Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2015
The days had begun to blend together. Harry wasn't sure if it was Wednesday, or Thursday. He had spent at least three weeks in his chair. Though the man had already recognized the patterns and daytime routines of each day. On a Wednesday, the person in the room to the West of his always left their room at 10:25 for the same reason, every Wednesday. However on Thursdays, on his East the wailing stopped. It was something he had gotten used to, the gentle screams for justice next door.

Each day he would be woken at 5:00 am by the wardens bringing his breakfast. At 8:30 am they would return with syringes and walky-talkies, if he decided to struggle, they had tasers at hand. He was forced medicine to keep him awake, and emotionless so suicide was out of the question. Time would fly by, and after hours of nonstop gaming, 1:00 would hit and his lunch would be delivered. A bowl of lukewarm soup, a piece of slightly stale bread, and a carton of milk. It was one percent...disgusting.

Back before he graduated from grade school, and when he could only handle playing the few MMORPG's and Tetris games he bought with his allowance, Harry was deeply intrigued by the way pixels could gather, and do his bidding. He had long since grown out of the simple games, moving onto large console franchise RPG's such as Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty. Even while those were entertaining, he had yet to find the one game that struck his fancy.

After lunch today, was when the trainer would come in and force Harry to exercise inside the game. This was the day he would be hooked up to tubes, a black motorcycle-like helmet settled over his curls - effectively crushing them against his face and rubbing gently into his skin. The annoying pricks of IV drips and fluid food drips sliding into the skin under his arms. He swallowed down his food, shuddering at the thought. He remembered the last time he had dived into it...the game called 'Minecraft'. They had told it was a child's game...but oh how wrong they had been.


They called this place; "Cubecraft", and when entering this world it was immediately clear as to why. The characters walk by, a harsh clicking sound emitting from their freakishly cubic limbs. I turn my head, trying my hardest to examine my own body, but to no avail. My gaze snaps up as a voice speaks inside of my mind. "Alright Harry, your first game is simple. It is called 'Survival Games', think Hunger Games on this one bud. You're good at killing right? Perfect for this one."

The screen becomes black, and before he could adjust to the light difference, he was dropped onto a platform. He takes in his surroundings, realizing he was part of 23 others surrounding a large platform littered in chests. Each person looked different, but according to the film this was like, each deadly. Judging by the few chests behind his body as well, it seemed as though there were more than what is offered in the center. That would be his escape. The moment the loud dinging ceased, Harry launched off of the platform and begun sprinted away from the masses of screaming players and fists hitting fists. He didn't stop running for a while, halting once he approached a small house.

He quietly raids the three chests inside. Receiving a wooden sword, leather boots and an iron helmet, a pair of carrots, 10 pieces of steak - cooked, and what looked like a compass. There were words etched along the back of it's cool metal. They read, "Player Tracking Compass: Will move toward the closest enemy." Harry smirked internally, seeing as the player characters apparently couldn't move their minor body parts. He steps out of the home, compass in hand. It happened to be pointing to the way he had come, pointing 120 blocks in that direction. Harold figured that the enemies would eventually kill each other off...and so if he could manage to hideout until then...he eats a steak and continues to run.

Eventually he reaches a beautiful dock, one that held a large double chest at one end. He glances down at his compass, realizing the position had changed to directly ahead. However it said 308 blocks away...he should be safe. He made his way toward the dock, his feet clicking annoyingly against the wooden surface. He opens the chest, frowning to see it empty. However as it closes, he glances at his compass. 10 blocks, behind his position. Chills ran up his spine, and he spun, wielding his sword with a small glare. There stood an almost completely unarmed player. His name lit up his creepy features, ones that looked as though they had been carved in with a knife. "XXHACKSFORDAYSXX." I murmur, examine him with a small smirk.

Harry rushed forward, only to stop in his tracks as the newcomer zooms straight upward into the air, now holding onto a glittering diamond sword, his head tilting downward toward Harold's player. "Game over...noob." He says softly, launching at Harold with a speed that seemed unreasonably fast. No game would implement such unfair advantages! Harry's body flies backward with impact, thudding against the ground. He moves to stand, forced back against the wood as the other places a hard boot against his chest. He drops some sort of vile on Harold, and he found he no longer could lift himself.

Suddenly, the man's player became more realistic. The wind blew harshly against his pale skin. He stood at the edge of a small dock, looking out at the twinkling blue water which reflected the starry sky above...a natural mirror. He shifts, the water catching the sword held in his hand, glinting against the small pools.

The man squats, his strong quads flexing with movement. Red liquid drips slowly down the blade, splashing into the water. He runs his lithe fingers over the hilt and chuckles. The laugh was deep in his throat, coming out more like a chocolate purr. That was the fifth person. Hiding his hacks had become too easy, nobody ever came to this place it was hidden behind everything, tucked away behind firewalls and coding. They hid pretty well once he added a few codes to the mainframe.

XXHACKSFORDAYSXX leans over the glittering water, his eyes glinting dangerously as he dips the knifes blade underneath the cool surface, rinsing the blood completely off before tugging it free. Droplets of pink water splatter against the dock as he stands and turns, his pixelized boots clicking deeply with the contact to the wood beneath him. The haunting sound comes to a halt and he kneels down once again, the brown suede squares stopping in front of another pair of shoes, these ones horizontal.

The moonlight shone down on his hair, shadowing out his face and causing him to show up like a silhouette from a thriller film. Hell, with what he was currently busying himself with made the assumption true. His large hand slips under the short fabric of the body, and he lets put a soft breath while shoving he short up and exposing bone pale skin. "GG." He whispered to the paralyzed Harry, a winning smirk on his face.

He raises his blade, humming softly. A sweet and haunting tune from his childhood as the knife slices through skin and fat. It was like cutting through butter. Blood immediately spots his hands, and he curses softly, wiping his hands on his cape.


Harold awakens, lifting his body slightly and removing his helmet. The tech team stares at him, shock evident in their eyes. "Harry...what in the world was that?" A grim smile crosses his plump lips, and he softly responds, a glint in his eyes that only one type of player could elicit.

"That. Was a hacker...and he is going to be stopped. I am diving tomorrow, same place...same time."

I truly hope you enjoyed it! It took me quite some time, this isn't specifically about hackers on Cubecraft SG, but mainly about the other day when I encountered one in EggWars. I rarely see them on the server, so go CCG! Any feedback you can provide toward the story would be great! Thanks for reading :D


Forum Expert
Jun 25, 2014
Warning: some foul language.


I'm a 911 operator. I've received numerous chilling calls throughout my career, but this one still haunts me to this day.

I received this call at about 3:00 AM, on September 24, 2009.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Hi, uh, there's someone... some thing... out in my backyard."

"Do you have any description? What does he look like?"

"uh, he's turned the other way... he appears to be about, uh, 6 foot 2. He's wearing a dark suit. I heard some, um, scratching noises coming from the backyard when I was sleeping and woke up to check it out..."

