Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Deleted member 469419

This is a really nice thread! :)
Last edited by a moderator:


Forum Expert
Apr 21, 2020
Elenahh (Translations Manager)
NotAName (Assistant Translations Manager)
Elivat (Recruitment Manager)
Fisktratt (Team Activity Manager)
jelliobean (Communication Manager)
Keanu (Help Desk Translations)
Priley (Events Manager)

Borgnath (Translator)
c0rin (Translator)
Spoon // Spuuuni (Translator)
Hey, is there a purpose to this gap, if not I might have noticed a little typo :)
Jul 9, 2020
This is an updated and extended version of the staff history thread by Commissioned. The goal of the thread is to document the changes of the staff team since the servers inception. Feel free to post any staff members who have not been added yet.


The current list of staff members.

Admin Team
AnimalTamer1 (Staff Manager)
Camezonda (Product Manager)
CapitanGato (Moderation Manager)
Cynamooo (Recruitment Manager)

Efcluke94 (Director of Content)
Elenahh (Translation Manager & Special Projects)
GingerGeek (Director of Technology)
John Coles (Director of Production)
marcoslater (Director of Infrastructure)
mitgobla (Design Admin)
patito (Deputy Staff Manager & Customer Support)
Rowan Walsh (Digital Marketing Apprentice)
rubik_cube_man (Director of Development)
StorySays (Game Artist)
Yamin // Yoyamin (Design Admin)
Younisco (Community Manager & Associate Producer)


Kelly // uswnt

Senior Moderator
SnowyWarz // Warriors1976

Dubby Plays
Livvv // Livchi
Neptuune // Reddog37 // FadedRoses
Power Ranger
Rawrbin // Robin

Troublesomee // CALLMESCOTT // Scottness

Senior Designer
Dronade (Entity Engineer)
SanCookie (Redstone Engineer)
Soulless_Unity (Level Designer)

Bugme (Level Designer)
MartijnMC (Level Designer)
Robbedz (Level Designer)

Gatsbe (Level Designer)
joowomy // TehWinner (Level Designer)
Jvskebat (Level Designer)
TheJeroen (Level Designer)
Unstrafeless (Level Designer)
Asheron (Skin Artist)

Blocky12 (Skin Artist & Level Designer)
Dylaila (Skin Artist)
gumoholic (Skin Artist)
mochhi (Skin Artist)
NoodleGoddess (Skin Artist)
WeAtomicc_Void // Cara (Skin & Texture Artist)
Reapz (Skin Artist)
Hannibal (Modeller)
Megaaa (Modeller)

Exciting_Pancake (Entity Engineer)
Priley (Redstone Engineer)

Elenahh (Translations Manager)
NotAName (Assistant Translations Manager)
Elivat (Recruitment Manager)
Fisktratt (Team Activity Manager)
jelliobean (Communication Manager)
Keanu (Help Desk Translations Manager)
Majksa (Development Manager)
Priley (Events Manager)

Borgnath (Translator)
c0rin (Translator)
DuduWater_12 (Translator)
GabeTheDogYT (Translator)
IWontHurtYou (Translator)
Livvv // Livchi (Translator)
Ma7m0uD (Translator)
sameuel (Translator)
Spoon // Spuuuni (Translator)
TOTHTOMI (Translator)
Old Management
Joe Henry
Zed // GingerGeek

Charlotte P.
caliocean // Oceanical
General_Claudia // ModernRevolution
Lukey_dude // Kule
OrangeGrapeEater // OrangeGE
Zed // GingerGeek

funkemunky // Dawson
Octobyte (profile inaccessible)

Junior Developer




Senior Moderator
iLoveYouu (profile inaccessible)

Apolo Ptolomeo // ApoloCEA
Clacks // BrokenAyzer
6Godly // cocai
cubs909 // Cubss
DontYouDare (profile inaccessible)
Dubby Plays
DutchLemur // Unfearful

Neptuune // Reddog37 // FadedRoses
Fluffys_gurl // FluffyRoses
elchuii (profile inaccessible)

Guardi4n (profile inaccessible)
Minimoeesha // Hallucinated
JesperGeakko // Jespoe // Jeppie
LanceDaniels (profile inaccessible)
LucianYOLO // TheLucian
Power Ranger
RubenoMe // Rooben
Scotty2k14 // Sccottyyy
sealgoesowowow // Discoloration // Undxrland
SoundToTheThirdPower // SoundTheNeko
SuperxSnap // Divine_Sophie
Unipotato (profile inaccessible)
Eystian // Unstitched
Warriors1976 // SnowyWarz

Jackelele (profile inaccessible)
Sentrix_ // DontFearMe // KidBit

Senior Designer




Killerkwile (profile inaccessible)
Reindeer // Paige
seat_belt // Gatsbe
SunshineChick // SunLord
TeovoTeovo // Teovolicane
WeAtomicc_Void // Cara
Rubiks_ // Cyphax // Yello



Parkour Builder

Graphic Designer


Total of 216 staff members

Dutch 🇳🇱

Spanish 🇪🇸



Swedish 🇸🇪

Other Languages
Borgnath: Russian
c0rin: German
Elenahh: Bulgarian
Dubby Plays: Italian
DuduWater_12: Portugese
GabeTheDogYT: Hungarian

HackersDontWin: Danish
IWontHurtYou: Bulgarian
Ma7m0uD: Arabic
Majksa: Czech

patito: Portugese Italian
sameuel: Portugese

Spuuuni: Catalan

TOTHTOMI: Hungarian


A comprehensive timeline of when the staff received their ranks and when they parted from the team.


rubik_cube_man Member -> Owner
marcoslater Member -> Owner
PL4YER5 Member -> Administrator -> Member
Divvy1 Member -> Moderator
Minimooesha Member -> Moderator
musemat Member -> Administrator, Head Builder
SGTkuzey Member -> Administrator
Dai_Matsumoto Member -> Moderator
Lukey_dude Member -> Moderator
Efcluke94 Member -> Builder
DatAwesomeLegend Member -> Moderator- > Member
killtheduck5 Member -> Moderator -> Member
minecraftboy108 Member -> Moderator -> Member
Littlelaw10 Member -> Builder -> Member
Backstep10 Member -> Builder -> Member
Pandias Member -> Moderator -> Member
rhinoscooter1 Member -> Moderator -> Member
sniper5432 Member -> Moderator -> Member
TetrisDCracker Member -> Moderator -> Member
bubblewibble Member -> Builder -> Member
Kats_XD Member -> Builder -> Member
Bromvahlock Member -> Builder -> Member
AirArt Member -> Graphic Designer
buttercommander Member -> Moderator -> Member

November 14th
jinjo90 Member -> Moderator

December 15th
Divvy1 Moderator -> Administrator
Minimoeesha // Hallucinated Moderator -> Administrator

December 16th
Catzilla Member -> Moderator
jinjo90 Moderator -> Administrator

December 18th
LaserDolphin77 Member -> Moderator

December 22nd
Dean_Warner_1995 Member -> Administrator (Parkour Manager)

December 30th
General_Claudia Member -> Moderator


January 2nd
AirArt Graphic Designer -> Member
SevereWarning Member -> Moderator

January 22nd
ObliviousPanda Member -> Builder

February 2nd
johncoles Member -> Administrator

February 5th
Volkom_ Member -> Moderator & Builder

February 12th
Efcluke94 Builder -> Builder & Moderator

February 15th
Divvy1 Administrator -> Moderator
Minimoeesha // Hallucinated Administrator -> Member

February 16th
beau2000 Member -> Moderator
LaserDolphin77 Moderator -> Administrator

February 25th
Catzilla Moderator -> Member

March 15th
PinkStr3ak Member -> Moderator

March 16th
Efcluke94 Builder, Moderator -> Builder, Administrator
Aimee2323 Member -> Moderator

March 24th
Tahatii Moderator -> Member

March 25th
WolfWhispers Member -> Moderator

March 29th
caliocean // Oceanical Member -> Moderator

April 13th

LaserDolphin77 Administrator -> Administrator, Builder

April 14th
jinjo90 Administrator -> Member
Parvati12 Member -> Moderator

April 15th
musemat Administrator, Head Builder -> Head-Administrator, Head Builder
beau2000 Moderator -> Moderator, Builder
gedas001 Member -> Moderator

April 17th
General_Claudia Moderator -> Administrator

April 22nd
Dean_Warner_1995 Administrator (Parkour Manager) -> Member

May 7th
ObliviousPanda Builder -> Member

May 11th
PocketLord Member -> Builder

May 30th
caliocean // Oceanical Moderator -> Administrator
Volkom_ Moderator, Builder -> Administrator, Builder

June 1st
SunshineChick // Sunlord Member -> Builder

June 2nd
Lukey_dude Administrator -> Member

June 3rd
LaserDolphin77 Administrator, Builder -> Member
PinkStr3ak Moderator -> Administrator

June 6th
Minimooesha Member -> Moderator

June 15th
Miscreation954 Member -> Builder

June 18th
jinjo90 Member -> Administrator

June 21st
PocketLord Builder -> Member

June 22nd
OrangeGrapeEater // OrangeGE Member -> Moderator

June 24th
beau2000 Moderator, Builder -> Member

July 24th
Miscreation954 Builder -> Member

July 29th
Killerkwile Member -> Builder

August 6th
Verdag Member- > Moderator

August 15th
Musemat Head-Administrator, Head-Builder -> Administrator, Builder
Efcluke94 Administrator, Builder -> Head-Administrator, Head-Builder

August 23rd
TheAdventurerMM Member -> Builder

September 6th
sealgoesowowow // Discoloration // Undxrland Member -> Builder

September 8th
AquaaXx Member -> Moderator

September 15th
Saradabaschi Member -> Moderator

September 23rd
Scotty2k14 // Sccottyyy Member -> Moderator

October 28th
Exciting_pancake Member -> Moderator
Tacosbefriends Member -> Moderator

November 1st
Charlotte P. Member -> Administrator

November 5th
OrangeGrapeEater // OrangeGE Moderator -> Administrator

November 28th
Saradabaschi Moderator -> Administrator

December 4th
Scotty2k14 // Sccottyyy Moderator -> Member

December 8th
cubs909 Member -> Moderator

December 30th
jinjo90 Administrator -> Member
General_Claudia Administrator -> Moderator
Volkom_ Administrator, Builder -> Moderator, Builder
Caliocean // Oceanical Administrator -> Moderator

December 31st
TlmeLord Member -> Moderator


January 2nd
LaserDolphin77 Member -> Moderator

January 11th
TlmeLord Moderator -> Moderator, Builder

January 20th
Verdag Moderator -> Member

February 1st
TheAdventurerMM Builder -> Moderator, Builder

February 15th
Charlotte P. Administrator -> Member

February 19th
Efcluke94 Head-Administrator, Builder -> Administrator, Builder

February 21st
Joe Henry Member -> Administrator

February 23rd
Exciting_pancake Moderator -> Administrator

March 16th
LaserDolphin77 Moderator -> Member

March 17th
cubs909 Moderator -> Member

March 5th
Sevenade78 Member -> Moderator

March 21st
musemat Head Administrator, Head Builder -> Builder

March 29th
Divvy1 Moderator -> Member

March 31st
sealgoesowowow // Discoloration // Undxrland Builder -> Moderator, Builder

WolfWhispers Moderator -> Member

April 4th
Tacosbefriends Moderator -> Administrator

April 7th
musemat Builder -> Member

April 11th
Efcluke94 Administrator, Builder -> Head-Administrator, Builder

April 16th
SunshineChick // Sunlord Builder -> Moderator, Builder

March 13th
Yittamonkey Member -> Moderator

May 1st
Parvati12 Moderator -> Member

May 14th
Soph Member -> Moderator

May 19th
Minimooesha Moderator -> Member

ExtendedHorizons Member -> Builder

May 19th
Joe Henry Administrator -> Owner

June 4th
Iselciour Member -> Moderator

Guardd Member -> Moderator

June 17th
TlmeLord Moderator, Builder -> Administrator, Builder

June 22nd
Roroyourboat_ Member -> Moderator

July 10th
WolfWhispers Member -> Moderator

July 14th
Member -> Parkour Builder
GingerGeek Member -> Developer

July 19th
Alex_de_Grote Member -> Builder

July 30th
ExtendedHorizons Builder -> Member

Max111D Member -> Builder

August 1st
ApoloCEA Member -> Moderator

August 3rd
jinjo90 Member -> Administrator

August 3rd
johnyestaloca Member -> Parkour Builder
Member -> Parkour Builder

August 23rd
Crisgatito Member -> Builder

August 27th
ThijsBeertje Member -> Graphic Designer

September 16th
Dai_Matsumoto Moderator -> Senior Moderator

General_Claudia Moderator -> Senior Moderator
AquaaXx Moderator -> Senior Moderator
caliocean // Oceanical Moderator-> Member
Yittamonkey Moderator -> Member

