I feel like most players in skywars duos only mine where they get diamonds and I feel like the amount of diamonds in one base is absurd and in my opinion a base should only have at least 5 diamonds per base.Whenever you go to mid sometimes mid chest are really disappointing and sometimes the chest in them have no loot and when you see someone in there base you expect them to have maybe 2 diamond pieces but not full diamond you might get lucky and get full diamond but it’s pretty rare to get full diamond in one or two chest and I feel like they should make maps to were you would have to go to mid to get decent armour or golden apples. Also the maps that have diamond blocks in semi mid I don’t know what the map is called but I feel like they should removed the diamond blocks on mid. The reason is again is too op someone can get all the diamond blocks make diamond armour and kill everyone. I feel like in skywars you should go to mid to get diamond but not a lot because mid can get pretty op and people would want to change that idea. Like minecraft Monday skywars there wasn’t a lot of diamond for you to get full diamond but enough to make you a helmet or sword. So just make diamonds a little and not too much to get full diamond just enough to make one diamond piece or two that all.