"What's the man doing?"

"I don't know... he's pacing around my backyard, uh, maybe he's drunk or something?.."

"Have you ever had a problem like this before? And are you alone?"

"no, uh, I just moved in last week. Yes I'm alone."

"What's your name and address, sir?"

"I'm Marco. 478 Cubecraf - what the hell, he's staring at me!"

"What's the full address?"



"This 'man' is no man! He's made out of cubes!"

"I'm sorry?... He's made out of cubes?"

"yeah, uh, just - What the FUCK he's walking towards my window! Just get someone over here! Please!"

"Stay calm Marco. We have an officer on the way."

"Thank you... this thing is still walking towards me.. he has no nose or mouth!"

"Okay... just stay on the phone with me."



"..he's OPENING THE WINDOW! Get someone over here damn it!"

"We have someone on the way. Is there a room you can lock yourself in?"

"(heavy breathing) yes, yes, uh, I'm going to my bedroom.. SHIT the lock's not working!!"

"Is this thing in the house?"




I hear a deafening scream... the scream of a dying man.


The screaming stops. I hear movement, then breathing.

More breathing.


In a menacing tone, the thing says:

"Hello. Am Joe. I need about tree fiddy."

Then he hung up.


The officer who was sent there never returned. The body of the caller was never found inside the house either. There was an eight week long search for Marco's body, the missing officer, and the thing that appeared at that man's house that night. None were ever found. DNA was taken from all parts of the house, but after months of studying the DNA, it never lead back to anyone other than Marco. What happened that night is still a mystery, and I have nightmares about it regularly.

Thank's for reading. I have not shared the details of this call with anyone until today. I feel much better now.

Let me know if you're interested in reading any of my other creepy 911 calls. I might write another one.
I love Cryaotic :)))


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Mi historia de miedo

Usted nunca debe ponerse en el espejo y repetir nueve veces seguidas nombre Alegandra. Sé que usted puede haber oído esta historia ... Se podría pensar que es una mentira y no me lo creo ... está bien, está bien, pero por favor no se burlan de él y que puede caer sobre ti una terrible maldición.

Alegandra era una niña de 14 años que por el espiritismo en una casa abandonada no siguió las reglas de fantasmas, se burló durante toda la invocación y una silla en la habitación cobró vida y fatalmente golpeado en la cabeza. Pero el espíritu de venganza no se detuvo ahí: incluso Alegandra no descansa en paz. Su espíritu está condenado para siempre y ahora es ella la que quiere vengarse de alguien que no sabe cómo respetar a la otra vida.

Diana era una chica que conoció la leyenda en su universidad. Ella era lo suficientemente mayor como para creer en esa mierda, pensó y se rió. Sus amigos les timaron, como si fuera tan valiente tendría ningún problema en hacerlo. Se fue a un cuarto de baño, acompañado de un colega y lo hizo. No pasó nada y el grupo, riendo, se olvidó de inmediato.

Pero Diana no podía olvidar. Al hacerlo sintió un escalofrío indesscriptible ... y su pesadilla comenzó esa noche. Se tumbó en la cama, despertó por un ruido extraño. Fue un murmullo indescifrable oído cerca del cuello. También se sentía como si alguien respirando en el cuello. Asustada, ella se levantó y encendió la luz. Nada lado. Pero no pudo dormir en toda la noche.

Al día siguiente, no se atrevió a decirle a nadie más que a la universidad todavía estaba aterrorizado por lo que había sucedido la noche anterior. En medio de la clase tuvo que dejar el servicio. Cuando entró en el cuarto de baño, hacía mucho frío y una capa de niebla cubrió el espejo. Diana se limpió con la mano y vio horrorizado que después de que ella tenía una chica con una expresión de odio y sangre en la cabeza. Cuando volvió a mirar, ya no había nadie. Se rió nerviosamente, pensando que era toda su imaginación, los nervios y la fatiga. Sin embargo, volviéndose hacia el espejo vio algo que dejó blanco. En la niebla tenía frase escrita: "Usted no me debe invitar a la espalda."

Diana no podía soportar. Encerrado en un manicomio, se limitó a decir que el fantasma se cierne sobre la Alegandra. No pudo soportarlo y acabó suicidándose.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
My sacry story:

You should never put yourself in the mirror and repeat nine times followed Alegandra name. I know you may have heard this story ... You might think it's a lie and you do not believe me ... okay, it's okay, but please do not make fun of it and that you can fall on you a terrible curse.

Alegandra was a girl of 14 who by spiritualism in an abandoned house did not follow the rules of ghosts, taunted throughout the invocation and a chair in the room came alive and fatally hit in the head. But revenge spirit did not stop there: even Alegandra not rest in peace. His spirit is doomed forever and now it is she who wants revenge on anyone who does not know how to respect the Hereafter.

Diana was a girl he met the legend at his university. She was old enough to believe in that crap, she thought and laughed. Her friends got stung, as if it was so brave would have no problems in doing so. He went to a bathroom, accompanied by a colleague and it did. Nothing happened and the group, laughing, he forgot immediately.

But Diana could not forget. In doing so he felt a shiver indesscriptible ... and his nightmare began that night. He lay in bed, awakened by a strange sound. It was an indecipherable whisper heard near the neck. Also it felt like someone breathing on his neck. Frightened, she got up and turned on the light. Nothing beside him. But he could not sleep all night.

The next day, he did not dare tell anyone but college was still terrified by what had happened the night before. In half of the class she had to leave the service. When she entered the bathroom, it was very cold and a layer of fog covered the mirror. Diana wiped it with his hand and saw horrified that after she had a girl with an expression of hatred and blood in the head. When he looked again, there was no longer anyone. He laughed nervously, thinking it was all his imagination, nerves and fatigue. However, turning to the mirror he saw something that left white. In the fog he had written sentence: "You should not invite me back."

Diana could not stand. Locked up in an asylum, saying only that the ghost was haunting the Alegandra. He could not stand it and ended up committing suicide.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2015
One day there was a nice little girl out walking. A few hours later came a brilliant idea in her head! She went to dress up as a zombie girl. And two hours later it had more than 100 candy in her purse! She went to bed and she heard a strange noise ... It came into the kitchen and saw father '' death '' on the ground. Her father took her to scare you! She was going to faint. 15 minutes later she was in bed. She saw a pumpkin out the window. and sat in what some sweets there. But it was a trap bow! Someone grabbed her hand and dragged outward. A crazy man had a chain saw firmly and shall cut her hand through it. end


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2015


Twice there and once gone...

Cubon opens doors and locks,

Cubon opens nubs and hawks...

Wind shaved my hair in position...

Training shaved my body in condition...

