I was recently playing a Lucky Islands game on Cube Craft, and I had full diamond armor besides and iron chestplate and there were 2 players left. I looked around the map, and I couldn't see the last player, most likely because he was shifting in his island, which makes the game frustrating and not enjoyable. After 30 minutes, I timed out most likely because the game had gone to far.
I've had similar instances of this happen before on Cube Craft.
Start adding compasses that point in the nearest players direction, or tell you how far away you are from the player. Also, adding a WorldBorder or something along those lines that force players to go to middle and fight.
The way CubeCraft is set up now is in a way that campers don't get punished and they can camp without anything happening to them.
I hope you take some feedback from this post.
Thank you
I was recently playing a Lucky Islands game on Cube Craft, and I had full diamond armor besides and iron chestplate and there were 2 players left. I looked around the map, and I couldn't see the last player, most likely because he was shifting in his island, which makes the game frustrating and not enjoyable. After 30 minutes, I timed out most likely because the game had gone to far.
I've had similar instances of this happen before on Cube Craft.
Start adding compasses that point in the nearest players direction, or tell you how far away you are from the player. Also, adding a WorldBorder or something along those lines that force players to go to middle and fight.
The way CubeCraft is set up now is in a way that campers don't get punished and they can camp without anything happening to them.
I hope you take some feedback from this post.
Thank you