Also pls add this to the Eggwars Duos leaderboard of fastest gamesMe (LANZAINIA888) and TTV BRAIN850 aka BruhJacob won an Eggwars Duos game in 2:29View attachment 180226
Last Updated: October 25th, 2020
Welcome to the fifth version of the CubeCraft Book of World Records!
If you are not listed and you believe you have taken a record, then please do submit! Make sure to read the guidelines thoroughly! Alongside world records, there's an assortment of clubs consisting out of players with the same records and achievements.
I have created a Discord server for the CubeCraft Book of World Records' community, or generally just for all competitive players. It has a lot of cool features as well as basic chatting of course! Join and see for yourself!
Previous versions can be found in the spoiler down below. Since the old thread owners have left the community, lost interest or simply don't have any time to update the book and give it the attention it deserves, I took over. I've been continuously updating all records while also adding new records.
These are outdated versions of the CubeCraft Book of World Records. We wouldn't be here today without these and their creators! They deserve just as much credit as I do!
@Pandaa's first version: -=- Cubecraft book of world records -=-
@Power Ranger's second version: Cubecraft Book of World Records
@telegamer's third version: Cubecraft Book of World Records v3
@MJ010101's fourth version: Cubecraft Book of World Records v4These are records for games that are currently no longer available on the network.
If you think you had broken any of these records and you still have the required evidence to support your claim, then please do submit!
Battle Zone (Solo)
Most Wins: aSteeve - 333(+)
Most Losses: Scottness - 94(+)
Most Kills: Foxy011 - 6,762(+)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Shots Fired: Scottness - 54,366(+)
Most Shots Hit: Scottness - 1,516(+)
Most Structures Built: Scottness - 11,006(+)
Most Blocks Walked: Scottness - 1,460,012(+)
Most Time Played: Scottness - 2+ days
Most Kills in One Game: Suayhn - 23
Best K/D Ratio: Scottness - 19.415 ±
Best W/L Ratio: Scottness - 1.232 ±
[Most Overall Wins] LuisFcm27_OL | 1,601 (+)
[Most Human Wins] Kloska | 116 (+)
[Most Infected Wins] Priley | 1,137 (+)
[Most Losses] Priley | 65 (+)
[Most Games Played] LuisFcm27_OL | 1,601 (+)
[Best W/L] iDqm | 25.094 ±
[Best W/L (%)] (not submitted)
[Most Infected Killed] Kloska | 1,223 (+)
[Most Players Infected] Priley | 1,544 (+)
[Most Players Infected in One Game] Priley | 8
[Most Players Infected in One Game (%)] Priley | 57.14%
[Most Blocks Walked] Priley | 630,794 (+)
[Most Time Played] Priley | 2+ days
[Fastest Win] (not submitted)
Most Wins: m9068678 - 1,446(+)
Most Solo Wins: Kloska - 236(+)
Most Team Wins: Kloska - 443(+)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Items Collected: Kloska - 5,033(+)
Most Blocks Walked: Kloska - 1,427,084(+)
Most Time Played: Kloska - 5+ days
Best W/L Ratio: Kloska - 3.536 ±
Fastest Solo Game of Full House: precisi0n - 12 minutes, 0 seconds
Barn Brawl
Most Wins: Kloska - 171 (+)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: Kloska - 201 (+)
Most Powerups Picked Up: Sparrangelica - 145 (+)
Most Animals Captured: Kloska - 1,745 (+)
Most Glowing Animals Captured: Kloska - 419 (+)
Most Animal Babies Caught: Sparrangelica - 8 (+)
Most Creepers Caught: Kloska - 280 (+)
Most Blocks Walked: Sparrangelica - 3,755 (+)
Most Time Played: Kloska - 22+ hours
Best W/L Ratio: Kloska - 5.700 ±
Competitive Parkour
Most Wins: PARK0UR - 7,126 (+)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Competitive Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Fails: PARK0UR - 4,659 (+)
Most Time Played: PARK0UR - 3+ days
EggWars (Speed)
Most Wins: NLodjo - 12,222(+)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Solo Wins: Kloska - 312(+)
Most Team Wins: iDqm - 2,927(+)
Most Kills: NLodjo - 61,470(+)
Most Deaths: iiNoobiii - 8,371(+)
Most Games Played: NLodjo - 13,892(+)
Most Eggs Broken: NLodjo - 18,584(+)
Most Blocks Placed: iiNoobiii - 442,238(+)
Most Blocks Broken: NLodjo - 29,980(+)
Most Blocks Walked: NLodjo - 11,052,493(+)
Most Time Played: NLodjo - 26+ days
Best K/D Ratio: Guildmaster - 26.625 ±
Best W/L Ratio: NLodjo - 9.406 ±
Your submission must meet the requirements listed below. If your submission was denied and you are not sure why, feel free to shoot me a message! I have the right to reject submissions if there is reason to, even if they meet the requirements listed below. These guidelines are subject to change and may change at any time!
1. Always provide valid evidence of your record!
* Do not crop your evidence if you don't have to. This might get your submission rejected!
* You must follow the official CubeCraft Gameplay rules. Getting caught may lead to all or specific records getting unlisted.
* Manipulating the evidence for a record is not allowed. Getting caught may lead to all of your records getting unlisted.
* Your game must be at least 70% filled when the game starts, excluding your own team
* If all enemy players leave the game when you are unreleased, in your cage, the record does NOT count
* You (or you and your team collectively) must get least 20% of the available kills (this excludes BlockWars and Tower Defence)
* You (or your team) must win the game
* BlockWars: time starts when build time is over and stops when the third and final flag has been captured
All best time records must be supported by video evidence. Make sure to pay close attention to the following:
* Do not crop your video
* Your boss bar stopwatch must be clearly visible at all times
* Your boss bar stopwatch may not lag - this will be checked!
* The scoreboard must be clearly visible at all times
* The video must include the full run from start to finish
* You are allowed to use shortcuts! Jumping on blocks that you should not be able to stand on, without being teleported back, is allowed as well.
Your own team('s egg) is excluded in the calculation. However, I don't calculate this by the available kills/eggs. If your game was only half-filled and you kill all available players, you will not have 100%!
If it is in a team game, you have to kill all players/break all eggs collectively, as a team!
You need to have more games played than the first leaderboard player of that game has wins, if their wins are known.
Requires a minimum of 750 kills.
Requires a minimum of 250 games played.
2. State which record you're submitting for.
3. Your submission should be made under this thread.Entry requirements can be found in the clubs themselves.
Though, in general: If the club capacity is exceeded, the entry requirement will change to be stricter. This can kick out a few club members, making place for new ones that meet the new, stricter requirements!
The club capacity always is 5 members!
[GREEN] The record is (probably) ACCURATE
[ORANGE] The record is (probably) INACCURATE
[PURPLE] The record is ESTIMATED
[BLUE] The game is a FEATURED or SEASONAL game
[Highest Level] NLodjo | 355 (+)
[Most Pending Friend Requests] NLodjo | 2,044 (+)
[Most Points] NLodjo | 2,000,000 (+)
[Most Achievements] Jellei | 574 / 631
[Most Loot Points] Megaaa | 525,774 (+)
[Most Handled Reports] AlexpYT192 | 2,508 (+)
[Most Reports Handled] CapitanGato | 17,654 (+)
[Most Times Thanked (Multiplier)] MrBigChin | 1,595
[Most Points Boosted (Multiplier)] MrBigChin | 134,794
[Most Overall Challenges Completed] Mats3209 | 1,319 (+)
[Most Easy Challenges Completed] Mats3209 | 439 (+)
[Longest Easy Challenges Streak] Mats3209 | 133 (+)
[Most Medium Challenges Completed] Mats3209 | 438 (+)
[Longest Medium Challenges Streak] Mats3209 | 83 (+)
[Most Hard Challenges Completed] Mats3209 | 432 (+)
[Longest Hard Challenges Streak] Mats3209 | 99 (+)Odd and sometimes fun records go here! Records that you wouldn't think exist!
[Most Blocks Removed in One Game of Solo SkyWars] Juskebat, Jvskebat, iWillStayPro, AreYouTrusted, Mivkebat, DCB_Bomber, GetSpankFromMe, Finixly, ButIDontCare, Punterslijper, Dr_IJsbeer, iiJoris_, iiPedro_, ztryhqrder | 32,117 blocks (the entire map)
[Longest Game of Solo SkyWars] Gladiuz_YT, Azxla | 229 minutes and 8 seconds
[Most Beach Ball Bounces (Gadget)] aSteeve | 862
[Longest Preserved Cubelet] SanCookie | 427 days
[Most Accepted Map Submissions] _The13thDoctor_ | 4
[Most Team Lucky Islands Wins in One Day] Kloska | 400
[Most Team Lucky Islands Wins on One Map] Dutudy | 3,425 (+)
[Most Assists on One Kill in Team Lucky Islands] Mivke, Dutudy, Axiyy, xJqs, SanCookie | 5
[Most EggWars Eliminations Using a Token] Popcornman467 | 3
[Most SkyWars Wins in One Day] Snvffel | 151
[Most TNT jumps in One Game] SanCookie | 9
EggWars (Solo)
[Most Wins] CielitoLindo14 | 8,963 (+)
[Most Losses] SnowyWarz | 642 (+)
[Most Games Played] CielintoLindo14 | 8,963 (+)
[Best W/L] Megaaa | 4.478 ±
[Most Kills] Megaaa | 28,830 (+)
[Most Eliminations] Megaaa | 17,075 (+)
[Most Deaths] Megaaa | 2,995 (+)
[Best K/D] NEO_K4T4N4 | 17.332 ±
[Most Eggs Broken] Megaaa | 19,367 (+)
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game] _EliteTra | 10
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game (%)] PedrocasPirocas, Mats3209, zNoob | 100%
[Most Blocks Placed] Megaaa | 671,148 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] HackersDontWin | 8,434,659 (+)
[Most Time Played] NEO_K4T4N4 | 21+ days
[Fastest Win (Any %)] Mara_Dibella | 95 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
EggWars (Team)
[Most Wins] NEO_K4T4N4 | 27,296 (+)
[Most Losses] NLodjo | 2,680 (+)
[Most Games Played] NEO_K4T4N4 | 27,296 (+)
[Best W/L] NLodjo | 8.113 ±
[Most Kills] NLodjo | 68,134 (+)
[Most Eliminations] iiJoris_ | 15,020 (+)
[Most Deaths] ComeMineMen1v1 | 18,926 (+)
[Best K/D] CommunistCactus | 12.441 ±
[Most Eggs Broken] NLodjo | 12,081 (+)
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game] iDqm | 3
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game (%)] iDqm, aBrokenSoul, NLodjo, StayDerpie | 100%
[Most Blocks Placed] NLodjo | 1,405,473 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] NLodjo | 28,616,970 (+)
[Most Time Played] NLodjo | 81+ days
[Fastest Win (Any %)] Mara_Dibella, FocusTurtle | 126 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)SkyWars (Solo)
[Most Wins] AngelClick3r | 19,992 (+)
[Most Losses] AngelClick3r | 33,500 (+)
[Most Games Played] AngelClick3r | 53,492 (+)
[Best W/L] PinkGangsterGoat | 1.092 ±
[Most Kills] Jefe_Maestro1 | 103,256 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] aSteeve | 18
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] aSteeve, MakeMeMove | 100%
[Most Deaths] AngelClick3r | 33,520 (+)
[Best K/D] 666_666_666_666 | 6.251 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] Jefe_Maestro1 | 403,422 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Jefe_Maestro1 | 170,037 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] Jefe_Maestro1 | 388,138 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] AngelClick3r | 1,634,854 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] AngelClick3r | 19,769,073 (+)
[Most Time Played] Jefe_Maestro1 | 104+ days
[Fastest Win (Any %)] Juskebat | 34 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect)] pipiklatie | 65 seconds
SkyWars (Team)
[Most Wins] Democrise | 15,000 (+)
[Most Losses] Democrise | 10,392 (+)
[Most Games Played] Democrise | 25,392 (+)
[Best W/L] PinkGangsterGoat | 1.760 ±
[Most Kills] Democrise | 74,081 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] ImJunior | 23
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] Kloska, Mats3209, Stineos | 100%
[Most Deaths] XiiKo | 14,119 (+)
[Best K/D] PinkGangsterGoat | 7.720 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] XiiKo | 236,528 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] XiiKo | 79,044 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] XiiKo | 162,107 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] Democrise | 1,769,470 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Democrise | 23,660,642 (+)
[Most Time Played] Democrise | 55+ days
[Fastest Win (Any %)] CaptainPuddy, ItsErwin, daverkloos | 30 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)Lucky Islands (Solo)
[Most Wins] LuisFcm27_OL | 14,500 (+)
[Most Losses] SanCookie | 5,334 (+)
[Most Games Played] LuisFcm27_OL | 14,500 (+)
[Best W/L] Kloska | 2.350 ±
[Most Kills] SanCookie | 40,300 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] _ThatPomelo | 13
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] SnowyWarz, PedrocasPirocas, Stineos, Mats3209 | 100%
[Most Deaths] SanCookie | 5,156 (+)
[Best K/D] Kloska | 12.344 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] Borli | 22,558 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Borli | 15,268 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] SanCookie | 229,111 (+)
[Most Lucky Blocks Opened] SanCookie | 62,797 (+)
[Most Lucky Blocks Opened in One Game] Cynamooo | 187
[Most Blocks Placed] SanCookie | 270,932 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] SanCookie | 7,865,806 (+)
[Most Time Played] SanCookie | 32+ days
[Fastest Win (Any %)] Stinesss | 56 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
Lucky Islands (Team)
[Most Wins] Mandieeee | 20,337 (+)
[Most Losses] Mandieeee | 11,470 (+)
[Most Games Played] Mandieeee | 31,807 (+)
[Best W/L] Kloska | 3.194 ±
[Most Kills] Kloska | 55,623 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Kloska | 24
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] Mivke, Kloska, Priley, Juskebat, SanCookie, Mats3209 | 100%
[Most Deaths] Mandieeee | 11,012 (+)
[Best K/D] Jellei | 12.639 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] Mandieeee | 29,159 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] B0tervlieg | 19,734 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] Kloska | 238,390 (+)
[Most Lucky Blocks Opened] Mandieeee | 60,906 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] Kloska | 258,707 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Mandieeee | 19,535,999 (+)
[Most Time Played] Mandieeee | 59+ days
[Fastest Win] Juskebat, Mivkebat | 10 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)Assassination
[Most Kills] LinnyBanana2 | 69,328 (+)
[Most Deaths] Bmscy | 17,002 (+)
[Best K/D] vinlir | 11.722 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] CuteTeds | 29,332 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] CuteTeds | 10,332 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] CuteTeds | 21,095,002 (+)
[Most Time Played] CuteTeds | 54+ days
[Most Kills] Chuin | 42,659 (+)
[Most Deaths] Chuin | 3,603 (+)
[Most Duels Played] Chuin | 42,659 (+)
[Best K/D] Dohaa | 188.250 ±
[Best W/L] Finixly | 4.121 ±
[Best W/L (%)] Megaaa | 90.85 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] IceScreams | 24,542 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] IceScreams | 62,095 (+)
[Most Time Played] Chuin | 39+ days
Free For All
[Most Kills] blocky12 | 206,309 (+)
[Most Deaths] Diregon | 49,307 (+)
[Best Killstreak] Diregon | 479
[Best K/D] HackersDontWin | 39.875 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] Shelvy | 1,050,742 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Shelvy | 495,037 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Secrus | 40,096,052 (+)
[Most Time Played] Secrus | 109+ days
BlockWars Bridges
[Most Wins] xJqs | 1,511 (+)
[Most Losses] (not submitted)
[Most Games Played] xJqs | 1,511 (+)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Kills] (not submitted)
[Most Kills in One Game] (not submitted)
[Most Deaths] (not submitted)
[Best K/D] (not submitted)
[Best K/D in One Game] (not submitted)
[Most Enemy Pits Captured] (not submitted)
[Most Arrows Shot] (not submitted)
[Most Arrows Hit] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Placed] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Broken] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Walked] (not submitted)
[Most Time Played] (not submitted)
[Fastest Win (Any %)] (not submitted)
Among Slimes
[Most Total Wins] Priley | 57 (+)
[Most Imposter Wins] Priley | 23 (+)
[Most Crewmate Wins] Priley | 34 (+)
[Most Losses] Priley | 110 (+)
[Most Games Played] Priley | 167 (+)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Kills] Priley | 54 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] (not submitted)
[Most Deaths] Priley | 69 (+)
[Best K/D] (not submitted)
[Most Tasks Completed] Priley | 527 (+)
[Most Votes] Priley | 337 (+)
[Most Ejected] Priley | 13 (+)
[Most Bodies Reported] Priley | 43 (+)
[Most Meetings Called] Priley | 30 (+)
[Most Abilities Used] Priley | 94 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Priley | 221,946 (+)
[Most Time Played] Priley | 22+ hours
[Most Skyblock Coins] ShaD0wZzZ | 8,009,200,051 ±
[Highest XP level] Goofy_Unity | 455 ±
[Most Monsters Killed] Stragegard | 95,291 (+)
[Most Deaths] Goofy_Unity | 32,412 (+)
[Most Arrows Shot] Goofy_Unity | 10,412 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Goofy_Unity | 9,628 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] Goofy_Unity | 813,262 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] Goofy_Unity | 451,313 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Goofy_Unity | 8,330,373 (+)
[Most Time Played] Goofy_Unity | 60+ days
[Most Gold Medals] EntityWolf, Pauzer, xJqs, indikot, Oleashed, Juskebat, Alien_Gurke, Persi, Vyth_Kapenock, JIOCOCb, Vqzo, Brownieh, Flqris, _KSINED_, Submarine_1, davejebentnoob, Okeay, Vqzi, Lionesses, CallMePika, IcePhonix, NoHackzJustQuackz, Maciekos, Zytkios, WarmPorridge, KacperParkour, Zmottos, Aracelii, Mecosen, 2Mx, Aaronre1, Snvffel, Axiyy, GOODRAGE, Hyper365 | 109
[Most Silver Medals] EntityWolf, Pauzer, xJqs, indikot, Oleashed, Juskebat, Alien_Gurke, Persi, Vyth_Kapenock, JIOCOCb, Vqzo, Brownieh, Flqris, _KSINED_, Submarine_1, davejebentnoob, Okeay, Vqzi, Lionesses, CallMePika, IcePhonix, NoHackzJustQuackz, Maciekos, Zytkios, WarmPorridge, KacperParkour, Zmottos, Aracelii, Mecosen, 2Mx, Aaronre1, Snvffel, Axiyy, GOODRAGE, Hyper365 | 109
