Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2022
that orange tree
@Centuria created a story for the Hive forums way back 2020. It was written by her, dedicated to the Hive forums community that we are both a part of back then out of an idea that she got after walking back and forth in her kitchen endlessly. Soon enough, I became a co-writer, along with two other friends. Eventually, the writing team grew into a small group of supporters.

Unfortunately, the story went dead after an irreversible change that was made effective in the Hive forums: making the site dedicated for suggestions and bug reports only, and removing all community discussions and creations permanently, such as the story.

This caused a loss of interest and a decline of viewership, causing the story's inevitable hiatus, but now, we are planning to revive it.

I really really want to make a Cubecraft spinoff of the Forumer's Hunger Games, inspired by this lovely new community that I am now a part of. Writing the one for the Hive-- let alone think about how things would end up as-- drains me a lot if I am being honest, considering how all the active members circa 2019-2022 moved on, how unpopular the series got, and how badly I was treated by certain people from the Hive.

Besides this, Cubecraft was a part of the story, and there weren't enough (any!) Cubecraft-based characters in it. I see this as an opportunity to continue and revive the story, as well as an opportunity to include a new roster of unique, interesting characters.


Before I proceed to writing chapter 1 and all of the lore, I would like you guys to sign up for this first, that way I will plan out the characters and how their unique personalities and traits would be able to play out well in the story.

For now, I am releasing this story's prologue so you guys would get a glimpse or an idea of the premise of the story ✨

You can apply for the story here! (The form is in the hyperlink, yes)

I would highly appreciate it if you guys do applied, I've always wanted to create these kinds of stories and contribute to the amazing creations posted in this site.

By the way, if you would recommend an active member to be a part of this, please do! We will be adding them as long as they consent to being a character for this project.


Table of Contents:

Book 1:
Prologue: A Legend Lost to Time

More will be added soon!


P.S. This is NOT a ship-fiction or a fanfiction with content revolving around ships, relations, and/or adult content.

just some silly lil guys playing survival games im sure :3

and thank you so much for taking your time to read through all of this 💜
I signed up, but it said it needed to be updated and it saw all my progress was lost (which was submitted) are you able to check if it was? -Aratic


Forum Expert
Oct 31, 2023
anywhere but here
i love the kind of fantasy worlds you've designed here
wyd in this situation

(map subject to change.)

jokes aside, I'm glad you're loving it so far 🙏

if you wanna see yourself as a part of this don't forget to sign up on the form!

(although staff are automatically added if they consent to being a character as moderators and helpers are like a district's military force/politicians)


Forum Expert
Oct 31, 2023
anywhere but here
Here are the character descriptions from those who applied in the form so far.

By the way, we're still accepting responses! You can register here to be a part of the story.

Once again, thank you so much to those who applied for letting me have them as a character so I'll be able to write these wonderful descriptions 💜

Click on the spoilers below to reveal more about the characters that you'll see in the story ✨


Appearance: She has long, straight violet hair of a darker shade— often mistaken as black hair— fading into a blue gradient at the tips, swept at the side of her shoulder. She also has hazel eyes, and a pale complexion. She also wears a variety of comfortable clothing suitable for adventuring and rigorous movement.

Crystal wasn't exactly fond of working at the farms or hunting like how most of the Cubecraftians do. She would rather go out in the forests and venture inside caverns, adventuring on her own. She isn't exactly fond of others’ company, but people still often go up to her to seek advice or her word on something due to her sensibility and wisdom. Rumor has it that she developed her survival skills even further after being stuck inside a mysterious space affected by an anomaly.


Appearance: Lyra has long, brown wavy hair reaching all the way down to her hips. She has mint green eyes and fair skin. She wears frog-themed clothing consisting of a lime shirt tucked underneath a short dark green pleated waist skirt, dark green rubber shoes with knee-length white socks, and her signature frog beanie.

Lyra is a gentle, yet wise moderator, approaching problems with wit more unlike the other moderators who rely on their physical capabilities. Like Crystal, she prefers her own company, evident by the fact that she's not even working under any of the royal houses despite being a part of the Cubecraft Royal Guard. Though her introverted and silent nature says otherwise, she's inclined in helping those around her somehow, often helping them mediate their problems and resolve conflict. She was also well-educated, compared to the majority of the Cubecraft population; perhaps her interests, and her smarts are why she has such a respectable spot within the Royal Guard.