And I can just live my holy live further as a 15 year old kid of the richest man and the prettiest girl on Earth. Atleast... 15 years ago she was the prettiest girl on Earth. My father always wants the newest 'prettiest girl' on Earth, but in 2011 a girl didn't want to go to bed with my father, so he threw an atomic bomb on her house and since then my father gets every girl he wants.

Tomorrow it is there... The happy halloween! Fear of the monsters, fear of playing cubecraft and fear of eating living spiders! All including alot of fun! I don't think anything could possibly go wrong, as this totally isn't a horror story...


A brand new day began! My cat runs downstairs probably hoping to get food and my naked father lies on the stairs with a 2 feet smaller girl beneath him. I cover my eyes and ears, put a paper in my nose and walk to the bathroom. I close the door, take all protection out and let my robot brush my teeth, wash me, take my urine and shit out of me, dry me, put my cloths on and hugs me. After the 3-minute robot-hug he release me and coughs: 'Be-e caref-all ful'

I press the button and the robot starts his engine, flies to me, drags me down and flies back to the bathroom. I grab an XXL icecream, turn the television on and zap to 'Cubecraft news'.


It sounds like there is a rambo movie going on, but it is just the news... 'Cubon has escaped outof his bird cage and now he wants to make everything cuby and craftable! Tanks aren't a match for his wool and our wool isn't a match for his fire!' the man screams... he's almost only made of blocks... 'Nastyyyyy' my father appearantly heard me saying and he ran downstairs worried if someone was raping me. 'No dad, no one is raping me' I yelled at him. He stared at me for a couple seconds, but then the television took his attention. 'So this has to happen at halloween...' I laugh.

'Dad... I don't think this will help us...' Yeah, my father really tries everything... Throwing an atomic bomb with the name 'Halloween' on it won't solve the problem. Unfortunately my father is unstoppable when he wants something, so the atomic bomb WILL explode on the creature! I don't think I can do anything else than sitting on the sofa and watching television...

A couple of minutes later the creature got bombed... About 3 seconds after I saw it on screen I hear alot of yelling and screaming... However I don't think it is because of them being happy, as it would sound different. I run to the door and I see the street bombed with black fluids! Then my father pushes me inside and closes the door. He drags me upstairs like he had muscles! He dropped me down in my room, closed the door, ran back to his room, got some stuff and came back to mine. 'Open the door' he screams. But I don't know what to do... Is it a trap? Is it the creature? Then I hear 'OPEN THE DOOR NOW!' I froze... Not being able to do anything besides sitting there on my bed... Leaving my father to scream his own grave. Then I start hearing sounds screaming for help and 'Happy Halloween'... Mixed together in a horrible sound...

As terrifying as it was, I have to keep going. I grab the scissors and slowly walk to my window. I look outside and I see people running, screaming and dying... Blood, bones and black fluids... I put my chair in the place of where my window was, locked there with tape. Then there is no light anymore... Nothing but sounds, strange smelling stuff and the floor... Then I hear something... Like... like... Then I feel something like heavy water crawling up my body to my mouth... I stop breathing, lie down on my back, pray to god to take revenge and die as a Cubecrafter.

How can a Cubecrafter die better,

Than eating XXL icecreams,

For the devs of Creative,

And the builders of spawn.


IGN: rafaellabbe

Email: popapona3000@hotmail.com


Dedicated Member
Aug 28, 2014
Silence. It was incredibly quiet in the old forest. The leaves were not whispering. The trees were not moaning.
And the birds were not singing. This silence would not have been that scary if it weren't so dark. The moon was hiding behind the clouds and there were no torches in this ancient forest.
I looked around, trying to give shape to the ominous shadows around me. I shambled further and every single step brought me deeper into the woods.
I walked a few feet, but then stopped again. I stood still and closed my eyes. Actually, did I? There was basically no difference between having my eyes closed or open.
The only thing I could see was darkness. Baleful darkness. A scream. I held my breath and opened my eyes. I had heard a scream. In the distance.
However, it did not sound human. Was it just my imagination? I was just about to start walking again when I heard it again. The sound was just so horrible, so inhuman, it made my flesh creep.
I should have listened to the innkeeper. He had told me about the secrets of this land. The secrets of Factions. I did not believe him.
It was not cold outside, but I still shivered. I heard the scream again, closer this time. I closed my hand around the hilt of my sword as I stepped back.
Was that the punding of hoofs in the distance? It came closer and closer. I anxiously looked far down the road, but there was nothing to be seen. And once again, I heard that scream.
Now I could also hear bells ringing. A deep, strong sound. I turned around and started to run. Back to civilization.
It didn't matter how fast I ran, the hoofs came closer and I was sure it wouldn't take long until the horses (I assumed it were horses) caught up.
I decided to stop running and turned around again. The bells were still ringing and the sound of hoofs was deafening. But then, suddenly, it stopped.
No bells, no hoofs, no screaming. However, I did hear another sound now. Breathing. There was something big standing in front of me and I could hear its heavy breath.
No answer.
'Who is there?'
This time, I didn't have to wait for an answer. The clouds slowly disappeared and the moon illuminated the creature in front of me. It was even bigger than I thought.
I knew what this was. This was the so called Luctus. I have heard several bards singing about this terrible monster. I always thought it was just a fairy-tale.
Unfortunately for me, it wasn't. As the story tells, the Luctus was created by an evil wizard called 'Reffuts Niffum'. Reffuts Niffum lived in this thriving country called 'Factions'.
However, the wizard could not stand the happiness and the wealth of the people. 'People live to suffer!', he said. He disappeared and nobody had ever seen him again.
Years went by and the people forgot about the wizard. This was a mistake; a big mistake. Because while the people were living their lives in the beautiful cities, the wizard was working on something horrible in the ancient forest.
He had brutally killed his own son, his own mother and his own wife. He cut them in parts and eventually threw these parts in a smelly concoction.
When the wizard had finished the brew, he drank it. All of it. His hair started to grow and he rose up in the sky. The wizard bawled so loud, all the citizens of Factions could hear him.
'You shall fear me', he said, 'For I am Luctus and I will bring you grief and death!'
His voice sounded barely human. He didn't look human either. Except for his eyes. That was the scariest parts. He had human eyes, which seemed to look right through you.
And now, here I was. Face to face with the monster that had exterminated every single person in Factions.
I stepped back and drew my sword. I knew my chances to defeat this monster were nil, but running wouldn't help either.
The Luctus growled. 'You fool! How dare you enter my forest? Die now!' He stepped forward and tried to hit me to the ground.
I just dodged the fist and managed to stab the Luctus in his hand. A big black substance was gushing from the wound and the Luctus pulled back his hand.
He cried and he fearfully looked at his wound. I realised this was my chance to defeat him. I ran forward, jumped and I was just about to stab the Luctus in his chest when he raised his hands and said the following:
'Lag, oh mighty lag, please do take care of this scrag!'
I felt my body weaken and my sword was hold back by an invisible force. I relented and I relented, until I couldn't feel anything anymore.
It became incredibly quiet. Silence had won once again. Or had it? No, not yet! I couldn't let this happen. I will overcome the silence!
I took a deep breath... and screamed. I screamed as loud as possible. I regained my power and my sword drilled through the Luctus's cursed heart.
This was the last thing I ever did. The Luctus used his sorcery, one last time. He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the void. We both died.
The Luctus is dead. I am dead. Factions is dead.
It was incredibly quiet in the old forest. Silence.
Is it possible to give the rank to someone else if I win?
If it is, I'd like johnyestaloca to get the rank


