Does anybody else ever notice donors either just plain giving armor to random people or throwing loot on the ground and saying kill me? If anybody else has seen this activity reply to this thread.:D
if it's done more than once, it's bannable, with a warning. she could've just been logging though and wanted her streak to save :)Yeah I'm not sure if this is against the rules but my friend in diamond took all her armor off and told me to kill her.
wait what.. nu if u logout then your streak will reset :p
We already got rid of that feature because it encouraged people giving away kits more easily.Hopefully soon we will be able to throw items to dispose rather than opening an interface. ^-^
Remember the Spy Kit problem, though.Yes, this is against the rules, it's kitfarming. However, it will be much easier to spot now, as players will have to die to give items to their friends.