Appearance: A buff humanoid frog with slippery blue skin and a green head.

Frogz is very energetic in nature, enjoying taking part in the activities other humans do. He was famed for his immense strength, able to do feats no ordinary human could ever do. While that may be praiseworthy, he isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed at times.


Appearance: Loskol wears a two-toned jester outfit with a pattern consisting of red and black alternating stripes on his left side, and a similar pattern on his right side but with purple stripes instead of red. He also wears some sort of a white comedy mask that covers his face entirely. So far, no one has seen what he looks like underneath his costume.

Loskol is a very mysterious, yet infamous personality. His true identity is ambiguous, to the point where some people were skeptical about his existence. He lives entirely on his own in the forests, foraging fruits and hunting animals on his own for sustenance. Occasionally, he gets out of his way to pursue entire hordes of mobs and dangerous people who have caused so much trouble within the district, causing other people to call him a vigilante. He has his own goals as to why he's doing all of this, including the fact that he signed up for this year’s selection process. He has one goal in mind, and he will make sure to achieve it no matter what it takes to do so.


Appearance: Alex has brown hair, green eyes, and a fair complexion. He wears a white t-shirt, short black pants, and a handmade woven bracelet on his right wrist that he created himself.

Alex is a loyal, reliable person you’d always like to have on your side. He’s competent at his tasks, and will try his hardest to never let you down no matter what. When things are looking grim, he stays positive and puts on a good laugh for everyone.


Appearance: Worlden has short, voluminous hair with long bangs usually covering up one of their eyes. They have huge, golden eyes often glowing in the dark, and an unusual light gray complexion. Worlden wears a variety of dark purple clothing as well as an endstone colored scarf. They don’t usually wear footwear, only wearing them for special occasions or to make certain outfits work.

Worlden works for the Cubecraft Royal Guard as a moderator: one of the highest positions. Though their capabilities, wisdom, and initiative shows, they still don’t feel worthy enough of their position, often doubting themselves in the process especially when someone they’re supposed to help gets in trouble, even if it’s not their fault. They don’t usually resort to violence in solving problems, often listening to people’s side, hearing out their views and their stances on situations. Though they may enjoy getting to know more about people, they’d still prefer their own company, immersing themselves with nature in the company of the forest.


Appearance: Polar has hair as white as snow, a pale complexion, and a lean, athletic build. He often wears winter clothing even in the hottest of summer days, as well as sunglasses and a crown to complete their signature look.

Not much was known about his past, except for his exceptional survival skills, Cubecraft’s first Global Hunger Games win thanks to him, and the fact that he created the new selection process for the district called MinerWare. Though eccentric in nature, people often look up to him because of how he genuinely cares for those around him. Perhaps his treatment of others, as well as the creation of the new selection process, was done to avoid more people to meet a tragic fate like how his teammate in the global once did


Appearance: Rox is someone of medium stature. He has thick, rugged, curly brown hair and pale skin. His eyes are mostly blue, although his right eye has a brown freckle and he wears contact lenses. He often wears short breathable summer clothes, usually a variety of light-colored plain shirts and shorts. During winter or the rainy season, he wears a thick winter coat.

Rox is a young genius. He is introverted and often keeps to himself. During his free time, he would learn about something that catches his attention, studying it in great detail. He loves collecting rocks as well, examining their structure and inferring their history in the process. For someone young, he is wise and somewhat knowledgeable.

(@human being)

Appearance: He has blue hair, green eyes, and pale skin. He wears a variety of clothing.

Nothing is known about him, including his real name. The only thing people knew about him was that he was a former pilot who once worked for Archiva. He is very introverted, and is closed-off most of the time. As someone from an advanced district, he isn’t used to Cubecraft being technologically behind. He often collects and tinkers with devices from advanced districts.


Appearance: Dual is someone of short stature. She has long brown hair often decorated with local flowers from Cubecraft. She has bluish gray eyes, and a fair complexion. She wears her signature cyan coat, as well as a brown skirt. She would wear a variety of shirts underneath her coat.

Dual is very intelligent. As a well-educated intellectual, and an adventurer with a handful of experience in her field, she is very precise and eloquent whenever she speaks her mind out, which is why people often trust her decisions and her views regarding a certain topic, though she believes otherwise and often finds herself looking arrogant at times. This exact reason is why people often look up to her, and why people believe that she would be a tough foe to have in the selection process as well as the upcoming global games. People also compliment her cooking, may it be in a literal sense regarding food– which is why she works as a castle chef– or perhaps regarding her suggestions often submitted to the Royal Houses that could benefit the district.