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2014
Don't think that this is another normal spooky story. This is something that is going to change your life or should i say save it so listen carefully. CubeCraftGames isn't what you think it is. Secretly behind all those pixels is a hidden secret that the staff have been keeping from us.This message is probably going to be deleted soon so i don't have much time.
Look haven't you noticed the amount of new maps being created.This is because the staff are trying to lure us in get us distracted so we don't notice what is really going on. What is that you may ask? Simple they are trapping us in the game making it a reality they do this buy using a cubetube5000 creeping up behind you that turns you into pixels and sending you into the maps to kill or be killed by other players.
Behind all of CubeCrafts fun is a completely new hunger games, and what is the worst part? No one else playing knows that you are actually inside the game and so simply kill you FOR FUN.
You may want to look at the 1st word of each paragraph now. It's to late for me. Don't let it be to late for you.
wow that messed up. it was supposed to say dont look behind you on the beginning of each parograph


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2014
In-game name: FeedmasterMC
Good luck to everyone! I hope to win, but anyway I had a lot of fun writing the story!!


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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2015
My entry( a poem because I wanted 2 be different)
There once was a boy,
who was full of joy,
until it came to halloween.
Then he wasn't so keen.
Thinking about Cubecraft,
didn't make him feel so daft,
in fact it made him feel safe,
as he knew how to strafe.
Playing a round of Hunger Games,
made him feel ashamed,
for he was thoughtlessly killing,
even though it was not fulfilling.
He started seeing his victims' ghosts,
looking at him like he was a beef roast.
And not soon after he was under attack,
the ultimate killing weapon pointed at his back.
The End


The Weird party (My english is bad so....)

In a castle, away from here there was a nice princess and a mad king...
they wanted to organise a cool party but then? it WAS a cool party, but the creepy horror baby named CREEPSETH came...
listen to me, i will tell you the storry!

Princess Sandy was checking the party room, it was ready! Let the party begin!
And yes. everyone came. Eyeball Ssssem, The Scream, Charley Deadhead and even more!
The party was ready.

But then... Creepseth came... the lights were off. He said, the castle was of him! he killed Charles Killer...
Everyone was scared, but the princess wasn't. She knocked on the door and asked why Creepseth did this...
No answers, but she saw 1 thing, and it was her dad, talking with Creepseth.
Sandy was Shocked she didn't know her dad was SO mad!

Sandy wished that all strong people beated the door...
after 2 hours trying it was open! everyone wished to go to their house, but Strong Regan wanted to help Sandy, so he did.
They were searching, and searching, and..... eating and.guess it SEARCHING!
After 3 weeks they found Creepseth, and he scared them, then he screamed at them THAT STRONG REGAN AND SANDY WILL DIE!
Then he hung them on the tree and beat them and laughed at them.. after some weeks he had the castle

even 2 years later he had Halloween... he called it HalloSeth.
He wished that there was a poster with him on it...

After 2 years trying to get away from creepseth, it worked.. FINALLY! we can beat Creepseth!
and it worked! Creepseth was dead and now they can party! Mad King died 2 cause the other people wanted it.

Sandy and Strong Regan won!



Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2015
One day in Cubecraft I was playing Skywars and I had never felt so happy, had won five straight games and was now in an exciting game against a user at the same time was my friend John, I threw a sword thrust with his sword diamond enchanted and it took me several hearts, I did not give up so I threw a snowball for him down because he was near the island but failed and ended up losing was me since I launched a second espadazo that destroyed me; I did not give up so I asked a rematch but something happened, something so scary that that day changed everything for me, my friend and all users Cubecraft.

What happened that day was called The Curse of Anonymous 666, it sounds weird and frightening so I tell them what happened, it started to rain in Cubecraft and the sky turned dark, could not happen in a server never rains and It was happening right there, my friend Juan who spoke via Skype impressed said: "What is going on?", to which I replied: "I do not know." Most impressive is that began to disappear users and I was beginning to fear, I said, "an error in the game?" But then I realized that it was not, it was dark all, and it started raining blood, fell rays destroying some users' heads exploding brains and blood drawing the small hole that remained of his head and the few remaining users including me and John started talking crazy chat in terror and longing for not knowing what was happening.

After that were illogical and strange killing five users John, Mary, Stephen, Fernanda and Mincho; "Let's get out of here!" John said, but could not surprise, was blocked Cubecraft could only be on the server and nothing else, tried to shut down the computer directly and told people that if they could but it did not work; until we heard a macabre laugh that paralyzed us and that macabre laughter became a voice of terror and said, "They'll be locked up here forever, so I'll suffer through the agony and subsequent death, I turn to you Mincho, if you want out of this with your friends must find and kill me but only Mincho can do as it is chosen from the curse of Anonymous 666. Exactly, I am Anonymous 666 King of Endermans and Herobrine probably have not heard of me, so I I will tell my story "

"I was a normal guy like you," continued Anonymous 666. "I called 666 because I love Anonymous witchcraft so not suffer losing a game in my favorite server Cubecraft so I invented a curse that I would never lose however Cubecraft creator Notch discovered me and invented a curse against using the programming and locked me in this server, but he knew he would be free one day so through codes created a user program that would be my supposed weakness: Mincho and hoped that someone chose that user, Mincho's you, you are the unfortunate who will face me and we all know that the winner will be me, "and launched another macabre laughter and silence.

I did not understand anything nor my colleagues either, we were shocked by what happened and scared because we did not know what to do, but there it was, in my game and my favorite companions locked server forever; I had to give 666 Anonymous case but that could finish my me and my friends and I suddenly realized there was a void: 666 Anonymous was a real person behind a computer or playing was actually a demon ?, and if was a demon were finished. "I'll look," I said through chat. "What's wrong?" John answered me and continued. "We have to overcome together as a team, support me?" He asked the other. All said yes saying we had to leave together because we were locked together.

PUM! A super beam had fallen on us and we had taken several hearts and we all get a surprise because we felt the pain felt by the characters in the game and we realized something terrifying. If we died we died in the game in real life and on top we realized that all game characters who had died previously would have died in real life so we had to be careful. They communicate to my colleagues through my chat deduction and were terrified and took the game seriously, something that would be impossible would be real relied on a game for a living.

