Deleted member 601525
Giga blockwars in most games is basically just a race for who can get diamonds the fastest. The Outcome of matches is often decided in its first couple minutes and depends almost entirely on which team is lucky enough to have a large amount of players who actually try to get diamonds.
And the update made some time ago, that removed diamond blocks and replaced them with diamond ores did not help at all.
In fact, it made things worse because now attempting to steal diamonds when your opponent controls them is much harder as it leads to situations where you can't get enough diamonds to craft something useful without getting caught and killed.
All it achieved was make the "battle" for diamonds at the start of games last a bit longer and ocassionally require players to get iron first, it did not balance it out though as the outcome of it still heavily relies on who gets there first and which team is luckier to have more players go for diamonds early, only with the difference that arriving a couple seconds late is punished less and getting away with a "hit and run" tactic where you grab diamonds without fighting for them and run away is much harder to pull off.
That last part really makes it a lot easier to prevent opponents from getting diamonds by just camping on them, which makes the balancing problem worse.
This could be changed, if diamonds weren't exclusive solely to the central areas of the map, instead being more spread out across the map so that way the center becomes less crowded and players on both teams can get diamonds without having to risk fighting the opponent as well as allowing players who join late to get diamonds even if the opposing team has more of them and has control over the center of the map.
It would also force players trying to control diamond spawners to either be confined to only one spot where diamonds can spawn or move around more between those spots, which would also make it easier to get diamonds. Additionally, the diamond spawners closer to the opponents base would be much harder to control overall due to the naturally higher amount of opponent players there.
Alternatively its also possible to increase the amount of weapons capable of killing players with strong armor or reduce the amount of diamonds available to the point where getting enough diamonds for even just one piece of armor is equal to several minutes of grinding.
And the update made some time ago, that removed diamond blocks and replaced them with diamond ores did not help at all.
In fact, it made things worse because now attempting to steal diamonds when your opponent controls them is much harder as it leads to situations where you can't get enough diamonds to craft something useful without getting caught and killed.
All it achieved was make the "battle" for diamonds at the start of games last a bit longer and ocassionally require players to get iron first, it did not balance it out though as the outcome of it still heavily relies on who gets there first and which team is luckier to have more players go for diamonds early, only with the difference that arriving a couple seconds late is punished less and getting away with a "hit and run" tactic where you grab diamonds without fighting for them and run away is much harder to pull off.
That last part really makes it a lot easier to prevent opponents from getting diamonds by just camping on them, which makes the balancing problem worse.
This could be changed, if diamonds weren't exclusive solely to the central areas of the map, instead being more spread out across the map so that way the center becomes less crowded and players on both teams can get diamonds without having to risk fighting the opponent as well as allowing players who join late to get diamonds even if the opposing team has more of them and has control over the center of the map.
It would also force players trying to control diamond spawners to either be confined to only one spot where diamonds can spawn or move around more between those spots, which would also make it easier to get diamonds. Additionally, the diamond spawners closer to the opponents base would be much harder to control overall due to the naturally higher amount of opponent players there.
Alternatively its also possible to increase the amount of weapons capable of killing players with strong armor or reduce the amount of diamonds available to the point where getting enough diamonds for even just one piece of armor is equal to several minutes of grinding.