Appearance: A shadowy visage with a distinguishable form. He appears to wear a tunic, a pair of boots, and a pointy liberty cap. His eyes glow red amidst his shadowy form.

An outlander from a far uncharted land, welcomed and taken into the district by the Caroling clan, enlisting him as one of Cubecraft’s Royal Guards. He is someone with literal centuries of fighting experience up his sleeve, willing to show them off when needed. He is very secretive, and vaguely speaks about his identity when asked about it. People warmly accepted that though, as they don’t feel entitled or curious enough to pry deeper into his history.


Appearance: Aratic has a pale complexion, blonde hair, and blue eyes. He often wears orange clothing, sometimes even an actual costume of the orange fruit itself when he feels like messing around.

Aratic is a clever guy. He often relies on his wit whenever faced with a problem or a dire situation. He may not be exactly as good as the others when it comes to fighting, but he can still make it up when opportunity strikes and whenever the conditions are in his favor. He isn’t as good as socializing or being around with people though, but he tries his hardest to lighten up the mood– albeit by telling dark jokes or something funny that requires a lot of knowledge to understand– and he cares a lot about his inner circle of friends, to the point where he comforted them a lot and made sure they don’t feel bad about him being a part of the selection process and if ever, being a part of the global games.


Appearance: Wild has thick, messy brown hair, black eyes, and a fair complexion. He has a beard that he often shaves to “the perfect length”. He wears a light blue shirt, a blue denim jumpsuit held by a thick brown leather belt and brown boots. People often compare his overall appearance to the district’s commoner everyman, however they also noted that there’s something about how he looks that makes him stand out of the crowd.

Wild is a wacky, fun moderator to have. He often engages in “silly activities”, which is just him pranking others, much to their dismay. He notably targets someone called Privated in his antics, causing the latter to retaliate or end up in embarrassment after falling for one of Wild’s meticulous planning. In the shadows, he deals with the dangers of the district, away from everyone’s eyes in hopes of maintaining the fun image the people have of him, and not associate him with the more serious dirty work behind the scenes.

Appearance: Desiderata is someone of short stature. She has long, wavy golden blonde hair sporting a laurel wreath. She has green eyes, and a fair complexion. She wears a fluffy knee-length wool toga with a loose purple silk shirt beneath. She goes barefoot, to avoid making a noise in the library and to be able to put her feet up easily whenever she reclines her chair backwards to sleep. Occasionally, a thick, red hardbound book that says “Naturalis Historiæ” on the cover could be spotted on top of her head, serving as a hat of some sort.

The lethargic librarian of the Public Library of Archiva, the biggest library in the overworld. Nothing much is known about her besides the fact that she looks incredibly lazy– often sleeping on the job– and she would often be seen malding and rambling in video games and in online forums whenever she's awake. Despite that, she gets the job done somehow. Hey this sounds familiar-

Whatever. Anyways, she won't be an important interesting character or anything nor be in Cubecraft in the first place. Probably a self-insert that won't be a Mary Sue but instead a caricature of how lazy the writer is. She's just there so the total character descriptions won't add up to 13, which may bring misfortune to the story if we hadn't done this.

Thanks for reading, everyone! Stay tuned for the release of chapter 1 in a few days/weeks 🎉

P.S. If you guys would like to suggest someone notable from the forums to be a part of this, DM me their names, and I'll try to ask for their permission to be in this project.
Last edited:


Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Dec 25, 2017
Bogota, Colombia
Hi! Very cool idea, wish you the best of luck writing chapter 1! My friend @Kozi and I did something kiiinda similar but not really with the CubeCraft forums some years ago :) if it helps in inspiration in any way!



Anywho, good luck, I am looking forward to see your work :)


Forum Expert
Oct 31, 2023
anywhere but here
Hi! Very cool idea, wish you the best of luck writing chapter 1! My friend @Kozi and I did something kiiinda similar but not really with the CubeCraft forums some years ago :) if it helps in inspiration in any way!