"I will destroy them!" Said Anonymous 666 and gave us another ray dodged but right in the area where he fell the lightning started gushing blood and left a bloody girl and a white dress, the hair on his face and gave us a terrifying scream that made us twisting in pain. All were weak and that little girl with her hands started making strange movements and zombies out of his fingers, these zombies out with twisted head and said, "Anonymous 666" without stopping and with a frightening tone that paralyzed our hearts. "The first step is to meet this girl and defeat his army of zombies" 666 Anonymous said, he launched another macabre laugh and exploded releasing one of the zombies brains, blood and bodies everywhere.

"! Tackle" said Fernanda, so fight against zombies and I realized I had never played in my life at that time, for every zombie killing exploded and I threw all their guts to me: "Yuck" I thought at the time but I kept fighting and I noticed my teammates. Juan was fighting three at time, Mary had lost his sword so I tried to dodge the blows of zombies and when he could beat them as he found his sword; Fortunately he found and began to beat zombies, Esteban fight with a peak and throwing arrows with your bow right and left, but my attention was Fernanda which fought with the girl that just their hands dodging their attacks, when suddenly rang a punch that Fernanda had sent away and left him very weak. "Cover it!" I said and replaced it in the fight with the girl. The fight I had was very hard, she threw me very ghoulish spells, and shoot me dead heads above players or throw a fresh intestine filled with blood tie with him and try me and the worst of all was her screams which made me I feel very bad and ugly things remembered sometimes bounced blood from his mouth, however I attacked with my sword and managed enchanted diamond that give a espadazo weakened, but I got careless and hit me a punch in the face to me He left very weak.

"It is my purpose" because the girl I thought I was going to throw a dead player's head. John arrived at that time and prevented defeat me and thanks to his skill in the game gave several espadazos, dodged the blows of her and pulled out a potion damage, shot and that was enough to defeat it. His death was not very good because it exploded in blood and we all went flying because we unleashed the fury of Anonymous 666 which launched from the sky several Endermans that caught Fernanda and covered in total darkness, we could not do anything because other Endermans us They had caught too. Fernanda Endermans disappeared and was lying on the floor, went to see her and her eyes were full of darkness. "AAAAAAHHHHH!" He shouted Fernanda and exploded, but this time did not explode with blood but with darkness: the darkness of the Endermans, had died. It was the first victim of our group and hoped it would last.

"They are going to pay! They finished with my assistant. They have unleashed my anger. DIE! ". PUUM! She fell from heaven a high character, bald with his head scarred and sometimes there was blood coming from his wounds, wearing a tattered white shirt and black trousers that reached to the knees, barefoot, missing teeth and the few who had were yellow. Anonymous was 666, came to destroy, had in his right hand a head to which he gave off the spine neck, dripping blood and his head was alive. The most frightening thing is that Anonymous 666 head in his hand was Fernanda. "It has in his hand the head of Fernanda!" I said. To which he replied: "Each victim die for a Enderman or for Herobrine, they will be touched by my curse, which gives me his head with his column, so tell everyone because not happen tonight." "I do not think so," I replied and yelled: "ATTACK!". All 666 Anonymous went, when suddenly fell and stood Herobrine. "Stop shield yourself with your friends!" Shouted Stephen. "Herobrine" Anonymous ordered 666 "Attack those three" and told John, Mary and Stephen. "Mincho" continued "You will face me." It was time of the battle, I advanced slowly and prepared my diamond sword haunted for the fight. "Finally I will face you. I will destroy you! "And his head began to attack and dodge the blows. I tried to nail the sword to his chest but he did not Indeed, it was as if he had crossed a water, I dug another and did not work, the sword pierced his body but had no effect, and in a careless hit my head with the Fernanda column and made me roll on the floor. Meanwhile, my three companions fought with Herobrine and was a lost cause because we all knew that he was immortal. John, Mary and Stephen attacked him and clear, but felt the espadazos felt no pain and death so Herobrine returned the attack and three were thrown and badly wounded.

I kept attacking Anonymous 666 but did not work, so he gave a devilish words and began to fall dead animals that somehow made me feel weak to me and my colleagues and animals me distracted while Anonymous 666 slapped me, I collapsed, He raised his hands, put them around my neck and said: "You are a weak Mincho I'll strangle to make you stick your head" squeezed my neck and saw my end, when suddenly he stopped strangling and moved his nose from side to another and said, "I smell death." I watched my companions and saw that Herobrine raised his sword and buried it in his heart to Esteban. "NOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed and exploded Fernanda Esteban become dark and on the other hand 666 Anonymous appeared his head with his column. "Mary take care of Herobrine I will help Mincho" said Juan and slipped to attack back on Anonymous 666.

John's plan was good, while lying on the ground saw the two heads with its columns, shocked and sad, John and Mary slowly approached fiercely fought with Herobrine dodging their attacks and attack. 666 Anonymous neck tried to catch me but I kicked and removed his hands as John attacked him from behind and obviously did not work. Anonymous 666 turned and with two heads struck John and lay down, so I took a potion of damage and the busted head to Anonymous 666 of his scars started out blood and said: "No way! "John also took a potion of damage and the burst in the head Anonymous 666, cried out in pain and his head exploded in blood, and his body too. Herobrine exploded but instead become light and disappeared, all lit up again and it stopped raining, everything was back to normal in 666 Anonymous Cubecraft and was gone once and for all.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
*A rainy day in November*
A girl named Loesje went home from a long day of school. The moment she got home she saw something black in the corner of her eye, when see looked to see what it was it was gone.
“Hhm must bet he neighbours cat” she thought.
Her mom send here a message via WhatsApp that she is home late due work things.
Loesje turned on her computer and started playing CubeCraft like she always does.
But something wasn’t right. The lobby was empty and there were only 5 people online.
She asked what was going on in chat but noone answerd.
She checked the forums and on the homepage there was an announcement that said:
She was scared as hell. When she got back ingame there were 4 people in the lobby walking in cirkels. She asked what they are doing, That moment they all faced Loesje.
They all said together: “Welcome loesje, Don’t worry you will become a better person”. She got kicked with the message “Noone has ever survived the curse”.
Loesje was scared to death when she read that.
She decided that it maybe is better to not game today. She started making homework, When suddenly her minecraft opened. “What the hell is going on here” she said.
The game started and connected to Cubecraft. She couldn’t stop it, She tried to turn of here computer. Nothing worked!
She started screaming and crying! Her dad came to her and asked what was going on.
But loesje was gone? Not in her room!?
The dad tried to call 911 but the call got disconnected and the power turned off.
Only the computer worked. He looked tot he computer and saw loesje trapped into the screen.
Loesje is now ingame.
There appeared some signs in the cube lobby, Both dad and loesje waited to see what they would say. Scared as hell both read what was on the signs.
Don’t worry….
I will not hurt you…
But you have to complete a challenge…
In order to get your life back…
You have to find all 20 pumpkins..
They are hidden in this lobby…
Loesje decided to search them all but soon she found out that there where only 19 pumpkins in the lobby!
She asked the signs what she could do to find the last one but never got any answer..
The very next day cubecraft was normal again, the curse has been lifted.
We will never know what happend to loesje or her family.
The only thing we know is that loesje is still somewhere on the server and is haunting people.