September 17th
SevereWarning Moderator -> Senior Moderator

6Godly // cocai Member -> Moderator
HectorLalo Member -> Helper
Moooofin Member -> Helper

September 18th
ThijsBeertje Graphic Designer -> Graphic Designer, Helper

MadGab210 Member -> Helper
DamoTheSavage Member -> Helper
HackersDontWin Member -> Helper

September 23rd
gedas001 Moderator -> Member

September 29th
Noodles77 Parkour Builder -> Member
johnyestaloca Parkour Builder -> Member
KemoGamer Parkour Builder -> Member

October 5th
Mintcraftian Member -> Jr. Developer

October 6th
CaptainDawg_ Member -> Jr. Developer

October 7th
not2excel Member -> Jr. Developer

error_dan_overflow Member -> Jr. Developer
TheAdventurerMM Moderator, Builder -> Member

October 8th
ThijsBeertje Graphic Designer, Helper -> Graphic Designer, Moderator

Moooofin Helper -> Moderator

October 13th
WolfWhispers Moderator -> Member

October 18th
MadGab210 Helper -> Moderator

HackersDontWin Helper -> Moderator
DamoTheSavage Helper -> Moderator
HectorLalo Helper -> Moderator

October 27th
SGTkuzey Administrator -> Senior Moderator

Soph Moderator -> Senior Moderator

November 4th
PinkStr3ak Administrator -> Member

November 14th
Sevenade78 Moderator -> Member

November 16th
Eclipse1314 Member -> Helper

ImABubbleHead Member -> Helper
PinkSparkleWolf Member -> Helper
TerrariaLover11 Member -> Helper

November 24th
HuracanFTW Member -> Builder

November 27th
Guardd Moderator -> Member

November 29th
Roroyourboat_ Moderator -> Senior Moderator

Iselciour Moderator -> Senior Moderator

November 30th
sealgowsowowow // Discoloration // Undxrland Moderator, Builder -> Member

December 2nd
Qatell Member -> Developer

December 5th
Paraleea Member -> Helper

December 6th
Stefanvld Member -> Helper

December 12th
ImABubbleHead Helper -> Moderator

PinkSparkleWolf Helper -> Moderator

December 23rd
CyanYellow Member -> Helper

SerketSyndrome Member -> Helper

December 30th
Eclipse1314 Helper -> Moderator

Paraleea Helper -> Moderator
Stefanvld Helper -> Moderator
TerrariaLover11 Helper -> Moderator


January 2nd
SGTkuzey Senior Moderator -> Member

January 3rd
The Chunk merges with CubeCraft Games
Member -> Administrator (Staff Manager)
toropov Member -> Developer

January 4th
Brian_321 Member -> Helper
CARDAN18 Member -> Helper
Cheez Member -> Helper
Deestinyer Member -> Helper
dwayne Member -> Helper
Josh_Sturgeon Member -> Helper
Snodia Member -> Helper
CyanYellow Helper -> Moderator
Eystian // Unstitched Member -> Helper

January 5th
SerketSyndrome Helper -> Moderator

January 22nd
Roroyourboat_ Senior Moderator -> Administrator
dwayne Helper -> Moderator
CamelinaBoat Member -> Helper
LowFat Member -> Helper

January 23rd
Snodia Helper -> Moderator

January 30th
jinjo90 Administrator -> Member

January 31st
Brian_312 Helper -> Moderator
CARDAN18 Helper -> Moderator
Deestinyer Helper -> Moderator
Cheez Helper -> Moderator
Josh_Sturgeon Helper -> Moderator
Eystian // Unstitched Helper -> Moderator

February 14th
CyanYellow Moderator -> Member

February 22nd
MrPolymath Member -> Builder

February 29th
ApoloCEA Moderator -> Member
Andyschofie Member -> Developer
Undead Member -> Builder

March 4th
JesperGeakko // Jespoe Member -> Helper

March 12th
ThijsBeertje Graphic Designer, Moderator -> Member

March 25th
OrangeGrapeEater // OrangeGE Administrator -> Member
AquaaXx Senior Moderator -> Member

March 27th
ZacharyJL Member -> Helper

April 4th
JesperGeakko // Jespoe Helper -> Moderator

April 10th
not2excel Jr. Developer -> Member

April 13th
LowFat Helper -> Moderator
ZacharyJL Helper -> Moderator

May 8th
CamelinaBoat Helper -> Member

May 9th
MrPolymath Builder -> Member

May 21st
Moooofin Moderator -> Senior Moderator
dwayne Moderator -> Senior Moderator
FalseHonesty Member -> Helper
Iselciour Senior Moderator -> Member
RubenoMe // Rooben Member -> Helper
TheZigbot9000 Member -> Helper
DontYouDare Member -> Helper

June 6th
Lezappen Member -> Helper
SunshineChick // Sunlord Builder, Moderator -> Member
DutchLemur // Unfearful Member -> Helper

June 25th
Snodia Moderator -> Senior Moderator
Cheez Moderator -> Senior Moderator
DontYouDare Helper -> Moderator
TheZigbot9000 Helper -> Moderator

July 2nd
LowFat Moderator -> Member

June 14th
Minikloon Member -> Developer

July 7th
FalseHonesty Helper -> Moderator
DutchLemur // Unfearful Helper -> Moderator

July 13th
Andyschofie Developer -> Developer, Administrator

July 22nd
TeovoTeovo // TeoVolcano Member -> Builder

July 24th
Deestinyer Moderator -> Member

July 26th
Undead Builder -> Member

July 29th
TlmeLord Administrator, Builder -> Member
Josh_Sturgeon Moderator -> Member

July 30th
Paraleea Moderator -> Member

July 31st
Reddog37 // FadedRoses Member -> Helper
Camezonda Member -> Helper

August 11th
TerrariaLover11 Moderator -> Member

August 13th
zRinne Member -> Helper

August 15th
ImABubbleHead Moderator -> Senior Moderator
Lezappen Helper -> Moderator

August 25th
Diogo Member -> Helper
zDutchie Member -> Helper

August 27th
Anmaziing Member -> Helper

August 31st

Camezonda Helper -> Moderator
Reddog37 // FadedRoses Helper -> Moderator
zRinne Helper -> Moderator

September 3rd
Joe Henry Owner -> Member

September 4th
Orangeric88 Member -> Helper

September 6th
LilNugget Member -> Helper
CyanYellow Member -> Helper

September 12th
Brian_321 Moderator -> Member
MadGab210 Moderator -> Member

September 13th
Stefanvld Moderator -> Senior Moderator
Eystian // Unstitched Moderator -> Member

September 16th
iLoveYouu Member -> Helper

September 17th
wolfii Member -> Developer

September 21st
johncoles Administrator -> Owner (Chief Executive Officer)
SevereWarning Senior Moderator -> Member

October 6th
CyanYellow Helper -> Moderator
DamoTheSavage Moderator -> Member
RubenoMe // Rooben Helper -> Moderator

October 7th
Diogo Helper -> Moderator

October 20th
6Godly // cocai Moderator -> Member

October 26th
Orangeric88 Helper -> Moderator

November 6th
ILoveYouu Helper -> Moderator
Younisco Member -> Helper
Nikoshka Member -> Helper

November 7th
zDutchie Helper -> Moderator
Volkom_ Moderator, Builder -> Member
error_dan_overflow Jr. Developer -> Member

November 8th
General_Claudia Senior Moderator -> Member
CaptainDawg_ Jr. Developer -> Member

November 9th
Minikloon Developer -> Member

November 15th
MartijnMC Member -> Builder

December 9th
Younisco Helper -> Moderator

December 15th
wolfii Developer -> Member

December 19th
Foodyling Developer, Moderator -> Member
Nyaruko Member -> Developer
CrazyManJR Member -> Developer

December 22nd
LilNugget Helper -> Member

December 30th
Joe Henry Member -> Sales Support


January 3rd
Anmaziing Helper -> Moderator
Nikoshka Helper -> Moderator

January 19th
Buuuddy Member -> Helper
Aimee2323 Moderator -> Member
Saradabaschi Administrator -> Member

January 23rd
JesperGeakko // Jespoe Moderator -> Member

January 29th
PinkSparkleWolf Moderator -> Member

February 1st
Skifby Member -> Helper
Mintcraftian Jr. Developer -> Developer
504Errors Jr. Developer -> Developer

February 6th
hub3rt Member -> Administrator (Project Manager)

February 8th
HackersDontWin Moderator -> Member

February 17th
Trentu Member -> Builder

March 3rd
Stefanvld Senior Moderator -> Member

March 4th
Skifby Helper -> Moderator
Buuuddy Helper -> Moderator

March 6th
SuperxSnap // Divine_Sophie Moderator -> Member

March 18th
FozZeW Member -> Developer

March 21st
504Errors Developer -> Member

March 25th
GitLab Member -> Developer
theminecoder Member -> Developer

March 28th
Cheez Senior Moderator -> Member

March 29th
Macreddin Administrator -> Member

March 30th
CARDAN18 Moderator -> Member
Snodia Senior Moderator -> Member

March 31st
FalseHonesty Moderator -> Member
dwayne Senior Moderator -> Member

April 1st
Exciting_pancake Administrator -> Member
1212hawks_ Member -> Helper
LucianYOLO // TheLucian Member -> Helper
Sentrix__ Member -> Helper
Yoyamin Member -> Helper
zRinne Moderator -> Senior Moderator
ZacharyJL Moderator -> Member

April 2nd
Mintcraftian Developer -> Member

April 3rd
zDutchie Moderator -> Member

April 8th
Reddog37 // FadedRoses Moderator -> Member

April 19th
Marieke2001 Member -> Helper
telegamer Member -> Helper

May 1st
Azrealon Member -> Builder

May 5th
Squity Member -> Builder

May 14th
Gitlab Developer -> Member

May 15th
Yoyamin Helper -> Moderator
Camezonda Moderator -> Senior Moderator

May 20th
telegamer Helper -> Moderator

May 23rd
Unipotato Member -> Helper
LanceDaniels Member -> Helper

May 29th
1212hawks_ Helper -> Member

May 31st
Sentrix__ Helper -> Member
Octobyte Member -> Developer
Rororoyourboat_ Administrator -> Member

June 2nd
Bob_The_Giraffe Member -> Helper
zDutchie Member -> Helper
Vaxuite Member -> Developer

June 10th
LucianYOLO // TheLucian Helper -> Moderator

June 13th
Marieke2001 Helper -> Moderator

June 18th
Cynamooo Member -> Helper

June 24th
DontYouDare Moderator -> Member

June 26th
LanceDaniels Helper -> Moderator

June 28th
TheBrownster904 Member -> Helper
zDutchie Helper -> Moderator

June 29th
CyanYellow Moderator -> Senior Moderator
iLoveYouu Moderator -> Senior Moderator
Bob_The_Giraffe Helper -> Moderator
Djekko_ Member -> Developer
101_son Member -> Developer

July 14th
StorySays Member -> Helper

July 19th
Azrealon Builder -> Member

July 23rd
Squity Builder -> Member
Trentu Builder -> Member

August 5th
Unstrafeless Member -> Builder

August 6th
Diogo Moderator -> Senior Moderator

August 7th
LoonyRules Member -> Developer

August 9th
TheBrownster904 Helper -> Moderator

August 9th
ChaosConjurer Member -> Helper
Quetzi Member -> Administrator

August 10th
Jackelele Member -> Helper

August 11th
Clacks // BrokenAyzer Member -> Helper
StorySays Helper -> Moderator

August 18th
AnimalTamer1 Member -> Helper
Fluffys_gurl // FluffyRoses Member -> Helper

August 20th
HectorLalo Moderator -> Member

August 21st
JaiStrixZ Member -> Helper
ElPtricko Member -> Helper

August 25th
Nikoshka Moderator -> Member

September 2nd
Eclipse1314 Moderator -> Member

September 12th
Camezonda Senior Moderator -> Administrator (Product Manager)

September 14th
Cynamooo Helper -> Moderator
AnimalTamer1 Helper -> Moderator

September 21st
Clacks // BrokenAyzer Helper -> Moderator

September 28th
rubik_cube_man Owner -> Management
marcoslater Owner -> Management
Efcluke94 Administrator, Builder -> Management, Builder
johncoles Owner -> Management
Camezonda Administrator -> Management
andyschofie Administrator, Developer -> Management, Administrator, Developer
GingerGeek Developer -> Management, Developer
hub3rt Administrator -> Management
Quetzi Administrator -> Management
CubeCraft Administrator -> Management
PIIJEI Member -> Developer

September 29th
Yoyamin Moderator -> Builder

October 2nd
Nyaruko Developer -> Member

October 6th
ElPtricko Helper -> Moderator
Fluffys_gurl // FluffyRoses Helper -> Moderator
Jackelele Helper -> Member

October 7th
Younisco Moderator -> Senior Moderator

October 15th
Soph Senior Moderator -> Member
Unipotato Helper -> Moderator
ChaosConjurer Helper -> Moderator

