released, most people on the server would play the game. More YouTubers came in a started playing, getting the server more active. Although Cubecraft is one of the most popular servers to date, Money Walls would boost it even more.
they removed it for reasons not only that it was buggy
it was also SO unpopular
/report Command Now, now, this command shouldn't be available to everyone. Not everyone on Cubecraft would take this command to heart, only the people that support the server and have shown that they actually care. So maybe this command should be released to players with ranks. If not, make it for the Obsidian rank, because people complain that the Emerald rank and Obsidian Rank are to "similar". This might not be the best idea, as I am basing it off of the fact that I hope people use it to help, not destroy.
it will still be abused no matter what regulations you put on it
the only regulation that wouldn't keep it abused is if only helpers have access to it
Creative Revamping Creative is one of the ways people can express their talent on Cubecraft, and people support it by giving Diamonds. So should diamonds be worth points? Maybe you could sell diamonds for points. IDK. What also comes to mind is the Whitelist problem. Yes, I know the staff are working hard on it, but that's not all. There should be a /promote co player command that only owners of the plot can use. This would give all co-owners of the plot control of building on the plot, or maybe not with the settings!!! Owners should be able to control what people do on there own plot. This, however, should not affect the owner of the plot in any way. There should also be a /fly command, or a way to give a /fly command to a visiting player on the plot. Since most plots are based off of parkour these days, giving a player that has finished the parkour permission to fly and to help out others, if necessary. If you want to see more examples, I would suggest checking out what Hypixel's system looks like, then adding it on to Cubecraft. This would not be advertising because of the fact that I am trying to help Cubecraft by giving the server advantages. Creative already has WorldEdit, and I'm sure the staff has more ideas in mind.
I don't even understand what you want


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2017
You guys decide, I am not here to discourage your opinions!!!
Before I get in to this, I love the updates the Cubecraft team are making. This is not meant to hurt any of the previous updates made by them. These are just friendly suggestions I have put together in my spare time and sharing them with the community of Cubecraft. At the end there will be a poll if you like the ideas down below. Yea or nea? I doesn't matter what your opinions are, and feel free to express them!!! After all, Cubecraft is a very safe community where all peoples come together!
  • Redstone Rank This rank should probably be better than the Obsidian Rank, just because if not it would upset the balance for other players that have bought a rank. The TAB colour of the rank should be red, even though that the YouTube tag is red, so my plan for that.... change the YouTube tag to be out in front. If you don't understand, look at what the Sr. Mod tag looks like.
  • The Return of Money Walls Yes, this game has had problems in the past, mostly with hackers I would think. However, this game almost became the heart of Cubecraft and when it was released, most people on the server would play the game. More YouTubers came in a started playing, getting the server more active. Although Cubecraft is one of the most popular servers to date, Money Walls would boost it even more.
  • /report Command Now, now, this command shouldn't be available to everyone. Not everyone on Cubecraft would take this command to heart, only the people that support the server and have shown that they actually care. So maybe this command should be released to players with ranks. If not, make it for the Obsidian rank, because people complain that the Emerald rank and Obsidian Rank are to "similar". This might not be the best idea, as I am basing it off of the fact that I hope people use it to help, not destroy.
  • Creative Revamping Creative is one of the ways people can express their talent on Cubecraft, and people support it by giving Diamonds. So should diamonds be worth points? Maybe you could sell diamonds for points. IDK. What also comes to mind is the Whitelist problem. Yes, I know the staff are working hard on it, but that's not all. There should be a /promote co player command that only owners of the plot can use. This would give all co-owners of the plot control of building on the plot, or maybe not with the settings!!! Owners should be able to control what people do on there own plot. This, however, should not affect the owner of the plot in any way. There should also be a /fly command, or a way to give a /fly command to a visiting player on the plot. Since most plots are based off of parkour these days, giving a player that has finished the parkour permission to fly and to help out others, if necessary. If you want to see more examples, I would suggest checking out what Hypixel's system looks like, then adding it on to Cubecraft. This would not be advertising because of the fact that I am trying to help Cubecraft by giving the server advantages. Creative already has WorldEdit, and I'm sure the staff has more ideas in mind.
These are just a few ideas I have created. This page is only meant to help the staff team, not destroy the ideas that they already have. If you, the public community of Cubecraft, would like to vote on these suggestions, scroll up more. I would love to hear more ideas so I can create another page. Better yet, I can forward it to the Mods so they can try the same thing. Technically, I can't do anything on my own. The staff team can't either. They idea's and support on those idea's, so this is a way I can help, even though I might not be a part of the staff team anyway. So do you like these ideas? The choice is yours!!!
-Much love to all yall, CamBam300
So what would you guys want in future updates then???