[Most Bronze Medals] EntityWolf, Pauzer, xJqs, indikot, Oleashed, Juskebat, Alien_Gurke, Persi, Vyth_Kapenock, JIOCOCb, Vqzo, Brownieh, Flqris, _KSINED_, Submarine_1, davejebentnoob, Okeay, Vqzi, Lionesses, CallMePika, IcePhonix, NoHackzJustQuackz, Maciekos, Zytkios, WarmPorridge, KacperParkour, Zmottos, Aracelii, Mecosen, 2Mx, Aaronre1, Snvffel, Axiyy, GOODRAGE, Hyper365 | 109
[Most Fails] Megaaa | 22,114 (+)
[Most Time Played] Megaaa | 2+ days
[Barn - Level 1] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:11:661
[Barn - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:14:215
[Barn - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:13:975
[Barn - Level 4] Megaaa | 00:12:652
[Barn - Level 5] Megaaa | 00:09:353
[Barn - Level 6] Megaaa | 00:15:718
[Barn - Level 7] Megaa | 00:06:411
[Circus - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:17:844
[Circus - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:18:265
[Circus - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:16:784
[Clouds - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:14:778
[Clouds - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:15:932
[Clouds - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:11:434
[Drought - Level 1] Sywert | 00:20:494
[Drought - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:28:413
[Drought - Level 3] Sweetenerera | 00:18:050
[End - Level 1] magmatizer | 00:10:363
[End - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:10:830
[End - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:11:176
[End - Level 4] Megaaa | 00:13:824
[End - Level 5] Megaaa | 00:10:653
[Jungle - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:09:817
[Jungle - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:10:651
[Jungle - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:10:806
[Mountain - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:05:737
[Mountain - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:08:059
[Mountain - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:06:209
[Nether - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:08:065
[Nether - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:09:923
[Nether - Level 3] Mats3209 | 00:13:312
[Nether - Level 4] Megaaa | 00:06:719
[Nether - Level 5] Megaaa | 00:08:620
[Nether - Level 6] platelminto | 00:11:353
[Nether - Level 7] Mats3209 | 00:11:603
[Oriental - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:14:961
[Oriental - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:10:956
[Oriental - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:13:872
[Temple - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:11:860
[Temple - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:09:758
[Temple - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:15:690
[Temple - Level 4] Megaaa | 00:09:252
[Temple - Level 5] Megaaa | 00:12:500
[Temple - Level 6] Megaaa | 00:13:450
[Temple - Level 7] Megaaa | 00:12:254
[Space - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:10:390
[Space - Level 2] platelminto | 00:13:875
[Space - Level 3] platelminto | 00:17:608
[Space - Level 4] platelminto | 00:13:296
[Space - Level 5] platelminto | 00:17:853
[Space - Level 6] Megaaa | 00:11:589
[Tower - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:14:775
[Tower - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:11:267
[Tower - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:19:729
[Tower - Level 4] Megaaa | 00:14:205
[Tower - Level 5] Megaaa | 00:16:222
[Tower - Level 6] Megaaa | 00:09:552
[Maze - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:17:904
[Maze - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:02:201
[Maze - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:07:322
[Maze - Level 4] Megaaa | 00:15:811
[Maze - Level 5] Megaaa | 00:11:102
[Maze - Level 6] Megaaa | 00:07:901
[Maze - Level 7] Megaaa | 00:17:687[Beach - Level 1] Rifyy | 00:19:584
[Beach - Level 2] Rifyy | 00:25:295
[Beach - Level 3] Filleee | 00:26:955
[Cinema - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:17:844
[Cinema - Level 2] Rifyy | 00:21:256
[Cinema - Level 3] Rifyy | 00:24:603
[Circuit - Level 1] JOR1AN | 00:16:554
[Circuit - Level 2] JOR1AN | 00:19:615
[Circuit - Level 3] JOR1AN | 00:18:224
[Library - Level 1] Srdzfdxtfufk | 00:16:851
[Library - Level 2] platelminto | 00:13:943
[Library - Level 3] platelminto | 00:15:721
[Retro - Level 1] Filleee | 00:28:712
[Retro - Level 2] Filleee | 00:33:567
[Retro - Level 3] Filleee | 01:12:510
[Square - Level 1] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:39:437
[Square - Level 2] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:24:374
[Square - Level 3] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:27:167
[Square - Level 4] JOR1AN | 00:33:401
[Square - Level 5] JOR1AN | 00:26:135
[Square - Level 6] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:12:386
[Void - Level 1] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:10:357
[Void - Level 2] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:10:005
[Void - Level 3] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:12:150
[Void - Level 4] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:48:981
[Void - Level 5] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:22:220
[Void - Level 6] Priley | 00:15:479[Aqua - Level 1] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:20:935
[Aqua - Level 2] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:34:665
[Aqua - Level 3] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:35:613
[Aqua - Level 4] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:25:228
[Dam (Level 1] (not submitted)
[Dam - Level 2] Juskebat | 00:30:104
[Dam - Level 3] (not submitted)
[Desert - Level 1] Jellei | 00:48:853
[Desert - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:37:860
[Desert - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:49:448
[Hell - Level 1] Rifyy | 01:05:711
[Hell - Level 2] Jellei | 00:38:980
[Hell - Level 3] Jellei | 00:44:545
[Snowy - Level 1] Juskebat | 00:22:501
[Snowy - Level 2] Jellei | 00:28:155
[Snowy - Level 3] Juskebat | 00:29:153
[Most Wins] Flqris | 4,433 (+)
[Most Losses] Flqris | 745 (+)
[Most Games Played] Flqris | 5,178 (+)
[Best W/L] iDqm | 6.915 ±
[Most Microgames Won] Flqris | 58,328 (+)
[Most Boss Games Won] Flqris | 3,044 (+)
[Most Micro-games Played] Flqris | 74,732 (+)
[Most Time Played] Flqris | 21+ days
[Balance Beam] DuduWater_12 | 3.00 seconds
[Build a Golem] Flqris | 1.30 seconds
[Build a Crafting Table] Flqris | 2.95 seconds
[Catch Emeralds] Brownieh | 4.25 seconds
[Craft Item] Brownieh | 1.35 seconds
[Dress Like The Mannequins] Flqris | 2.05 seconds
[Enchant Item] Flqris | 2.06 seconds
[Fly To The Moon] Brownieh | 5.34 seconds
[Grab Flower] Finixly | 0.05 seconds
[Milk The Cow] Flqris | 2.81 seconds
[Mine Ore] Brownieh | 2.21 seconds
[Stack 10 Blocks High Tower]Brownieh | 3.65 seconds
[Wait For It...] JDgamers | 0.95 seconds
[Parkour & Eat Cake] Diepio, Flqris | 0.05 seconds
[Buy Item] (not submitted)
Most Kills
[Be Last Knight Standing] Jellei | 9
[Chicken Shooter] Diepio | 12
[Egg Battle] Diepio, Brownieh | 6
[Knock Everyone Off] Mats3209 | 7
[Loot Chest & Kill All] Flqris | 9
[One in the Chamber] Diepio | 10
[Win Snow Fight] Brownieh | 8
[Chicken Shooter - Most Wings] Brownieh | 67
[Dodge Anvils - Most Blocks Walked] Flqris | 121
[Explosive Catch - Most Caught] Flqris | 11
[Feed Mr Blobbo - Most Nutrition] Flqris | 132
[Feed Animals - Most Fed] Finixly | 36
[Fly To The Moon - Most Blocks Flown] Spuuuni | 101
[Hatch Eggs - Most Hatched] xBlueTea_ | 45
[Hot Drop - Longest] (not submitted)
[Ignite The TNT - Most Ignited] Brownieh | 4
[Jump & Catch 5 Emeralds - Most Caught] nykaboo07 | 26
[King of the Hill - Longest] Diepio | 18.05 seconds
[King of the Hill - Most Times Struck] Sweetenerera | 14
[Milk The Cow - Most Times Milked] Brownieh | 39
[Milk The Cow - Most Golden Pebbles] Mats3209 | 5
[Mine Ore - Most Blocks Mined] Kozimobo | 28
[Nerd Poling] (not submitted)
[Ride A Cow - Most Players Thrown Off] Brownieh | 11
[Ride A Cow - Most Attempts] Finixly | 43
[Shear 12 Sheep - Most Sheared] Diepio | 32
[Stack 10 Blocks High Tower - Highest] Diepio | 24
[Stand On Color - Most Times Struck] Flqris | 17
[Stand On Diamond - Most Times Struck] Flqris | 20
[Stay On Top Or Else] (not submitted)
[Survive Shulkers - Most Blocks Ran] Brownieh | 87
[TNT Tag - Most Players Tagged] Brownieh | 268
Boss Games
[Colour Floor - Most Blocks Painted] Flqris | 514
[Deathmatch - Most Kills] Diepio | 26
[Lucky Block PvP - Most Kills] DuduWater_12 | 8
Tower Defence
[Most Wins] yndidon | 10,000 (+)
[Most Losses] yndidon | 485 (+)
[Most Games Played] yndidon | 10,485 (+)
[Best W/L] BadGhost | 23.883 ±
[Highest Score] Efcluke94 | 2,053,030
[Most Coins Collected in 1 Game] Efcluke94 | 3,402,568
[Most EXP Collected in 1 Game] Livchi | 263,634
[Most Towers Built] yndidon | 94,249 (+)
[Most Towers Built in One Game] Kloska | 256
[Most Monsters Sent] yndidon | 2,627,913 (+)
[Most Monsters Sent in One Game] iDqm | 1,332
[Most Monsters Killed] yndidon | 2,207,807 (+)
[Most Monsters Killed in One Game] Kloska | 15,009
[Most Time Played] yndidon | 75+ days
[Fastest Win] CrystalDrop, Wvzy, Magda_Korra, Matriox180, KaitKrazy, Lozora | 126 seconds
Survival Games (Solo)
[Most Wins] Joany | 5,564 (+)
[Most Losses] Megaaa | 2,444 (+)
[Most Games Played] Joany | 5,564 (+)
[Best W/L] Megaaa | 1.434 ±
[Most Kills] Leovardo | 45,860(+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Jaistrix | 17
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] Kloska | 93.33%
[Most Deaths] Megaaa | 2,403 (+)
[Best K/D] Megaaa | 12.773 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] Megaaa | 45,254 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Megaaa | 22,314 (+)
[Most Chests Opened] Megaaa | 36,370 (+)
[Most Time Played] Megaaa | 17+ days
[Fastest Win] Kloska | 22 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
Survival Games (Team)
[Most Wins] Hmad | 6,038 (+)
[Most Losses] Jellei | 238 (+)
[Most Games Played] Hmad | 6,038 (+)
[Best W/L] Jellei | 2.130 (+)
[Most Kills] NotPizza | 35,565 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Poandra | 15
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] DuduWater_12 | 78.57%
[Most Deaths] Jellei | 238 (+)
[Best K/D] Poandra | 40.012 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] Jellei | 2,223 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Jellei | 882 (+)
[Most Chests Opened] Jellei | 5,185 (+)
[Most Time Played] Jellei | 1+ day
[Fastest Win (Any %)] Hmad | 23 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
Archer Assault
[Most Wins] Okeay | 2,553 (+)
[Most Losses] Finixly | 110 (+)
[Most Games Played] Okeay | 2,553 (+)
[Best W/L] Finixly | 13.463 ±
[Most Kills] Finixly | 1,612 (+)
[Most Deaths] Finixly | 1,770 (+)
[Longest Killstreak] KevinWriter | 18
[Best K/D] Sweetenerera | 1.249 ±
[Most Ultimates Used] Finixly | 926 (+)
[Most Time Capturing] Finixly | 9+ hours
[Most Objectives Captured] Sweetenerera | 71 (+)
[Most Arrows Shot] Sweetenerera | 87,012 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Finixly | 744,510 (+)
[Most Time Played] Sweetenerera | 11+ hours
[Fastest Win (Any %)] (not submitted)
[Most Wins] Andyuu | 9,754 (+)
[Most Losses] Andyuu | 2,406 (+)
[Most Games Played] Andyuu | 11,078(+)
[Best W/L] Andyuu | 3.604 ±
[Most Core Damage Dealt] WhippydCream | 1,189 (+)
[Most Core Damage Dealt in One Game] Oreoino, iDqm | 100%
[Most Kills] Andyuu | 72,650 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] MaifaTownsMC | 56
[Most Deaths] Andyuu | 24,058 (+)
[Best K/D] (not submitted)
[Best K/D in One Game] (not submitted)
[Most Flags Captured] Andyuu | 10,936 (+)
[Most Arrows Shot] Oreoino | 30,364 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Oreoino | 10,176 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] WhippydCream | 61,570 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] Oreoino | 49,961 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Andyuu | 23,373,661 (+)
[Most Time Played] Andyuu | 54+ days
[Fastest Win (Any %)] (not submitted)
Battle Zone
[Most Wins] iiThrilzel_ | 972 (+)
[Most Losses] iiThrilzel_ | 318 (+)
[Most Games Played] iiThrilzel_ | 1,290 (+)
[Best W/L] iiThrilzel_ | 3.057 ±
[Most Kills] iiThrilzel_ | 6,112 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Shqts | 22
[Most Deaths] iiThrilzel_ | 306 (+)
[Best K/D] iiThrilzel_ | 9.974 ±
[Most Blocks Walked] iiThrilzel_ | 6,347,865 (+)
[Most Time Played] iiThrilzel_ | 7+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] (not submitted)
Layer Spleef
[Most Wins] Sweezly | 6,351 (+)
[Most Losses] PerryJ | 2,703 (+)
[Most Games Played] PerryJ | 5,696 (+)
[Best W/L] Jellei | 1.288 ±
[Most Powerups Picked Up] PerryJ | 59,316 (+)
[Most Layers Played On] PerryJ | 17,353 (+)
[Most Eggs Thrown] PerryJ | 242,859 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] PerryJ | 853,423 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] PerryJ | 7,544,227 (+)
[Most Time Played] PerryJ | 26+ days
[Most Wins] Chimpeeze | 10,987 (+)
[Most Losses] Kloska | 65 (+)
[Most Games Played] Chimpeeze | 10,987 (+)
[Best W/L] iDqm | 38.786 ±
[Best W/L (%)] iDqm | 97.49% ±
[Most Kills] iDqm | 5,965 (+)
[Most Kills in Deathmatch] Kloska | 20
[Best Killstreak] iDqm | 26
[Most Deaths] iDqm | 1,641 (+)
[Most Powerups Picked Up] iDqm | 1,880 (+)
[Most Blocks Painted] iDqm | 423,351 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] iDqm | 604,846 (+)
[Most Time Played] Kloska | 1+ days
[Most Wins] PerryJ | 4,000 (+)
[Most Losses] PerryJ | 283 (+)
[Most Games Played] PerryJ | 4,283 (+)
[Best W/L] PerryJ | 14.134 ±
[Best W/L (%)] PerryJ | 93.39% ±
[Most Kills] PerryJ | 135,891 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] PerryJ | 69
[Most Deaths] PerryJ | 36,732 (+)
[Best K/D] Jellei | 4.327 ±
[Best K/D in One Game] PerryJ | 48.000 ±
[Most Shots Fired] PerryJ | 229,929 (+)
[Longest Killstreak] PerryJ | 38
[Most Blocks Walked] PerryJ | 6,791,230 (+)
[Most Time Played] PerryJ | 10+ days
Line Dash
[Most Wins] xEveryone | 21,400 (+)
[Most Losses] PerryJ | 788 (+)
[Most Games Played] xEveryone | 21,400 (+)
[Best W/L] PerryJ | 12.690 ±
[Best W/L (%)] (not submitted)
[Most Kills] PerryJ | 22,797 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] B0tervlieg | 7
[Most Deaths] PerryJ | 4,538 (+)
[Best K/D] PerryJ | 5.024 ±
[Most Powerups Collected] PerryJ | 40,297 (+)
[Most Blocks Painted] PerryJ | 5,336,642 (+)
[Most Blocks Painted in One Game] B0tervlieg | 306
[Most Blocks Walked] PerryJ | 6,781,147 (+)
[Most Time Played] PerryJ | 10+ days
[Fastest Win] (not submitted)
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
Wing Rush
[Most Wins] Russin02 | 2,205 (+)
[Most Losses] PerryJ | 245 (+)
[Most Games Played] PerryJ | 2,245 (+)
[Best W/L] PerryJ | 8.163 ±
[Best W/L (%)] PerryJ | 89.09% ±
[Most Powerups Picked Up] PerryJ | 16,601 (+)
[Most Checkpoints Reached] PerryJ | 36,649 (+)
[Most Time Played] PerryJ | 8+ days
[Biomes] PerryJ | 01:16:500
[Nature] iDqm | 01:08:400
[Ravine] Sywert | 01:38:400
Slime Survival
[Most Wins] Maurhice | 3,125 (+)
[Most Slime Wins] Maurhice | 1,302 (+)
[Most Survivor Wins] Maurhice | 1,823 (+)
[Most Losses] Maurhice | 3,018 (+)
[Most Games Played] Maurhice | 6,143 (+)
[Best W/L] Maurhice | 1.035 ±
[Best W/L (%)] Maurhice | 50.87% ±
[Most Players Converted] Maurhice | 5,828 (+)
[Most Players Converted in One Game] B0tervlieg | 8
[Most Players Converted in One Game (%)] B0tervlieg | 72.73%
[Most Slimes Frozen in One Game] B0tervlieg | 4
[Most Players Recovered] Maurhice | 707 (+)
[Most Survivors Recovered in One Game] B0tervlieg | 8
[Most Powerups Picked Up] Maurhice | 13,693 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Maurhice | 5,332,117 (+)
[Most Time Played] B0tervlieg | 4+ daysCarving Chaos (Halloween)
[Most Wins] AVLTAS | 474 (+)
[Most Losses] (not submitted)
[Most Games Played] AVLTAS | 474 (+)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Faces Copied] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Placed] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Broken] (not submitted)
[Most Time Played] (not submitted)
Ender (Halloween)
[Most Wins] Kobaltski | 701 (+)
[Most Losses] PARK0UR | 45 (+)
[Most Games Played] Kobaltski | 701 (+)
[Best W/L] PARK0UR | 9.400 ±
[Best W/L (%)] PARK0UR | 90.17% ±
[Most Pages Found] PARK0UR | 2,696(+)
[Most Pages Found in One Game] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Walked] PARK0UR | 544,753 (+)
[Most Time Played] PARK0UR | 1+ day
[Fastest Win] (not submitted)
Snowman Survival (Christmas)
[Most Medals] Block_Head_2k | 19,095 (+)
[Most Medals Collected in One Game] Mivke | 11
[Most Overall Wins] Mivke | 437 (+)
[Most Losses] Mivke | 195 (+)
[Most Snowman Wins] Mivke | 259 (+)
[Most Survivor Wins] Mivke | 178 (+)
[Most Games Played] Mivke | 632 (+)
[Best W/L] Mivke | 2.241 ±
[Best W/L (%)] (not submitted)
[Most Survivors Converted] Mivke | 375 (+)
[Most Survivors Converted in One Game] Priley, Daveyyy | 7
[Most Survivors Converted in One Game (%)] Priley, Daveyyy | 100%
[Most Power-ups Collected] Mivke | 1,847 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Mivke | 458,632 (+)
[Most Time Played] Mivke | 1+ day
[Fastest Game (Any %)] (not submitted)
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
Present Rush (Christmas)
[Most Wins] ItzZep | 204 (+)
[Most Losses] Mivke | 55 (+)
[Most Games Played] ItzZep | 204 (+)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Best W/L (%)] (not submitted)
[Most Presents Made] Livchi | 26,520 (+)
[Most Presents Made in One Game] PerryJ | 277
[Most Fuel in Inventory At Once] Mivke | 282
[Most Blocks Walked] Livchi | 370,663 (+)
[Most Time Played] Livchi | 10+ hours
[Highest Level] Gamenight888 | 135 (+)
[Most Pending Friend Requests] RelatedNoobs | 625 (+)Odd and sometimes fun records go here! Records that you wouldn't think exist!