October 21st
TheJeroen Member -> Builder

October 30th
Gainfullterror Member -> Helper
XiiKa Member -> Helper

November 2nd
Gainfullterror Helper -> Member

November 6th
JaiStrixZ Helper -> Moderator

November 10th
Moooofin Senior Moderator -> Member

November 17th
libraryaddict Member -> Developer

November 24th
theminecoder Developer -> Member

December 9th
Ercraft2 Member -> Builder

December 11th
XiiKa Helper -> Moderator

December 14th
Clacks // BrokenAyzer Moderator -> Member

December 31st
RubenoMe // Ruben Moderator -> Member
ellisvlad Member -> Developer


January 12th
iLoveYouu Senior Moderator -> Member
skifby Moderator -> Member

January 16th
Berty42 Member -> Developer

January 18th
hub3rt Management (Project and Community Manager) -> Member

January 19th
101_son Developer -> Member

January 20th
Unipotato Moderator -> Member

January 29th
driima Member -> Developer

February 1st
zDutchie Moderator -> Senior Moderator
TheJeroen Builder -> Member
ImABubbleHead Senior Moderator -> Member

February 2nd
TheJeroen Member -> Builder

February 8th
CapitanGato Member -> Helper
Power Ranger Member -> Helper
Snodia Member -> Helper

February 14th
CyanYellow Senior Moderator -> Member

February 19th
GingerGeek Management, Developer -> Management

February 27th
Crisgatito Builder -> Member

March 14th
TeovoTeovo // TeoVolcano Builder -> Member
HuracanFTW Builder -> Member

March 27th
CapitanGato Helper -> Moderator

March 28th
Vaxuite Developer -> Member

April 4th
Marieke2001 Moderator -> Member

April 11th
Snodia Helper -> Moderator
StorySays Moderator -> Administrator (Content Creator)

April 14th
Power_Ranger Helper -> Moderator

April 28th
Soeshi Member -> Helper

May 2nd
AnimalTamer1 Moderator -> Senior Moderator

May 21st
Orangeric88 Moderator -> Member

June 8th
andyschofie Management (Lead Web Developer) -> Member

June 11th
Max111D Builder -> Member

June 16th
Berty42 Developer -> Member

June 18th
Rubiks_ // Cyphax // Yello Member -> Builder
ReindeerClark Member -> Builder

June 23rd
Octobyte Developer -> Member
PIIJEI Developer -> Member

June 25th
SerketSyndrome Moderator -> Member

June 29th
Bob_The_Giraffe Moderator -> Member
Soeshi Helper -> Moderator

July 4th
Joe Henry Sales Support -> Member
TheZigbot9000 Moderator -> Member

July 10th
seat_belt // Gatsbe Member -> Builder

July 17th
Bugme Member -> Builder

July 18th
zDutchie Senior Moderator -> Member

July 20th
Soulless_Unity Member -> Builder

August 1st
CrazymanJR Developer -> Member

August 6th
Power_Ranger Moderator -> Member

August 13th
JaiStrix_ Moderator -> Member

August 21st
Elptricko Moderator -> Member

August 25th
Warriors1976 // SnowyWarz Member -> Helper
Gainfullterror Member -> Helper

September 20th
Kloska Member -> Helper

September 30th
Anmaziing Moderator -> Member

October 3rd
Diogo Senior Moderator -> Member

October 8th
Dai_Matsumoto Senior Moderator -> Member

October 16th
Tacosbefriends Administrator (Staff Manager) -> Member

October 17th
AnimalTamer1 Senior Moderator -> Administrator (Staff Manager)

October 20th
ChaosConjurer Moderator -> Member
Rubiks_ // Cyphax // Yello Builder -> Member

October 29th
Max111D Member -> Builder

November 2nd
TheBrownster904 Moderator -> Member
Gainfullterror Helper -> Member

November 4th
Warriors1976 // SnowyWarz Helper -> Moderator

November 9th
Kloska Helper -> Moderator

November 19th
Soeshi Moderator -> Member

November 20th
Builder was updated to Designer in order to incorporate the rest of the Marketplace team
Developer -> Member
StorySays Administrator (Content Creator) -> Designer
Fluffys_gurl // FluffyRoses Moderator -> Designer
Lezappen Moderator -> Moderator, Designer

December 3rd
IceScreams Member -> Helper


January 7th
Lezappen Moderator, Designer -> Designer

January 10th
CapitanGato Moderator -> Senior Moderator

January 14th
Qatell Developer -> Member

February 1st
IceScreams Helper -> Moderator

February 8th
Telegamer Moderator -> Member

February 11th
ItsDavey_ Member -> Helper
Zombiepower Member -> Helper

February 25th
LucianYOLO // TheLucian Moderator -> Member

March 8th
Djekko_ Developer -> Member

April 15th
Dylaila Member -> Designer

April 16th
ItsDavey_ Helper -> Moderator

May 17th
Zombiepower Helper -> Moderator

July 9th
SanCookie Member -> Designer

July 16th
Robbedz Member -> Designer

August 9th
mitgobla Member -> Designer

September 6th
Basketman Member -> Helper
Elenahh Member -> Helper
HackersDontWin Member -> Helper

September 19th
FireExcalibur10 Member -> Designer

October 1st
mitgobla Designer -> Designer (Marketplace Manager)
ReindeerClark Designer -> Designer (Marketplace Manager)
Yoyamin Designer -> Designer (Marketplace Manager)

November 5th
Elenahh Helper -> Moderator
Warriors1976 // SnowyWarz Moderator -> Member

November 11th
Palombo Member -> Developer
Basketman Helper -> Moderator

November 12th
Mindgamesnl Member -> Developer

November 15th
RDev_ Member -> Developer
LoonyRules Developer -> Member

November 21st
Quetzi Management (Chief Operations Officer) -> Member

November 25th
Lezappen Designer -> Member

December 4th
patito. Member -> Sales Support

December 6th
Zombiepower Moderator -> Member

December 16th
Dronade Member -> Designer

December 18th
Blocky12 Member -> Designer


January 20th
LanceDaniels Moderator -> Member

January 23rd
Management & Administrator revamped and combined into Admin Team.
Fluffys_gurl // FluffyRoses
Designer -> Member
Camezonda Management -> Admin Team
John Coles Management -> Admin Team
Zed // GingerGeek Management -> Admin Team
Efcluke94 Management -> Admin Team
Marcoslater Management -> Admin Team
Younisco Senior Moderator -> Admin Team
IceScreams Moderator -> Admin Team
CapitanGato Senior Moderator -> Admin Team
Elenahh Moderator -> Admin Team
Buuuddy Moderator -> Admin Team
AnimalTamer1 Administrator -> Admin Team

January 24th
Siftenly Member -> Helper
Spuuuni Member -> Helper
Keanu Member -> Helper
Kozimobo Member -> Helper
Fisktratt Member -> Helper

February 2nd
Warriors1976 // SnowyWarz Member -> Moderator
ZombiePower Member -> Moderator
Marieke2001 Member -> Moderator
telegamer Member -> Moderator

February 3rd
Priley Member -> Designer

February 4th
Wouto1997 Member -> Developer

February 5th
Soeshi Member -> Moderator

February 7th
Cynamooo Moderator -> Senior Moderator
Kloska Moderator -> Senior Moderator

February 17th
ReindeerClark Designer (Marketplace Manager) -> Member
FireExcalibur10 Designer -> Member

February 20th
Reapz Member -> Designer

March 2nd
Daveyyy Member -> Designer

March 4th
Fisktratt Helper -> Moderator
Keanu Helper -> Moderator
Siftenly Helper -> Moderator
Spuuuuni Helper -> Moderator

March 8th
HackersDontWin Helper -> Moderator
Kozimobo Helper -> Moderator

March 9th
Mindgamesnl Developer -> Member

March 15th
Ducky Member -> Helper
Dutudy Member -> Helper
ImJunior Member -> Helper
Livchi Member -> Helper
RickDeKlomp Member -> Helper
SoundToTheThirdPower Member -> Helper

April 6th
RickDeKlomp Helper -> Member

April 9th
patito. Sales Support -> Moderator & Sales Support
Hannibal Member -> Designer

April 12th
Ducky Helper -> Moderator
Dutudy Helper -> Moderator
ImJunior Helper -> Moderator
Livchi Helper -> Moderator

April 17th
AlexpYT192 Member -> Helper
Dubby Plays Member -> Helper
DuduWater_12 Member -> Helper
elchuii Member -> Helper
Elivat Member -> Helper
Hoshiakari Member -> Helper
N00bYeeter Member -> Helper
Power Ranger Member -> Helper
S4nne Member -> Helper
TheBrownster Member -> Helper
TyFoxy Member -> Helper

April 22nd
SoundToTheThirdPower Helper -> Moderator

April 30th
NoodleGoddess Member -> Designer

May 1st
SupremeMortal Member -> Developer

May 5th
Power Ranger Helper -> Moderator
TheBrownster Helper -> Moderator

May 12th
c0rin Member -> Translator
jelliobean Member -> Translator
NotAName Member -> Translator
Elivat Helper -> Helper & Translator
Fisktratt Moderator -> Moderator & Translator
Keanu Moderator -> Moderator & Translator
Elenahh Admin Team -> Admin Team & Translator

May 14th
Redned Member -> Developer

May 18th
AlexpYT192 Helper -> Moderator
DuduWater_12 Helper -> Moderator
elchuii Helper -> Moderator
Elivat Helper, Translator -> Moderator, Translator
StorySays Designer -> Designer (Design Manager)

May 19th
Elevated Member -> Developer
funkemunky // Dawson Member -> Developer
Hulk_ Member -> Developer

May 20th
matcha // IceScreams Admin Team (Recruitment Manager) -> Member

May 21st
Marieke2001 Moderator -> Senior Moderator
XiiKa Moderator -> Senior Moderator

May 25th
zRinne Senior Moderator -> Moderator

May 26th
Ercraft2 Designer (Level Designer) -> Member
Diav Member -> Designer (Level Designer)

June 1st
Launch of new CubeCraft forums
Rowan Walsh Member -> Admin Team (Digital Marketing Apprentice)

June 4th
Daveyyy Designer (Video Producer) -> Member

June 9th
Borgnath Member -> Translator
Younisco Admin Team (Community Manager) -> (Community Manager & Associate Producer)

June 14th
Hoshiakari Helper -> Moderator
S4nne Helper -> Moderator
Spoon // Spuuuni Moderator -> Moderator, Translator

June 20th
Jelliobean Translator (Events Manager) -> (Communication Manager)

June 21st
Alex_de_Grote Designer -> Member
Max111D Designer -> Member

June 24th
zRinne Moderator -> Member

July 2nd
Priley Designer -> Designer, Translator (Events Manager)
Cynamooo Senior Moderator -> Admin Team (Recruitment Manager)

July 4th
N00bYeeter Helper -> Member

July 5th
DubbyPlays Helper -> Moderator
TyFoxy Helper -> Moderator
StorySays Designer -> Admin Team (Design Admin)
Yamin // Yoyamin Designer -> Admin Team (Design Admin)
mitgobla Designer -> Admin Team (Design Admin)

July 6th
HazardTheDutchAD Member -> Customer Support
Kelly // uswnt Member -> Customer Support

WeAtomicc_Void // Cara Member -> Designer (Skin Artist)

July 8th
Dylaila Designer -> Helper, Designer (Skin Artist)
Dutch_Frietjes Member -> Helper
Onikpig Member -> Helper
Finixly Member -> Helper
Shamel Member -> Helper
TheZigbot9000 Member -> Helper
CraftCreatures Member -> Helper
Neptuune // Reddog37 // FadedRoses Member -> Helper
Rawrbin // Robin Member -> Helper
CatsLoveRainbows Member -> Helper
Easteyy Member -> Helper
Winki Member -> Helper
Limoen Member -> Helper
Fesa Member -> Helper
Troublesomee // CALLMESCOTT // Scottness Member -> Helper
Calichin Member -> Helper
Axyy Member -> Helper
Dutchyyy Member -> Helper
StarrySkies Member -> Helper

July 9th
Diav Designer (Level Designer) -> Member

July 17th
Shamel Helper -> Member
Toropov Developer -> Member

July 20th
mochhi Member -> Designer (Skin Artist)
joowomy // TehWinner Member -> Designer (Level Designer)

July 21st
Exciting_Pancake Member -> Designer (Entity Engineer)

July 27th
Megaaa Member -> Designer (Modeller)
Soulless_Unity Designer -> Senior Designer

July 28th
Jvskebat Member -> Designer (Level Designer)

August 1st
c0rin Translator (Mentor Manager) -> Translator

August 2nd
elchuii Moderator -> Member

August 4th
Easteyy Helper -> Moderator
StarrySkies Helper -> Moderator
CraftCreatures Helper -> Moderator
OnikPig Helper -> Moderator

August 6th
patito Moderator, Customer Support -> Admin Team (Deputy Staff Manager), Customer Support
gumholic Member -> Designer (Skin Artist)

August 8th
SummerWarz // Warriors1976 Moderator -> Senior Moderator
Spuuuni Moderator -> Senior Moderator
Zombiepower Moderator -> Senior Moderator

August 11th
utf_8 Member -> Developer

August 12th
WorldeditAPI Member -> Developer

August 13th
Neptuune // Reddog37 // FadedRoses Helper -> Moderator
Limoen Helper -> Moderator
CatzLoveRainbows Helper -> Moderator
Calichin Helper -> Moderator
Dutchyyy Helper -> Moderator
Dronade Designer -> Senior Designer

August 14th
BoxChief Member -> Developer

August 18th
Nimaex Member -> Developer (Infrastructure Apprentice)

August 21st
Majksa Member -> Translator (Development Manager)
IWontHurtYou Member -> Translator
DuduWater_12 Moderator -> Moderator, Translator
Livvv // Livchi Moderator -> Moderator, Translator
Ma7m0uD Member -> Translator
sameuel Member -> Translator
TOTHTOMI Member -> Translator
GabeTheDogYT Member -> Translator

August 23rd
Dylaila Helper, Designer -> Moderator, Designer
Rawrbin // Robin Helper -> Moderator
Fesaaa Helper -> Moderator

August 24th
errazib Member -> Developer
SanCookie Designer -> Senior Designer

August 25th
funkemunky // Dawson Developer -> Member

August 31st
Asheron Member -> Designer (Skin Artist)
Buuuddy Admin Team (Deputy Staff Manager) -> Member

September 1st
Dutch_frietjes Helper -> Moderator
Finixly Helper -> Moderator
Wink Helper -> Moderator


Staff Spotlights is a section dedicated to getting to know the staff members of our community, current or resigned. This is achieved through mini interviews with the staff members to get their views on staff, the server or anything in-between.

