You are right but campers can also just trow a enderpearl when they see someone comming so ye not realy a smart idea.
And...? They are CAMPERS. CAMPERS!
Camping in their base, with one single diamond generator. You have Mid, other base, and more resource for diamonds, You would have more Ender pearls none the less, killing the campers.
Disappointed in these players, they had the upper hand too, they had an egg yet they are camping.. bad strategy..
Also, they tnt'd your bridge? Build it up higher next time.. Problem solved..
And what about falling down to their base?
Taking all damage? Unless you play op, you will be heavily damaged and become an easy kill for the camper.
And what makes them unable to build up and shoot you again and again?
People who says We don't need ender pearls on normal is either bad at the game and die early in the game or One of the camper, OR Delusional enough to believe we don't need it.
I'm going to vote against this, but it's for a completely different reason. Here's why I'm against it: Right now, rushing is the proper way to deal with campers, but it's a very risky maneuver, considering most people do it in leather. If people know they can just get an Ender pearl, they won't take a risk in rushing and will just go to mid like everyone else does, dragging out the game. I do agree that the claim that's it's too OP is quite ridiculous, considering that they should remove Notch Apples if that's the case. I still personally prefer this suggestion:
You wanna rush? Campers can camp as early in 3 minutes after the game start (Depending on the mid).
Getting Diamonds, upgrade dia gen, get armor, gg.
Someone coming? BOW BOW BOW BOW BOW BOW.
Rush isn't even a tactics. You fight over 10 other teams, and you would rush against most of them?
AND, How would you know who to rush? You might be able to eliminate 5 players, but there are still possibilities that there are campers in the other 5 that live.
No. We need Ender pearls.