[Best EggWars Teams of 2 Winstreak] Darkninja279772 | 350 (+)
[Most Handled Reports in 24 Hours] Darkninja279772 | 50
[Fastest to Achieve 1,000 BlockWars Wins] Darkninja279772 | 1 day, 3 hours, 39 minutes, 23 seconds
[Most Power-Ups Picked Up in One Game of BlockWars] Kat9Ramp8ge, ShoppingTick21, laury44 | 15
[Most Deaths in One Game of BlockWars] Sudiknux | 41
[Longest Game of SkyWars (Chaos)] Kat9Ramp8ge | 67 minutes, 48 seconds
[Longest Game of SkyWars (Teams of 2)] Rolo1217, Kat9Ramp8ge | 33 minutes, 52 seconds
[Longest Game of Survival Games] Rolo1217, Kat9Ramp8ge | 27 minutes, 34 seconds
[Longest Game of Lucky Islands (Solo)] Kat9Ramp8ge | 31 minutes, 2 seconds
[Longest Game of EggWars (Teams of 2)] TheSlimyPython, KingCoop7767 | 40 minutes, 47 seconds
EggWars (Solo)
[Most Wins] resi17 | 3,500 (+)
[Most Losses] SilkHyperFox | 1,932 (+)
[Most Games Played] SilkHyperFox | 4,331 (+)
[Best W/L] Darkninja279772 | 12.500 ±
[Most Kills] resi17 | 30,436 (+)
[Most Eliminations] resi17 | 19,110 (+)
[Most Deaths] SilkHyperFox | 8,474 (+)
[Best K/D] Darkninja279772 | 11.425 ±
[Most Eggs Broken] resi17 | 21,386 (+)
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game] Darkninja279772 | 11
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game (%)] Darkninja279772 | 100%
[Most Blocks Placed] resi17 | 1,190,347 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] SilkHyperFox | 11,932,713 (+)
[Most Time Played] SilkHyperFox | 33+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] Darkninja279772 | 182 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
EggWars (Teams of 2)
[Most Wins] Toby2Spades | 4,517 (+)
[Most Losses] Toby2Spades | 869 (+)
[Most Games Played] Toby2Spades | 5,386 (+)
[Best W/L] Darkninja279772 | 350 ±
[Most Kills] ILM Bisconator | 26,317 (+)
[Most Eliminations] ILM Bisconator | 20,165 (+)
[Most Deaths] Toby2Spades | 7,924 (+)
[Best K/D] SlinkyGnu05604 | 11.306 ±
[Most Eggs Broken] ILM Bisconator | 12,263 (+)
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game] SlinkyGnu05604 | 7
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game] RelatedNoobs | 100%
[Most Blocks Placed] Toby2Spades | 660,498 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Toby2Spades | 7,070,549 (+)
[Most Time Played] Toby2Spades | 19+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] realjaycg, RelatedNoobs | 84 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] ILM Bisconator, realjaycg | 102 seconds
EggWars (Teams of 4)
[Most Wins] Charizardx264 | 6,167 (+)
[Most Losses] Darkninja_27 | 3 (+)
[Most Games Played] Charizardx264 | 6,167 (+)
[Best W/L] Darkninja279772 | 89.000 ±
[Most Kills] SilkHyperFox | 17,899 (+)
[Most Eliminations] SilkHyperFox | 9,487 (+)
[Most Deaths] SilkHyperFox | 5,612 (+)
[Best K/D] Atrin13 | 20.100 ±
[Most Eggs Broken] SilkHyperFox | 3,556 (+)
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game] TI5Y Heroic | 3
[Most Blocks Placed] SilkHyperFox | 312,662 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] SilkHyperFox | 7,734,273 (+)
[Most Time Played] SilkHyperFox | 19+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] Blackiecrew, Toby2Spades, WeUpInThisHouse, itskettykeith | 74 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] (not submitted)SkyWars (Solo)
[Most Wins] Gamenight888 | 17,008 (+)
[Most Losses] Shotgunraidse | 8,510 (+)
[Most Games Played] Gamenight888 | 19,016 (+)
[Best W/L] Gamenight888 | 8.470 ±
[Most Kills] Gamenight888 | 105,976 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Gamenight888 | 14
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] ElGera16 | 100%
[Most Deaths] Shotgunraidse | 8,930 (+)
[Best K/D] Gamenight888 | 51.898 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] Gamenight888 | 43,853 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Gamenight888 | 24,411 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] Gamenight888 | 65,627 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] Gamenight888 | 1,582,706 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Gamenight888 | 12,293,453 (+)
[Most Time Played] Gamenight888 | 32+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] Gamenight888 | 52 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] Gamenight888 | 98 seconds
SkyWars (Teams of 2)
[Most Wins] BreakingCandy30 | 5,656 (+)
[Most Losses] BreakingCandy30 | 4,741 (+)
[Most Games Played] BreakingCandy30 | 10,397 (+)
[Best W/L] Gamenight888 | 11.865 ±
[Most Kills] BreakingCandy30 | 49,509 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Gamenight888, Priley7929 | 14
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] Gamenight888, Priley7929 | 100%
[Most Deaths] BreakingCandy30 | 4,741 (+)
[Best K/D] Gamenight888 | 89.135 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] BreakingCandy30 | 11,008 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] OpeikoGamer | 5,285 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] BreakingCandy30 | 12,958 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] BreakingCandy30 | 856,946 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] BreakingCandy30 | 7,728,487 (+)
[Most Time Played] BreakingCandy30 | 19+ days (+)
[Fastest Game (Any %)] xraidse, Lone is sad | 54 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] Gamenight888, LemaXB1 | 64 seconds
SkyWars (Teams of 4)
[Most Wins] citoruiyu | 8,456 (+)
[Most Losses] citoruiyu | 6,054 (+)
[Most Games Played] citoruiyu | 14,510 (+)
[Best W/L] Gamenight888 | 7.107 ±
[Most Kills] citoruiyu | 73,506 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] FiGHTERMD, ElGera16, WobblierLemur52 | 12
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] FiGHTERMD, ElGera16, WobblierLemur52 | 100%
[Most Deaths] citoruiyu | 6,059 (+)
[Best K/D] Gamenight888 | 40.317 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] citoruiyu | 49,870 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] citoruiyu | 18,643 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] Toky0 Splash | 83,899 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] citoruiyu | 1,129,774 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] citoruiyu | 14,253,688 (+)
[Most Time Played] citoruiyu | 31+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] Goodyannathan, Lone is sad, MrSterdy, YettiSnowFall | 37 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] InsaneOrbitzz, xXslinkyhavemykidsXx, XanStrike, JXKESTER494 | 45 seconds
SkyWars (Mega)
[Most Wins] GoodUsername22 | 2,162 (+)
[Most Losses] GoodUsername22 | 1,879 (+)
[Most Games Played] GoodUsername22 | 4,041 (+)
[Best W/L] Gamenight888 | 5.432 ±
[Most Kills] GoodUsername22 | 21,177 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Cellusoft | 24
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] Cellusoft | 80%
[Most Deaths] GoodUsername22 | 1,879 (+)
[Best K/D] Gamenight888 | 65.912 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] GoodUsername22 | 21,463 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] GoodUsername22 | 9,703 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] GoodUsername22 | 18,896 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] GoodUsername22 | 169,348 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] GoodUsername22 | 4,516,362 (+)
[Most Time Played] GoodUsername22 | 12+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] GoodUsername22, NominalBaruch, DazzlingBozo, BruhTorTa, LimberGarlic185, Lone is sad, SuperPenguin719, Goodyannathan, Darkninja279772 | 87 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
SkyWars (Chaos)
[Most Wins] ElGera16 | 3,071 (+)
[Most Losses] Kat9Ramp8ge | 1,000 (+)
[Most Games Played] ElGera16 | 3,291 (+)
[Best W/L] ElGera16 | 10.564 ±
[Most Kills] OpeikoGamer | 4,113 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] ElGera16 | 3
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] ElGera16 | 100%
[Best K/D] OpeikoGamer | 16.857 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] OpeikoGamer | 12,127 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] OpeikoGamer | 2,627 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] OpeikoGamer | 39,994 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] OpeikoGamer | 25,203 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] OpeikoGamer | 1,144,566 (+)
[Most Time Played] OpeikoGamer | 3+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] ChcikenNugs | 38 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] ChcikenNugs | 46 secondsLucky Islands (Solo)
[Most Wins] overkiller9999 | 670 (+)
[Most Losses] (not submitted)
[Most Games Played] overkiller9999 | 670 (+)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Kills] (not submitted)
[Most Kills in One Game] SanCookieee | 9
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] SanCookieee | 81.8%
[Most Deaths] (not submitted)
[Best K/D] (not submitted)
[Most Arrows Shot] (not submitted)
[Most Arrows Hit] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Broken] (not submitted)
[Most Lucky Blocks Opened] (not submitted)
[Most Lucky Blocks Opened in One Game] Kat9Ramp8ge | 31
[Most Blocks Placed] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Walked] (not submitted)
[Most Time Played] (not submitted)
[Fastest Win (Any %)] SanCookieee | 105 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
Lucky Islands (Teams of 4)
[Most Wins] MrGushMan | 954 (+)
[Most Losses] (not submitted)
[Most Games Played] MrGushMan | 954 (+)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Kills] (not submitted)
[Most Kills in One Game] (not submitted)
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] (not submitted)
[Most Deaths] (not submitted)
[Best K/D] (not submitted)
[Most Arrows Shot] (not submitted)
[Most Arrows Hit] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Broken] (not submitted)
[Most Lucky Blocks Opened] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Placed] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Walked] (not submitted)
[Most Time Played] (not submitted)
[Fastest Win] (not submitted)
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)Survival Games (Solo)
[Most Wins] LemaXB1 | 6,025 (+)
[Most Losses] LemaXB1 | 1,483 (+)
[Most Games Played] PurpleCactus700 | 8,443 (+)
[Best W/L] Darkninja279772 | 5.784 ±
[Most Kills] LemaXB1 | 46,973 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Modulo 7 | 18
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] Modulo 7 | 100%
[Most Deaths] PurpleCactus700 | 6,115 (+)
[Best K/D] Atrin13 | 130.615 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] LemaXB1 | 8,502 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] LemaXB1 | 3,173 (+)
[Most Chests Opened] LemaXB1 | 44,837 (+)
[Most Time Played] PurpleCactus700 | 16+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] LemaXB1 | 76 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
Survival Games (Teams of 2)
[Most Wins] SilkHyperFox | 1,218 (+)
[Most Losses] (not submitted)
[Most Games Played] SilkHyperFox | 1,218 (+)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Kills] (not submitted)
[Most Kills in One Game] IgneousIsSad | 15
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] (not submitted)
[Most Deaths] (not submitted)
[Best K/D] (not submitted)
[Most Arrows Shot] (not submitted)
[Most Arrows Hit] (not submitted)
[Most Chests Opened] (not submitted)
[Most Time Played] (not submitted)
[Fastest Game (Any %)] (not submitted)
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
[Most Wins] CallMeFortex | 2,014 (+)
[Most Losses] DqrkMqtter | 99 (+)
[Most Games Played] CallMeFortex | 2,096 (+)
[Best W/L] CallMeFortex | 24.561 ±
[Most Microgames Won] CallMeFortex | 22,711 (+)
[Most Boss Games Won] CallMeFortex | 1,538 (+)
[Most Microgames Played] CallMeFortex | 31,226 (+)
[Most Time Played] CallMeFortex | 10+ days
[Enchant the Item] (not submitted)
[Mine Ore] Darkninja279772 | 5.20 seconds
[Stack 10 Blocks High Tower] ElGera16 | 4.30 seconds
[Wait For It...] ElGera16 | 0.90 seconds
Most Kills
[Be Last Knight Standing] ElGera16 | 9
[Knock Everyone Off] ElGera16 | 10
[Loot Chest & Kill All] ElGera16 | 9
[One in the Chamber] ElGera16 | 8
[Win Snow Fight] Modulo 7 | 6
[Bouncy Gladiators] (not submitted)
[Chicken Shooter - Most Wings] (not submitted)
[Dodge Anvils - Most Blocks Walked] Priley7929 | 130
[Explosive Catch - Most Caught] (not submitted)
[Jump & Catch 5 Butterflies - Most Caught] Darkninja279772 | 23
[King of the Hill - Longest] PineappleMan408 | 18.9 seconds
[King of the Hill - Most Times Struck] ElGera16 | 30
[Mine Ore - Most Blocks Mined] ElGera16 | 42
[Nerd Poling] (not submitted)
[Shear Sheep - Most Sheared] ElGera16 | 43
[Stand On Colour - Most Times Struck] ElGera16 | 17
[Stand On Diamond - Most Times Struck] ElGera16 | 26
[TNT Tag - Most Tagged] ElGera16 | 19
Boss Games
[Colour Floor - Most Blocks Painted] Michael8777 | 383
[Most Wins] Nash the Basher | 5,018 (+)
[Most Losses] Nash the Basher | 796 (+)
[Most Games Played] Nash the Basher | 5,814 (+)
[Best W/L] Andyuuuu | 125.000 ±
[Most Kills] Nash the Basher | 8,678 (+)
[Most Deaths] Nash the Basher | 5,525 (+)
[Best K/D] Andyuuuu | 2.462 ±
[Best K/D in One Game] Kat9Ramp8ge | 32.000
[Most Arrows Shot] Modulo 7 | 1,902 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Modulo 7 | 574 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] Nash the Basher | 30,054 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] Nash the Basher | 207,873 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Nash the Basher | 4,418,952 (+)
[Most Time Played] Nash the Basher | 10+ days
[Fastest Game] knickknackknock, MadlyWD, Abglolz, SailingSwag123 | 32 seconds
Line Dash
[Most Wins] saltyshadows794 | 11,043 (+)
[Most Losses] saltyshadows794 | 2,496 (+)
[Most Games Played] saltyshadows794 | 13,539 (+)
[Best W/L] PerryyJ | 8.264 ±
[Most Kills] PerryyJ | 36,698 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] PerryyJ | 8
[Most Deaths] saltyshadows794 | 4,352 (+)
[Best K/D] PerryyJ | 37.447 ±
[Most Blocks Walked] saltyshadows794 | 6,069,167 (+)
[Most Blocks Painted in One Game] ElGera16 | 1,403
[Most Time Played] saltyshadows794 | 7+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] RavenCrow9916, TS Zek, SGTMAKEMDIE | 11 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] saltyshadows794, Magma fox12, ValiantSphere42, RainbowSatyr856 | 49 seconds
Carving Chaos (Halloween)
[Most Wins] SilkHyperFox | 1,362 (+)
[Most Losses] (not submitted)
[Most Games Played] SilkHyperFox | 1,362 (+)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Faces Copied] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Placed] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Broken] (not submitted)
[Most Time Played] (not submitted)
Ender (Halloween)
[Most Wins] MidNight ZyCo | 111 (+)
[Most Losses] (not submitted)
[Most Games Played] (not submitted)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Pages found] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Walked] (not submitted)
[Most Time Played] (not submitted)
Snowman Survival (Christmas)
[Most Medals] ItzSelenaSavage | 771 (+)
[Most Medals Collected in One Game] (not submitted)
[Most Overall Wins] (not submitted)
[Most Snowman Wins] (not submitted)
[Most Survivor Wins] (not submitted)
[Most Games Played] (not submitted)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Survivors Converted] (not submitted)
[Most Survivors Converted in One Game] (not submitted)
[Most Survivors Converted in One Game (%)] (not submitted)
[Most Power-ups Collected] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Walked] (not submitted)
[Most Time Played] (not submitted)
[Most Implemented Threads] @Riley | 12 (+)
[Most Escalated Threads] @Riley | 14 (+)
[Most Messages] @Moooofin | 17,863 (+)
[Highest Reaction Score] @Sophie | 16,926 ±
[Most Trophy Points] @Story | 684 (+)
[Most Followers] @rubik_cube_man | 1,480 ±
[Most Following] @DarkSavage_XF,@StralendePijl | 1,000
[Most Name Changes] @Remmie | 26 (+)
[Most Threads] @komododragon 2002 | 355 (+)
[Largest Thread] @Story (link) | 18,200 words ±
[Most Replied Thread] @Muffin (link) | 8,980 (+)
[Most Liked Thread] @CubeCraft (link) | 123 ±
[Most Liked Profile Post] @rubik_cube_man (link) | 96 ±CubeCraft Games
[Most Messages] Ximena#0001 | 134,707 (+)
[Most Times Mentioned] SummerWarz #6908 | 20,192 (+)
[Most Roles] Zed#1010 | 16 ±
[Most Users in Voice Channel at Once] English #3 | 97
CubeCraft Games Translation Team
[Most Messages] FocusTurtle#8361 | 129,250 (+)
[Most Times Mentioned] FocusTurtle#8361 | 6,528 (+)
[Most Roles] Wandrboy#1998 | 9 ±
[Most Users in Voice Channel at Once] (not submitted)
Entry Requirement: 1,000 wins in 3 games
Kloska: Lucky Islands (Solo), Lucky Islands (Team), SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), EggWars (Team), Tower Defence, Duels, Survival Games (Solo), Paintball (Total 9)
Finixly: Lucky Islands (Solo), SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), EggWars (Solo), EggWars (Team), Duels, MinerWare, Archer Assault (Total 8)
Jellei: Lucky Islands (Solo), Lucky Islands (Team), SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), EggWars (Team), Duels, Line Dash, Paintball (Total 8)
iDqm: EggWars (Team), SkyWars (Team), Duels, MinerWare, Tower Defence, Line Dash, Paintball (Total 7)
Dutudy: Lucky Islands (Solo), Luck Islands (Team), SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), EggWars (Team), Duels (Total 6)
SilkHyperFox: EggWars (Solo), Eggwars (Teams of 2), EggWars (Teams of 4) (Total 3)
Gamenight888: SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Teams of 2), SkyWars (Teams of 4) (Total 3)
LemaXB1: SkyWars (Teams of 2), Survival Games, BlockWars (Total 3)Entry Requirement: 10,000 kills in 2 games
Diregon: SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), EggWars (Team), Free For All (Total 4)
Megaaa: SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), EggWars (Solo), Survival Games (Solo) (Total 4)
Kloska: Lucky Islands (Solo), Lucky Islands (Team), SkyWars (Solo) (Total 3)
PureAim: SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), EggWars (Team) (Total 3)
xHerrero: SkyWars (Solo), EggWars (Team), BlockWars (Total 3)
LemaXB1: SkyWars (Teams of 2), Survival Games, BlockWars (Total 3)
Gamenight888: SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Teams of 2) (Total 2)
SilkHyperFox: EggWars (Solo), EggWars (Teams of 4) (Total 2)Java
NLodjo: Level 355
NEO_K4T4N4: Level 280
Mivke: Level 270
kuwaitgamer60: Level 269
Befla: Level 250
Gamenight888: Level 135
SlinkyGnu05604: Level 134
ElGera16: Level 129
SilkHyperFox: Level 120
RelatedNoobs: Level 108Entry Requirement: 2 leaderboard spots
ItzZep: EggWars (Team), EggWars (Beta), SkyWars (Solo), Assassinations, MinerWare, Parkour, Survival Games (Solo), Survival Games (Team), Layer Spleef, Line Dash, Paintball, QuakeCraft, Slime Survival, Wing Rush, Archer Assault, Battle Zone, Ender, Present Rush, Carving Chaos (Total 19)
Jellei: EggWars (Solo), EggWars (Beta), SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), Lucky Islands (Solo), Duels, MinerWare, Parkour, Survival Games (Team), Archer Assault, Battle Zone, Layer Spleef, Line Dash, Paintball, QuakeCraft, Slime Survival, Wing Rush (Total 17)
Mivke: EggWars (Team), SkyWars (Team), Lucky Islands (Solo), Lucky Islands (Team), MinerWare, Parkour, Layer Spleef, Line Dash, Paintball, QuakeCraft, Slime Survival, Wing Rush, Archer Assault, Battle Zone, Ender, Present Rush, Snowman Survival (Total 17)
Kloska: EggWars (Solo), Skywars (Solo), Lucky Islands (Solo), Lucky Islands (Team), MinerWare, Tower Defence, Layer Spleef, Line Dash, Paintball, QuakeCraft, Slime Survival, Wing Rush, Survival Games (Solo), Battle Zone, Ender, Present Rush (Total 16)
Megaaa: SkyWars (Solo), EggWars (Solo), Duels, MinerWare, Parkour, Survival Games (Solo), Survival Games (Team), QuakeCraft, Wing Rush, Battle Zone (Total 10)
ElGera16: EggWars (Teams of 4), SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Chaos), SkyWars (Mega), MinerWare, BlockWars (Total 5)
Gamenight888: SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Teams of 2), SkyWars (Chaos), SkyWars (Mega) (Total 4)
saltyshadows794: Lucky Islands (Solo), Line Dash (Total 2)Java
Jellei: 574 achievements
Megaaa: 573 achievements
Mivke: 567 achievements
Flqris: 555 achievements
Brownieh: 543 achievements
This club doesn't exist for BedrockJava
AlexpYT192: 2,508 reports
Ducky_Jr: 1,285 reports
Rob_the_Giraffe: 1,253 reports
Dutudy: 1,200 reports
Scottness: 1,173 reports
This club doesn't exist for Bedrock
Java Username: Darkninja_27
Bedrock Username: Darkninja279772
Accomplishments: 250 W/L in Bedrock SkyWars, 350 win streak in Bedrock EggWars, a few fastest game records
Interview Date: September 2nd, 2020
"Tell us about yourself!"
