Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018
Good thread. +1
First 2 points can honestly be treated in a matter of days by management simply replying to suggesions and implementing small network-wide broadcasting messages.
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Forum Expert
Sep 17, 2017
What is Build Battle?
In Build Battle, players vote for a theme. You have to build the selected theme, and ultimately, you can vote if you like the plot or not. The player with the most upvotes wins!
Is very hard make a build battle better than hypixel, but can be
What is SkyBlock?
In SkyBlock, you spawn on an island, you have to survive on it, and you have to enlarge it. You can change your island's theme, you can trade with other players, and so much more! For more information you can ask me or another member
I realy hate survival and factions, but skyblok is very fun
What is FreeBuild?
In FreeBuild, you can build whatever you want. There are no limits, you can use your creativity! You can also use some worldedit commands, to make building structures easier. You can publish your plots and let other players take a look at it! They can reward it with a diamond if they really like it.
I still mising them.

And why no a MobA? Cubecraft dont has any PVE game and is very necesary, a MobA can be cool because is very diferet to the other games, or other type of horde survival.

Actualy the only PVE game in cubecraft is tower defende with survival vote option, and still looking as a normal game,


Forum Professional
Sep 18, 2016
The Netherlands
im not sure what type of /report are you talking about?if you are talking about call a staff using a /report or something else (like youtubers) i want to say YES!! but only players with +30 handled reports can use it because people can abuse of this command
Basically like the title says. When doing /report in game you should get the link to https://reports.cubecraft.net.

Many people do /report in game either because they're mad at someone because they lost a game or because they legit want to report someone. These players don't know that a report system exists since if they did then they wouldn't do /report but go to the site itself. If the player got a link to the reports site then they'll know that a report system does exist. As simple as that!

Thanks for reading.



Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2017
I'll try and respond to each of the concerns/points you've raised and hopefully give a little insight into the thought process, or at least my view on it.

With regards to the lack of active staff, moderator recruitment is an ongoing process and getting more applicants doesn't necessarily mean that we get better applicants. It just means that it's harder to find the 'wheat' in all the 'chaff'.

Bad treatment of suggestions, I've explained this many times before I would much rather see a discussion evolve around a suggestion organically without being influenced by a Management post. The reality is that a lot of these suggestions have already come up during development and the value from them comes in seeing what the community determines the pros and cons are.

Lack of Java updates, this I don't see as being a major issue. The main reason for this was that we have very clearly scaled back the very aggressive update schedule we had in 2017 because that update schedule has done more harm than good. Scaling this back was very necessary, as was the recent Java update that essentially means we're more able to scale effectively over the course of any given day. The landscape is constantly evolving and although that update is widely seen as a bad update by players, we have seen average player counts rising since that update went out. There is more on the way, however the Java server is no longer the only platform we're supporting so some of that dev time is now on Bedrock so updates are going to be less frequent, which is no bad thing.

Lack of non-PvP games is a concern that has been raised in the office numerous times (I'm not a huge PvPer myself). Having a variety of games that can appeal to PvPers and non-PvPers alike is important and is something I'm very conscious of, however Arcade was pretty much empty for huge parts of the day despite how fun those games can be (I quite liked QuakeCraft) so which games we support is not a straightforward choice.

As for other suggestions that are 'easy' to implement (I do love how people with no experience of our codebase like to tell everyone how easy stuff is to do). There are usually other reasons why we don't want to implement them immediately. Like /report pointing players to the reports site, this is only really useful if we have the tools available to deal with all those reports in a timely manner, I'd much rather get that tooling fixed before we increase the number of reports going through that system, it is no secret that appeals/reports aren't being handled as promptly as we'd like, let's fix that first.


Forum Expert
Sep 17, 2017
however the Java server is no longer the only platform we're supporting so some of that dev time is now on Bedrock so updates are going to be less frequent, which is no bad thing.
Yeah, i know than microsoft is trying to make bedrock better than java and this updates will be helpfull in the future, but remember than we are on the present and actualy bedrock is on beta, i know than is very important has a good bedrock but the comunity of java is bigest and need updates because a happy java comunity dont start a revolution, we still waiting the rotation system.

Just make a 50% 50% and no a 80% 20%
The comunity only need UPDATES and remove games are not helpfull.
With the big change you made a new base with "less problems"
Use this new base, because the last update was halloween and the next will be cristhmas.

The comunity want new games or upgrade old games.

You can do a lot of things, nobody is telling you what you do, just make something:

a little skywars or eggwars update,
a loot update,
a new game,
the rotation system
a chat update,
a rank update,
a web update.....