This section requires the help of any staff members, if you are a current or ex staff member looking to contribute then please get in touch with me.

The category of the staff member is the rank they had when the interview took place, the interviews are ordered from most recent at the top, so check back often!


Administrator Interviews

Name: @Younisco
Rank: Admin Team (Community Manager & Associate Producer)
Promotion: January 23rd 2020
Interview Date: 27th May 2020


Tell us about yourself!

Hey, I'm Younisco or Youn, I'm 17 and I live in London at the moment with my parents, my grandmother and my older brother. I am the community manager here at CubeCraft Games. ^_^

I'm a pretty boring guy when it comes to interests - I just play loads of games and talk to friends in my downtime. Games include Minecraft (omg no way), CS:GO, GTA V, No Man's Sky, Rocket League... I've dipped my toes in basically every game genre there is.
I also have my music constantly playing. Like, no matter what I'm doing, I'll most likely be listening to music, even if it's so quiet I can't even hear it. Always open to listening to new music, it's pretty fun when I find a song that I wouldn't typically listen to, but really enjoy. :D

Please explain exactly what the community manager is supposed to do on the server, and don't say ‘manage the community'!

Well... managing the community.

But for real, a good community manager will be able to deal with situations that happen on the network that may have an outlying effect on the players, such as players who engage in illegal activities, while also communicating the views of CubeCraft Games to the community. A prime example would be me talking to the developers of Skyblock to talk about upcoming updates to the community: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/its-just-pointless-at-this-moment.231299/#post-1116869

As most of the older player-base know, the management in the past may not have been as transparent with updates as they are now - its definitely a step in the right direction, and I'm glad I can help with this as a long time community member! ^_^
I also work with a lot of projects, such as the new forums, to get feedback from the community and forward them onto the correct people, while also running community events like competitions. It's great to represent the community - not being afraid to say something is bad and something is good is really important for this role, which I think I am doing well.

So you've been a CubeCraft community member for almost 6 years, haven't you ever strongly considered leaving Cube in that time?

Oh definitely. There was a point last year where I was about to leave - I didn't feel like I was necessary to the team and I didn't feel like I should stay if I would just grow inactive. Something that made me stay was a lot of support from Animal, I was very VERY close to resigning (I kept scheduling times for her to get rid of my stuff, but I was too lazy to even leave, lmao), but I decided to stay. ^_^

As a community member, I've left for times here and there. I made a ranty thread about the negligence of the staff team when I wasn't staff and I thought that was my parting gift. But I stayed, lol. I guess I gravitate towards CubeCraft.

Did you ever think you would get Admin in all this time? for a lot of people it seems impossible to obtain.

I didn't apply for helper with the intention that "Yes I am going to get admin" - I applied because I wanted to help a server that I've stayed for more than a third of my life on. Once I got mod and got to grips with everything, I just stayed doing what I was doing beforehand, which was talking to the community while doing my moderation duties. I got promoted to Sr. Mod randomly, like I came home from school one day and I got it. lol

Though it didn't change much of my duties, it was great and motivated me to do more.
I never really dawned on the possibility of getting admin, mainly because of my age. As a 17 year old person with very little experience in, well, anything, I thought being an admin would be an extremely mentally challenging task which should only be dealt with by the adults. This was mainly because I saw Tacos, Animal and Mac basically manage everything when I started taking responsibilities like recruitment and mentoring; it seemed very tolling.

Once we found out about administrator roles being open, I felt like I had a chance. I was inactive for basically a year before they opened, and just started getting back into the rhythm of things, so I thought my chances were pretty low. But hey presto, here we are now. :3

Would you say you prefer your current position as opposed to being a Moderator?

Definitely - I loved being a moderator, but I felt like my impact on the server was a bit limited because of it. I wasn't very involved in projects behind the scenes, I wasn't helping the community as much as I wanted, and I feel like with this role I can fulfil that. I want the community to be happy, and seeing people get upset with others on the network sucks, but it's good that I have a great team of admins which I can rely on whenever bad things happen on the network so it can be dealt with swiftly.
I do miss the days where I'd do reports with my pals, like iLoveYouu, Skifby, Nikoshka, Diogo, Unfearful... we'd all do the same number of reports, and that was really really fun. Nostalgia, ahh. :, )

What is your secret advice to staying calm and positive in the community?

These are people in a block game.. what can they really do realistically? It is worth getting angry over someone over some cubic pixels?

I tend to block off the people who are negative and focus on the people who are positive. These are the people I surround myself with, so the negative people are just being a nuisance and not much else. Like, yeah sure, you're going to commit a crime to me just because you can't access the server for 30 days..

How did you discover CubeCraft?

I got Minecraft because I wanted to play survival with my brother. After that started getting stale, I found out that you can play multiplayer, and started browsing minigame servers, where I found CubeCraft. Out of the 20-odd servers that I checked out, CCG was my favourite by far - the minigames were all on signs and in one lobby... good times. I stayed around since then, then made a forums account a year later after I got false muted... ://

In your opinion what would you say the major differences are in the community from the old days compared to now?

Oof. In the old days, everyone sorta knew everyone or were mutuals with others. We were a big ol' family who'd chill in creative or factions, talk with each other for hours on end while playing minigames and repeat the next day. Now, the community is a lot bigger, which is great because it's more representative of the community as a whole rather than the more vocal ones. It feels more like a community rather than a family, which has its positives.

What do you hope to achieve in life after leaving CubeCraft in the future?

After CubeCraft, I would love to go into research in pharmaceutical or medicinal chemistry. That's what I'm going to be studying in university in the next year. The idea that I'm able to help other people with my knowledge in a field seems like a really fulfilling job - I'm not driven by money or wealth, just making the quality of everyone's life a little better. :]

You've worked on many projects for CubeCraft, what is your personal favourite so far?

My favourite would be the forum revamp - I had a lot of input for the forums and working with the agency who are creating the forums is really really awesome. It has taught me a lot about the more professional side of CubeCraft, which is something I haven't been exposed to a lot as an unemployed 17 year old.

You're a role model to many members so what would be your personal advice to aspiring staff?

My main advice would be to be yourself. You don't need oodles of experience or knowledge to get to an interview, and in the interview we can tell if everything leading up to it was completely fabricated. Being yourself goes a long way - we can see through you if you're not yourself. If you're a genuinely responsible person, we can see that without you making it so apparent.

My other advice would be to not be afraid to speak up - if there's something we've done that has upset you or that you don't agree with, tell us! We have made a few mistakes in the past, and the only way we can make amends to these issues is if you tell us. You don't need to make a whole ranty thread saying "lol you guys suck what are you doing" but tell us "Hey! I don't agree with this, could you explain why you did it?" and we can move from there in a constructive manner. You aren't going to be crucified if you speak up, in fact it's a lot more admirable if you do. :3

Tell us one of your favourite memories from the network.

My favourite memories of the server generally enjoys me in calls, playing games with my friends. We'd have tons of banter, talk about life and enjoy some games. It really made me into more of an extroverted person rather than the shy introvert I was.

What is your favourite gamemode on CubeCraft?

My favourite gamemode is Lucky Islands - playing a game in the same mode and the same map and having wildly different outcomes is really interesting to me. Also, gotta love Skywars, though it can be stressful with how good people are. :[
Name: @Camezonda
Rank: Administrator (Product Manager)
Promotion: July 31st 2016
Interview Date: 25th February 2020



Tell us about yourself!

Hey! I'm Cameron, also known as Camezonda or... Camabomba. I'm 20 years old at the time of writing this and I'm the Product Manager for CubeCraft Games. I used to live in Essex but I moved to Manchester to work at the CubeCraft office. I currently live in an apartment with my boyfriend, 3 hamsters and 3 guinea pigs.In my spare time, I like to watch YouTube, Netflix and sleep more than the average human being (If that's what you want to call me). I love memes, sharing and viewing them, memes are my life, like chipotle. I love playing Minecraft, on Skyblock and making cool creations with command blocks. Sometimes I play GTA V, Golf with your friends, Uno and other silly games... like untitled goose game, that game is a legend.

What you do in your current position at CubeCraft?

When I started at CubeCraft fulltime in September 2017, but job role was Product Manager. Which surprise surprise, means I manage CubeCraft products. Such as content we release on our network. Specifically now, it's just CubeCraft Minecraft server content, Marketplace is a different department from mine. But as time went on, I picked up other roles because they were either not being done or I needed to assist. At the time of writing this, my current roles are as follows: Product Manager, Support, Marketplace content creator, Marketing, Partners, QA, Moderation and other admin related duties. Product management means I manage a product from start to finish, such as from a suggestion/specification document to being released onto the main network. I look for suggestions on the forums and other platforms, filter them from acceptable, doable bit not yet to stupid/bad idea/wouldn't work. After I have a list of good suggestions/ideas, I make a spec doc for the update or new game. This then is giving to the developers to create. During the development I make sure the content being made is suited to the spec doc and make sure that everything is made smoothly. When the main development is over, I will QA (Quality Assurance) the product. Making sure that it matches the spec doc and there's no issues within it, if there are, it's fixed. If anything on the product is good for production (main network), it's released. Which leads onto my next duty.

For releases, I created the threads that are released onto the forums. Sometimes the developers of the game assist if I wasn't 100% involved with the development at the time. Once the thread is made, I need to make server marketing for the update, such as global announcements, update book pages, bossbars, any main lobby changes such as on the NPCs and finally the server MOTD. Along with server marketing, social marketing is needed, so assets are needed for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, which means that different sized assets are needed.As mentioned above I'm the QA lead for CubeCraft. I have little teams to assist me as relying on one person is not ideal. So I test server content such as updates and releases, but I also QA the Marketplace. For example, survival spawns, skin packs, resourcepacks etc. This is to make sure that the content is perfect for when it is handed over to Microsoft for their content review and QA. I also look at bug reports made on our website, if that's web or game based issues, I validate them and add them into our bug tracker. Other small duties such as support, I reply to people on social media private messages such as Twitter and Instagram and sometimes answer emails from sales or support@cubecraft.net. Sometimes I drop into the world of CubeCraft Partners, such as accepting and rejecting new Partner applications, recently though, Marcoslater has been leading the Partnership program. Lastly, as I used to be a Moderator, it's still in my blood to hop onto the network and moderate, as I've been trained to do that for years :p

How did you originally find CubeCraft, before all of this?

I used to play on an old Minecraft server called "Multicube". But then it sadly shutdown. Whilst recording my YouTube videos, I seeked a new recording buddy, and that's when I came across Lindsey. This is the individual that changed my life, and I'm extremely thankful. Lindsey got me into CubeCraft, first I didn't want to, but then she convinced me. We were both stone ranked noobs at this point, and we just played Solo SkyWars 1.8, and tryharded it.

After playing on Cube, what made you want to pursue staff on this server?