Novice Member
Feb 25, 2017
Before I get in to this, I love the updates the Cubecraft team are making. This is not meant to hurt any of the previous updates made by them. These are just friendly suggestions I have put together in my spare time and sharing them with the community of Cubecraft. At the end there will be a poll if you like the ideas down below. Yea or nea? I doesn't matter what your opinions are, and feel free to express them!!! After all, Cubecraft is a very safe community where all peoples come together!
  • Redstone Rank This rank should probably be better than the Obsidian Rank, just because if not it would upset the balance for other players that have bought a rank. The TAB colour of the rank should be red, even though that the YouTube tag is red, so my plan for that.... change the YouTube tag to be out in front. If you don't understand, look at what the Sr. Mod tag looks like.
  • The Return of Money Walls Yes, this game has had problems in the past, mostly with hackers I would think. However, this game almost became the heart of Cubecraft and when it was released, most people on the server would play the game. More YouTubers came in a started playing, getting the server more active. Although Cubecraft is one of the most popular servers to date, Money Walls would boost it even more.
  • /report Command Now, now, this command shouldn't be available to everyone. Not everyone on Cubecraft would take this command to heart, only the people that support the server and have shown that they actually care. So maybe this command should be released to players with ranks. If not, make it for the Obsidian rank, because people complain that the Emerald rank and Obsidian Rank are to "similar". This might not be the best idea, as I am basing it off of the fact that I hope people use it to help, not destroy.
  • Creative Revamping Creative is one of the ways people can express their talent on Cubecraft, and people support it by giving Diamonds. So should diamonds be worth points? Maybe you could sell diamonds for points. IDK. What also comes to mind is the Whitelist problem. Yes, I know the staff are working hard on it, but that's not all. There should be a /promote co player command that only owners of the plot can use. This would give all co-owners of the plot control of building on the plot, or maybe not with the settings!!! Owners should be able to control what people do on there own plot. This, however, should not affect the owner of the plot in any way. There should also be a /fly command, or a way to give a /fly command to a visiting player on the plot. Since most plots are based off of parkour these days, giving a player that has finished the parkour permission to fly and to help out others, if necessary. If you want to see more examples, I would suggest checking out what Hypixel's system looks like, then adding it on to Cubecraft. This would not be advertising because of the fact that I am trying to help Cubecraft by giving the server advantages. Creative already has WorldEdit, and I'm sure the staff has more ideas in mind.
These are just a few ideas I have created. This page is only meant to help the staff team, not destroy the ideas that they already have. If you, the public community of Cubecraft, would like to vote on these suggestions, scroll up more. I would love to hear more ideas so I can create another page. Better yet, I can forward it to the Mods so they can try the same thing. Technically, I can't do anything on my own. The staff team can't either. They idea's and support on those idea's, so this is a way I can help, even though I might not be a part of the staff team anyway. So do you like these ideas? The choice is yours!!!
-Much love to all yall, CamBam300
•I don't think Redstone rank should be added because we have enough ranks, and what features will Redstone rank have? Probably similar to obsidian rank's features.