Just select some ideas and do something, and if you are already working in a update
Why dont told to comunity in what are you working?
In another bedrock update?
i think
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Novice Member
Jul 25, 2018
I would say add blocks war back :3
It is a pvp game but offers a different experience compared to skywars and egg wars.
1. Its makes you actually think a bit
2. You don't need to waste time on resource collection, you pick a kit and go to battle
3. Infinite respawn, so you cringe less when you die
If they add it back and actually care about it they can make it into the backbone of the server
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Forum Veteran
Jan 5, 2017
Maastricht, the Netherlands
I would say add blocks war back :3
It is a pvp game but offers a different experience compared to skywars and egg wars.
1. Its makes you actually think a bit
2. You don't need to waste time on resource collection, you pick a kit and go to battle
3. Infinite respawn, so you cringe less when you die
If they add it back and actually care about it they can make it into the backbone of the server
There have been several threads regarding adding blockwars back, although they won’t. If they are gonna change anything about the current setup, it will be after Christmas. Also, Blockwars has a chance of being a featured game.
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Novice Member
Jul 25, 2018
There have been several threads regarding adding blockwars back, although they won’t. If they are gonna change anything about the current setup, it will be after Christmas. Also, Blockwars has a chance of being a featured game.
The problem rn is that cubecraft doesn't offer anything unique that can't be found on other server, currently most game exist in other servers like ********* (and is usually better imo)


Dedicated Member
Feb 2, 2018
I pretty much agree with everything @Sophie said.
You know how the description of the Suggestions section says 'You are heard!'? It neglects to mention that being heard isn't the same as being listened to. Point in question, this:
I have noticed that for a while, I thought no one else saw :p

Bad treatment of suggestions, I've explained this many times before I would much rather see a discussion evolve around a suggestion organically without being influenced by a Management post. The reality is that a lot of these suggestions have already come up during development and the value from them comes in seeing what the community determines the pros and cons are.

First of all thanks a lot for replying! :)
The thing that mostly annoys me about suggestions are the small, quality of life suggestions. They are generally really supported, no discussion about it all. I also highly doubt they take much developer time, or else there is something seriously wrong if the smallest suggestions can't be implemented solely because it takes too much time. Does management disagree with these suggestions? Usually not, as they are just useful and improve the experience of the server. Now that I started playing on Hy*****, I noticed a lot of my quality of life suggestions have been implemented there, without me knowing of them when I suggested them. (Examples: Remember gadget, show recently earned loot.) I also rarely hear management reply with reasons against the suggestions.

So the suggestions are small, players agree, staff agrees, what do I miss? Why are they not implemented? Sure, a few of them have been escalated (some months ago), but that's it. Never to be heard of again.

@Quetzi, I would highly appreciate it if you could give me a reply.
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Forum Expert
Sep 17, 2017
As for other suggestions that are 'easy' to implement (I do love how people with no experience of our codebase like to tell everyone how easy stuff is to do).
i dont know much about coding, but i know than implement a new game is harder than implement a new vote option.


Dedicated Member
Feb 2, 2018
As for other suggestions that are 'easy' to implement (I do love how people with no experience of our codebase like to tell everyone how easy stuff is to do). There are usually other reasons why we don't want to implement them immediately. Like /report pointing players to the reports site, this is only really useful if we have the tools available to deal with all those reports in a timely manner, I'd much rather get that tooling fixed before we increase the number of reports going through that system, it is no secret that appeals/reports aren't being handled as promptly as we'd like, let's fix that first.

Not sure whether I missed this part or you added it later, I will reply to it anyway.
I know people claim suggestions to be 'easy', but let's get honest here. A small quality of life suggestions compared to a new game or new gamemode. That small quality of life suggestion takes lots less time.

Okay, maybe the small suggestions do take a lot of time. That would be even worse. As forementioned, lots of quality of life suggestions I see are already featured on Hy*****. Examples: Remember gadget, show recent loot, stay in the same lobby as you logged out, /rejoin (not a small suggestion), the ability to set your own inventory in duels. So it definitely is possible. If Cubecraft really doesn't have the developer time to implement these kind of suggestions, and other servers do have that time, then I won't complain a single second anymore. But I find that really hard to believe.

There definitely are suggestions that take a lot more time than expected. But not all. It's quite easy to blame all the ignored suggestion on the habit of people claiming stuff. Then this part:
There are usually other reasons why we don't want to implement them immediately.
There sometimes are other reasons. Can management PLEASE name these reasons (if possible of course). Your /report example:
I think your reasoning is fair and understandable. This explains why /report isn't gonna be implemented soon. But I looked through the suggestions and no staff even mentioned that! So we make a suggestions, get ignored, complain about it and then get the reason why. It's a good reason, why wasn't that said in the first place?

So some might take more time, some have hidden reasons, but not all. There definitely are small, supported, ignored, quality of life suggestions out there which don't take much time, nor have hidden reasons not to implemented.

I'll try and respond to each of the concerns/points you've raised and hopefully give a little insight into the thought process, or at least my view on it.
I'd highly appreciate if you could do that to me as well. :)
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