Although Snowman Survival is related to Christmas because Christmas is the time people build snowmen, I think it should end when the snow disappears, or when winter ends March 22nd. 40 days is not really the amount of time between snow coming and snow melting, and snowman survival should be that length between snow coming and melting.
@Tacosbefriends liked it instantly :D, he adored it.
I loved Snowman Survival, and to be honest, I think it will be brought back under a different name and different maps.
If not, we should keep in mind that it was a
seasonally game and it will likely come back next year.
However, If I take a look at Line Dash, which used to be a Christmas Game too, it has been abandoned and not really a lot of players play it, I think the same would happen with Snowman Survival.
In the end, I do think it will be brought back, but I don't encourage it.