Playing with Lindsey also known as SerketSyndrome or Serk, she applied for Helper and got it. Because of Lindsey she made me want to get staff too. I then made my forums account in July 2015, and I teached myself the ins and outs of becoming a CubeCraft Helper, such as reports and being active on the forums. I applied for staff for two reasons, one I wanted the shiny rank to be with Lindsey and second, I wanted to help keep community a safe place by reporting rulebreakers and helping people on the forums. I applied for Helper and then I got it, then one month later, I was mod!

How did you feel being promoted into a much more prominent role such as Management? Did you feel unwelcome or nervous?

I was given the opportunity for a role in management because of a little loot server I started. It showed that I had project/product manager and I guess the members of management liked that. I don't think that the role has hit me, it still hasn't. The role of Product manager is huge, the network is in your hands to control what goes into it. But when I first started, I was scared, because I never had a job before it, not even a paper round. I was worried that I was doing my job wrong. I was extremely welcomed and I was never left unhappy with my job. I used to have weekly product meetings, and for the first year and a bit, I'd always be shaking, but for a while now, it has started, I guess I'm extremely settled in now! :)

Was there anything about the staff team that surprised you when you first joined?

The banter and the chillness of the staff team was unexpected. It was like a family. Memes and funny moments were shared within the team and it was so funny to see peoples reactions. When I joined though, there were some people that didn't really like me and targeted me, to the point was finding anything to get rid of me, lucky they left otherwise, I wouldn't of been in the position I'm in today.

Do you feel as though you learned skills from Management that you were able to use in your everyday life?

To be honest, the CubeCraft life is completely different to everyday life. I wouldn't consider replying to threads, writing spec docs, testing and making command block content as everyday things. But from a professional life, CubeCraft has helped a lot, with the product management skills, testing and just communication.

What is your favourite part of being on the staff team?

My favourite part of being on the staff team, when I was a moderator and now the Product Manager, is testing updates with the staff team. For example, when we released Skyblock to staff only, it was amazing to see the staff having fun, reporting issues and making epic things. Along with releasing content to the community is also an amazing feeling because they are playing something you've been planning for months, and it's awesome to see everyone happy and playing on CubeCraft!

What is the most stressful part of your position as 'Product Manager'?

My role has its ups and downs, but if there's one aspect of my job that I dread, and that's seasonal content. Don't get me wrong, I love the content when we release it and it's awesome to see everyone enjoy it, but the behind the scenes of seasonal content is very stressful. For example, an EggWars update can be delayed if needed, but Easter can't, Easter is a set date, so you 100% need to hit it or people get upset or it makes the content pointless. Another stressful part is when multiple people need you. Such as someone needs you to test something, someone needs you to make a command block world, someone needs you for an update spec doc, ahhhhhhh, toooo many people. But this is obviously expected with any job, there will always be the stressful sides, but the good news is that the good parts overthrow the stress!

What are your favourite memories from Cube? It can be one or multiple!

My favourite Cube moments on CubeCraft are a mixture between before working at CubeCraft and after. Back when I was Stone, Iron, Obsidian then Helper, Mod and Sr.Mod etc, myself, Lindsey and other staff members and community members would tryhard 1.8 SkyWars for days, we'd have so much fun, I will never forget them times, especially because I have some of them recorded lol. Other amazing moments are the old CubeCraft live streams every Friday, the laughs we had were unforgettable.

What is your favourite gamemode ever released on Cube?

I have a selection of favourite gamemodes. 1.8 SkyWars, obviously, as I spend days on end playing it. Archer Assault is on the list, I just like the gamemode. Parkour is on the list, as it's such as polished gamemode. But the most recent one is of course, Skyblock, don't judge... I love Skyblock.
Name: @AnimalTamer1
Rank: Administrator (Head of Staff)
Promotion: August 18th 2017
Interview Date: 26th February 2020



Tell us about yourself!

Hai my name is Animal, or Ani for extra short. I don't talk about myself easily, in situations where it isn't fluid to the conversation, but here goes. As you can probably guess, by my name, I absolutely love all animals, but honestly if I had to pick one that I would want to have as a pet it would be a wolf. Despite that, I have had 13 hamsters, 2 Dogs, 2 Bunnies, 3 Birds, a Horse and a Cat. Not all at once of course! I still currently have a dog, cat, horse, and a bird; though the rest have come and gone. My favorite color is turquoise, simply because I never could decide between green and blue when I was younger and had friends telling me I could only pick one color. I also really enjoy artistic things, shocking as I spend a good portion of my time studying, and absolutely hated lunch break or really anything that took me out of class as I always loved to learn and do homework. I hardly sleep, and am always up at crazy late hours of the night, but have a running joke in this community that I never sleep as I am always online.

Can you tell us about how you discovered CubeCraft

I actually came from the Chunk when the merge occurred. I was a part of the community on the Chunk, and friends with a lot of the staff there like Snodia. When the merge happened, I followed along because I loved the Chunk and figured, while CubeCraft was not the same server, it would be equally as enjoyable to play on. Ever since then I have been hooked and unable to leave the amazing community or friends I have made here.

What made you decide to try and be staff on this server?

At first I was not sure if I could ever meet the qualifications for it, but after some time I decided it was worth a shot. When I was first on the server, before I had a rank even, I got a lot of harassment from members trying to be funny because I was a girl. I decided from then on I didn't want other community members to have the same experience, and I wanted to be a part of ensuring their time on the server was enjoyable. Of course this meant I reported these users every time, and I even followed a user who was cheating for several hours until he got fed up and showed me his cheats. I loved helping people, and would frequently sit in the lobbies just answering questions as much as I could. It also helped to see Snodia and other staff doing their jobs as it truly inspired me. From then on I knew I wanted to be a part of something more than a reporter, on a server that I fell in love with and for a community I wanted to protect. I desired to be a part of ensuring people had an escape from life that was pleasant, if needed, but also somewhere they could make friends and bond with a community.

What is your specific job on the staff team?

As of recently, per the Admin Team creation/change, it has switched to being Head of Staff. This means that I am the leader of staff, in a way, but I never desire to have this be held over the heads of the rest of the team. I really try to keep myself at a balanced level with them and not overstep them to make a decision, unless it is specifically my job/decision. With that in mind, to go into a bit more of a specific description, my job is to ensure things run smoothly from all sections of the team. This entails me helping the other Admins with their various tasks, when it may be too much or simply they ask for it. I also try to help the (Sr)Moderators on the team as much as I can to ensure that we are providing the best service and experience to the community. Although, helping the rest of the team is a portion of what I do, I also have a few other responsibilities, besides the aforementioned, that I do back-end to ensure specific tasks happen or some changes that could be beneficial to the team/community are well explained/not overlooked. Despite the majority of my job being back-end now, I do desire, and strive, to interacting with the community just as much, as we would not be here without them.

Was there anything surprising to you about the staff team when you first joined?

Honestly? Not really, not to say I expected everything that I came into when I became helper, but I knew that the team worked pretty fluently as a unit. I had experienced it through my friendships with some of the staff. I will say that it did surprise me at how quickly I moved through the helper phase. This was simply because I personally did not have a lot of confidence in myself, and it was almost a complete shock to have a whole manager team that believed in me and people that supported me to the point where I was able to thrive in the way I did. I honestly don't know how successful I would have been if I did not have those that were supporting me, supporting me.

Do you have any personal advice for aspiring staff members?

Being staff has been a very challenging but fully enjoyable experience. It is not all perks and excitement, as it is also dedication and hard work. Due to this, my advice to players who want to be staff is to be knowledgeable on what it is exactly that they are applying for and desiring to do. While the perks are enticing, and being able to punish users immediately is convenient, it is a time committment. Being a part of a staff team, that is there to serve the community, can be seen as taxing and cause a lot of burnout in a person. This is especially true if they are lacking a genuine passion or even understanding of the amount of time they may dedicate to the position.

While it is a volunteer position, it is one that will still require attention and persistance to accomplish aspects of the responsibilities the staff team holds. This is mostly due to the fact that they will be given a lot of permissions and tasks, to ensure they are best serving the community and assisting in keeping the server running well. Even though there is a way to glimpse the amount of work it is through reporting, that is only a portion of what you do as a staff member. Although, while as a staff someone is given a lot of responsibilities, it also puts you in a position where you are looked up to by a lot of other users that then play on the server. Meaning, how someone presents themselves or represents the server while staff, will be noticed by the community. Although, this does not mean you should be putting up a mask or acting like someone you are not.

This just emphasizes how much more you should be ensuring you are yourself and that you are true to yourself. Especially since it is never expected that you do above your best. If you put your best into the task at hand, put your heart and your personality into it, it will allow for the job to be enjoyable and not a detriment to your own mental health. The detriments, though, can come from the fact that the position can add a lot of pressure to someone's life or even some negativity due to a decision that they make. Even still, the rewards of being a part of something so much more than just punishing users, makes it worth it in my opinion. Being a part of a community that loves you and a team that supports you, allows for even the most stressful of times to be bearable.

Which brings me to the fact that, even though the rank is nice, the love and support from the community is what truly brightens my day and makes all the work worth it. That is something that should be held onto. If you have a passion for helping the community and server, then this may be the path you should persue. It truly has been such an amazing and rewarding experience that I am glad to be a part of and desire to remain a part of for as long as I can.

Do you feel as though you learned skills from Cube that you were able to use in your everyday life?

The main thing I learned from Cube that I can use in my everyday life is how to be completely calm and understanding in difficult situations. There have been a lot of times where being calm under pressure, so to speak, has been more beneficial and helped to calm the situation. This also helped to teach me to remain professional and keep emotions out of responses to stressful situations in order to best understand both sides and assist in the situation.

What is something that you found extremely stressful about being staff?

The most stressful times have always been when there has been some sort of uprising in the community that has led to a lot of drama or anger. This was especially true when it occurred when I was the main one online. It caused for a lot of repeat messages, fast typing of responses, and rewording things to best help the community understand with the knowledge I had. It also meant taking a lot of heat for decisions that I, as a staff member was associated with, but may not have been completely up to me. Though, through that I was able to respond in ways that would allow for a more calming response or feeling of understanding from the community, despite the stress/pressure I may have felt.

What are some of your favourite memories from CubeCraft?

Some of my favorite memories on CubeCraft have been when I would test bugs with my friends. It has always led to a lot of laughs and moments of confusion/bafflement. I remember when Slime Survival had a bug due to the mannequins in the game. You could break them and then spam place the head to create an infinite decoy. It was quite a lot of fun to gather a friend group for this and laugh over the baffling reactions they had when I was testing it and it proved to be true.

What is your favourite gamemode in the history of the server?

I am going to have to go with Eggwars. Being someone that uses a trackpad to play, it was one of the more enjoyable game modes. I love being able to strategies and learn to work with my teammates to accomplish the goal of surviving. It definitely brings about a unique aspect to PvP styled games as it isn't just about rushing to kill or shooting someone off, as there is also the egg as a factor. Definitely brings people on a team together and offers more of a bonding experience.

Another game mode was Bingo. This was also for the aforementioned bonging experience/enjoyable memories/strategizing, but I loved the game due to its simplicity and non-pvp focused aspect. It was a lot of fun to play with the community on and to just in general enjoy with friends. I thoroughly loved having it on Cube, so much so that when it was removed I found a mod of it online and downloaded it to proceed playing it with my friends.
Name: @Efcluke94
Rank: Management / Designer
Promotion: September 2013
Interview Date: November 27th 2019



Tell us about yourself!

Hello my name is Luke and I like penguins. I have a cardboard cutout of a penguin who I named Jim, we've been through quite a lot together. ( )

I have over 60 houseplants, obsessed with gardening and really want to try and live off the land one day. I tend to binge a lot of movies and TV shows and play very nerdy games. I have a family golden doodle called Buddy who is a very handsome and good boy. Oh… also I have about 3k memes on my phone, the rest of my pictures are dog photos. I only have one picture of my girlfriend lol my priorities right there.

How did you discover CubeCraft?

So basically I was looking for servers to build on back in 2010 or 2011, and I found this server called Herp Derp - which was a terrible 3 player survival world on the bottom of the mc voting pages. I made a big mansion and met Marco after he was impressed, my first call on Skype. Then we decided to reopen the server with a new spawn, games etc. That's how I met John and Joe. After a year we hit 20 players! Which was massive for us. Then I lost touch since I had to go to college/uni. Reached out to an old builder 'littlelaw10' asking what is Marco up to these days around September 2013. Littlelaw10 replied oh he spends all his time on this server called CubeCraft. I just thought Marco played it I didn't realise he was the owner of a 500 player server at the time. Logged into creative and said hi Marco.

After about 5 or 10 mins we got on a Skype call along with the build leader at the time, reminisced about old times… I'm not sure if Rubik was in it. But I basically got Builder after that.

What was your favourite year working at CubeCraft?

Probably early to middle of 2014, I was in 10 hour calls constantly on Skype, made so many new friends. Everything was just so fun, playing minigames was completely new to me and it was when I actually started getting paid for a hobby. Like £30 a month haha.

