Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


@xMegaCoolx - He replied to my very first bug report (which was crap) https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/control-point-shop.98930/

@YounB - I always looked at his profile to check if he was online C: He also writes very helpful replies and is nice to play with. :)

@guaaardd - I don't know how to write his name and his always banned etc, but he's... um... very honest and funny xD

@Nikoshka - He's nice and supports this server a lot. ;)

@Skifby - He's always faster than me ;-;

@Steyro - We joined the forums in the same month and yet he has almost twice as much posts as me.... and he's Belgian, of course! >:3


<3 You lots

I tagged staff on the Cheering up Staff thread so I already gave them love :p

@Skifby for being a cute brown bear I always see in lobbies. He is also a great friend to talk to and often we challenge each other to a PvP duel but we end up talking for 5 minutes until we get kicked out and we end up drawing. I met him when we had to duel eachother in the PvP tournament. (I lost ;))

@Buuuddy For being a pig who I always see in Lobby 1 skywars and who is always helping the server out when he can :). I knew him on forums but I didn't get to talk to him until there was an incident with the Minesharp bot advertisers.

@Marieke2001 For being there to have a laugh at people who get angry on your youtube video and start swearing and making death threats because you reported them. You can also accasionally spot her in Skywars lobby 1. :)

@YounB for being an extremely helpful person and who is always nice to people. You can find him a lot in Assassins.

@Dotsy for ...


Forum Professional
May 13, 2014
I love you guys too much, here's a small list of members that have helped me. @Nikoshka (Being a helpful cool guy to talk to) @Terrarialover11 (Juan plus Juan equals two)@Buuuddy (buudybuudybuudybuudybuudybuudy)@xMegaCoolx (Being a funny guy on Teamspeak :D) @hgbf (being a helpful guy, always fun to play with) @johnyestaloca (THIS SUPERFICIAL LOVE THING GOT ME GOING CRAZY.) @BlueMoon475 (OG Squad) @SevereWarning (heartbreak to tag as a member </3, but is a really funny, mature, intelligent young man <3) @Iselciour (Is forever cute but doesn't admit it ;( ) @MaestroCygni (Fun to wrec-- I mean play Mons with. :p ) @TlmeLord (Queen) @Earth (memes.)

Sorry if I forgot anyone. It's like 11pm and I'm tired. But know I love you all. <3


I love you guys too much, here's a small list of members that have helped me. @Nikoshka (Being a helpful cool guy to talk to) @Terrarialover11 (Juan plus Juan equals two)@Buuuddy (buudybuudybuudybuudybuudybuudy)@xMegaCoolx (Being a funny guy on Teamspeak :D) @hgbf (being a helpful guy, always fun to play with) @johnyestaloca (THIS SUPERFICIAL LOVE THING GOT ME GOING CRAZY.) @BlueMoon475 (OG Squad) @SevereWarning (heartbreak to tag as a member </3, but is a really funny, mature, intelligent young man <3) @Iselciour (Is forever cute but doesn't admit it ;( ) @MaestroCygni (Fun to wrec-- I mean play Mons with. :p ) @TlmeLord (Queen) @Earth (memes.)

Sorry if I forgot anyone. It's like 11pm and I'm tired. But know I love you all. <3



Forum Veteran
Aug 26, 2015
@Sammitox we met eachother in a game and I said to him he was really good in pvp and since then are we good friends.

@Buuuddy Mi lova! <3 Very nice and he is a nice Belgian guy! :)

@Cynamooo He is very cowy, chill dude with a lot of humor. (jk) <33

@Chubby Eww, nah good pvp!! ;)

@Snapkill aka Leevje Little but nice boy, we've had some issues with eachother but everything is good now. :p

@JustRyann The funny guy. I knew we were skyping around 2:00 PM and doing something that isn't allowed actually.. xD I hope you know what we were doing. ;)
You're such a funny guy (Jk) <3
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Forum Expert
Jul 24, 2015
a place where everything you touch turns to gold.
I love you guys too much, here's a small list of members that have helped me. @Nikoshka (Being a helpful cool guy to talk to) @Terrarialover11 (Juan plus Juan equals two)@Buuuddy (buudybuudybuudybuudybuudybuudy)@xMegaCoolx (Being a funny guy on Teamspeak :D) @hgbf (being a helpful guy, always fun to play with) @johnyestaloca (THIS SUPERFICIAL LOVE THING GOT ME GOING CRAZY.) @BlueMoon475 (OG Squad) @SevereWarning (heartbreak to tag as a member </3, but is a really funny, mature, intelligent young man <3) @Iselciour (Is forever cute but doesn't admit it ;( ) @MaestroCygni (Fun to wrec-- I mean play Mons with. :p ) @TlmeLord (Queen) @Earth (memes.)

Sorry if I forgot anyone. It's like 11pm and I'm tired. But know I love you all. <3


Forum Expert
Mar 17, 2014
fabulous land
Oh dear. @YounB and @Iselciour for being bae AF. @Pandaa I haven't seen you in game but u seem v memelicious. @ItsYaBoyJavid for being a sassy piece of trash. @Terrarialover11 for bringing sexy back. @Soph for being bootylicious. @JustRyann and @CyanYellow cuz I'm following you and it should be an honour and u must've had some relevance in my life. @AnyoneElseThatIDidntTag if ur having an amazing day, i hope that it turns into an amazing week, then into an amazing year, then into an amazing life cuz u deserve it. If ur having a bad day I'm sorry and I hope you get through whatever you need to get through. <3


Forum Expert
Oct 21, 2014
@HectorLalo (Because he is a noob, 2ez4mem8. He's also my personal servant.) @MayaPapaya_ (SO FAB LIEK NOT EVEN GONNA LIE. She also has a tendency of copying me all the time. *Hairflip*) @BlueMoon475 (Because she's a pleb and that's all the explanation you need) @YounB (Although he's quite a liar, and sucks at lying, he's somewhat cool, I guess) @Terrarialover11 (Cheekbones are sharper than a knife, and he's also semi-cool. He's plebby enough to talk to me tho, so he should be grateful I included him here) @Titanic27 (I really don't know. He's too meme for my liking, I'll tell you that) @CyanYellow (I showed him the meaning of life. Without me, he wouldn't have known about Melanie Martinez's existence.)
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happy birthday cap (sorry that im late)
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Happy birthday capn'n!🎉🎉🥳🥳
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