Not sure whether I missed this part or you added it later, I will reply to it anyway.
I know people claim suggestions to be 'easy', but let's get honest here. A small quality of life suggestions compared to a new game or new gamemode. That small quality of life suggestion takes lots less time.
Okay, maybe the small suggestions do take a lot of time. That would be even worse. As forementioned, lots of quality of life suggestions I see are already featured on Hy*****. Examples: Remember gadget, show recent loot, stay in the same lobby as you logged out, /rejoin (not a small suggestion), the ability to set your own inventory in duels. So it definitely is possible. If Cubecraft really doesn't have the developer time to implement these kind of suggestions, and other servers do have that time, then I won't complain a single second anymore. But I find that really hard to believe.
There definitely are suggestions that take a lot more time than expected. But not all. It's quite easy to blame all the ignored suggestion on the habit of people claiming stuff. Then this part:
There sometimes are other reasons. Can management PLEASE name these reasons (if possible of course). Your /report example:
I think your reasoning is fair and understandable. This explains why /report isn't gonna be implemented soon. But I looked through the suggestions and no staff even mentioned that! So we make a suggestions, get ignored, complain about it and then get the reason why. It's a good reason, why wasn't that said in the first place?
So some might take more time, some have hidden reasons, but not all. There definitely are small, supported, ignored, quality of life suggestions out there which don't take much time, nor have hidden reasons not to implemented.
I'd highly appreciate if you could do that to me as well. :)