Hello! I hope y’all are healthy and positive. I’d like to suggest the following:
- in eggwars, you spawn with leather armor (coloured according your team). And spawn with a wooden sword. The armor could also be some cool cosmetic, so that you can choose the colors! Pretty cool.
But why; when someone with diamond armor and a sharpness 5 sword is camping your base for points. You’d just have a small chance to combo and save. It makes the game way more fun and longer. This would definitely attract a lot of players. Because many people are irritated by it.
- in eggwars, you spawn with leather armor (coloured according your team). And spawn with a wooden sword. The armor could also be some cool cosmetic, so that you can choose the colors! Pretty cool.
But why; when someone with diamond armor and a sharpness 5 sword is camping your base for points. You’d just have a small chance to combo and save. It makes the game way more fun and longer. This would definitely attract a lot of players. Because many people are irritated by it.