IGN: lopen


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2015
The days had begun to blend together. Harry wasn't sure if it was Wednesday, or Thursday. He had spent at least three weeks in his chair. Though the man had already recognized the patterns and daytime routines of each day. On a Wednesday, the person in the room to the West of his always left their room at 10:25 for the same reason, every Wednesday. However on Thursdays, on his East the wailing stopped. It was something he had gotten used to, the gentle screams for justice next door.

Each day he would be woken at 5:00 am by the wardens bringing his breakfast. At 8:30 am they would return with syringes and walky-talkies, if he decided to struggle, they had tasers at hand. He was forced medicine to keep him awake, and emotionless so suicide was out of the question. Time would fly by, and after hours of nonstop gaming, 1:00 would hit and his lunch would be delivered. A bowl of lukewarm soup, a piece of slightly stale bread, and a carton of milk. It was one percent...disgusting.

Back before he graduated from grade school, and when he could only handle playing the few MMORPG's and Tetris games he bought with his allowance, Harry was deeply intrigued by the way pixels could gather, and do his bidding. He had long since grown out of the simple games, moving onto large console franchise RPG's such as Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty. Even while those were entertaining, he had yet to find the one game that struck his fancy.

After lunch today, was when the trainer would come in and force Harry to exercise inside the game. This was the day he would be hooked up to tubes, a black motorcycle-like helmet settled over his curls - effectively crushing them against his face and rubbing gently into his skin. The annoying pricks of IV drips and fluid food drips sliding into the skin under his arms. He swallowed down his food, shuddering at the thought. He remembered the last time he had dived into it...the game called 'Minecraft'. They had told it was a child's game...but oh how wrong they had been.


They called this place; "Cubecraft", and when entering this world it was immediately clear as to why. The characters walk by, a harsh clicking sound emitting from their freakishly cubic limbs. I turn my head, trying my hardest to examine my own body, but to no avail. My gaze snaps up as a voice speaks inside of my mind. "Alright Harry, your first game is simple. It is called 'Survival Games', think Hunger Games on this one bud. You're good at killing right? Perfect for this one."

The screen becomes black, and before he could adjust to the light difference, he was dropped onto a platform. He takes in his surroundings, realizing he was part of 23 others surrounding a large platform littered in chests. Each person looked different, but according to the film this was like, each deadly. Judging by the few chests behind his body as well, it seemed as though there were more than what is offered in the center. That would be his escape. The moment the loud dinging ceased, Harry launched off of the platform and begun sprinted away from the masses of screaming players and fists hitting fists. He didn't stop running for a while, halting once he approached a small house.

He quietly raids the three chests inside. Receiving a wooden sword, leather boots and an iron helmet, a pair of carrots, 10 pieces of steak - cooked, and what looked like a compass. There were words etched along the back of it's cool metal. They read, "Player Tracking Compass: Will move toward the closest enemy." Harry smirked internally, seeing as the player characters apparently couldn't move their minor body parts. He steps out of the home, compass in hand. It happened to be pointing to the way he had come, pointing 120 blocks in that direction. Harold figured that the enemies would eventually kill each other off...and so if he could manage to hideout until then...he eats a steak and continues to run.

Eventually he reaches a beautiful dock, one that held a large double chest at one end. He glances down at his compass, realizing the position had changed to directly ahead. However it said 308 blocks away...he should be safe. He made his way toward the dock, his feet clicking annoyingly against the wooden surface. He opens the chest, frowning to see it empty. However as it closes, he glances at his compass. 10 blocks, behind his position. Chills ran up his spine, and he spun, wielding his sword with a small glare. There stood an almost completely unarmed player. His name lit up his creepy features, ones that looked as though they had been carved in with a knife. "XXHACKSFORDAYSXX." I murmur, examine him with a small smirk.

Harry rushed forward, only to stop in his tracks as the newcomer zooms straight upward into the air, now holding onto a glittering diamond sword, his head tilting downward toward Harold's player. "Game over...noob." He says softly, launching at Harold with a speed that seemed unreasonably fast. No game would implement such unfair advantages! Harry's body flies backward with impact, thudding against the ground. He moves to stand, forced back against the wood as the other places a hard boot against his chest. He drops some sort of vile on Harold, and he found he no longer could lift himself.

Suddenly, the man's player became more realistic. The wind blew harshly against his pale skin. He stood at the edge of a small dock, looking out at the twinkling blue water which reflected the starry sky above...a natural mirror. He shifts, the water catching the sword held in his hand, glinting against the small pools.

The man squats, his strong quads flexing with movement. Red liquid drips slowly down the blade, splashing into the water. He runs his lithe fingers over the hilt and chuckles. The laugh was deep in his throat, coming out more like a chocolate purr. That was the fifth person. Hiding his hacks had become too easy, nobody ever came to this place it was hidden behind everything, tucked away behind firewalls and coding. They hid pretty well once he added a few codes to the mainframe.

XXHACKSFORDAYSXX leans over the glittering water, his eyes glinting dangerously as he dips the knifes blade underneath the cool surface, rinsing the blood completely off before tugging it free. Droplets of pink water splatter against the dock as he stands and turns, his pixelized boots clicking deeply with the contact to the wood beneath him. The haunting sound comes to a halt and he kneels down once again, the brown suede squares stopping in front of another pair of shoes, these ones horizontal.

The moonlight shone down on his hair, shadowing out his face and causing him to show up like a silhouette from a thriller film. Hell, with what he was currently busying himself with made the assumption true. His large hand slips under the short fabric of the body, and he lets put a soft breath while shoving he short up and exposing bone pale skin. "GG." He whispered to the paralyzed Harry, a winning smirk on his face.

He raises his blade, humming softly. A sweet and haunting tune from his childhood as the knife slices through skin and fat. It was like cutting through butter. Blood immediately spots his hands, and he curses softly, wiping his hands on his cape.


Harold awakens, lifting his body slightly and removing his helmet. The tech team stares at him, shock evident in their eyes. "Harry...what in the world was that?" A grim smile crosses his plump lips, and he softly responds, a glint in his eyes that only one type of player could elicit.

"That. Was a hacker...and he is going to be stopped. I am diving tomorrow, same place...same time."