Anywho, good luck, I am looking forward to see your work :)

or cooked rather, imma eat that all up rn

thanks for the meal good sir, and i hope you enjoy my works too 🫡


Forum Expert
Oct 31, 2023
anywhere but here
This looks so good, thank you for taking your time to write all of this out. I do have one more request though. Can Cuzco be included somewhere, I always love seeing him roaming the Cubecraft lobby. So it would be amazing if he made it in.
Does he have a forum account, or do you at least have contact with him? If so, ask him first if he's fine with getting added here, thanks
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Reactions: Casualpoalrbear


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2022
that orange tree
Here are the character descriptions from those who applied in the form so far.

By the way, we're still accepting responses! You can register here to be a part of the story.

Once again, thank you so much to those who applied for letting me have them as a character so I'll be able to write these wonderful descriptions 💜

Click on the spoilers below to reveal more about the characters that you'll see in the story ✨


Appearance: She has long, straight violet hair of a darker shade— often mistaken as black hair— fading into a blue gradient at the tips, swept at the side of her shoulder. She also has hazel eyes, and a pale complexion. She also wears a variety of comfortable clothing suitable for adventuring and rigorous movement.

Crystal wasn't exactly fond of working at the farms or hunting like how most of the Cubecraftians do. She would rather go out in the forests and venture inside caverns, adventuring on her own. She isn't exactly fond of others’ company, but people still often go up to her to seek advice or her word on something due to her sensibility and wisdom. Rumor has it that she developed her survival skills even further after being stuck inside a mysterious space affected by an anomaly.


Appearance: Lyra has long, brown wavy hair reaching all the way down to her hips. She has mint green eyes and fair skin. She wears frog-themed clothing consisting of a lime shirt tucked underneath a short dark green pleated waist skirt, dark green rubber shoes with knee-length white socks, and her signature frog beanie.

Lyra is a gentle, yet wise moderator, approaching problems with wit more unlike the other moderators who rely on their physical capabilities. Like Crystal, she prefers her own company, evident by the fact that she's not even working under any of the royal houses despite being a part of the Cubecraft Royal Guard. Though her introverted and silent nature says otherwise, she's inclined in helping those around her somehow, often helping them mediate their problems and resolve conflict. She was also well-educated, compared to the majority of the Cubecraft population; perhaps her interests, and her smarts are why she has such a respectable spot within the Royal Guard.


Appearance: A buff humanoid frog with slippery blue skin and a green head.

Frogz is very energetic in nature, enjoying taking part in the activities other humans do. He was famed for his immense strength, able to do feats no ordinary human could ever do. While that may be praiseworthy, he isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed at times.


Appearance: Loskol wears a two-toned jester outfit with a pattern consisting of red and black alternating stripes on his left side, and a similar pattern on his right side but with purple stripes instead of red. He also wears some sort of a white comedy mask that covers his face entirely. So far, no one has seen what he looks like underneath his costume.

Loskol is a very mysterious, yet infamous personality. His true identity is ambiguous, to the point where some people were skeptical about his existence. He lives entirely on his own in the forests, foraging fruits and hunting animals on his own for sustenance. Occasionally, he gets out of his way to pursue entire hordes of mobs and dangerous people who have caused so much trouble within the district, causing other people to call him a vigilante. He has his own goals as to why he's doing all of this, including the fact that he signed up for this year’s selection process. He has one goal in mind, and he will make sure to achieve it no matter what it takes to do so.


Appearance: Alex has brown hair, green eyes, and a fair complexion. He wears a white t-shirt, short black pants, and a handmade woven bracelet on his right wrist that he created himself.

Alex is a loyal, reliable person you’d always like to have on your side. He’s competent at his tasks, and will try his hardest to never let you down no matter what. When things are looking grim, he stays positive and puts on a good laugh for everyone.


Appearance: Worlden has short, voluminous hair with long bangs usually covering up one of their eyes. They have huge, golden eyes often glowing in the dark, and an unusual light gray complexion. Worlden wears a variety of dark purple clothing as well as an endstone colored scarf. They don’t usually wear footwear, only wearing them for special occasions or to make certain outfits work.

Worlden works for the Cubecraft Royal Guard as a moderator: one of the highest positions. Though their capabilities, wisdom, and initiative shows, they still don’t feel worthy enough of their position, often doubting themselves in the process especially when someone they’re supposed to help gets in trouble, even if it’s not their fault. They don’t usually resort to violence in solving problems, often listening to people’s side, hearing out their views and their stances on situations. Though they may enjoy getting to know more about people, they’d still prefer their own company, immersing themselves with nature in the company of the forest.