Hello everyone! I'm Darkninja_27 or Dark for short. I live in Belgium, I'm 18 years old and like to play basketball. My favourite food is pizza or French fries. My favourite colour is dark blue. And I've been playing Minecraft for over six years now.
"How did you discover CubeCraft? Why do you prefer this server over others?"
I started playing Minecraft (on pc) around 2016 together with some friends. We played on all kinds of servers and jumped from one to the other. A friend discovered CubeCraft and we started playing some games on it like Eggwars, SkyWars and Survival Games. I loved playing EggWars so I stuck with CubeCraft as it was the only server that had a game like EggWars.
"How do you combine CubeCraft with your real-life responsibilities?"
I play on CubeCraft in my spare time and when I'm bored and want to play some games with friends. Minecraft is a hobby of mine and I enjoy playing it. Instead of watching TV or sitting on the couch, I play Minecraft. But when it comes to homework and such, I always handle my real-life responsibilities first before playing.
"What's your main CubeCraft minigame and why?"
I like every game. They all have their positives and negatives. But I mainly play EggWars!
When I first started playing EggWars I liked the big maps like Mansion and Rome. The number of players in those maps made them fun to play on. The Discord calls were always amazing: meeting new players and just having a blast and laughing constantly. A new thing I recently started doing is trying to get the fastest games on EggWars. Trying to find the fastest ways to win is one of my favourite things to do now. Finding new ways to go faster and things I can improve on.
"You have an incredible W/L ratio on Bedrock of 250. Aren't you very nervous and on-edge whenever you play a game?"
When I first started playing Bedrock. I saw that there was an opportunity to get the best W/L ratio so NLodjo and I tried to get it. Every game was stressful as there were a lot of cheaters back then. But after I lost one game, I stopped and just played for fun.
"What are your favourite memories on the server?"
The awesome players I met throughout my journey on CubeCraft. The competitive players I grinded wins with. One of my favourite memories is getting NLodjo to 10K wins on Speed EggWars and the celebration games after hitting milestones. We would get a game full of friends and put cake all over the map, make a big sign and amazing screenshots to celebrate the milestones!
"Was there a point where you decided to become increasingly more competitive, or did it happen gradually and imperceptibly?"
I think it grew more and more after meeting and playing with some skilled players. They knew the best ways to win and I learned a lot of tricks and skills from them. We won nearly every game so when we did lose a game, it felt weird. After we lost we tried to improve on the things we did wrong that game.
"What is your setup like?"
When I first started playing Minecraft Java, I had a laptop I played on. It could run Minecraft smoothly so it was a good thing to have. I upgraded my setup a year ago. I've got a custom-built pc with RTX 2070 and an AMD Ryzen 7 2700X. Quite a beefy computer to play Minecraft on.
I've got two monitors: one 144Hz 2K screen and one 60Hz 1080p side screen.
"Do you recommend other players to go down the same path as you? Would you do it all over again if you could?"
If you like to play Minecraft competitively, try to find like-minded players. The only advice I will give is that it's sometimes better to have fun than to always want to win, otherwise you will ruin the Minecraft experience. Taking a break here and there or playing another game is a good way to keep Minecraft enjoyable.
"Is the competitive side of the community a big happy family, or is it more of a war?"
I would say it's more like friendly competition. We are all competitive so we all want to win every single game. We put some basic rules in place so we wouldn't start conflicts. When two big parties join the same game, the party that joined last would leave. Sometimes we don't notice when there's another big party, so those games take longer for us to win or even lose. But at the end of the day, when we combine our parties, we became good friends and had a good time together.Java Username: Kloska
Bedrock Username: KloskaCCG
Accomplishments: Team Lucky Islands leaderboard, Solo Lucky Islands leaderboard
Interview Date: September 3rd, 2020
"Introduce yourself!"
Hi, I am Tim, or Kloska as most of you know me by. I am a regular 17-year-old living in Sweden.
I study technology with focus on programming in a Swedish Gymnasium, which is somewhat equivalent to secondary school in the UK, or high school in the USA.
I usually spend my free time at home, either studying, doing chores or just relaxing whilst watching a YouTube clip. When I don’t do those things, I like hanging out with friends and family, doing city orientation by bike, or just chilling with my cats.
"How did you discover CubeCraft? Why do you prefer this server over others?"
I discovered CubeCraft through a Swedish Youtube duo called DualDGaming (DDG)
I’ve been playing around on a lot of servers and some of them do have fun minigames. What made me stick to CubeCraft was the 1.9 combat system and my love for Lucky Islands. I also think CubeCraft allows for both casual and competitive gameplay, which is something I enjoy.
"How do you combine playing on CubeCraft with your real-life responsibilities?"
I used to play on CubeCraft any moment I could back in late 2016 to early 2018. I basically played from when I got home after school until I went to bed. This was of course not the most healthy thing to do, but I had a lot of fun playing with friends.
Once I became staff, I’ve not been playing as much as I used to since I’ve spent more time moderating the server rather than playing games. I still used to have a lot of free time which made it easy for me to balance playing Minecraft with moderation and real-life stuff.
As some of you know, I’ve recently stepped down from being a Senior Moderator which is due to a tighter real-life schedule. I will try to get on the server to play whenever I am free, but as of now, I will not be playing a lot on the server anymore.
"What's your main CubeCraft minigame and why?"
My main game overall is Lucky Islands. It was the first game I fell in love with on the server and I’ve enjoyed playing it since the first day. I originally loved coming up with tactics to win the game with all the different wands, items, maps advantages etc. The variation and the possibility to innovate is something I love with Lucky Islands.
"During the Christmas holidays, you're almost always playing Lucky Islands on the Christmas map. Doesn't it get boring to keep playing the same map over and over again?"
In short, yes. Doing the same thing over and over again will get boring eventually. This is why I’ve been playing the map less and less for each year. A way to make it more fun is to play and call with friends, trying new methods, tactics etc. which gives more variation to the gameplay.
Back in 2016 to early 2017, I used to keep track of me and my friend’s daily wins. The first day playing on the Christmas map feast, we got a whopping 20 wins during one day, beating our previous daily high with 13 wins. At the end of that month, we were able to get about 80 wins per day which was super exciting to me. Around that same time was also the first time I could even start dreaming of reaching the top 5 leaderboard displayed in the lobby.
Last year (2019), I only played the map for a few days. However, I challenged myself to get more wins in one day than I had ever gotten before. My daily record at the time was 333 wins that I had got the previous year. When I had one day off, I got up early in the morning to win a few games alone before I had a few friends join me a bit later. I played all day long, I think it was about 16 hours of playtime, and managed to get 400 wins in only one day. This is currently listed as a peculiar record in this thread.
"What are your favourite memories on the server?"
This one is difficult because so many great things have happened, yet I barely remember any of them.
One thing I remember was when I first met Ufo and Softis (DualDGaming) and Ufo’s girlfriend in a game of lucky islands back in early 2017. We were playing on the map Hell and I was in their team. I was doing very well, and apparently so well that other Swedish opponents started to hackusate me. The Youtube gang ended up leaving the game since they didn’t want to be on the same team as a cheater. However in the video they uploaded, they did mention me (not by name) by saying something along the lines of “We tried to record a game before this, but they said we had a cheater on our team so we ended up leaving.” I was upset when they first left, but looking at it now, I do think it’s kinda funny.
I do remember being featured on their channel two times after that as well, which I found very exciting. They tried to use me as a clickbait once but unfortunately, it didn’t work (looking at you Priley)
"Was there a point where you decided to become increasingly more competitive, or did it happen gradually and imperceptibly?"
I’ve always played the game with the intent of winning, but never to be the best. I’ve never really felt that I’m especially competitive towards other players when playing, but rather wanting to improve what I do instead. I’ve always been driven by statistics since that’s something I really enjoy. That’s also one of the reasons I’ve been looking into this thread a lot and been submitting records wherever I can.
"You are a Senior Moderator on CubeCraft. How do you combine Senior Moderator responsibilities with playing on the server?”
As a moderating staff member, you might have less time to play the game since you will also have to dedicate time to handling reports, appeals, the forums, discord etc.
I have had periods of time where I prefered to only do reports for several hours a day, and some periods where I felt like playing games rather than handling other stuff. Luckily, as Moderators are volunteers, you are allowed to choose how much time you spend on doing your responsibilities as long as you’re still active enough to take care of your responsibilities.
When I felt like playing games, I played games most of the day, but still punished any rule-breakers or helped anyone that needed assistance on the server. I think it’s important for the community to often see Moderators playing games. This does not only make Moderators seem less like a mysterious group of staff members, but we’re also available to help if they need us.
"Do you have a crazy setup or just a simple 2011 Windows 7 laptop?"
My setup is absolute trash. I don’t even meet all of the recommended requirements for Minecraft Java edition that Minecraft themselves have posted. I wish to build my own PC in the future, hopefully sometime next year.
"Is there anything else you want to tell us?"
As I’ve mentioned before, I am really into statistics. Back in 2017, I had a goal to get 100 wins in every single game mode on CubeCraft. Over time, I managed to get 100 wins in all the available games except UHC. I found that quite a fun challenge and enjoyed what I did.
Later on, I thought about going for 1000 wins in all game modes as a fun idea and a cool statistic to have but quickly realised that it would take too much time. Grinding 10 times what I already did wouldn’t be fun at all.
An important thing to remember, whether you’re playing competitively or not, is to have fun. I know it sounds cheesy, and it kind of is, but if you’re playing for any other reason than having fun and enjoying your time, it’s not worth playing.
Megaaa holds the most Java records with a total of 77, which is 14%!
Runner-up being PerryJ with 38 records, which is 7%!
54% of all parkour records are held by Megaaa, with second place going to TotallyAwesome5 who holds 13% and third place going to Rifyy who holds 9%.
Additionally, Megaaa holds 87% of the easy level records.
TotallyAwesome5 holds 37% of the medium level records.
Rifyy holds 38% of the hard level records.
ElGera16 holds the most Bedrock records with a total of 31, which is 15%!
Runner-up being Gamenight888 with 22 records, which is 10%!
Kloska holds the most archived records with a total of 16, which is 24%!
2% of all records, or 1 out of every 50, are tied records!
Jefe_Maestro1 held the Most Wins record for Java Edition SkyWars for an incredible 1,415 days, nearly 4 entire years, before being overtaken by AngelClick3r on August 14th of 2020.
This graph visualizes the status of all records, excluding archived and peculiar records.
A cool 93% of the Java club’s capacity is used.
All Java clubs combined account for 18 unique players!
Kloska is in 5 clubs.
An okay 45% of the Bedrock club’s capacity is used!
All Bedrock clubs combined account for as little as 5 unique players!
Gamenight888 is in 3 clubs.
Ximena#0001, the most active user in the CubeCraft Games Discord, is responsible for 2.8% of all messages ever sent. This is 1 out of every 35 messages!
FocusTurtle#8361, the most active user in the CubeCraft Games Translation Team Discord, is responsible for just under 11.5% of all messages ever sent. This is 1 out of every 9 messages!
just got sub 7 on mountain 3Last Updated: October 25th, 2020
Welcome to the fifth version of the CubeCraft Book of World Records!
If you are not listed and you believe you have taken a record, then please do submit! Make sure to read the guidelines thoroughly! Alongside world records, there's an assortment of clubs consisting out of players with the same records and achievements.
I have created a Discord server for the CubeCraft Book of World Records' community, or generally just for all competitive players. It has a lot of cool features as well as basic chatting of course! Join and see for yourself!
Previous versions can be found in the spoiler down below. Since the old thread owners have left the community, lost interest or simply don't have any time to update the book and give it the attention it deserves, I took over. I've been continuously updating all records while also adding new records.
These are outdated versions of the CubeCraft Book of World Records. We wouldn't be here today without these and their creators! They deserve just as much credit as I do!
@Pandaa's first version: -=- Cubecraft book of world records -=-
@Power Ranger's second version: Cubecraft Book of World Records
@telegamer's third version: Cubecraft Book of World Records v3
@MJ010101's fourth version: Cubecraft Book of World Records v4These are records for games that are currently no longer available on the network.
If you think you had broken any of these records and you still have the required evidence to support your claim, then please do submit!
Battle Zone (Solo)
Most Wins: aSteeve - 333(+)
Most Losses: Scottness - 94(+)
Most Kills: Foxy011 - 6,762(+)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Shots Fired: Scottness - 54,366(+)
Most Shots Hit: Scottness - 1,516(+)
Most Structures Built: Scottness - 11,006(+)
Most Blocks Walked: Scottness - 1,460,012(+)
Most Time Played: Scottness - 2+ days
Most Kills in One Game: Suayhn - 23
Best K/D Ratio: Scottness - 19.415 ±
Best W/L Ratio: Scottness - 1.232 ±
[Most Overall Wins] LuisFcm27_OL | 1,601 (+)
[Most Human Wins] Kloska | 116 (+)
[Most Infected Wins] Priley | 1,137 (+)
[Most Losses] Priley | 65 (+)
[Most Games Played] LuisFcm27_OL | 1,601 (+)
[Best W/L] iDqm | 25.094 ±
[Best W/L (%)] (not submitted)
[Most Infected Killed] Kloska | 1,223 (+)
[Most Players Infected] Priley | 1,544 (+)
[Most Players Infected in One Game] Priley | 8
[Most Players Infected in One Game (%)] Priley | 57.14%
[Most Blocks Walked] Priley | 630,794 (+)
[Most Time Played] Priley | 2+ days
[Fastest Win] (not submitted)
Most Wins: m9068678 - 1,446(+)
Most Solo Wins: Kloska - 236(+)
Most Team Wins: Kloska - 443(+)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Items Collected: Kloska - 5,033(+)
Most Blocks Walked: Kloska - 1,427,084(+)
Most Time Played: Kloska - 5+ days
Best W/L Ratio: Kloska - 3.536 ±
Fastest Solo Game of Full House: precisi0n - 12 minutes, 0 seconds
Barn Brawl
Most Wins: Kloska - 171 (+)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Games Played: Kloska - 201 (+)
Most Powerups Picked Up: Sparrangelica - 145 (+)
Most Animals Captured: Kloska - 1,745 (+)
Most Glowing Animals Captured: Kloska - 419 (+)
Most Animal Babies Caught: Sparrangelica - 8 (+)
Most Creepers Caught: Kloska - 280 (+)
Most Blocks Walked: Sparrangelica - 3,755 (+)
Most Time Played: Kloska - 22+ hours
Best W/L Ratio: Kloska - 5.700 ±
Competitive Parkour
Most Wins: PARK0UR - 7,126 (+)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Competitive Games Played: (not submitted)
Most Fails: PARK0UR - 4,659 (+)
Most Time Played: PARK0UR - 3+ days
EggWars (Speed)
Most Wins: NLodjo - 12,222(+)
Most Losses: (not submitted)
Most Solo Wins: Kloska - 312(+)
Most Team Wins: iDqm - 2,927(+)
Most Kills: NLodjo - 61,470(+)
Most Deaths: iiNoobiii - 8,371(+)
Most Games Played: NLodjo - 13,892(+)
Most Eggs Broken: NLodjo - 18,584(+)
Most Blocks Placed: iiNoobiii - 442,238(+)
Most Blocks Broken: NLodjo - 29,980(+)
Most Blocks Walked: NLodjo - 11,052,493(+)
Most Time Played: NLodjo - 26+ days
Best K/D Ratio: Guildmaster - 26.625 ±
Best W/L Ratio: NLodjo - 9.406 ±
Your submission must meet the requirements listed below. If your submission was denied and you are not sure why, feel free to shoot me a message! I have the right to reject submissions if there is reason to, even if they meet the requirements listed below. These guidelines are subject to change and may change at any time!
