Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Mar 22, 2024
Good day gentlemen moderators, first of all I want to inform you that months ago my Discord account was accidentally accessed on another device that was not mine and because of that it was hacked by an individual I don't know and caused my account to be banned from the cubecraft server. discord, I would like to please appeal my ban and I contacted support and they told me that in the forums section a Moderator could attend to my appeal regarding this issue. cordially Discord: Famoso_pitiki

buen dia señores moderadores, quiero primero que todo informar que meses atras mi cuenta de discord fue ingresada accidentalmente en otro dispositivo que no era mio y debido a eso fue hackeado por un individuo que desconosco y hiso que mi cuenta fuera baneada dem servidor de cubecraft em discord, quisiera porfavor apelar mi ban ya contacte con soporte y me dijeron que en el apartado de foros un Moderador podia atendender mi apelación a este suseso.
Discord: Famoso_pitiki
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Notion Updates:
Secret Project 4 (another beta game) has been added to Notion
Java map rotations has begun testing and is likely to release tomorrow
Actually, I wanted to release the full version of CrazyCraftV1 on April 1st.
Due to hard work for the school, hard work for the Guides and something else, it will unfortunately only be a pre-release.
The full version is still in progress.

I think it’s finished at the middle of April!
Centuria wrote on Zawuri's profile.
Thamk you!
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. I didn't expect so many people to remember (mainly because of how inactive I am and how I suck with dates personally) but it was a nice surprise to see so many people wishing me well. Thank you all.
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