I remember having to make a game every 5 days then a good ole 4 of them. stress stress stress. Made me realise that we could actually do it thought as it was a huge challenge. I didn't have much of a social life but I felt like us sacrificing our time would give thousands of other people more fun

What made you specifically want to work on Cube, was it because of your friends being there?

It genuinely wasn't work, I had dropped out of uni and had no idea what to do with my time, I volunteered at a charity shop to get work experience since I just couldn't get a job even though I did well at school. So I just perused a passion which was creating stuff in Minecraft and hoped it paid off. (That's quite hard to justify to people outside of the internet).

At the time I absolutely adored everything about CubeCraft, every waking moment I wanted to help and do more and grow it into the largest server. As for ranks… I've been all over the shop, I started off as a builder, then became a mod since I just wanted to help more, after maybe a month became an admin, then I later became head admin which meant I had to manage the staff team on top of build team. Then I went to just build manager again as we grew bigger.

What is your favourite part of being part of the staff team?

Being able to work on Marketplace hands down. So I can see my nephews play games and maps our team has created, I was playing Minecraft maybe a year after oldest nephew was born so it's crazy seeing them grown up and me and them building a rollercoaster together on our Candy Kingdom map.

Like I'm just sat on the Xbox and my youngest nephew who's 5 saying can we play one of your maps, *tries to hold back tears* "sure!" It's really quite wholesome hearing that. Then we just sat there for a couple of hours building together. All possible due to Bedrock so I'm super thankful for that.

What is the most stressful part of your position?

Short answer: explaining to my barber everytime what I do, now I just say I work in retail, so much easier…

  • Stupid and stubborn people
  • People who think the world revolve around them
  • Missing important occasions with people I care(d) about due to deadlines
  • main one is people who share the amount of brainpower with a vegetable

What are some of your favourite memories from being on the server?

  • Raising that £10k for Mind.org that's by far one of the best things I've done in my life.
  • Meeting people from the internet, it's so scary and weird trying to match their face to their voice. Just hearing that voice you've heard of hours and hours
  • First time I saw big Youtubers play the maps I made, proper fan girled.
  • When my Dad was very sick and I logged into build server, my team had made him a get well card… oof the feels
  • Back in 2014 I got a surprise birthday plot on creative server, first birthday party I ever had lol it had strip poles and everything.

Do you feel as though you learned skills from Cube that you were able to use IRL or going forward?

I learned the right and wrong way to fire people lol, project management was also a big one, being able to juggle loads of people around a schedule so that everything comes together at the end. I learnt that its not that hard to learn a new skill thanks to YouTube and CubeCraft team, like 3D Modelling, graphic design and behaviour packs. Some edgy skills would be don't trust everyone blindly and be safe on the internet with your security.

Do you have any advice for aspiring Designers?

If you see something and think "I could probably do better, how hard can it be?" Then it's more than likely you can do it, you literally just have to try! The only way to be good at anything is through experience, trying is always the first step and during the next steps you learn more about yourself and what you're capable of. If you find a passion it really does become so easy and fun, the first step is always like stepping on a lego brick but once you're past it, you are at the kitchen and can eat a donut.

What is your most favourite gamemode in the history of the server?

Lucky Islands has to be my favourite. It's just crazy and unpredictable, one of the few games I'm good at. There isn't some sweat of a bridger coming at me like in SkyWars or EggWars, I whip out my wand… that's a very nice bridge you have there… shame if something were to happen to it. BOOM!
Name: @IceScreams
Current Rank: Unranked
Interview Rank: Helper
Staff Since: December 3rd 2018
Interview Date: January 25th 2019



Tell us about yourself!

I'm IceScreams, or matcha as some people like to call me instead. I'm from the United States, a fine place to live even if it has some flaws. I hope to travel the world one day, visiting every corner and the most remote parts of our planet. But in the meantime, I'm just trying to make do with my life. I, like many others, enjoy music a lot, even if I can't sing for my life or make my own tune. I don't have any particular preferences, I like to think of myself as an open-minded person. I don't mind if the song is in a language I can't understand, as long as it's something I can bop to, it's good. I'm also a pretty avid reader, so if anyone has recommendations, PLEASE send me something.

How did you discover CubeCraft?

My brother introduced it to me, basically when I first started playing the game. I originally wanted to try out Eggwars, cause I thought it was a cool game, but I didn't know which server had it. So once my brother showed me the way, I pretty much stuck around on Cube since then. Even though I get terrible ping.

So what made you want to be staff on this server?

I didn't really think about being staff till pretty much last summer. I don't really like loading myself with responsibilities and duties, but several of my friends kind of started talking me into applying. I mean I did fantasize about being able to get rid of cheaters and what-not without going through all the recording and reporting business, mostly before Sentinel was a thing. But yea, after quite a deal of convincing and encouragement, I decided to apply. Of course my first application probably was rejected because I didn't get a response. I think I've probably applied 3 times before finally getting accepted.

What is your favourite part of being staff?

I think the respect (sometimes) and authority (sometimes) we get is pretty neat. That's what I think really separates a player from a staff member. The tag. Without it, you won't exactly be taken seriously by everyone. Of course this isn't true for every case, but it's there, it exists. :p

What is the most stressful part of being staff?

The first thing, is attention. It sucks to see people in the server just only notice you for your rank. Prior to this (becoming a staff), the attention I received was practically next to zero. Aside from the people I actually knew and saw daily, no one really knew who I was. Maybe a few would remember me because I was on the FFA leaderboard at one point, but yea, the attention I received was pretty much non existent. Now that wasn't a bad thing. I'm a quiet person, so I'm perfectly fine with being in the background. But ever since becoming a helper, I would always get at least a random stranger saying "hi". It's sweet, but then you kind of notice that "hello" turn into "PLEASE PARTY, F ADD PLEASE".

I think I left my friend requests opened for like the first week, and there's 5 pages of friend request from people I've never met. But that itself isn't really an issue. I know that staff members should always be polite and whatnot, and I do my best at being so. But sometimes we want a little space, if you get what I mean. I recall playing a Lucky Islands game, and one person in the game said "Hello IceScreams!" and "How are you". I said "Hihi, I'm fine". Now that would've been the end of the conversation normally.... but it clearly wasn't. The guy then started berating me about why didn't I ask him "What about you? How are you?" That kind of confused me, ahaha. I know it's an etiquette, but to be honest, I didn't care. I didn't know that person, and he didn't know me, for all I know, we could've queued up in a game before I became staff and never said a word to each other. So moral of the story? Don't expect too much, sometimes we just want a little space.

So onto the second thing. I think the most stressful thing about being a staff member is that, most people don't understand why you do things a certain way, or just your point of view in general. The cynicism people express does make you die a little on the inside. I think people really need to take a step back and think, hey maybe I was wrong or I don't have enough knowledge about this subject before making a judgement. Of course, this is just with a few players, but a bad apple spoils the bunch.

Do you have any favourite memories from CubeCraft?

YES! I don't think people appreciate living the moment enough, till it's gone. For those of you who don't know, FFA is my most played games. The general conception that it's a toxic wasteland isn't exactly wrong, but it isn't exactly true. There are just different multiplayer manners there than really anywhere else on the server. I think a lot of people fail to take that into mind, but.... that's not what we're discussing here. FFA, yes. So I loved playing Classic FFA and Soup FFA. I met most of my close friends there, and I'm glad I did. There are just wayyy to many good memories of that place, it's a bit hard to decide. But I think actually having the goal of making it to #1 on that fancy 5 player podium was my best accomplishment/memory. The non stop grinding, and competition enthralled me. I get that things like this, aren't for everyone. Not everyone wants to play for stats, sometimes they just want to play for fun. That, the grinding, was my "fun", if that makes sense.

What do you feel like you learned from being staff?

Yes, communication is definitely a big one. Like I said, I'm a quiet person, perfectly content with living a life of a background character in One Punch Man. So it's a bit clear I don't like talking. It's not that it's because I'm shy that I don't like talking, it's because maybe I just don't feel the need to. That, I think, stems from thinking "I can handle this alone." BUT BOY WAS I WRONG. Asking for help isn't a bad thing, and never is. Asking for clarification isn't a bad thing, and never is. Communication, is absolutely the most important thing I've learned. So why don't they emphasize this more in school, guess that's a flaw in the school system.

Do you have any advice for players seeking to get staff?

Be genuine. Most of you probably don't have an idea about what you're getting yourself into. Are you here for the perks? The attention? The bragging rights? Or are you here to help. That's something most of you probably already hear a lot. But being genuine means more than just that. Cynamooo touched on this topic, "If you're sure you want to be staff, try to be a unique one." This is something you'll have to decide for yourself. What does it mean to be unique? Be crazy active like Warriors? Be realistic like Quetzi? No, of course not. If you're going to remold yourself completely to fit an image, then you might not necessarily be ready for the position. Everyone says this, but it's true, be yourself. Don't try to give off an impression you're someone else. Of course uphold the Cubecraft rules and don't besmirch the rank you hold, but also don't lie to yourself.

What is your favourite gamemode ever released on the server?

Drum rolls please...... FFA, of course. I've said it already, but I'll say it again. FFA is probably the most suitable game for me in a way. I don't like being burdened. Games like Eggwars, can last hours (ouch). Games like Skywars, will have it's fair share of players who try to drag it out. FFA? I just need to join a lobby and plop myself somewhere and just enjoy playing or talking with friends.


Moderator Interviews

Name: @Marieke2001
Interview Rank: Unranked
Current Rank: Senior Moderator
Promotion: April 19th 2017
Resigned: April 4th 2018
Interview Date: 18/04/19 -> 28/11/19


Tell us about yourself!

I'm right now 17 years old, almost 18. I started playing minecraft about 5 years ago with my best friend. CubeCraft quickly got noticed by us and there we met Stefanvld, a member at that time. I joined the forums to do reports (reports were handled on the forums) and after a year or so I grew very rapidly in popularity. I did several applications for helper and got my helper interview at the start of april 2017. I've had lots of friends here, most of them are banned or left, and I made some new ones. I love reading books and I have the cutest dog in the world called Maks.

Tell us about how you discoverered CubeCraft, where did you first hear that name?

Well it started in 2015 or 2016. My best friend and I both started playing on a server called Kiwicraft. The owner was Stefanvld and this is kinda how we got introduced to Cubecraft. When we got bored of Kiwicraft, which was a survival server, we would go to Cubecraft to play Skywars and Survival games. So my first experience with Cubecraft was a really good one.

So after playing on the server for a bit what was it that made you want to be staff, was it from being around staff members or such?

It's not really one thing or aspect that inspired me to becoming a staff member. It obviously started with Stefan getting the helper rank, but that was more the reason why I had joined the forums.
One of my favorite games was Assassination, but there would be a ton of hackers and almost every active staff member hated that game, so I decided to do something for the Assassination community to help them a lot faster out with these awful hackers then reporting these hackers.
Another reason was that people kept asking when I would apply. I had friends like dont_you_dare, unfearful, iloveyouu and more that were staff members. They kept asking when I would apply as I was really helpful with answering people's questions at the forums at that time.
I'm also very interested in organizing things and being part of the bigger picture and being behind the screens, so becoming a staff member was a way to experience this.

When you became staff what was your favourite part of being staff in the beginning?

My favorite part in the beginning was participating on everything behind the scenes and enjoying the perks of being a staff member. There was a vanity update we worked on with a lot of people, I was able to test games, I could spectate suspected hackers in vanish and etc.

What is in your opinion the most stressful part of being staff?

I think the most stressful part of it would've been the moments when reports started to stack up and nobody else would do them except for me and a few others. When I was a staff member we had lots of inactive staff members who did barely any reports. I think me and about 4 or 5 others did 80/90% of the reports and appeals at that time and the rest did only the fun part as testing or chatting. So sometimes I'd be like “at the end of the day I want to have handled -600- reports and that would took me hours to do and a lot of stress because of my own deadline and mentality to handle them as fast as we could.

Do you have any memorable moments from CubeCraft? ones that stick out to you as your favourite whether thats a game launch or a personal moment with friends?

I have tons of memorable moments on CCG! It kinda started with playing Assassination with Younisco, Iloveyouu, Snap, CyanYellow and my irl best friend JM_Deena at 3AM, continued with fooling around on the forums with now old, dead or banned account of friends! It's too sad to see their account just not being alive anymore! I also have tons of memories from the Staff team. Yoya bullying me, Andy calling me Maryio because Marieke was too hard to pronounce, just fooling around with each other! I'm still making new memories, maybe not on the server itself, but more on the forums!

What would be your personal tip for aspiring staff who want to help the server?

Don't lose your own personal touch while trying to become a member of staff. Some people want to be helper so badly that they reply in a correct way to everything and just not having fun anymore. It's important to be serious when you have to be, but most of the staff members are still children. I was already quite known on the forums before my application got accepted. People already came towards me for their problems. It's important to help the ones who need it and not to nitpick on everything you come across and reaches a grey line of the rules.