1. Always provide valid evidence of your record!
* Do not crop your evidence if you don't have to. This might get your submission rejected!
* You must follow the official CubeCraft Gameplay rules. Getting caught may lead to all or specific records getting unlisted.
* Manipulating the evidence for a record is not allowed. Getting caught may lead to all of your records getting unlisted.
* Your game must be at least 70% filled when the game starts, excluding your own team
* If all enemy players leave the game when you are unreleased, in your cage, the record does NOT count
* You (or you and your team collectively) must get least 20% of the available kills (this excludes BlockWars and Tower Defence)
* You (or your team) must win the game
* BlockWars: time starts when build time is over and stops when the third and final flag has been captured
All best time records must be supported by video evidence. Make sure to pay close attention to the following:
* Do not crop your video
* Your boss bar stopwatch must be clearly visible at all times
* Your boss bar stopwatch may not lag - this will be checked!
* The scoreboard must be clearly visible at all times
* The video must include the full run from start to finish
* You are allowed to use shortcuts! Jumping on blocks that you should not be able to stand on, without being teleported back, is allowed as well.
Your own team('s egg) is excluded in the calculation. However, I don't calculate this by the available kills/eggs. If your game was only half-filled and you kill all available players, you will not have 100%!
If it is in a team game, you have to kill all players/break all eggs collectively, as a team!
You need to have more games played than the first leaderboard player of that game has wins, if their wins are known.
Requires a minimum of 750 kills.
Requires a minimum of 250 games played.
2. State which record you're submitting for.
3. Your submission should be made under this thread.Entry requirements can be found in the clubs themselves.
Though, in general: If the club capacity is exceeded, the entry requirement will change to be stricter. This can kick out a few club members, making place for new ones that meet the new, stricter requirements!
The club capacity always is 5 members!
[GREEN] The record is (probably) ACCURATE
[ORANGE] The record is (probably) INACCURATE
[PURPLE] The record is ESTIMATED
[BLUE] The game is a FEATURED or SEASONAL game
[Highest Level] NLodjo | 355 (+)
[Most Pending Friend Requests] NLodjo | 2,044 (+)
[Most Points] NLodjo | 2,000,000 (+)
[Most Achievements] Jellei | 574 / 631
[Most Loot Points] Megaaa | 525,774 (+)
[Most Handled Reports] AlexpYT192 | 2,508 (+)
[Most Reports Handled] CapitanGato | 17,654 (+)
[Most Times Thanked (Multiplier)] MrBigChin | 1,595
[Most Points Boosted (Multiplier)] MrBigChin | 134,794
[Most Overall Challenges Completed] Mats3209 | 1,319 (+)
[Most Easy Challenges Completed] Mats3209 | 439 (+)
[Longest Easy Challenges Streak] Mats3209 | 133 (+)
[Most Medium Challenges Completed] Mats3209 | 438 (+)
[Longest Medium Challenges Streak] Mats3209 | 83 (+)
[Most Hard Challenges Completed] Mats3209 | 432 (+)
[Longest Hard Challenges Streak] Mats3209 | 99 (+)Odd and sometimes fun records go here! Records that you wouldn't think exist!
[Most Blocks Removed in One Game of Solo SkyWars] Juskebat, Jvskebat, iWillStayPro, AreYouTrusted, Mivkebat, DCB_Bomber, GetSpankFromMe, Finixly, ButIDontCare, Punterslijper, Dr_IJsbeer, iiJoris_, iiPedro_, ztryhqrder | 32,117 blocks (the entire map)
[Longest Game of Solo SkyWars] Gladiuz_YT, Azxla | 229 minutes and 8 seconds
[Most Beach Ball Bounces (Gadget)] aSteeve | 862
[Longest Preserved Cubelet] SanCookie | 427 days
[Most Accepted Map Submissions] _The13thDoctor_ | 4
[Most Team Lucky Islands Wins in One Day] Kloska | 400
[Most Team Lucky Islands Wins on One Map] Dutudy | 3,425 (+)
[Most Assists on One Kill in Team Lucky Islands] Mivke, Dutudy, Axiyy, xJqs, SanCookie | 5
[Most EggWars Eliminations Using a Token] Popcornman467 | 3
[Most SkyWars Wins in One Day] Snvffel | 151
[Most TNT jumps in One Game] SanCookie | 9
EggWars (Solo)
[Most Wins] CielitoLindo14 | 8,963 (+)
[Most Losses] SnowyWarz | 642 (+)
[Most Games Played] CielintoLindo14 | 8,963 (+)
[Best W/L] Megaaa | 4.478 ±
[Most Kills] Megaaa | 28,830 (+)
[Most Eliminations] Megaaa | 17,075 (+)
[Most Deaths] Megaaa | 2,995 (+)
[Best K/D] NEO_K4T4N4 | 17.332 ±
[Most Eggs Broken] Megaaa | 19,367 (+)
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game] _EliteTra | 10
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game (%)] PedrocasPirocas, Mats3209, zNoob | 100%
[Most Blocks Placed] Megaaa | 671,148 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] HackersDontWin | 8,434,659 (+)
[Most Time Played] NEO_K4T4N4 | 21+ days
[Fastest Win (Any %)] Mara_Dibella | 95 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
EggWars (Team)
[Most Wins] NEO_K4T4N4 | 27,296 (+)
[Most Losses] NLodjo | 2,680 (+)
[Most Games Played] NEO_K4T4N4 | 27,296 (+)
[Best W/L] NLodjo | 8.113 ±
[Most Kills] NLodjo | 68,134 (+)
[Most Eliminations] iiJoris_ | 15,020 (+)
[Most Deaths] ComeMineMen1v1 | 18,926 (+)
[Best K/D] CommunistCactus | 12.441 ±
[Most Eggs Broken] NLodjo | 12,081 (+)
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game] iDqm | 3
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game (%)] iDqm, aBrokenSoul, NLodjo, StayDerpie | 100%
[Most Blocks Placed] NLodjo | 1,405,473 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] NLodjo | 28,616,970 (+)
[Most Time Played] NLodjo | 81+ days
[Fastest Win (Any %)] Mara_Dibella, FocusTurtle | 126 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)SkyWars (Solo)
[Most Wins] AngelClick3r | 19,992 (+)
[Most Losses] AngelClick3r | 33,500 (+)
[Most Games Played] AngelClick3r | 53,492 (+)
[Best W/L] PinkGangsterGoat | 1.092 ±
[Most Kills] Jefe_Maestro1 | 103,256 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] aSteeve | 18
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] aSteeve, MakeMeMove | 100%
[Most Deaths] AngelClick3r | 33,520 (+)
[Best K/D] 666_666_666_666 | 6.251 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] Jefe_Maestro1 | 403,422 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Jefe_Maestro1 | 170,037 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] Jefe_Maestro1 | 388,138 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] AngelClick3r | 1,634,854 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] AngelClick3r | 19,769,073 (+)
[Most Time Played] Jefe_Maestro1 | 104+ days
[Fastest Win (Any %)] Juskebat | 34 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect)] pipiklatie | 65 seconds
SkyWars (Team)
[Most Wins] Democrise | 15,000 (+)
[Most Losses] Democrise | 10,392 (+)
[Most Games Played] Democrise | 25,392 (+)
[Best W/L] PinkGangsterGoat | 1.760 ±
[Most Kills] Democrise | 74,081 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] ImJunior | 23
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] Kloska, Mats3209, Stineos | 100%
[Most Deaths] XiiKo | 14,119 (+)
[Best K/D] PinkGangsterGoat | 7.720 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] XiiKo | 236,528 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] XiiKo | 79,044 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] XiiKo | 162,107 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] Democrise | 1,769,470 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Democrise | 23,660,642 (+)
[Most Time Played] Democrise | 55+ days
[Fastest Win (Any %)] CaptainPuddy, ItsErwin, daverkloos | 30 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)Lucky Islands (Solo)
[Most Wins] LuisFcm27_OL | 14,500 (+)
[Most Losses] SanCookie | 5,334 (+)
[Most Games Played] LuisFcm27_OL | 14,500 (+)
[Best W/L] Kloska | 2.350 ±
[Most Kills] SanCookie | 40,300 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] _ThatPomelo | 13
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] SnowyWarz, PedrocasPirocas, Stineos, Mats3209 | 100%
[Most Deaths] SanCookie | 5,156 (+)
[Best K/D] Kloska | 12.344 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] Borli | 22,558 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Borli | 15,268 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] SanCookie | 229,111 (+)
[Most Lucky Blocks Opened] SanCookie | 62,797 (+)
[Most Lucky Blocks Opened in One Game] Cynamooo | 187
[Most Blocks Placed] SanCookie | 270,932 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] SanCookie | 7,865,806 (+)
[Most Time Played] SanCookie | 32+ days
[Fastest Win (Any %)] Stinesss | 56 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
Lucky Islands (Team)
[Most Wins] Mandieeee | 20,337 (+)
[Most Losses] Mandieeee | 11,470 (+)
[Most Games Played] Mandieeee | 31,807 (+)
[Best W/L] Kloska | 3.194 ±
[Most Kills] Kloska | 55,623 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Kloska | 24
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] Mivke, Kloska, Priley, Juskebat, SanCookie, Mats3209 | 100%
[Most Deaths] Mandieeee | 11,012 (+)
[Best K/D] Jellei | 12.639 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] Mandieeee | 29,159 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] B0tervlieg | 19,734 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] Kloska | 238,390 (+)
[Most Lucky Blocks Opened] Mandieeee | 60,906 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] Kloska | 258,707 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Mandieeee | 19,535,999 (+)
[Most Time Played] Mandieeee | 59+ days
[Fastest Win] Juskebat, Mivkebat | 10 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)Assassination
[Most Kills] LinnyBanana2 | 69,328 (+)
[Most Deaths] Bmscy | 17,002 (+)
[Best K/D] vinlir | 11.722 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] CuteTeds | 29,332 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] CuteTeds | 10,332 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] CuteTeds | 21,095,002 (+)
[Most Time Played] CuteTeds | 54+ days
[Most Kills] Chuin | 42,659 (+)
[Most Deaths] Chuin | 3,603 (+)
[Most Duels Played] Chuin | 42,659 (+)
[Best K/D] Dohaa | 188.250 ±
[Best W/L] Finixly | 4.121 ±
[Best W/L (%)] Megaaa | 90.85 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] IceScreams | 24,542 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] IceScreams | 62,095 (+)
[Most Time Played] Chuin | 39+ days
Free For All
[Most Kills] blocky12 | 206,309 (+)
[Most Deaths] Diregon | 49,307 (+)
[Best Killstreak] Diregon | 479
[Best K/D] HackersDontWin | 39.875 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] Shelvy | 1,050,742 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Shelvy | 495,037 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Secrus | 40,096,052 (+)
[Most Time Played] Secrus | 109+ days
BlockWars Bridges
[Most Wins] xJqs | 1,511 (+)
[Most Losses] (not submitted)
[Most Games Played] xJqs | 1,511 (+)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Kills] (not submitted)
[Most Kills in One Game] (not submitted)
[Most Deaths] (not submitted)
[Best K/D] (not submitted)
[Best K/D in One Game] (not submitted)
[Most Enemy Pits Captured] (not submitted)
[Most Arrows Shot] (not submitted)
[Most Arrows Hit] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Placed] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Broken] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Walked] (not submitted)
[Most Time Played] (not submitted)
[Fastest Win (Any %)] (not submitted)
Among Slimes
[Most Total Wins] Priley | 57 (+)
[Most Imposter Wins] Priley | 23 (+)
[Most Crewmate Wins] Priley | 34 (+)
[Most Losses] Priley | 110 (+)
[Most Games Played] Priley | 167 (+)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Kills] Priley | 54 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] (not submitted)
[Most Deaths] Priley | 69 (+)
[Best K/D] (not submitted)
[Most Tasks Completed] Priley | 527 (+)
[Most Votes] Priley | 337 (+)
[Most Ejected] Priley | 13 (+)
[Most Bodies Reported] Priley | 43 (+)
[Most Meetings Called] Priley | 30 (+)
[Most Abilities Used] Priley | 94 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Priley | 221,946 (+)
[Most Time Played] Priley | 22+ hours
[Most Skyblock Coins] ShaD0wZzZ | 8,009,200,051 ±
[Highest XP level] Goofy_Unity | 455 ±
[Most Monsters Killed] Stragegard | 95,291 (+)
[Most Deaths] Goofy_Unity | 32,412 (+)
[Most Arrows Shot] Goofy_Unity | 10,412 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Goofy_Unity | 9,628 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] Goofy_Unity | 813,262 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] Goofy_Unity | 451,313 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Goofy_Unity | 8,330,373 (+)
[Most Time Played] Goofy_Unity | 60+ days
[Most Gold Medals] EntityWolf, Pauzer, xJqs, indikot, Oleashed, Juskebat, Alien_Gurke, Persi, Vyth_Kapenock, JIOCOCb, Vqzo, Brownieh, Flqris, _KSINED_, Submarine_1, davejebentnoob, Okeay, Vqzi, Lionesses, CallMePika, IcePhonix, NoHackzJustQuackz, Maciekos, Zytkios, WarmPorridge, KacperParkour, Zmottos, Aracelii, Mecosen, 2Mx, Aaronre1, Snvffel, Axiyy, GOODRAGE, Hyper365 | 109
[Most Silver Medals] EntityWolf, Pauzer, xJqs, indikot, Oleashed, Juskebat, Alien_Gurke, Persi, Vyth_Kapenock, JIOCOCb, Vqzo, Brownieh, Flqris, _KSINED_, Submarine_1, davejebentnoob, Okeay, Vqzi, Lionesses, CallMePika, IcePhonix, NoHackzJustQuackz, Maciekos, Zytkios, WarmPorridge, KacperParkour, Zmottos, Aracelii, Mecosen, 2Mx, Aaronre1, Snvffel, Axiyy, GOODRAGE, Hyper365 | 109
[Most Bronze Medals] EntityWolf, Pauzer, xJqs, indikot, Oleashed, Juskebat, Alien_Gurke, Persi, Vyth_Kapenock, JIOCOCb, Vqzo, Brownieh, Flqris, _KSINED_, Submarine_1, davejebentnoob, Okeay, Vqzi, Lionesses, CallMePika, IcePhonix, NoHackzJustQuackz, Maciekos, Zytkios, WarmPorridge, KacperParkour, Zmottos, Aracelii, Mecosen, 2Mx, Aaronre1, Snvffel, Axiyy, GOODRAGE, Hyper365 | 109
[Most Fails] Megaaa | 22,114 (+)
[Most Time Played] Megaaa | 2+ days
[Barn - Level 1] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:11:661
[Barn - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:14:215
[Barn - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:13:975
[Barn - Level 4] Megaaa | 00:12:652
[Barn - Level 5] Megaaa | 00:09:353
[Barn - Level 6] Megaaa | 00:15:718
[Barn - Level 7] Megaa | 00:06:411
[Circus - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:17:844
[Circus - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:18:265
[Circus - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:16:784
[Clouds - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:14:778
[Clouds - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:15:932
[Clouds - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:11:434
[Drought - Level 1] Sywert | 00:20:494
[Drought - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:28:413
[Drought - Level 3] Sweetenerera | 00:18:050
[End - Level 1] magmatizer | 00:10:363
[End - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:10:830
[End - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:11:176
[End - Level 4] Megaaa | 00:13:824
[End - Level 5] Megaaa | 00:10:653
[Jungle - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:09:817
[Jungle - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:10:651
[Jungle - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:10:806
[Mountain - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:05:737
[Mountain - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:08:059
[Mountain - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:06:209
[Nether - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:08:065
[Nether - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:09:923