I truly hope you enjoyed it! It took me quite some time, this isn't specifically about hackers on Cubecraft SG, but mainly about the other day when I encountered one in EggWars. I rarely see them on the server, so go CCG! Any feedback you can provide toward the story would be great! Thanks for reading :D

By the way, my IGN is Asilah.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
There was once a man who went to a bar and said to the bar man that he wanted some wine. But the bar man said go down to the basement so, the man who wanted the drink went down. When he got there he heard a noise saying "im gonna rip your arms off, your legs off, your head off and eat your body." The man was so scared so he ran up. The next day, another man came in and he said to the bar man he wanted a drink and the bar man said go down to the basement. So he did. He heard the noise "I'm gonna rip your arms off, your legs off, your head off and eat your body." Again he was so scared that he ran upstairs. Another man came in and said he wanted some water. The bar man told him to go look for some in the basement. The man went down and then turned the lights on. The noise was just a little boy eating some Jelly Babies


Forum Veteran
Aug 26, 2015
One day

A guy was playing Minecraft. He came to the Cubecraft server with his friends to play some games. But what he didn't know is that there was a ghost hunting in Cubecraft to kill all the players and make an end on te server.
So the first game he played was Skywars and he didn't win a game.
The second game was off course ... Hungergames. He found a Diamond Sword and killed everybody. He won the game and he was going to play another game.
While playing Eggwars a voice in his head said: Go away or nobody survives it.
He was so scared but he was not going to show his fear.
So they ended the game and some of his friends was missing. It was Roroyourboat_.:eek:
He didn't saw it and was going to play some Lucky Islands. The voice said again: LEAVE!
But he was not going to listen to the ghost.
So after the game he lost 2 of his 4 friends. It was TlmeLord.:eek:
Let's play some Buildwars.
So he played a game of Buildwars but saddly he came back with only 1 friend. Efcluke94 was dead.:eek:
He was so happy that he played some Ultra Hardcorde. The voice was there again and said again Leave or you don't have friends anymore.
But while he was playing he didn't hear the voice and didn't know what the ghost said.
After the game he lost Rubik_Cube_Man.:eek:
So he said to himself: Let's go on some ghost hunting.
He was searching in all the lobby's but he didn't find anything.
After searching 6 hours he gave up but the ghost was still there.
Right at the moment he wan't to leave the ghost came to him and said
He killed me and i teleported to the nether where all my friends were.
The only thing i saw was darkness and my friends.
I teleported back to Cubecraft and the lobby was changed.
It was really creepy and the ghost was for my nose.
He said something strange to me.
He put off his mask and said. It's me Joe Henry! Happy Halloween Cubecrafters.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2015
My Storie:

The Boy With The Brass Buttons

A young couple were delighted to purchase the old-fashioned house in the Stuyvesant Square section of Philadelphia. They moved into their dream home in the winter of 1889, bringing their six year old daughter with them.

There was a lot of refurbishing to do, so the little girl tended to go up to the attic to play while her parents were occupied with the house. It wasn't as bad as it sounds, because the previous owners had converted the attic into a playroom. It even had a fireplace at one point, but it was currently boarded up.

After a couple of weeks of hard work, the downstairs rooms were finished. The mother, realizing that she had been neglecting their daughter, attempted to try and spend more time with her now, but the little girl seemed distracted. She kept stealing back up to the attic alone to play.

Exasperated, and perhaps a little hurt the the child was not being responsive to her attentions, the mother finally asked, "What's so interesting up there in that stuffy room?"

"It's the little boy with the shiny buttons," the child replied. "He's so much fun to play with!"

"What little boy?" the mother demanded, wondering if a servant child had stowed away in the room. She went to investigate, but found the room empty.

Certain that her daughter was just being contrary, she urged her husband to discipline the child. At her father's stern voice the little girl became hysterical. She kept repeating that there was a little boy and he wore a blue jacket with lots of shiny buttons on it. As her father listened, he became more and more curious. Formerly a s eaman, he realized his daughter was describing a child's sailor suit, complete with the brass buttons.

The girl's father made some inquires about the Cowderlys, the family that lived in the house before them. He learned that they had come from England, bringing their children with them, two boys and a girl. The youngest child, a boy, was born retarded. The neighbors described the youngest boy as a sweet innocent child, but added that Mr. Cowderly was ashamed of him and tried to prevent him from being seen outdoors.

According to the boy's parents, the neighbors continued, the young boy would often sneak out to go down to the river. The story goes on to say that one day he fell in and drowned. His body was never recovered, but his cap had been found floating in the river. Shortly after the disappearance, the Cowderlys put the house up for sale and, leaving Philadelphia, dropped out of sight.

The former seaman's suspicions were now thoroughly aroused. He accompanied his little daughter to the attic and asked her to show him where the little boy came from. She pointed to the boarded up fireplace. Her father called in workers to open it and then to remove the mortar that cemented up a cavity beside the chimney.

As the mortar was chipped away, the corpse of a small boy was revealed. He was clothed in a little blue sailor jacket with four rows of brass buttons down the front. Further examination revealed that the back of the child's head had been crushed by a violent blow.

The little boy was murdered!

This is my storie:
I hope you enjoy!
Happy Halloween!


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
My story takes place 600 years in the future, after CCG is destroyed by an unspecified 'accident'. It focuses heavily on descriptive writing and imaginative creativity and is my 'spooky' interpretation on CCG. Certain paragraphs refer to different parts of the server. I tried to make it as obvious as possible which sections I was referring to, going so far as to recreate some areas of the server in a single-player world with minor twists.
I hope you have as much fun reading it as much as I had writing it :)
600 years ago, this old, dilapidated, ruinous kingdom was full of life. Fans would show devotion and interact with one another, in a dream-like realm of ever-lasting amusement. Today, all that remains is a radioactive atmosphere of asphyxiating thickness, in a state of ruin and devastation.

Despite the mixture of coal-like tar and gravel consuming the soles of my worn-out shoes, I managed to just barely stumble through the half-functioning portal and found myself in what was known as the ‘Hub’. Rust-addled rubble, moss covered stone and blood-stained trees with liberated leaves were all that could be identified among the chaotic clouds of smog and ash as I shivered, stumbling further into the kingdom of isolation and unnatural darkness.

I began to shake vigorously, with the heart-sinking feeling that I was being watched. Satanic chanting filled the air, ripping the mixture of oxygen and ash from my lungs as I gazed in horror of what was once considered a paradise. My paranoia eventually got to me, and I turned around in an instant, ready to face whatever it was that was about to surely end my existence. There was nothing. Pure isolation. The sickening scent of decaying flesh and what I can describe to be a strong tar-like substance fuelled my lungs as I stumbled onto my knees, in a vomit-like state as my now blackened hands were imbued into the sticky gravel and mud that was the ground.

I felt a fierce, stabbing pain rip through my spine as I approached the fallen, gruesome graveyard, as if I had been unjustly stabbed in the back by a dagger of undeterminable force. I couldn’t help but panic at the sight of the graves, some in which had absent caskets beneath. The thought of the re-animated corpses approaching me on a limp, with their faces half torn and their jaws contracting in an unnatural desire for flesh caused me to enter a deep, unstable trance before coming to the realization that it was just my chaotic imagination. In a panic, I rushed towards the nearby portal in an attempt to escape this hell, but despite my efforts, was taken further in to the dying realm. I closed my eyes and awaited death. [1]

Upon my awakening, I came to the realization that I was in an undying hell. Scorching fires had boiled the contents of what I assume to be an oversized fish tank, whilst signs that would once indicate an open game of glorious combat now read ‘Closed’ in a thick, black paint.


