Hmm, before the update that happened on 5th of septembre Java Cubcraft was very playable. Low playercount yes but playable. I remeber talking to a mod( Jiivan) a few days before the destruction of an event came to cubecraft. I told him it would kill the server and he didn't believe it, none of the staff team believed it because removing 80% of games would have a positive effect right.. right? It used to have 1.5k players at peak before the changes. Now i can't recall seeing cubecraft have over 900 players at it's absolute peak. Anyway why was/is there so little team based games. Besides eggwars theres nothing a good party of friends can play. Now how did you guys handle these changes tho? you guys did NOTHING. Lack of information... why not make advertisements? We had no information when seasonal eggwars and stuff was gonna drop it just happened. No information about what would happen after the update. No information about when the seasonal eggwars will stop (I believe it stops in a few days). And well... no information about the "big update." I have asked several times what would happen after that. Will the gamemodes return? "sOrrY bUt wE arE noT alLoweD tO tEll yOU tHat rIgHt noW." Will certain maps return? "sOrrY bUt wE arE noT alLoweD tO tEll yOU tHat rIgHt noW." Litteraly no information... u could have taken this differently in any other way and it would've been better for the server. Thanks staff team.