[Nether - Level 3] Mats3209 | 00:13:312
[Nether - Level 4] Megaaa | 00:06:719
[Nether - Level 5] Megaaa | 00:08:620
[Nether - Level 6] platelminto | 00:11:353
[Nether - Level 7] Mats3209 | 00:11:603
[Oriental - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:14:961
[Oriental - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:10:956
[Oriental - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:13:872
[Temple - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:11:860
[Temple - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:09:758
[Temple - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:15:690
[Temple - Level 4] Megaaa | 00:09:252
[Temple - Level 5] Megaaa | 00:12:500
[Temple - Level 6] Megaaa | 00:13:450
[Temple - Level 7] Megaaa | 00:12:254
[Space - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:10:390
[Space - Level 2] platelminto | 00:13:875
[Space - Level 3] platelminto | 00:17:608
[Space - Level 4] platelminto | 00:13:296
[Space - Level 5] platelminto | 00:17:853
[Space - Level 6] Megaaa | 00:11:589
[Tower - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:14:775
[Tower - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:11:267
[Tower - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:19:729
[Tower - Level 4] Megaaa | 00:14:205
[Tower - Level 5] Megaaa | 00:16:222
[Tower - Level 6] Megaaa | 00:09:552
[Maze - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:17:904
[Maze - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:02:201
[Maze - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:07:322
[Maze - Level 4] Megaaa | 00:15:811
[Maze - Level 5] Megaaa | 00:11:102
[Maze - Level 6] Megaaa | 00:07:901
[Maze - Level 7] Megaaa | 00:17:687[Beach - Level 1] Rifyy | 00:19:584
[Beach - Level 2] Rifyy | 00:25:295
[Beach - Level 3] Filleee | 00:26:955
[Cinema - Level 1] Megaaa | 00:17:844
[Cinema - Level 2] Rifyy | 00:21:256
[Cinema - Level 3] Rifyy | 00:24:603
[Circuit - Level 1] JOR1AN | 00:16:554
[Circuit - Level 2] JOR1AN | 00:19:615
[Circuit - Level 3] JOR1AN | 00:18:224
[Library - Level 1] Srdzfdxtfufk | 00:16:851
[Library - Level 2] platelminto | 00:13:943
[Library - Level 3] platelminto | 00:15:721
[Retro - Level 1] Filleee | 00:28:712
[Retro - Level 2] Filleee | 00:33:567
[Retro - Level 3] Filleee | 01:12:510
[Square - Level 1] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:39:437
[Square - Level 2] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:24:374
[Square - Level 3] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:27:167
[Square - Level 4] JOR1AN | 00:33:401
[Square - Level 5] JOR1AN | 00:26:135
[Square - Level 6] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:12:386
[Void - Level 1] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:10:357
[Void - Level 2] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:10:005
[Void - Level 3] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:12:150
[Void - Level 4] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:48:981
[Void - Level 5] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:22:220
[Void - Level 6] Priley | 00:15:479[Aqua - Level 1] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:20:935
[Aqua - Level 2] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:34:665
[Aqua - Level 3] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:35:613
[Aqua - Level 4] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:25:228
[Dam (Level 1] (not submitted)
[Dam - Level 2] Juskebat | 00:30:104
[Dam - Level 3] (not submitted)
[Desert - Level 1] Jellei | 00:48:853
[Desert - Level 2] Megaaa | 00:37:860
[Desert - Level 3] Megaaa | 00:49:448
[Hell - Level 1] Rifyy | 01:05:711
[Hell - Level 2] Jellei | 00:38:980
[Hell - Level 3] Jellei | 00:44:545
[Snowy - Level 1] Juskebat | 00:22:501
[Snowy - Level 2] Jellei | 00:28:155
[Snowy - Level 3] Juskebat | 00:29:153
[Most Wins] Flqris | 4,433 (+)
[Most Losses] Flqris | 745 (+)
[Most Games Played] Flqris | 5,178 (+)
[Best W/L] iDqm | 6.915 ±
[Most Microgames Won] Flqris | 58,328 (+)
[Most Boss Games Won] Flqris | 3,044 (+)
[Most Micro-games Played] Flqris | 74,732 (+)
[Most Time Played] Flqris | 21+ days
[Balance Beam] DuduWater_12 | 3.00 seconds
[Build a Golem] Flqris | 1.30 seconds
[Build a Crafting Table] Flqris | 2.95 seconds
[Catch Emeralds] Brownieh | 4.25 seconds
[Craft Item] Brownieh | 1.35 seconds
[Dress Like The Mannequins] Flqris | 2.05 seconds
[Enchant Item] Flqris | 2.06 seconds
[Fly To The Moon] Brownieh | 5.34 seconds
[Grab Flower] Finixly | 0.05 seconds
[Milk The Cow] Flqris | 2.81 seconds
[Mine Ore] Brownieh | 2.21 seconds
[Stack 10 Blocks High Tower]Brownieh | 3.65 seconds
[Wait For It...] JDgamers | 0.95 seconds
[Parkour & Eat Cake] Diepio, Flqris | 0.05 seconds
[Buy Item] (not submitted)
Most Kills
[Be Last Knight Standing] Jellei | 9
[Chicken Shooter] Diepio | 12
[Egg Battle] Diepio, Brownieh | 6
[Knock Everyone Off] Mats3209 | 7
[Loot Chest & Kill All] Flqris | 9
[One in the Chamber] Diepio | 10
[Win Snow Fight] Brownieh | 8
[Chicken Shooter - Most Wings] Brownieh | 67
[Dodge Anvils - Most Blocks Walked] Flqris | 121
[Explosive Catch - Most Caught] Flqris | 11
[Feed Mr Blobbo - Most Nutrition] Flqris | 132
[Feed Animals - Most Fed] Finixly | 36
[Fly To The Moon - Most Blocks Flown] Spuuuni | 101
[Hatch Eggs - Most Hatched] xBlueTea_ | 45
[Hot Drop - Longest] (not submitted)
[Ignite The TNT - Most Ignited] Brownieh | 4
[Jump & Catch 5 Emeralds - Most Caught] nykaboo07 | 26
[King of the Hill - Longest] Diepio | 18.05 seconds
[King of the Hill - Most Times Struck] Sweetenerera | 14
[Milk The Cow - Most Times Milked] Brownieh | 39
[Milk The Cow - Most Golden Pebbles] Mats3209 | 5
[Mine Ore - Most Blocks Mined] Kozimobo | 28
[Nerd Poling] (not submitted)
[Ride A Cow - Most Players Thrown Off] Brownieh | 11
[Ride A Cow - Most Attempts] Finixly | 43
[Shear 12 Sheep - Most Sheared] Diepio | 32
[Stack 10 Blocks High Tower - Highest] Diepio | 24
[Stand On Color - Most Times Struck] Flqris | 17
[Stand On Diamond - Most Times Struck] Flqris | 20
[Stay On Top Or Else] (not submitted)
[Survive Shulkers - Most Blocks Ran] Brownieh | 87
[TNT Tag - Most Players Tagged] Brownieh | 268
Boss Games
[Colour Floor - Most Blocks Painted] Flqris | 514
[Deathmatch - Most Kills] Diepio | 26
[Lucky Block PvP - Most Kills] DuduWater_12 | 8
Tower Defence
[Most Wins] yndidon | 10,000 (+)
[Most Losses] yndidon | 485 (+)
[Most Games Played] yndidon | 10,485 (+)
[Best W/L] BadGhost | 23.883 ±
[Highest Score] Efcluke94 | 2,053,030
[Most Coins Collected in 1 Game] Efcluke94 | 3,402,568
[Most EXP Collected in 1 Game] Livchi | 263,634
[Most Towers Built] yndidon | 94,249 (+)
[Most Towers Built in One Game] Kloska | 256
[Most Monsters Sent] yndidon | 2,627,913 (+)
[Most Monsters Sent in One Game] iDqm | 1,332
[Most Monsters Killed] yndidon | 2,207,807 (+)
[Most Monsters Killed in One Game] Kloska | 15,009
[Most Time Played] yndidon | 75+ days
[Fastest Win] CrystalDrop, Wvzy, Magda_Korra, Matriox180, KaitKrazy, Lozora | 126 seconds
Survival Games (Solo)
[Most Wins] Joany | 5,564 (+)
[Most Losses] Megaaa | 2,444 (+)
[Most Games Played] Joany | 5,564 (+)
[Best W/L] Megaaa | 1.434 ±
[Most Kills] Leovardo | 45,860(+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Jaistrix | 17
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] Kloska | 93.33%
[Most Deaths] Megaaa | 2,403 (+)
[Best K/D] Megaaa | 12.773 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] Megaaa | 45,254 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Megaaa | 22,314 (+)
[Most Chests Opened] Megaaa | 36,370 (+)
[Most Time Played] Megaaa | 17+ days
[Fastest Win] Kloska | 22 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
Survival Games (Team)
[Most Wins] Hmad | 6,038 (+)
[Most Losses] Jellei | 238 (+)
[Most Games Played] Hmad | 6,038 (+)
[Best W/L] Jellei | 2.130 (+)
[Most Kills] NotPizza | 35,565 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Poandra | 15
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] DuduWater_12 | 78.57%
[Most Deaths] Jellei | 238 (+)
[Best K/D] Poandra | 40.012 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] Jellei | 2,223 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Jellei | 882 (+)
[Most Chests Opened] Jellei | 5,185 (+)
[Most Time Played] Jellei | 1+ day
[Fastest Win (Any %)] Hmad | 23 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
Archer Assault
[Most Wins] Okeay | 2,553 (+)
[Most Losses] Finixly | 110 (+)
[Most Games Played] Okeay | 2,553 (+)
[Best W/L] Finixly | 13.463 ±
[Most Kills] Finixly | 1,612 (+)
[Most Deaths] Finixly | 1,770 (+)
[Longest Killstreak] KevinWriter | 18
[Best K/D] Sweetenerera | 1.249 ±
[Most Ultimates Used] Finixly | 926 (+)
[Most Time Capturing] Finixly | 9+ hours
[Most Objectives Captured] Sweetenerera | 71 (+)
[Most Arrows Shot] Sweetenerera | 87,012 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Finixly | 744,510 (+)
[Most Time Played] Sweetenerera | 11+ hours
[Fastest Win (Any %)] (not submitted)
[Most Wins] Andyuu | 9,754 (+)
[Most Losses] Andyuu | 2,406 (+)
[Most Games Played] Andyuu | 11,078(+)
[Best W/L] Andyuu | 3.604 ±
[Most Core Damage Dealt] WhippydCream | 1,189 (+)
[Most Core Damage Dealt in One Game] Oreoino, iDqm | 100%
[Most Kills] Andyuu | 72,650 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] MaifaTownsMC | 56
[Most Deaths] Andyuu | 24,058 (+)
[Best K/D] (not submitted)
[Best K/D in One Game] (not submitted)
[Most Flags Captured] Andyuu | 10,936 (+)
[Most Arrows Shot] Oreoino | 30,364 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Oreoino | 10,176 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] WhippydCream | 61,570 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] Oreoino | 49,961 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Andyuu | 23,373,661 (+)
[Most Time Played] Andyuu | 54+ days
[Fastest Win (Any %)] (not submitted)
Battle Zone
[Most Wins] iiThrilzel_ | 972 (+)
[Most Losses] iiThrilzel_ | 318 (+)
[Most Games Played] iiThrilzel_ | 1,290 (+)
[Best W/L] iiThrilzel_ | 3.057 ±
[Most Kills] iiThrilzel_ | 6,112 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Shqts | 22
[Most Deaths] iiThrilzel_ | 306 (+)
[Best K/D] iiThrilzel_ | 9.974 ±
[Most Blocks Walked] iiThrilzel_ | 6,347,865 (+)
[Most Time Played] iiThrilzel_ | 7+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] (not submitted)
Layer Spleef
[Most Wins] Sweezly | 6,351 (+)
[Most Losses] PerryJ | 2,703 (+)
[Most Games Played] PerryJ | 5,696 (+)
[Best W/L] Jellei | 1.288 ±
[Most Powerups Picked Up] PerryJ | 59,316 (+)
[Most Layers Played On] PerryJ | 17,353 (+)
[Most Eggs Thrown] PerryJ | 242,859 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] PerryJ | 853,423 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] PerryJ | 7,544,227 (+)
[Most Time Played] PerryJ | 26+ days
[Most Wins] Chimpeeze | 10,987 (+)
[Most Losses] Kloska | 65 (+)
[Most Games Played] Chimpeeze | 10,987 (+)
[Best W/L] iDqm | 38.786 ±
[Best W/L (%)] iDqm | 97.49% ±
[Most Kills] iDqm | 5,965 (+)
[Most Kills in Deathmatch] Kloska | 20
[Best Killstreak] iDqm | 26
[Most Deaths] iDqm | 1,641 (+)
[Most Powerups Picked Up] iDqm | 1,880 (+)
[Most Blocks Painted] iDqm | 423,351 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] iDqm | 604,846 (+)
[Most Time Played] Kloska | 1+ days
[Most Wins] PerryJ | 4,000 (+)
[Most Losses] PerryJ | 283 (+)
[Most Games Played] PerryJ | 4,283 (+)
[Best W/L] PerryJ | 14.134 ±
[Best W/L (%)] PerryJ | 93.39% ±
[Most Kills] PerryJ | 135,891 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] PerryJ | 69
[Most Deaths] PerryJ | 36,732 (+)
[Best K/D] Jellei | 4.327 ±
[Best K/D in One Game] PerryJ | 48.000 ±
[Most Shots Fired] PerryJ | 229,929 (+)
[Longest Killstreak] PerryJ | 38
[Most Blocks Walked] PerryJ | 6,791,230 (+)
[Most Time Played] PerryJ | 10+ days
Line Dash
[Most Wins] xEveryone | 21,400 (+)
[Most Losses] PerryJ | 788 (+)
[Most Games Played] xEveryone | 21,400 (+)
[Best W/L] PerryJ | 12.690 ±
[Best W/L (%)] (not submitted)
[Most Kills] PerryJ | 22,797 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] B0tervlieg | 7
[Most Deaths] PerryJ | 4,538 (+)
[Best K/D] PerryJ | 5.024 ±
[Most Powerups Collected] PerryJ | 40,297 (+)
[Most Blocks Painted] PerryJ | 5,336,642 (+)
[Most Blocks Painted in One Game] B0tervlieg | 306
[Most Blocks Walked] PerryJ | 6,781,147 (+)
[Most Time Played] PerryJ | 10+ days
[Fastest Win] (not submitted)
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
Wing Rush
[Most Wins] Russin02 | 2,205 (+)
[Most Losses] PerryJ | 245 (+)
[Most Games Played] PerryJ | 2,245 (+)
[Best W/L] PerryJ | 8.163 ±
[Best W/L (%)] PerryJ | 89.09% ±
[Most Powerups Picked Up] PerryJ | 16,601 (+)
[Most Checkpoints Reached] PerryJ | 36,649 (+)
[Most Time Played] PerryJ | 8+ days
[Biomes] PerryJ | 01:16:500
[Nature] iDqm | 01:08:400
[Ravine] Sywert | 01:38:400
Slime Survival
[Most Wins] Maurhice | 3,125 (+)
[Most Slime Wins] Maurhice | 1,302 (+)
[Most Survivor Wins] Maurhice | 1,823 (+)
[Most Losses] Maurhice | 3,018 (+)
[Most Games Played] Maurhice | 6,143 (+)
[Best W/L] Maurhice | 1.035 ±
[Best W/L (%)] Maurhice | 50.87% ±
[Most Players Converted] Maurhice | 5,828 (+)
[Most Players Converted in One Game] B0tervlieg | 8
[Most Players Converted in One Game (%)] B0tervlieg | 72.73%
[Most Slimes Frozen in One Game] B0tervlieg | 4
[Most Players Recovered] Maurhice | 707 (+)
[Most Survivors Recovered in One Game] B0tervlieg | 8
[Most Powerups Picked Up] Maurhice | 13,693 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Maurhice | 5,332,117 (+)
[Most Time Played] B0tervlieg | 4+ daysCarving Chaos (Halloween)
[Most Wins] AVLTAS | 474 (+)
[Most Losses] (not submitted)
[Most Games Played] AVLTAS | 474 (+)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Faces Copied] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Placed] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Broken] (not submitted)
[Most Time Played] (not submitted)
Ender (Halloween)
[Most Wins] Kobaltski | 701 (+)
[Most Losses] PARK0UR | 45 (+)
[Most Games Played] Kobaltski | 701 (+)
[Best W/L] PARK0UR | 9.400 ±
[Best W/L (%)] PARK0UR | 90.17% ±
[Most Pages Found] PARK0UR | 2,696(+)
[Most Pages Found in One Game] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Walked] PARK0UR | 544,753 (+)
[Most Time Played] PARK0UR | 1+ day
[Fastest Win] (not submitted)
Snowman Survival (Christmas)
[Most Medals] Block_Head_2k | 19,095 (+)
[Most Medals Collected in One Game] Mivke | 11
[Most Overall Wins] Mivke | 437 (+)
[Most Losses] Mivke | 195 (+)
[Most Snowman Wins] Mivke | 259 (+)
[Most Survivor Wins] Mivke | 178 (+)
[Most Games Played] Mivke | 632 (+)
[Best W/L] Mivke | 2.241 ±
[Best W/L (%)] (not submitted)
[Most Survivors Converted] Mivke | 375 (+)
[Most Survivors Converted in One Game] Priley, Daveyyy | 7
[Most Survivors Converted in One Game (%)] Priley, Daveyyy | 100%
[Most Power-ups Collected] Mivke | 1,847 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Mivke | 458,632 (+)
[Most Time Played] Mivke | 1+ day
[Fastest Game (Any %)] (not submitted)
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
Present Rush (Christmas)
[Most Wins] ItzZep | 204 (+)
[Most Losses] Mivke | 55 (+)
[Most Games Played] ItzZep | 204 (+)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Best W/L (%)] (not submitted)
[Most Presents Made] Livchi | 26,520 (+)
[Most Presents Made in One Game] PerryJ | 277
[Most Fuel in Inventory At Once] Mivke | 282
[Most Blocks Walked] Livchi | 370,663 (+)
[Most Time Played] Livchi | 10+ hours
[Highest Level] Gamenight888 | 135 (+)
[Most Pending Friend Requests] RelatedNoobs | 625 (+)Odd and sometimes fun records go here! Records that you wouldn't think exist!