What do you feel as though you learned being part of the staff team? Do you feel like you learned specific skills that you use in your everyday life?

I've definitely learned how certain words can drive different responses from people. I've dealt with many appeals and because this is the internet sometimes people misinterpreted my words and thought I was angry instead of something completely else. It also made it easier for me to say no to people and walk away when needing to. Endlessly asking for an unban makes you only more annoying and that block message isn't far away for me. In the staff team itself I think I learned the importance of communication. It was sad to see the staff team being very divided, but I also think that staff manager at that time could've helped with that, but didn't. This resulted in lack of communication between each other, sometimes even hateful messages and fights.

Was there anything at all that surprised you about the staff team that subverted your expectations? Something that you didnt expect when you imagined being staff before?

Yeah the testing was actually a surprise. I never even knew it was a thing, never knew if it was taken seriously or just having a bit of fun with other staffers. At the time I did testings Yoyamin also joined a lot. We had some good laughs about a lot of stuff, just swearing at each other in Dutch and calling names. This sounds very childish, but I look back on it in a good way. The sad thing is that we only got to test games once almost completely done so we could test small bugs. Therefore our feedback wasn't that appreciated

Why are you no longer apart of the staff team?

I got fired for “suspicion of leakingâ€. I was in a discord group with 4 other people and said that “I would say fun things†to someone, once he resigned. Someone in that discord group made a screenshot and sent it to Tacos. Basically the conversation between me and Tacos was back and forth about if I did it or not. After about one hour Tacos told me I remained network banned until I had proven my innocence and found the real leaker. I was angry, felt betrayed and felt stupid for saying those things.

What is your most favourite game in the history of CubeCraft?

Oof this is a hard one. I think Skywars always remains a classic for me, because it's so easy and fun to play with friends, but I also really love Minerware and Tower defense. I think that there is a good balance on CCG with PvP and non-PvP games
Name: @Nikoshka
Ex-Rank: Moderator
Promotion: November 6th 2016
Resigned: August 25th 2017
Interview Date: February 26th 2019



How did you discover CubeCraft?

Well, this was a while back in early 2015 when I was searching for a hide and seek server after watching well known YouTubers play the game. At this point I was quite new to Minecraft and I didn't know that most YouTuber's put the server IP in the description of their videos. Eventually, I went searching for "Minecraft servers with hide and seek" and learning how to join a Minecraft server and play the game multiplayer (After I had been playing singleplayer for a while, not knowing how to join MC servers). That's how I first discovered Cubecraft. I then started playing other games and found that they were all really fun!

Why did you want to be staff?

Initially, I thought mods were so cool. I remember reading OrangeGE's recruitment post and thinking "oh my god, I want to be just like them!" also Once I had joined the forums, I had become addicted to making reports. I thought that doing reports as a moderator would be so cool! (Even as a moderator, I was addicted to doing reports at first!).

A month before I was recruited as staff, I started to enjoy the being a part community and what motivated me to become staff was to help others. Because my previous applications were denied, I was a bit lost on becoming a staff member and I had started to focus on becoming a decent community member. I still applied, however, I had forgotten of becoming a staff member and just started to enjoy the server. It came as a massive shock to me when I was accepted.

What was your favourite part of being staff?

For the first few months, reports. I started to completely crack down on reports and no-life them. With the new reports system, a message broadcasted in staff chat each day as to who did the most reports that day. One time, @zDutchie @diogo and I had decided to complete the exact same number of reports that day. (The staff chat had gone crazy as this was the first time anyone had done this!). This started a bit of a motivation for moderators to work together on reducing the number of reports open. I absolutely loved this team work and team spirit! One day, a total of 8 members of staff had completed 100 reports! It was awesome!

Another thing which I loved was being part of the recruitment and helper mentoring team! Reading bad applications was amusing and talking with the new helpers and resolving with their reports was awesome. Fun fact: I mentored @AnimalTamer1 (the current staff manager) when she was still a helper!

What was a stressful part of being on the staff team?

Generally the fear of accidentally banning an innocent player. I started to stress A LOT when someone appealed to me stating that they were innocent. I'd often re-check the footage to find that they were lying but sometimes I realised that I had rushed the report and probably innocently banned them.

What are some of your favourite moments on the network?

Me showing off to @zDutchie whenever I won a game of Skywars. (I had played thousands of games yet only won like 10). Hence whenever I won a game, I messaged zDutchie with an excited message. It were as if I had just won the lottery ^-^

There was this one time when I was a helper where a team mate claimed he was hacking. They didn't know that I was a staff member since I was messaging them in team chat where I didn't have the [STAFF] prefix. I was basically begging them to show me their fly (so I could capture it on recording). He eventually hacked in front of me and I was able to get it on recording. The guy immediately rage quit when I /msg'd them "enjoy your ban", showing my [HELPER] prefix xD

What is your personal tip for aspiring staff?

Be yourself and don't be a wannabe. I know that sounds harsh but it's the truth.

Constantly messaging staff members and wanting to be with them ALL THE TIME gives a really bad impression. Don't try to stalk them and let them do their job. When I was applying, I often spammed messages like "DON'T REPLY TO REPORTS" (on the old reports system). I eventually received a warning from @CARDAN18 informing me that I was coming on too strong and that I should leave that job to staff members.

What was the reason you left the staff team?

I got bored of Cubecraft and I personally started to really dislike Cubecraft's management decisions. Also, I left due to upcoming GCSEs and my downfall in swimming ever since I started Cubecraft moderation. Since I resigned from Cube, my grades have significantly boosted up and I won a medal at swimming nationals so to me, resigning was definitely worth it.

What did you feel like you learned from being part of the staff team?

Honestly, I don't really think I have learnt anything. As of now, my opinion of being a staff member on Cubecraft was that it was a complete waste of a year of my lifetime. I may have picked up a few conversation skills but there's nothing significant which stands out to me that I'd be able to carry into the future.

Was there something that surprised you about the staff team?

Well, at the time there was a massive divide in the staff team. To me, it seemed as if the staff team was one whole happy unit working together but nope.
Oh, and also the perks staff get. They get pretty cool perks which I didn't realise such as obsidian rank, being able to test new games, gift cards, etc.
Name: @Cynamooo
Current Rank: Admin Team
Interview Rank: Moderator
Staff Since: June 18th 2017
Interview Date: January 24th 2019



How did you discover CubeCraft?

Basically, when I got the real version of Minecraft, the first thing I wanted was to play multiplayer with friends, as the previous client I used was called Keinett, but was very limited in servers, Cube wasn't available yet. When I got it I just went on site after site looking for a nice server to play on. I've tried many back then, but Cube really got my attention.

I wasn't aware of a “community†yet, I simply joined to play. The one thing that really got my attention is the way that Cube works. It was so clean and organised, compared to other chaotic servers at the time, and I'm glad we still have that style today.

So what made you want to be staff on this server?

I honestly have no clue, but I think it all started with me getting banned for cheating. Back then, the first ban duration was 9999 months if I can remember, so basically no more CubeCraft for me. I got in touch and discussed this with Rororoyourboat (who has sadly since left) and after a long discussion with her, I got unbanned and really started to have respect and interest for the work staff did.

I started becoming active myself and slowly I started gaining positive attention and people were noticing me. I've applied maybe 4 times in total, and the first 3 of them were pretty cringy, but the 4th one did the job. That's how I'm here, and I'm still thankful for everything Roro did for me!

What is your favourite part of being staff?

Reports are still my favorite thing to do even now. That was something I was really hyped for when I first got moderator and I still absolutely love it. Mainly because of the variety in reports, you learn different languages and so on. Ofcourse I still do other things, but reports has to be my number one favourite thing I normally do everyday.

What is the most stressful part of being staff?

The disrespect from some players. Every staff should love their job, no doubt about that, but people seem to forget we're volunteers. This disrespect mainly comes from people who think they have been unfairly banned or muted, and if I can be honest, maybe 1 in 15-20 is actually unfairly punished because of a mistake. I think if those people would be in our place for one day then they wouldn't know where to start and their heads would explode. Dealing with all those spammy messages isn't easy at all, especially if they're arrogant, but I usually just let that slide and try to be as casual as possible.

What are some of your favourite moments on CubeCraft?

I've had a lot, but one the most fun things to do was trying to follow/stalk the staff member during the streams on twitch and trying to get in their game. Besides that a lot of fun things have happend and it's even too much to remember. Just playing around with current and old friends is always a lot of fun.

What do you feel like you learned from being staff?

The way to treat people and react in both negative and positive scenarios. Being a staff member is all about good communication between the staff team and the players. This skill has progressed a lot over the past years, that it even affected my real life. Usually I'm shy and introvert, but learning how to treat people and talk with them, that's completely gone. As I said above, I don't want to be the strict staff member that nobody likes, my goal at the end of the day is to still follow the rules and do what they expect from me, but as casual as possible.

Do you have any advice for players seeking to get staff?

First of all, before applying, think more than twice. Is this really what you want? To be able to help the server and the people playing? Aren't you just attracted to the rank? If you're sure you want to be staff, try to be a unique one. Everyone can tell someone the rules or warn someone for swearing, but it's the way that you present it that makes the community like you. Find you own style and go with the flow (while still being mature and respectful of course). I can guarantee you that if you really want this job, you'll get there one day. Just don't make it too obvious that you're doing it for the rank, make it a spontanious task.

What is your favourite gamemode ever released on the server?

Skyblock is still my bæ. It was so unique and was actually very popular amongst the community. If I need to choose one gamemode we have now, it'll have to be Lucky Islands. It used to be Skywars, but I feel like the people there are very toxic and stuff, and lucky islands really has nice people.


Helper Interviews


Designer Interviews
Name: @TheJeroen
Rank: Designer
Staff Since: October 21st 2017
Interview Date: 10th April 2020


First of all, is your actual name Jeroen or is it an alias?
Jeroen is my real name.

Tell us about yourself, your interests, where you live, your age, all that good stuff.
Like many others on this server I live in the Netherlands, in the province of Noord-Brabant to be exact. My age is 19 and my birthday is on August 23rd. My interests, as many may guess, lays at Minecraft building. I have never been much of a minigame- or survival- player and prefer to stay at building to create things I like to make.

What is your job as a Designer?
There are multiple roles a Designer can have like: 3D Modellers, Texture Artist, Render Artist, Builders, and so on. My job is to act as a Builder. I may build things like server maps or content destined for the Marketplace. At times I also build private projects just for fun

Tell us about what you do in your everyday life, like what is your occupation outside of Level Designer?
My everyday life is fairly simple but I do not need anything more than that. During school days I head to college in Eindhoven, which takes roughly 1h and 30m just to travel there. During the weekends I am mostly working at my side-job in the supermarket for 3 - 4h a day. Mostly during the late hours (say about after 6) I spend my time playing Minecraft or do other things on the computer.

What are some of your interests outside of Minecraft & Building?
I do not practice much hobbies anymore. I have quit exercising a long time ago as I was not interested. I find joy out of building my private projects a lot and searching, collecting and sharing memes!

I see your profile picture and skin is the same character from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, why is that? What do you like about this character?
I like this character because of many reasons! He is one of the main characters from the game and tends to fight using lances. I'll try to keep the story of the game short but after a certain event there is a timeskip of 5 years in between where nearly every character receives a new, more matured design. His personality changed aswell, he used to be a sincere person but with a dark shadow lurking beneath him. After the event causing 5 years to go by he somewhat lost nearly all of his sanity and turned into as how I like to describe it: a murder machine.

You seem to like building complicated train models in your spare time, why do you have such a great interest in trains?
I have no idea where it started and how. Quite a decently long time ago I had to build a few trains for a project and figured I kept to Dutch trains since I like the look of them. (Warning weird train names incoming) The first trains I made were the ICMm, ICD and the Flirt 3, all of these have received a better, more refined look by now. And quite a long time went by when I made the next train, the VIRM. And somewhere around this point I though to myself: Hey this is pretty fun to build! That's how I decided to build any train ever in service in the Netherlands.

What other things do you prefer to build, or hate to build?
I for some reason tend to like building really large projects. For example, just my 2 previous projects had a size of 800 x 800 and 1100 x 1500. Though I just hate to build any organics (usually large sized figures such as humans or animals) and terrain. One thing that is in my gray-area of what I like and dislike is experimenting with more unique shapes. I often tended to build with squares, rectangles or even triangles in my build keeping it straight and simple. Though lately I am starting to experiment more with involving curves, waves, height differences and other shapes into my builds to make them seem more ''unique''.

What made you switch to being a Designer for a team rather than building for fun as a hobby?
It was my friend Yoyamin who convinced me to do it. About ~2.5 years ago he told me to just try and apply for Builder, which I did. Not long after I received a message on the Forums hearing that I got accepted as a Builder!

