I'm new. Made an account because i feel this really needs to be addressed
This is mainly about Egg wars. I'm new to the server and found an interest in the game of Egg wars. (I'm in the middle now) But me and my friend soon found a problem that we would like addressed. It might just be me and my friend but, we noticed when its down to the last 2 sometimes 3 teams it turns into a camping war. (I have been in a game where it took 45-60 minutes to gain any ground on the campers. because they would camp and shoot bows preventing us from building a bridge).
Long story short, here are my suggestions.
-Timer that ends the game.(maybe 30 minutes or more, no one wins)
-Death match after a set time with no respawns. (death match is activated by players or automatically when there is 2 teams left)
-If the campers don't leave there island after an allotted time they start slowing down, receive bad potion effects, forfeit and the other team wins, or even get kicked for camping (IDK they get punished for camping).
-Respawn times (when killed they have 4-10 seconds before they can respawn giving the advancing team time to build a bridge or cross one. Unless the attackers on on the island then the defenders should re spawn instantly.)
-Move the islands closer together so its not such a pain to build across.
-Remove bow knock back (or bows all together, or replace with fishing rods)
-Make bows really expensive so its hard to camp a base with them (or even make it a kit)
-After set time players are reset so no one is OP, . (players put back on there islands, iron armor is removed and everyone's armor is downgraded to chain, remove bows from the shop, maybe even have safe bridges to middle)
-After a set time bridges start to spawn so the players can cross to middle or others bases safely.
-This one is from another server but, the world border starts to close in pushing the egg and players towards middle with it.
-Item that can be purchased which when right clicked builds a safe bridge or tunnel about 10 blocks in front of the person so he can advance to the other teams egg
-Only have diamond generators in the middle so no one can become OP from camping
There probably will be more suggestions coming
Please address this issue. It's very annoying when you kill the other teams but then face a camping team who got all the OP gear from camping and wont let you near there base. And i say remove bows a lot because that is the only thing keeping others from building bridges to break a teams egg.
I know this defeats the purpose of the game but it makes it easier to break the eggs, but in my opinion it makes it better. I found that playing in hardcore mode is the best because no one can become OP. they have to share the resources with the team to win, and bows are not a problem.
If this is posted in the wrong place tell me. I'm new to the forums as well