Favorite (Solo)
Tropical: unique layout
Mine: Enjoyable gameplay, somewhat fast paced
Steampunk: nice layout, only annoying in op you can just camp at the bottom
Teepee: Pretty easy to rush and fast paced
Easter (when playable): Unique layout, nice gameplay
Stronghold: Just straight up like it
End: Easy to win on iff you get to the middle quick
Nightmare: Nice layout, fun gamemplay
Dislike (Solo)
Village: The islands are real weird and hard to get around
Candy: Gamemplay is really boring
Snowy: The snow kinda screws me up, still fin though
Safari: Your egg can break in a mere 10 seconds
Favourite (Team):
Teaparty: Extremely fun gamemplay, nice map layout
Magic: Nice gamemplay, fast paced
Pizza: Fast pades gameplay
Forest: Real easy to rush
Oriental: The base layout and gamemplay is exciting
Space: Layout is nice, intense gamemplay
Rome: Intense gamemplay
Dislike (Team:
Underdasea: Rough layout, PvP cant be done that easily
Storm: You get rushed real quick, the snow is a pain
Aztec: Peopel camp a lot, the lava in the middle
Holloween (When playable): Not a map i enjoy playing on
Well, this is my old choices ^^^^
I might just do some editing in a little bit ;)
Favorite (Solo)
Tropical- Nice layout, if you take out your neighbors, you get a huge advantage.
Mine- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Teepee- Really easy to rush. Games usually dont last too long.
Stronghold- If you get to mid first, you basically win.
End- Rush mid, rush bases, easy win
Nightmare- Usually some enjoyable gameplay.
MLG- Again, usually a routine win when rushing.
Construction- I love this map. All i do is rush and i usually win.
Snowy- Rush and get the gold from mid, really nice.
Tentacles- Really easy to win if you rush.
Farm- Pretty easy win, get to islands fast though.
Golf- Rush = win for this
Dislike (Solo)
Technology- You're base is waaaay to vulnerable, making the map really hard to win on.
Safari- Although it is good for egg breaks, its not good for an enjoyable game on.
Village- I like the gameplay, but the islands are really difficult to get around.
Candy- The gameplay just seems kind of dull i guess.
Steampunk- Good gameplay, but its annoying when you get stuck on the bottom.
Elven- The layout just seems kind of strange.
Favorite (Team)
City- Really fast paced gameplay.
Forest- A win is easy if you rush.
Pizza- My all time favorite team map :D
Toys- Pretty nice gameplay, if you play the map right.
Fairground- Get to those diamonds and rush people from mid.
Garden- Rush Rush Rush
Under Da Sea- Love the new mid, a better place to PvP
Kingdom- Break eggs off the start when you go to mid and you usually win.
Magic- Rush your neighbor then wait for the other side to get ruined then finish them off.
Oriental- Nice gameplay, easy to get to eggs.
Space- Somewhat nice, easy to camp though.
Treehouse- Rush everyone and you win.
Tea Party- Usually a relaxed style gameplay.
Western- Rushshshhss
Mansion & Rome - Both really fast paced.
Dislike (Team)
Medieval- The layout is difficult imo.
Storm- A little much is the rush maps (Way to easy to die if you do one thing wrong)
Huts- The gameplay seems off, yet to win on this map.
Instruments- Islands are way to far apart.
Dwarven- The islands aren't very neat imo.
Mushrooms- I just don't really enjoy playing this.
Aztec- Way to big, just don't enjoy playing on it.