Appearance: A male dryad/tree elemental with a slim humanoid frame made of wood. His eyes and his mouth’s insides glow with a warm, magical light. His heart could also be seen on his chest, giving off a similar mystical glow. Some leaves, vines, moss, and occasionally, lichen could be seen growing on some parts of his body.
Dreamer is wise and capable, expected of someone who lived for hundreds of years and holds great magical strength. Unlike the other dryads, Dreamer mingles with human society and tries his best to understand the meaning of humanity out of his love for the people of Cubecraft. Hundreds of years ago, the world fell into a terrible cataclysm, warping the landscape and nature forever. Most of his kin died out from the incident and his powers grew weak as a result of the horrors that happened on Cubecraft. Because of this, he pledged allegiance to the Golden Harmony and its founder, Hoshi, in hopes of saving the district lest the world finds itself again in danger.