Well i clawed out of Kronos's tummy and killed him plus cats are immortal and i get a giant army of cat gods to kill all your gods and take all your magic and steal thors hammer and everything now cats are the only gods on earth. and i take Kronos's power of time traveling and use to go back in time to re-post that comment and go back in the normal time 11:12 AM
Great thing is, one of my god friends is Hades, who cannot be killed since he is immortal. In other words, if you attempt to kill him, he can just instantly travel back from the Underworld (where you go when you did) and back to the overworld to kill you. Then when you die, you get sent to Tartarus where you have a wonderful time fighting off the angry Titans you just killed, and you get to die over and over again :D P.S. Hades will also just allow Kronos to come out of Tartarus and kill you back for control of time. Not to mention I have Gaea make the ground swallow up every single one of your cat minions where they suffocate alone except Hades doesn't allow them to die, so they are stuck in a void of never-ending pain and suffering, isn't that great! : D
Btw, all gods are my friends; so the Egyptian cat god counts as my friend, so all your cat gods are actually mine and will do as I say, not you :)