Despite the nauseous stench that came from the steamy tank, I went to approach it curiously. Treading across the degraded path of quartz, dirt and shattered glass, I felt as though a relentless force had shoved me from behind as I lost control of my legs, stumbling to the cold hard ‘ground’ before a terrifying sinkhole. My knees tanked the full impact of my fall, and the spacious tear in the fabric of my clothing revealed the damage; I had a deep, sickening cut on each of my legs that exposed my blood-stained bones, causing me to almost faint at the sight. The abyss before me was of indeterminable depth and intimidating darkness, and the murky sky only added to the soul-wrenching atmosphere. Feint echoes could be heard from the bottomless crevice beneath the remains of my shoes, implying that a creature cursed with relatable isolation lied beneath the under-lit abyss. I speculated the identity of the beast behind the echoes that caused my skin to shake in fear and agony, assuming that a kraken of sorts resided in the shadows below. Unwilling to be a potential candidate for the exploration of what may well be a bottomless chasm, I evacuated the overgrown aquarium in an instant, limping what felt like a lightyear to towards the portal from whence I came as a result of my shattered kneecaps. From there, everything was black. Glorious silence. [2]

No light. Darkness. For a moment I assumed that I was dead, and the thought gave an unusual sense of relief, before realizing that I was back at the hub. It was different this time around, in fact quite the opposite of what it was an eternity ago. I could make out the outline of a dozen degraded trees, but little more due to a blinding light that threatened my eyesight and diluted my pupils. I attempted to focus my attention away from the piercing brightness, but noticed that the supernatural light was surrounding me at every angle from beyond a static mist that covered the perimeter of the possessed forest. Unable to escape the light that burned through my sealed eyelids, I became dangerously nauseated, falling onto my back as my spine conflicted with the toxic substance that stained the earth beneath me.

Looking up, a sight of pure beauty filled my half-scorched retinas. Behemoth, recognisable satellites had filled the sky, as if the atmosphere had been ripped open, revealing the contents of the divine solar system above. It was as if the planets from beyond had been drawn closer by a chaotic force, as the radiant light of Saturn created a gorgeous twilight that cast a bittersweet shadow across the now lit forest whilst thin rings of rock and compressed ice glistened across the void. Soon after, a meteorite shot through the tear in the sky, leaving behind a vibrant trail of fire that burned the atmosphere above. For the first time in decades, I felt alive. I felt myself. However, before I could appreciate the sight of heavenly beauty before me, a shockwave struck the earth beneath the degraded remains of my body, and before I could assess the danger that I was in, I was knocked unconscious by the devastating force. [3]

I awoke form the purgatory of my imagination and flung my eyes wide open in what I estimate to be about 40 minutes, immediately regretting the foolish decision to open my eyes at all. Was this real? Is this even possible? It had seemed as though I had shrunk, as I had arrived in what appeared to be an enormous arcade, only it too had suffered from the inevitable curse of time.


I felt impossibly isolated. No sound. Silence. There was nothing but the sound of my heavy breath and the overly aggressive wind which was slamming into my torso, causing my now torn clothing to flutter in the brutal, foggy and supernatural hurricane that surrounded me. The ground was as cold as the air, and consisted of pure, bleached quartz, whereas the walls of the arcade machines that stared down at my miniature body appeared decayed and rust-addled.

In the distance, I witnessed a large corner of a gigantic arcade machine detach, plummeting to the polished surface below with an ear-bursting crash! I felt the ground beneath me vibrate, as a magnitude rippled across the arcade in a deafening thud that set off a chain reaction of cataclysmic ruptures in the long degraded shells of the machines, causing history to repeat itself. Rocks, heavy in mass, fell from the clear sky above, conflicting with the ground below and causing powerful magnitudes to spread across the surface. Suddenly the arcade was collapsing rapidly, and my death was imminent if I didn’t act instantly. Rocks and rubble, comparable to a behemoth, were raining from the sky, causing the ground to shake vigorously as they collided in a deafening roar that surrounded my now shaking spine. If I wasn’t staring into the eyes of death, I reckon I would have laughed at the irony of the situation, since after all, I was about to die in what is usually associated with laughter, entertainment and deceit. Perhaps this was all deliberate, and I was mere entertainment for somebody of higher status. Before I could act, an enormous fissure opened up in the ground that emit a gorgeous, irresistible light. Curious and desperate, I approached the chasm. As I came closer to what I assumed would be my salvation, I noticed the once glacial ground boil beneath my feet, leaving scorching, frightening blisters on the bare skin beneath my tortured feet. What was emitting such a delightful source of radiance could be no other than a thick, molten liquid that would result in an arguably slower and more painful death than the forces falling from the sky, and yet there was no identifiable escape.

Now certain that I was staring into the eyes of imminent death, I had concluded that there was no alternative but to decide my own fate; stand around and await decimation, or jump into the pit below where my remains would be evaporated almost instantly by the immense heat. I saw only one option, and challenged my previous theory on the legitimacy of the boulders above, and their genuine threat to me. Noticing the exceptionally degraded surface of one of the machines above, I stood directly beneath it and awaited my demise. At first, I shivered at the thought of being forever lost in an inaccessible realm of hell, but faced all possible outcomes with dignity. Before I could notice, I began to sweat relentlessly, but knew that there was no alternative. I questioned my actions up to this point; would I have been safer descending the kraken pit? Before I could mentally prepare myself, the catastrophic rock separated from the machine, descending faster than I had anticipated. I stared into the eyes of the falling debris emotionlessly, like an automaton. As the rock collided with my skull, I was ‘removed’ from the arcade.
I’m not sure whether I was killed or not, but have since resided in a tiny island in the sky, with nothing but a bare tree and my thoughts to accompany my emotionally tormented mind. I see nothing. I hear nothing. Isolation at its finest.

I spirit now remains in an inaccessible pocket of reality, awaiting impossible salvation.
[1] - HUB
[2] - Survival Games
[3] - HUB
[4] - Arcade
[5] - Skyblock
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You said in my SG thread, that I should do it in 'Feedback and Suggestions' forum. What does that mean?
lentjuhhh_ wrote on Capitan's profile.
happy birthday cap (sorry that im late)
Nex3us wrote on Capitan's profile.
Happy birthday capn'n!🎉🎉🥳🥳
llvqs wrote on Capitan's profile.
Happy birthday Cap!!🎈
Kazwa wrote on Capitan's profile.
Happy Birhtday Capitan! 💙
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