[Best EggWars Teams of 2 Winstreak] Darkninja279772 | 350 (+)
[Most Handled Reports in 24 Hours] Darkninja279772 | 50
[Fastest to Achieve 1,000 BlockWars Wins] Darkninja279772 | 1 day, 3 hours, 39 minutes, 23 seconds
[Most Power-Ups Picked Up in One Game of BlockWars] Kat9Ramp8ge, ShoppingTick21, laury44 | 15
[Most Deaths in One Game of BlockWars] Sudiknux | 41
[Longest Game of SkyWars (Chaos)] Kat9Ramp8ge | 67 minutes, 48 seconds
[Longest Game of SkyWars (Teams of 2)] Rolo1217, Kat9Ramp8ge | 33 minutes, 52 seconds
[Longest Game of Survival Games] Rolo1217, Kat9Ramp8ge | 27 minutes, 34 seconds
[Longest Game of Lucky Islands (Solo)] Kat9Ramp8ge | 31 minutes, 2 seconds
[Longest Game of EggWars (Teams of 2)] TheSlimyPython, KingCoop7767 | 40 minutes, 47 seconds
EggWars (Solo)
[Most Wins] resi17 | 3,500 (+)
[Most Losses] SilkHyperFox | 1,932 (+)
[Most Games Played] SilkHyperFox | 4,331 (+)
[Best W/L] Darkninja279772 | 12.500 ±
[Most Kills] resi17 | 30,436 (+)
[Most Eliminations] resi17 | 19,110 (+)
[Most Deaths] SilkHyperFox | 8,474 (+)
[Best K/D] Darkninja279772 | 11.425 ±
[Most Eggs Broken] resi17 | 21,386 (+)
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game] Darkninja279772 | 11
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game (%)] Darkninja279772 | 100%
[Most Blocks Placed] resi17 | 1,190,347 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] SilkHyperFox | 11,932,713 (+)
[Most Time Played] SilkHyperFox | 33+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] Darkninja279772 | 182 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
EggWars (Teams of 2)
[Most Wins] Toby2Spades | 4,517 (+)
[Most Losses] Toby2Spades | 869 (+)
[Most Games Played] Toby2Spades | 5,386 (+)
[Best W/L] Darkninja279772 | 350 ±
[Most Kills] ILM Bisconator | 26,317 (+)
[Most Eliminations] ILM Bisconator | 20,165 (+)
[Most Deaths] Toby2Spades | 7,924 (+)
[Best K/D] SlinkyGnu05604 | 11.306 ±
[Most Eggs Broken] ILM Bisconator | 12,263 (+)
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game] SlinkyGnu05604 | 7
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game] RelatedNoobs | 100%
[Most Blocks Placed] Toby2Spades | 660,498 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Toby2Spades | 7,070,549 (+)
[Most Time Played] Toby2Spades | 19+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] realjaycg, RelatedNoobs | 84 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] ILM Bisconator, realjaycg | 102 seconds
EggWars (Teams of 4)
[Most Wins] Charizardx264 | 6,167 (+)
[Most Losses] Darkninja_27 | 3 (+)
[Most Games Played] Charizardx264 | 6,167 (+)
[Best W/L] Darkninja279772 | 89.000 ±
[Most Kills] SilkHyperFox | 17,899 (+)
[Most Eliminations] SilkHyperFox | 9,487 (+)
[Most Deaths] SilkHyperFox | 5,612 (+)
[Best K/D] Atrin13 | 20.100 ±
[Most Eggs Broken] SilkHyperFox | 3,556 (+)
[Most Eggs Broken in One Game] TI5Y Heroic | 3
[Most Blocks Placed] SilkHyperFox | 312,662 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] SilkHyperFox | 7,734,273 (+)
[Most Time Played] SilkHyperFox | 19+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] Blackiecrew, Toby2Spades, WeUpInThisHouse, itskettykeith | 74 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] (not submitted)SkyWars (Solo)
[Most Wins] Gamenight888 | 17,008 (+)
[Most Losses] Shotgunraidse | 8,510 (+)
[Most Games Played] Gamenight888 | 19,016 (+)
[Best W/L] Gamenight888 | 8.470 ±
[Most Kills] Gamenight888 | 105,976 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Gamenight888 | 14
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] ElGera16 | 100%
[Most Deaths] Shotgunraidse | 8,930 (+)
[Best K/D] Gamenight888 | 51.898 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] Gamenight888 | 43,853 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Gamenight888 | 24,411 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] Gamenight888 | 65,627 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] Gamenight888 | 1,582,706 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Gamenight888 | 12,293,453 (+)
[Most Time Played] Gamenight888 | 32+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] Gamenight888 | 52 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] Gamenight888 | 98 seconds
SkyWars (Teams of 2)
[Most Wins] BreakingCandy30 | 5,656 (+)
[Most Losses] BreakingCandy30 | 4,741 (+)
[Most Games Played] BreakingCandy30 | 10,397 (+)
[Best W/L] Gamenight888 | 11.865 ±
[Most Kills] BreakingCandy30 | 49,509 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Gamenight888, Priley7929 | 14
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] Gamenight888, Priley7929 | 100%
[Most Deaths] BreakingCandy30 | 4,741 (+)
[Best K/D] Gamenight888 | 89.135 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] BreakingCandy30 | 11,008 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] OpeikoGamer | 5,285 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] BreakingCandy30 | 12,958 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] BreakingCandy30 | 856,946 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] BreakingCandy30 | 7,728,487 (+)
[Most Time Played] BreakingCandy30 | 19+ days (+)
[Fastest Game (Any %)] xraidse, Lone is sad | 54 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] Gamenight888, LemaXB1 | 64 seconds
SkyWars (Teams of 4)
[Most Wins] citoruiyu | 8,456 (+)
[Most Losses] citoruiyu | 6,054 (+)
[Most Games Played] citoruiyu | 14,510 (+)
[Best W/L] Gamenight888 | 7.107 ±
[Most Kills] citoruiyu | 73,506 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] FiGHTERMD, ElGera16, WobblierLemur52 | 12
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] FiGHTERMD, ElGera16, WobblierLemur52 | 100%
[Most Deaths] citoruiyu | 6,059 (+)
[Best K/D] Gamenight888 | 40.317 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] citoruiyu | 49,870 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] citoruiyu | 18,643 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] Toky0 Splash | 83,899 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] citoruiyu | 1,129,774 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] citoruiyu | 14,253,688 (+)
[Most Time Played] citoruiyu | 31+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] Goodyannathan, Lone is sad, MrSterdy, YettiSnowFall | 37 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] InsaneOrbitzz, xXslinkyhavemykidsXx, XanStrike, JXKESTER494 | 45 seconds
SkyWars (Mega)
[Most Wins] GoodUsername22 | 2,162 (+)
[Most Losses] GoodUsername22 | 1,879 (+)
[Most Games Played] GoodUsername22 | 4,041 (+)
[Best W/L] Gamenight888 | 5.432 ±
[Most Kills] GoodUsername22 | 21,177 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Cellusoft | 24
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] Cellusoft | 80%
[Most Deaths] GoodUsername22 | 1,879 (+)
[Best K/D] Gamenight888 | 65.912 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] GoodUsername22 | 21,463 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] GoodUsername22 | 9,703 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] GoodUsername22 | 18,896 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] GoodUsername22 | 169,348 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] GoodUsername22 | 4,516,362 (+)
[Most Time Played] GoodUsername22 | 12+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] GoodUsername22, NominalBaruch, DazzlingBozo, BruhTorTa, LimberGarlic185, Lone is sad, SuperPenguin719, Goodyannathan, Darkninja279772 | 87 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
SkyWars (Chaos)
[Most Wins] ElGera16 | 3,071 (+)
[Most Losses] Kat9Ramp8ge | 1,000 (+)
[Most Games Played] ElGera16 | 3,291 (+)
[Best W/L] ElGera16 | 10.564 ±
[Most Kills] OpeikoGamer | 4,113 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] ElGera16 | 3
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] ElGera16 | 100%
[Best K/D] OpeikoGamer | 16.857 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] OpeikoGamer | 12,127 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] OpeikoGamer | 2,627 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] OpeikoGamer | 39,994 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] OpeikoGamer | 25,203 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] OpeikoGamer | 1,144,566 (+)
[Most Time Played] OpeikoGamer | 3+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] ChcikenNugs | 38 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] ChcikenNugs | 46 secondsLucky Islands (Solo)
[Most Wins] overkiller9999 | 670 (+)
[Most Losses] (not submitted)
[Most Games Played] overkiller9999 | 670 (+)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Kills] (not submitted)
[Most Kills in One Game] SanCookieee | 9
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] SanCookieee | 81.8%
[Most Deaths] (not submitted)
[Best K/D] (not submitted)
[Most Arrows Shot] (not submitted)
[Most Arrows Hit] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Broken] (not submitted)
[Most Lucky Blocks Opened] (not submitted)
[Most Lucky Blocks Opened in One Game] Kat9Ramp8ge | 31
[Most Blocks Placed] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Walked] (not submitted)
[Most Time Played] (not submitted)
[Fastest Win (Any %)] SanCookieee | 105 seconds
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
Lucky Islands (Teams of 4)
[Most Wins] MrGushMan | 954 (+)
[Most Losses] (not submitted)
[Most Games Played] MrGushMan | 954 (+)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Kills] (not submitted)
[Most Kills in One Game] (not submitted)
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] (not submitted)
[Most Deaths] (not submitted)
[Best K/D] (not submitted)
[Most Arrows Shot] (not submitted)
[Most Arrows Hit] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Broken] (not submitted)
[Most Lucky Blocks Opened] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Placed] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Walked] (not submitted)
[Most Time Played] (not submitted)
[Fastest Win] (not submitted)
[Fastest Win (Perfect %)] (not submitted)Survival Games (Solo)
[Most Wins] LemaXB1 | 6,025 (+)
[Most Losses] LemaXB1 | 1,483 (+)
[Most Games Played] PurpleCactus700 | 8,443 (+)
[Best W/L] Darkninja279772 | 5.784 ±
[Most Kills] LemaXB1 | 46,973 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] Modulo 7 | 18
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] Modulo 7 | 100%
[Most Deaths] PurpleCactus700 | 6,115 (+)
[Best K/D] Atrin13 | 130.615 ±
[Most Arrows Shot] LemaXB1 | 8,502 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] LemaXB1 | 3,173 (+)
[Most Chests Opened] LemaXB1 | 44,837 (+)
[Most Time Played] PurpleCactus700 | 16+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] LemaXB1 | 76 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
Survival Games (Teams of 2)
[Most Wins] SilkHyperFox | 1,218 (+)
[Most Losses] (not submitted)
[Most Games Played] SilkHyperFox | 1,218 (+)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Kills] (not submitted)
[Most Kills in One Game] IgneousIsSad | 15
[Most Kills in One Game (%)] (not submitted)
[Most Deaths] (not submitted)
[Best K/D] (not submitted)
[Most Arrows Shot] (not submitted)
[Most Arrows Hit] (not submitted)
[Most Chests Opened] (not submitted)
[Most Time Played] (not submitted)
[Fastest Game (Any %)] (not submitted)
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] (not submitted)
[Most Wins] CallMeFortex | 2,014 (+)
[Most Losses] DqrkMqtter | 99 (+)
[Most Games Played] CallMeFortex | 2,096 (+)
[Best W/L] CallMeFortex | 24.561 ±
[Most Microgames Won] CallMeFortex | 22,711 (+)
[Most Boss Games Won] CallMeFortex | 1,538 (+)
[Most Microgames Played] CallMeFortex | 31,226 (+)
[Most Time Played] CallMeFortex | 10+ days
[Enchant the Item] (not submitted)
[Mine Ore] Darkninja279772 | 5.20 seconds
[Stack 10 Blocks High Tower] ElGera16 | 4.30 seconds
[Wait For It...] ElGera16 | 0.90 seconds
Most Kills
[Be Last Knight Standing] ElGera16 | 9
[Knock Everyone Off] ElGera16 | 10
[Loot Chest & Kill All] ElGera16 | 9
[One in the Chamber] ElGera16 | 8
[Win Snow Fight] Modulo 7 | 6
[Bouncy Gladiators] (not submitted)
[Chicken Shooter - Most Wings] (not submitted)
[Dodge Anvils - Most Blocks Walked] Priley7929 | 130
[Explosive Catch - Most Caught] (not submitted)
[Jump & Catch 5 Butterflies - Most Caught] Darkninja279772 | 23
[King of the Hill - Longest] PineappleMan408 | 18.9 seconds
[King of the Hill - Most Times Struck] ElGera16 | 30
[Mine Ore - Most Blocks Mined] ElGera16 | 42
[Nerd Poling] (not submitted)
[Shear Sheep - Most Sheared] ElGera16 | 43
[Stand On Colour - Most Times Struck] ElGera16 | 17
[Stand On Diamond - Most Times Struck] ElGera16 | 26
[TNT Tag - Most Tagged] ElGera16 | 19
Boss Games
[Colour Floor - Most Blocks Painted] Michael8777 | 383
[Most Wins] Nash the Basher | 5,018 (+)
[Most Losses] Nash the Basher | 796 (+)
[Most Games Played] Nash the Basher | 5,814 (+)
[Best W/L] Andyuuuu | 125.000 ±
[Most Kills] Nash the Basher | 8,678 (+)
[Most Deaths] Nash the Basher | 5,525 (+)
[Best K/D] Andyuuuu | 2.462 ±
[Best K/D in One Game] Kat9Ramp8ge | 32.000
[Most Arrows Shot] Modulo 7 | 1,902 (+)
[Most Arrows Hit] Modulo 7 | 574 (+)
[Most Blocks Broken] Nash the Basher | 30,054 (+)
[Most Blocks Placed] Nash the Basher | 207,873 (+)
[Most Blocks Walked] Nash the Basher | 4,418,952 (+)
[Most Time Played] Nash the Basher | 10+ days
[Fastest Game] knickknackknock, MadlyWD, Abglolz, SailingSwag123 | 32 seconds
Line Dash
[Most Wins] saltyshadows794 | 11,043 (+)
[Most Losses] saltyshadows794 | 2,496 (+)
[Most Games Played] saltyshadows794 | 13,539 (+)
[Best W/L] PerryyJ | 8.264 ±
[Most Kills] PerryyJ | 36,698 (+)
[Most Kills in One Game] PerryyJ | 8
[Most Deaths] saltyshadows794 | 4,352 (+)
[Best K/D] PerryyJ | 37.447 ±
[Most Blocks Walked] saltyshadows794 | 6,069,167 (+)
[Most Blocks Painted in One Game] ElGera16 | 1,403
[Most Time Played] saltyshadows794 | 7+ days
[Fastest Game (Any %)] RavenCrow9916, TS Zek, SGTMAKEMDIE | 11 seconds
[Fastest Game (Perfect %)] saltyshadows794, Magma fox12, ValiantSphere42, RainbowSatyr856 | 49 seconds
Carving Chaos (Halloween)
[Most Wins] SilkHyperFox | 1,362 (+)
[Most Losses] (not submitted)
[Most Games Played] SilkHyperFox | 1,362 (+)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Faces Copied] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Placed] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Broken] (not submitted)
[Most Time Played] (not submitted)
Ender (Halloween)
[Most Wins] MidNight ZyCo | 111 (+)
[Most Losses] (not submitted)
[Most Games Played] (not submitted)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Pages found] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Walked] (not submitted)
[Most Time Played] (not submitted)
Snowman Survival (Christmas)
[Most Medals] ItzSelenaSavage | 771 (+)
[Most Medals Collected in One Game] (not submitted)
[Most Overall Wins] (not submitted)
[Most Snowman Wins] (not submitted)
[Most Survivor Wins] (not submitted)
[Most Games Played] (not submitted)
[Best W/L] (not submitted)
[Most Survivors Converted] (not submitted)
[Most Survivors Converted in One Game] (not submitted)
[Most Survivors Converted in One Game (%)] (not submitted)
[Most Power-ups Collected] (not submitted)
[Most Blocks Walked] (not submitted)
[Most Time Played] (not submitted)
[Most Implemented Threads] @Riley | 12 (+)
[Most Escalated Threads] @Riley | 14 (+)
[Most Messages] @Moooofin | 17,863 (+)
[Highest Reaction Score] @Sophie | 16,926 ±
[Most Trophy Points] @Story | 684 (+)
[Most Followers] @rubik_cube_man | 1,480 ±
[Most Following] @DarkSavage_XF,@StralendePijl | 1,000
[Most Name Changes] @Remmie | 26 (+)
[Most Threads] @komododragon 2002 | 355 (+)
[Largest Thread] @Story (link) | 18,200 words ±
[Most Replied Thread] @Muffin (link) | 8,980 (+)
[Most Liked Thread] @CubeCraft (link) | 123 ±
[Most Liked Profile Post] @rubik_cube_man (link) | 96 ±CubeCraft Games
[Most Messages] Ximena#0001 | 134,707 (+)
[Most Times Mentioned] SummerWarz #6908 | 20,192 (+)
[Most Roles] Zed#1010 | 16 ±
[Most Users in Voice Channel at Once] English #3 | 97
CubeCraft Games Translation Team
[Most Messages] FocusTurtle#8361 | 129,250 (+)
[Most Times Mentioned] FocusTurtle#8361 | 6,528 (+)
[Most Roles] Wandrboy#1998 | 9 ±
[Most Users in Voice Channel at Once] (not submitted)
Entry Requirement: 1,000 wins in 3 games
Kloska: Lucky Islands (Solo), Lucky Islands (Team), SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), EggWars (Team), Tower Defence, Duels, Survival Games (Solo), Paintball (Total 9)
Finixly: Lucky Islands (Solo), SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), EggWars (Solo), EggWars (Team), Duels, MinerWare, Archer Assault (Total 8)
Jellei: Lucky Islands (Solo), Lucky Islands (Team), SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), EggWars (Team), Duels, Line Dash, Paintball (Total 8)
iDqm: EggWars (Team), SkyWars (Team), Duels, MinerWare, Tower Defence, Line Dash, Paintball (Total 7)
Dutudy: Lucky Islands (Solo), Luck Islands (Team), SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), EggWars (Team), Duels (Total 6)
SilkHyperFox: EggWars (Solo), Eggwars (Teams of 2), EggWars (Teams of 4) (Total 3)
Gamenight888: SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Teams of 2), SkyWars (Teams of 4) (Total 3)
LemaXB1: SkyWars (Teams of 2), Survival Games, BlockWars (Total 3)Entry Requirement: 10,000 kills in 2 games
Diregon: SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), EggWars (Team), Free For All (Total 4)
Megaaa: SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), EggWars (Solo), Survival Games (Solo) (Total 4)
Kloska: Lucky Islands (Solo), Lucky Islands (Team), SkyWars (Solo) (Total 3)
PureAim: SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), EggWars (Team) (Total 3)
xHerrero: SkyWars (Solo), EggWars (Team), BlockWars (Total 3)
LemaXB1: SkyWars (Teams of 2), Survival Games, BlockWars (Total 3)
Gamenight888: SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Teams of 2) (Total 2)
SilkHyperFox: EggWars (Solo), EggWars (Teams of 4) (Total 2)Java
NLodjo: Level 355
NEO_K4T4N4: Level 280
Mivke: Level 270
kuwaitgamer60: Level 269
Befla: Level 250
Gamenight888: Level 135
SlinkyGnu05604: Level 134
ElGera16: Level 129
SilkHyperFox: Level 120
RelatedNoobs: Level 108Entry Requirement: 2 leaderboard spots
ItzZep: EggWars (Team), EggWars (Beta), SkyWars (Solo), Assassinations, MinerWare, Parkour, Survival Games (Solo), Survival Games (Team), Layer Spleef, Line Dash, Paintball, QuakeCraft, Slime Survival, Wing Rush, Archer Assault, Battle Zone, Ender, Present Rush, Carving Chaos (Total 19)
Jellei: EggWars (Solo), EggWars (Beta), SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Team), Lucky Islands (Solo), Duels, MinerWare, Parkour, Survival Games (Team), Archer Assault, Battle Zone, Layer Spleef, Line Dash, Paintball, QuakeCraft, Slime Survival, Wing Rush (Total 17)
Mivke: EggWars (Team), SkyWars (Team), Lucky Islands (Solo), Lucky Islands (Team), MinerWare, Parkour, Layer Spleef, Line Dash, Paintball, QuakeCraft, Slime Survival, Wing Rush, Archer Assault, Battle Zone, Ender, Present Rush, Snowman Survival (Total 17)
Kloska: EggWars (Solo), Skywars (Solo), Lucky Islands (Solo), Lucky Islands (Team), MinerWare, Tower Defence, Layer Spleef, Line Dash, Paintball, QuakeCraft, Slime Survival, Wing Rush, Survival Games (Solo), Battle Zone, Ender, Present Rush (Total 16)
Megaaa: SkyWars (Solo), EggWars (Solo), Duels, MinerWare, Parkour, Survival Games (Solo), Survival Games (Team), QuakeCraft, Wing Rush, Battle Zone (Total 10)
ElGera16: EggWars (Teams of 4), SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Chaos), SkyWars (Mega), MinerWare, BlockWars (Total 5)
Gamenight888: SkyWars (Solo), SkyWars (Teams of 2), SkyWars (Chaos), SkyWars (Mega) (Total 4)
saltyshadows794: Lucky Islands (Solo), Line Dash (Total 2)Java
Jellei: 574 achievements
Megaaa: 573 achievements
Mivke: 567 achievements
Flqris: 555 achievements
Brownieh: 543 achievements
This club doesn't exist for BedrockJava
AlexpYT192: 2,508 reports
Ducky_Jr: 1,285 reports
Rob_the_Giraffe: 1,253 reports
Dutudy: 1,200 reports
Scottness: 1,173 reports
This club doesn't exist for Bedrock
Java Username: Darkninja_27
Bedrock Username: Darkninja279772
Accomplishments: 250 W/L in Bedrock SkyWars, 350 win streak in Bedrock EggWars, a few fastest game records
Interview Date: September 2nd, 2020
"Tell us about yourself!"