•I didn't like the game Money walls anyways, so I don't think it should return.

•I don't think the /Report command is even helpful, it is literally the worst command ever created, because players spam the command just to get staff members' attention.

•Promoting players to Co-Owner is something another server already has, so why not change the word Co-Owner to something different (Eg: Co-Builder). You don't really need the /fly command, because the plot owners set the word to adventure mode so visitors won't fly, and if plot owners want visitors to fly, they could just set the plot to creative mode.

Keep up the good work!

Thank you. :D
Last edited:

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015

The game 'Money Walls' has been removed due to the unpopularity of the game. As that, I don't think it'll come back.
It got removed due to its unpopularity and I don't think this will come back.
they removed it for reasons not only that it was buggy
it was also SO unpopular
Well seeing how many threads there are to "bring back Money Walls" we can definitely conclude that it WASN'T removed due unpopularity.


Dedicated Member
Jul 11, 2014
The only suggestion I like here is the last one: creative revamp

Red stone rank has been suggested in the past and there really isn't a need for it. It would be too similar to other ranks.

/report was removed in the past because of abuse and it spammed staff. Also. It didn't really do anything.

Money Walls was removed because it wasn't popular and there were only two maps, and was pretty much dead short after its release.

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
What's the reason then? I've been telling me that there were always less than 3 lobbies.
It had around 5 - 7. Besides UHC, Blockband have less than 3 lobbies? Shouldn't we remove them aswell?

About your question:
  • Game-killing bug. The final nail in Money Wall's coffin was the inexplicable bug that caused the game to boot everyone upon starting. Simply put, our devs have bigger fish to fry than to fix a less popular version of a major game.
  • Lack of originality. It's literally Eggwars but with slightly different loot, the egg is replaced with a skeleton, and the island aspect is removed. Removing Money Walls makes room for new games, like Blockband. It should be noted that Blockband didn't "replace" Money Walls. It is in no way meant as a substitute for the removed game. We just happened to put it in Money Walls' place.
  • Unpopular. The game always played second fiddle to Eggwars, which is one of our most trafficked games.
  • New potential. With one game gone, we have room for a new game. Maybe we'll port a classic over from the Chunk; maybe we'll make one of the countless games I've suggested over the years. The possibilities are endless!
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Dedicated Member
Apr 22, 2017
-1 for the redstone rank, it would be pointless.
+1 for money walls, it was popular and I want to check it out as I never got to play it before it was removed.
-1 for the report command, it would be abused and multiple suggestions for it have been rejected.
The only thing creative needs rn imo is the default plot size to be increased to 64x64.
You have some great ideas! I think the /report command is not comming back. Cubecraft would be spammed with reports again. And only a small % are actuall good reports. I think that it would be a better idea to let the anticheat notify staff about suspicious activity around players.
The rank idea is pretty good tho. Cubecraft might add more ranks in the future!
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Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Well seeing how many threads there are to "bring back Money Walls" we can definitely conclude that it WASN'T removed due unpopularity.
well being that there were bugs that caused players to be unable to play since it kicked them from the game...
also the amount isn't the same
in the lobby you'd generally see an equal amount of players in blockband but people don't make threads about this game so your studies aren't that even
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Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
well being that there were bugs that caused players to be unable to play since it kicked them from the game...
also the amount isn't the same
in the lobby you'd generally see an equal amount of players in blockband but people don't make threads about this game so your studies aren't that even
The amount of Blockband players is 2 to 3.
I'm pretty sure I was able to join 20 player maps before that game breaking bug. I even played Hide N Seek once inside the lobby with 5 people. I can still remember that there were 2 - 3 maps almost full most of the times.
Seeing how block band has around 4 players inside 1 lobby. I can definetly conclude that Money Walls is more popular.

Oh and this:

Oh and lets not forget my favorite one with 69 positive votes:

I believe @KronosReeper has more threads regarding the revival of Money Walls.
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