As some people may not know, you had 2 of your builds featured on the official Minecraft website, very few people have had that happen once, nevermind twice!, how did that feel for you?
(https://www.minecraft.net/nl-nl/article/theme-park) (https://www.minecraft.net/nl-nl/article/fun-fossils)
I was already astonished at the first time! And out of a sudden, only with a month apart, I was yet again asked for an article! Even the writer who mailed me was surprised to ask the same person again in such a short time!

What are some of the things you have created for CubeCraft?
I have built the Bamboo map for Solo SkyWars, Bugs for Team SkyWars, Powerline for Team EggWars, Athens, Jurassic, Battlezone for Team Lucky Islands, Zen for Tower Defence (alongside with Ercraft2), Casino for Line Dash and all of the Slime Survival maps.

What was your favourite project to work on? This can be for Cube or a personal build project.
In that case I will pick my Jurassic Cretaceous Museum. This was a giant museum containing every single dinosaur fossil that I had made for fun. Being able to add my many amazing fossils to an even greater project really ended up amazing!

Is Designing something you want to pursue as a career in some form?
Actually, no. I strictly keep this as a hobby of mine. I want to persue my future career as an Ambulance Paramedic, though I will definitely keep this game as a hobby of mine!

Were you nervous when you first attained Builder or were you quite confident in your abilities?
I was definitely a bit nervous. I did not know yet how good the others were compared to me and most importantly how much they were expecting me to be online as a Builder.

If you could describe the Designer team to non-designers how would you?

How did you discover CubeCraft?
I discovered it around February 17th, 2015. A YouTuber I liked to watch uploaded a video about a brand new gamemode: Team SkyWars! I had been playing it for a decent time by then and asked in the comment section for the IP adress where someone replied with the IP of Cubecraft. That's how I discovered the server.

Tell us one of your favourite memories from CubeCraft.
I would say that my best memory should be attending the Cubecraft Livestreams that they hosted a long time ago on Wednesday- or Friday- evening (cannot recall the day)

And finally as in tradition, tell us your favourite gamemode on CubeCraft, can be any that ever existed on Cube.
Slime Survival by far, may or may not have to do with the fact that I built all the maps


(Product Manager)
Efcluke94 (Director of Content)
GingerGeek (Director of Technology)
John Coles (Director of Production)
marcoslater (Director of Infrastructure)
rubik_cube_man (Director of Development)
Quetzi (Chief Operations Officer)

Admin Team
AnimalTamer1 (Staff Manager)


Senior Moderator

Warriors1976 // SnowyWarz


Efcluke94 (Director of Content)
mitgobla (Design Manager)
ReindeerClark (Design Manager)
Yoyamin (Design Manager)

Alex_De_Grote (Render Artist)
Bugme (Level Designer)
Ercraft2 (Level Designer)
FireExcalibur10 (Level Designer)
MartijnMC (Level Designer)
Max111D (Level Designer)
Robbedz (Level Designer)
Gatsbe (Level Designer)
Soulless_Unity (Level Designer)
TheJeroen (Level Designer)
Unstrafeless (Level Designer)
Dylaila (Skin Artist)
FluffyRoses (Skin Artist)
Dronade (Behaviour Engineer)
Lezappen (Texture Artist)
SanCookie (Redstone Engineer)
StorySays (Render & Skin Artist)
Camezonda (Product Manager)
Efcluke94 (Lead Content Creator)
GingerGeek (Chief Technology Officer)
John Coles (Chief Executive Officer)
marcoslater (Systems and Network Engineer)
Quetzi (Chief Operations Officer)
rubik_cube_man (Lead Game Developer)

AnimalTamer1 (Staff Manager)
StorySays (Content Creator)

LoonyRules (Anti-Cheat Developer)

Senior Moderator



Efcluke94 (Build Manager)
Andyschofie (Website Developer)
Camezonda (Product Manager)
Efcluke94 (Lead Content Creator)
GingerGeek (Chief Technology Officer)
hub3rt (Project and Community Manager)
John Coles (Chief Executive Officer)
marcoslater (Systems and Network Engineer)
Quetzi (Chief Operations Officer)
rubik_cube_man (Lead Game Developer)

Mac (Staff Manager)
Tacosbefriends (Staff Manager)

CrazymanJR (Anti-Cheat Developer)

Senior Moderator



Efcluke94 (Build Manager)
John Coles (Chief Executive Officer)
marcoslater (Systems and Network Engineer)
rubik_cube_man (Lead Game Developer)

Andyschofie (Website Developer)
Efcluke94 (Build Team Manager)
(Staff Manager)
(Staff Manager)

CrazymanJR (Anti-Cheat Developer)
GingerGeek (Backend Developer)

Jr. Developer

Sales Support
Joe Henry (Sales Support)

Senior Moderator



Efcluke94 (Build Manager)
Joe Henry
(Systems and Network Engineer)
rubik_cube_man (Lead Game Developer)

Efcluke94 (Build Team/Staff Manager)
John Coles
(Chief Executive Officer)
OrangeGE (Staff Manager)

GingerGeek (Backend Developer)

Jr. Developer

Senior Moderator



Efcluke94 (Build Manager)

Graphic Designer
marcoslater (Systems and Network Engineer)
rubik_cube_man (Lead Game Developer)

Charlotte P.
(Build Team/Staff Manager)
John Coles (Chief Executive Officer)
musemat (Head Builder)

Sophie (SuperxSnap)
Undxrland (sealgoesowowow)

Efcluke94 (Build Manager)


List of staff members who stood the test of time, players who were staff for the longest period of time.

The list is in order starting with longest at the top.

* - currently staff

rubik_cube_man (7 years, 7 months)*
marcoslater (7 years)*
Efcluke94 (6 years, 10 months)*
John Coles (6 years, 6 months)*
GingerGeek (5 years)*
Dai_Matsumoto (5 years, 1 month)
Alex_De_Grote (4 years, 11 months)
Max111D (4 years, 6 months)
toropov (4 years, 6 months)*
Tacosbefriends (4 years)
Camezonda (3 years, 11 months)*
zRinne (3 years, 11 months)
Younisco (3 years, 8 months)*
Snodia (3 years, 8 months)*
(3 years, 8 months)*

Lezappen (3 years, 6 months)
Buuuddy (3 years, 6 months)*
Joe Henry (3 years, 4 months)
FozZeW (3 years, 4 months)*
Yoyamin (3 years, 3 months)*
Qatell (3 years, 1 month)
Cynamooo (3 years, 1 month)*
StorySays (3 years)*

Last Updated: 03/07/20


Staff members who were promoted their next rank the quickest. For this section I am excluding staff members who were repromoted, the first promotion only counts.

Volkom_ (20 days)
SevereWarning (39 days)
PinkStr3ak (70 days)
Aimee2323 (72 days)
SaradaBaschi (76 days)
FalseHonesty (77 days)
LilNugget (77 days)
zDutchie (87 days)
CyanYellow (12 days)
SerketSyndrome (13 days)


ZacharyJL (17 days)
zRinne (18 days)


AnimalTamer (27 days)
StorySays (28 days)


CapitanGato (47 days)
Kloska (50 days)


IceScreams (60 days)
Elenahh (60 days)
This section excludes people promoted within a week of the creation of it. (sorry guys)

Dwayne (120 days)
Cheez (153 days)
Snodia (154 days)
Roroyourboat (160 days)
Soph (166 days)
Iselciour (178 days)
Spuuuni (197 days)
This includes Sr. Moderator

Jinjo90 (29 days)
Minimoesha (43 days)
Divvy1 (46 days)
Roroyourboat (54 days)
Saradabaschi (74 days)
Elenahh (79 days)
Pinkstr3ak (80 days)
General_Claudia (108 days)
Exciting_Pancake (118 days)
patito (119)


This section is a bunch of random statistics that I found through the data gathered on this thread.

Staff History is the largest thread on the forums.

91% of hired staff members make it to Moderator

The most players promoted to Helper in one day was 19, set on July 8th 2020.

With pre-2020 most players promoted to Helper in one day being 9, set on January 4th 2016.

52% of the staff team left in 2017, this is approximately 24% of the entire staff team in history.

The most promotions to a single staff member goes to Camezonda, who has been promoted from-
Helper -> Moderator -> Sr. Moderator -> Administrator -> Management

The average time spent as a Helper in 2018 is 41.5 days, however in 2020 it is 51 days.

Dai_Matsumoto was a voluntary staff member for 87% of CubeCraft's entire history-

with 2nd being Volkom_ with 50% up until his resignation on October 8th 2018.

StorySays was active for 2 years, 9 months before receiving Helper in July 2017.
Dylaila was active for 2 years, 8 months before receiving Designer in April 2019.

CyanYellow was Helper for 12 days before being promoted to Moderator.

The most resignations in one month was March 2017 where 10 staff members left.

The most player reports done by a single staff member is 17,654 by CapitanGato.

The most reports handled by a single staff member in a day was 1,235 by ILoveYouu.

0.07% of players who register on the forums have received a staff rank.

0.01% of Helper applications are accepted.

The average age of the Moderators (All-Time) is 19.

The average age of the Moderators (Current) is 18.
The average age of the Designers (current) is 19.
The average age of the Administrators (current) is 21.

The staff member with the highest level is Kloska with 200.

Resignations Per Year:

2019: 5 (9.8%)
2018: 37
2017: 38
2016: 33
2015: 19
2014: 15

April 2020 holds the record for most Designers ever at 23, possessing 65% of all Designers ever hired in the history of the server.

July 2019 was the first time in the history of the server that Designers have surpassed Moderators in staff.

The average time spent as a Moderator till resignation is 1 year, 5 months.

The longest time spent as Helper was 6 months, 2 days.

The lowest posts held by a Helper at the time of their promotion was Wink with 33.

The most posts held by a single staff member was Moooofin with 17,861 up until his resignation.

31% of resigned staff members were demoted.

63% of staff applications are Helper applications.

More staff changes occurred in the first 3 months of 2020 than all the staff changes for the entire year of 2019.

Additionally more Helpers were hired in the first month of 2020 than the entire year of 2019.

LaserDolphin77 was the youngest Admin ever promoted on CubeCraft at just 14 years old, similarly SevereWarning was the youngest Moderator ever promoted at just 12 years old.

HackersDontWin, zDutchie, Snodia, CyanYellow, Power_Ranger, Neptuune & TheBrownster are all the only staff members to complete the helper training process twice.

zDutchie was the 100th staff member to join the staff team.
Livchi was the 200th staff member to join the staff team.

c0rin was the very first member to receive the Translator rank.

Alex_de_Grote was Designer/Builder for the longest period of time at 4 years, 11 months.

Efcluke94, Jinjo90 & StorySays are the only staff members to receive Admin twice.

Dylaila was the first staff member to be Designer & Helper at the same time.

Priley was the first staff member to be Designer & Translator at the same time.

HectorLalo was the first ever member to become Helper on CubeCraft.

On July 20th CubeCraft hit an all-time record of 100 concurrent staff members, this number continues to grow.

Soulless_Unity was the first staff member to receive the Senior Designer rank.

♂ 77.2% of the staff team identifies as male.
♀ 22.8% of the staff team identifies as female.

🗺 Staff Calculations: How Worldwide Are We? (per country)

🇳🇱 27.7% of staff members are from The Netherlands
🇬🇧 18.8% is from the United Kingdom
🇺🇸 16.8% is from the USA
🇧🇪 11.8% is from Belgium
🇸🇪 4.9% is from Sweden
🇨🇴 2.9% is from Colombia
🇪🇸 2.9% is from Spain
🇮🇱 1.9% is from Israel

🇬🇷 1.9% is from Greece

Australia 🇦🇺 , Germany 🇩🇪, Argentina 🇦🇷, Portugal 🇵🇹, Puerto Rico 🇵🇷, Russia 🇷🇺, New Zealand 🇳🇿, Hong Kong 🇭🇰, Bulgaria 🇧🇬 and Italy 🇮🇹 are the only countries in which only one staff member is located and individually all these countries account for 0.9%!

As of August 2020, the Design, Admin, Developer & Moderation team are all the biggest they have ever been since the beginning of the server.

Massive thanks to...

@Commissioned for starting the original thread and providing a large percentage of the staff timeline.
@alltop10 for calculating many statistics with me.
@Dai_Matsumoto @marcoslater & @Efcluke94 - for providing old information from 2013.
@Camezonda - for keeping me updated on Management & Developers
@_The13thDoctor_ & @Riley - for providing opinions and insight on the thread.
@Keanu - for assisting me in updating many statistics across the page.
y does lancedaniels from moderator to member? Interested
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pqpqppq wrote on Capitan's profile.
Texture of the week #3
I forgot to post the texture of the week😩

Here is it:

I changed the texture of the wool in the CrazyCraftV1 Texturepack .
It’s actually cool!
meshachhelaena wrote on jamesthesignificant's profile.
No idea. I had a lot of pranks.
Fjackp14_ wrote on Twixmeneer's profile.
Happy bday! 🍫
Daily Question 41:

What's the funniest prank you've ever had done to you/done?
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