Hello everyone! I'm Darkninja_27 or Dark for short. I live in Belgium, I'm 18 years old and like to play basketball. My favourite food is pizza or French fries. My favourite colour is dark blue. And I've been playing Minecraft for over six years now.
"How did you discover CubeCraft? Why do you prefer this server over others?"
I started playing Minecraft (on pc) around 2016 together with some friends. We played on all kinds of servers and jumped from one to the other. A friend discovered CubeCraft and we started playing some games on it like Eggwars, SkyWars and Survival Games. I loved playing EggWars so I stuck with CubeCraft as it was the only server that had a game like EggWars.
"How do you combine CubeCraft with your real-life responsibilities?"
I play on CubeCraft in my spare time and when I'm bored and want to play some games with friends. Minecraft is a hobby of mine and I enjoy playing it. Instead of watching TV or sitting on the couch, I play Minecraft. But when it comes to homework and such, I always handle my real-life responsibilities first before playing.
"What's your main CubeCraft minigame and why?"
I like every game. They all have their positives and negatives. But I mainly play EggWars!
When I first started playing EggWars I liked the big maps like Mansion and Rome. The number of players in those maps made them fun to play on. The Discord calls were always amazing: meeting new players and just having a blast and laughing constantly. A new thing I recently started doing is trying to get the fastest games on EggWars. Trying to find the fastest ways to win is one of my favourite things to do now. Finding new ways to go faster and things I can improve on.
"You have an incredible W/L ratio on Bedrock of 250. Aren't you very nervous and on-edge whenever you play a game?"
When I first started playing Bedrock. I saw that there was an opportunity to get the best W/L ratio so NLodjo and I tried to get it. Every game was stressful as there were a lot of cheaters back then. But after I lost one game, I stopped and just played for fun.
"What are your favourite memories on the server?"
The awesome players I met throughout my journey on CubeCraft. The competitive players I grinded wins with. One of my favourite memories is getting NLodjo to 10K wins on Speed EggWars and the celebration games after hitting milestones. We would get a game full of friends and put cake all over the map, make a big sign and amazing screenshots to celebrate the milestones!
"Was there a point where you decided to become increasingly more competitive, or did it happen gradually and imperceptibly?"
I think it grew more and more after meeting and playing with some skilled players. They knew the best ways to win and I learned a lot of tricks and skills from them. We won nearly every game so when we did lose a game, it felt weird. After we lost we tried to improve on the things we did wrong that game.
"What is your setup like?"
When I first started playing Minecraft Java, I had a laptop I played on. It could run Minecraft smoothly so it was a good thing to have. I upgraded my setup a year ago. I've got a custom-built pc with RTX 2070 and an AMD Ryzen 7 2700X. Quite a beefy computer to play Minecraft on.
I've got two monitors: one 144Hz 2K screen and one 60Hz 1080p side screen.
"Do you recommend other players to go down the same path as you? Would you do it all over again if you could?"
If you like to play Minecraft competitively, try to find like-minded players. The only advice I will give is that it's sometimes better to have fun than to always want to win, otherwise you will ruin the Minecraft experience. Taking a break here and there or playing another game is a good way to keep Minecraft enjoyable.
"Is the competitive side of the community a big happy family, or is it more of a war?"
I would say it's more like friendly competition. We are all competitive so we all want to win every single game. We put some basic rules in place so we wouldn't start conflicts. When two big parties join the same game, the party that joined last would leave. Sometimes we don't notice when there's another big party, so those games take longer for us to win or even lose. But at the end of the day, when we combine our parties, we became good friends and had a good time together.Java Username: Kloska
Bedrock Username: KloskaCCG
Accomplishments: Team Lucky Islands leaderboard, Solo Lucky Islands leaderboard
Interview Date: September 3rd, 2020
"Introduce yourself!"
Hi, I am Tim, or Kloska as most of you know me by. I am a regular 17-year-old living in Sweden.
I study technology with focus on programming in a Swedish Gymnasium, which is somewhat equivalent to secondary school in the UK, or high school in the USA.
I usually spend my free time at home, either studying, doing chores or just relaxing whilst watching a YouTube clip. When I don’t do those things, I like hanging out with friends and family, doing city orientation by bike, or just chilling with my cats.
"How did you discover CubeCraft? Why do you prefer this server over others?"
I discovered CubeCraft through a Swedish Youtube duo called DualDGaming (DDG)
I’ve been playing around on a lot of servers and some of them do have fun minigames. What made me stick to CubeCraft was the 1.9 combat system and my love for Lucky Islands. I also think CubeCraft allows for both casual and competitive gameplay, which is something I enjoy.
"How do you combine playing on CubeCraft with your real-life responsibilities?"
I used to play on CubeCraft any moment I could back in late 2016 to early 2018. I basically played from when I got home after school until I went to bed. This was of course not the most healthy thing to do, but I had a lot of fun playing with friends.
Once I became staff, I’ve not been playing as much as I used to since I’ve spent more time moderating the server rather than playing games. I still used to have a lot of free time which made it easy for me to balance playing Minecraft with moderation and real-life stuff.
As some of you know, I’ve recently stepped down from being a Senior Moderator which is due to a tighter real-life schedule. I will try to get on the server to play whenever I am free, but as of now, I will not be playing a lot on the server anymore.
"What's your main CubeCraft minigame and why?"
My main game overall is Lucky Islands. It was the first game I fell in love with on the server and I’ve enjoyed playing it since the first day. I originally loved coming up with tactics to win the game with all the different wands, items, maps advantages etc. The variation and the possibility to innovate is something I love with Lucky Islands.
"During the Christmas holidays, you're almost always playing Lucky Islands on the Christmas map. Doesn't it get boring to keep playing the same map over and over again?"
In short, yes. Doing the same thing over and over again will get boring eventually. This is why I’ve been playing the map less and less for each year. A way to make it more fun is to play and call with friends, trying new methods, tactics etc. which gives more variation to the gameplay.
Back in 2016 to early 2017, I used to keep track of me and my friend’s daily wins. The first day playing on the Christmas map feast, we got a whopping 20 wins during one day, beating our previous daily high with 13 wins. At the end of that month, we were able to get about 80 wins per day which was super exciting to me. Around that same time was also the first time I could even start dreaming of reaching the top 5 leaderboard displayed in the lobby.
Last year (2019), I only played the map for a few days. However, I challenged myself to get more wins in one day than I had ever gotten before. My daily record at the time was 333 wins that I had got the previous year. When I had one day off, I got up early in the morning to win a few games alone before I had a few friends join me a bit later. I played all day long, I think it was about 16 hours of playtime, and managed to get 400 wins in only one day. This is currently listed as a peculiar record in this thread.
"What are your favourite memories on the server?"
This one is difficult because so many great things have happened, yet I barely remember any of them.
One thing I remember was when I first met Ufo and Softis (DualDGaming) and Ufo’s girlfriend in a game of lucky islands back in early 2017. We were playing on the map Hell and I was in their team. I was doing very well, and apparently so well that other Swedish opponents started to hackusate me. The Youtube gang ended up leaving the game since they didn’t want to be on the same team as a cheater. However in the video they uploaded, they did mention me (not by name) by saying something along the lines of “We tried to record a game before this, but they said we had a cheater on our team so we ended up leaving.” I was upset when they first left, but looking at it now, I do think it’s kinda funny.
I do remember being featured on their channel two times after that as well, which I found very exciting. They tried to use me as a clickbait once but unfortunately, it didn’t work (looking at you Priley)
"Was there a point where you decided to become increasingly more competitive, or did it happen gradually and imperceptibly?"
I’ve always played the game with the intent of winning, but never to be the best. I’ve never really felt that I’m especially competitive towards other players when playing, but rather wanting to improve what I do instead. I’ve always been driven by statistics since that’s something I really enjoy. That’s also one of the reasons I’ve been looking into this thread a lot and been submitting records wherever I can.
"You are a Senior Moderator on CubeCraft. How do you combine Senior Moderator responsibilities with playing on the server?”
As a moderating staff member, you might have less time to play the game since you will also have to dedicate time to handling reports, appeals, the forums, discord etc.
I have had periods of time where I prefered to only do reports for several hours a day, and some periods where I felt like playing games rather than handling other stuff. Luckily, as Moderators are volunteers, you are allowed to choose how much time you spend on doing your responsibilities as long as you’re still active enough to take care of your responsibilities.
When I felt like playing games, I played games most of the day, but still punished any rule-breakers or helped anyone that needed assistance on the server. I think it’s important for the community to often see Moderators playing games. This does not only make Moderators seem less like a mysterious group of staff members, but we’re also available to help if they need us.
"Do you have a crazy setup or just a simple 2011 Windows 7 laptop?"
My setup is absolute trash. I don’t even meet all of the recommended requirements for Minecraft Java edition that Minecraft themselves have posted. I wish to build my own PC in the future, hopefully sometime next year.
"Is there anything else you want to tell us?"
As I’ve mentioned before, I am really into statistics. Back in 2017, I had a goal to get 100 wins in every single game mode on CubeCraft. Over time, I managed to get 100 wins in all the available games except UHC. I found that quite a fun challenge and enjoyed what I did.
Later on, I thought about going for 1000 wins in all game modes as a fun idea and a cool statistic to have but quickly realised that it would take too much time. Grinding 10 times what I already did wouldn’t be fun at all.
An important thing to remember, whether you’re playing competitively or not, is to have fun. I know it sounds cheesy, and it kind of is, but if you’re playing for any other reason than having fun and enjoying your time, it’s not worth playing.
Megaaa holds the most Java records with a total of 77, which is 14%!
Runner-up being PerryJ with 38 records, which is 7%!
54% of all parkour records are held by Megaaa, with second place going to TotallyAwesome5 who holds 13% and third place going to Rifyy who holds 9%.
Additionally, Megaaa holds 87% of the easy level records.
TotallyAwesome5 holds 37% of the medium level records.
Rifyy holds 38% of the hard level records.
ElGera16 holds the most Bedrock records with a total of 31, which is 15%!
Runner-up being Gamenight888 with 22 records, which is 10%!
Kloska holds the most archived records with a total of 16, which is 24%!
2% of all records, or 1 out of every 50, are tied records!
Jefe_Maestro1 held the Most Wins record for Java Edition SkyWars for an incredible 1,415 days, nearly 4 entire years, before being overtaken by AngelClick3r on August 14th of 2020.
This graph visualizes the status of all records, excluding archived and peculiar records.
A cool 93% of the Java club’s capacity is used.
All Java clubs combined account for 18 unique players!
Kloska is in 5 clubs.
An okay 45% of the Bedrock club’s capacity is used!
All Bedrock clubs combined account for as little as 5 unique players!
Gamenight888 is in 3 clubs.
Ximena#0001, the most active user in the CubeCraft Games Discord, is responsible for 2.8% of all messages ever sent. This is 1 out of every 35 messages!
FocusTurtle#8361, the most active user in the CubeCraft Games Translation Team Discord, is responsible for just under 11.5% of all messages ever sent. This is 1 out of every 9 messages!
Hey there, please don't crop your evidence, this way we do not know if you meet all the requirements.Me (LANZAINIA888) and TTV BRAIN850 aka BruhJacob won an Eggwars Duos game in 2:29View attachment 180226
Hey there!Hello there. I play Chaos alot, and I have broken these records listed: Most kills (last 749, mine 4113), Best KDR (last: 3.4, Mine 16,85), Most arrows shot (last 2734, mine 12127), Most arrows hit (last 596, mine 2627), Most blocks broken (last 1340, mine 39994), Most blocks Placed (last 3410, mine 25203), Most Blocks walked (last 235462, mine 1144566) And finally Most time played (last 21+ hours, mine 3 days, 2 hours). I will send the a screenshot of this to confirm it all under.
Hey there! Your submission has been accepted and will be updated!I would like to submit a 13,877 on library level 2
I hope this is enough evidence
Hey there, someone on bedrock has a higher level, 135+ :(
I wanna add a new leaderboard to leaderboards club name ItzZep new lb is Blockwars bridges.View attachment 180164
Haha, that's unfortunate, but he'll get the record! Thanks for submitting! :D Abeldesantiago now has a record! :DThis non got the world record of 39 - 40 seconds. I had a few minor mistakes and I was one tap in the end. So far my personal best is 49 seconds, and I just started speedrunning 2 days ago. Also sorry for the bad quality and cringe commentary lmao, this was my first speedrunning stream!
Awesome! Your record has been accepted :DRecord Time Hard Parkour Hell - level 1 | 00:53:383
IGN: Naitzirch
Hey, had to ask what Perfect% means, LOL, but this is valid and accezpted, Zoinks Scooobs now holds the record! :DWould like to also make you aware that a perfect% record exists for eggwars solo by Zoinks Scoobs time of 4:21
Another one, good game boys, perfect% if I'm not mistaken :) Accepted :D 54 seconds, WOW!Just got world record for fastest eggwars to4 games.
(Timestamp 2:02)
I guess I'll add all your stats to the book, but I can't add 20 carvings in one game without evidence, sorry :cHi
Hi id like to submit my records for carving chaos on Bedrock. Most wins (1565+) and especially most carvings in one game (20) my username is SilkHyperFox and I’ll attach some pics
46 seconds, that's insane! AddedBedrock Record - SkyWars solo [Fastest game (Any%)] - 46 seconds
Map: Chandelier (Halloween map)
Date of completetion: 1.11.2020
Chest item type: Normal
That's insane! Accepted :D(Video Footage of my World Record)
I beat the world record for Parkour Easy Level - Mountain (Level 3)
Record: 5:829
My Minecraft IGN is: Freshi
Wow, insane! All of them break the current records! Good job! Added :D
Updated by Priley!Update level:
View attachment 179050
That's not a perfect game ;) and it doesn't break the any%I don't know if this is enough evidence, but here we go: View attachment 179008View attachment 179009
Sorry, the current record is 18 :cHello, my name is IgneousIsSad! I am new to Cubecraft and I have been playing a decent amount of SG Duos for Bedrock Edition. I got a 15 kill duos game as a solo and I was wondering if this was some sort of record? Here is proof...
Added by Priley =)Hi!
I'd like to be in the high levels club (Bedrock)
I'd also like to update my "most friend requests" (625 requests) on Bedrock Edition
Sorry, we need a screenshot that's not cropped and more evidence :cFastest game on bedrock skyward solo 1:84 seconds
Added by Priley :)The Highest level club - kuwaitgamer60
View attachment 178712
I'd like to be in the high levels club (Bedrock)
I'd also like to update my "most friend requests" (625 requests) on Bedrock Edition
Well, it's too bad they haven't submitted their stats ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If they want the record, they can submit it.Dude you are far from the record, from what i know I think charizard has lvl 180 or something, elgera may have 200+ but he is banned
Shame bout ur kill streak record aswell, @Darkninja27 has a 166 kill streak, also any progress on taking my to4 record??Well, it's too bad they haven't submitted their stats ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If they want the record, they can submit it.
New time: 11:653[Barn - Level 1] TotallyAwesome5 | 00:11:661
New time: 20:072[Drought - Level 1] Sywert | 00:20:494
Damn haha, I can't let you have thisNew time: 11:653
New time: 20:072
(Will Add some other records soon)
Did you by any chance see this message? Still wondering if its a thing. Actually 622 days old now.Is the longest preserved Cubelet record updated? I got one which is 575 days old. Was wondering if it is a record.View attachment 178219
We've got a submission that is older (currently 680 days)Did you by any chance see this message? Still wondering if its a thing. Actually 622 days old now.
You don’t have time even though the Netherlands is in “partial intelligent lockdown”?Hi all, quick update!
It has become increasingly more difficult for me to manage the CubeCraft Book of World Records. Despite my country being into lockdown again, I don't have as much free time as would be expected. The book has become so much more popular over the past few months- more popular than ever before, and more popular than I could have ever imagined! A big thank you for that!
This means I need a few helping hands that can manage it together with me. I will be in touch with a few Moderators (because they have permissions to edit posts). Together with me, they'll be reviewing records, deciding on new records, new rules, and everything else!
Over the upcoming days, you'll recognize them with the role @ | Current Thread Editor in the CubeCraft Games Records Community!
I'll post a more detailed announcement when everything is planned out and the editors are here!
Thank you for your patience with me!!
But Riley isn't Dutch, he's Belgian lol.You don’t have time even though the Netherlands is in “partial intelligent lockdown”?
Rutte, beetje jammer dit :).