@Ducky said, it is already possible to craft regular cubelets with 500 points. It would be cool to lower the amount of points needed for obsidian rank and narrow it down, but it’d make it even easier for obsidian rankers to get ubers. It is already easy enough in my opinion. Loot will practically become more useless every time the amount of stuff needed to craft them is minimalized. It is already good enough, though it’d be nice to see some other perks added to obsidian rank, but not this.
You can’t get loot points by playing games. You’re mixing regular points up with loot points now. I think getting it from the chest voting and cubelet duplicates is already enough, though it would be way better if they gave us more for the duplicates as currently, getting a duplicate out of a regular cubelet or super cubelet is practically worth nothing. Usually around 30 loot points on average from my experiences.