Appearance: Polar has hair as white as snow, a pale complexion, and a lean, athletic build. He often wears winter clothing even in the hottest of summer days, as well as sunglasses and a crown to complete their signature look.

Not much was known about his past, except for his exceptional survival skills, Cubecraft’s first Global Hunger Games win thanks to him, and the fact that he created the new selection process for the district called MinerWare. Though eccentric in nature, people often look up to him because of how he genuinely cares for those around him. Perhaps his treatment of others, as well as the creation of the new selection process, was done to avoid more people to meet a tragic fate like how his teammate in the global once did


Appearance: Rox is someone of medium stature. He has thick, rugged, curly brown hair and pale skin. His eyes are mostly blue, although his right eye has a brown freckle and he wears contact lenses. He often wears short breathable summer clothes, usually a variety of light-colored plain shirts and shorts. During winter or the rainy season, he wears a thick winter coat.

Rox is a young genius. He is introverted and often keeps to himself. During his free time, he would learn about something that catches his attention, studying it in great detail. He loves collecting rocks as well, examining their structure and inferring their history in the process. For someone young, he is wise and somewhat knowledgeable.

(@human being)

Appearance: He has blue hair, green eyes, and pale skin. He wears a variety of clothing.

Nothing is known about him, including his real name. The only thing people knew about him was that he was a former pilot who once worked for Archiva. He is very introverted, and is closed-off most of the time. As someone from an advanced district, he isn’t used to Cubecraft being technologically behind. He often collects and tinkers with devices from advanced districts.


Appearance: Dual is someone of short stature. She has long brown hair often decorated with local flowers from Cubecraft. She has bluish gray eyes, and a fair complexion. She wears her signature cyan coat, as well as a brown skirt. She would wear a variety of shirts underneath her coat.

Dual is very intelligent. As a well-educated intellectual, and an adventurer with a handful of experience in her field, she is very precise and eloquent whenever she speaks her mind out, which is why people often trust her decisions and her views regarding a certain topic, though she believes otherwise and often finds herself looking arrogant at times. This exact reason is why people often look up to her, and why people believe that she would be a tough foe to have in the selection process as well as the upcoming global games. People also compliment her cooking, may it be in a literal sense regarding food– which is why she works as a castle chef– or perhaps regarding her suggestions often submitted to the Royal Houses that could benefit the district.


Appearance: A shadowy visage with a distinguishable form. He appears to wear a tunic, a pair of boots, and a pointy liberty cap. His eyes glow red amidst his shadowy form.

An outlander from a far uncharted land, welcomed and taken into the district by the Caroling clan, enlisting him as one of Cubecraft’s Royal Guards. He is someone with literal centuries of fighting experience up his sleeve, willing to show them off when needed. He is very secretive, and vaguely speaks about his identity when asked about it. People warmly accepted that though, as they don’t feel entitled or curious enough to pry deeper into his history.


Appearance: Aratic has a pale complexion, blonde hair, and blue eyes. He often wears orange clothing, sometimes even an actual costume of the orange fruit itself when he feels like messing around.

Aratic is a clever guy. He often relies on his wit whenever faced with a problem or a dire situation. He may not be exactly as good as the others when it comes to fighting, but he can still make it up when opportunity strikes and whenever the conditions are in his favor. He isn’t as good as socializing or being around with people though, but he tries his hardest to lighten up the mood– albeit by telling dark jokes or something funny that requires a lot of knowledge to understand– and he cares a lot about his inner circle of friends, to the point where he comforted them a lot and made sure they don’t feel bad about him being a part of the selection process and if ever, being a part of the global games.


Appearance: Wild has thick, messy brown hair, black eyes, and a fair complexion. He has a beard that he often shaves to “the perfect length”. He wears a light blue shirt, a blue denim jumpsuit held by a thick brown leather belt and brown boots. People often compare his overall appearance to the district’s commoner everyman, however they also noted that there’s something about how he looks that makes him stand out of the crowd.

Wild is a wacky, fun moderator to have. He often engages in “silly activities”, which is just him pranking others, much to their dismay. He notably targets someone called Privated in his antics, causing the latter to retaliate or end up in embarrassment after falling for one of Wild’s meticulous planning. In the shadows, he deals with the dangers of the district, away from everyone’s eyes in hopes of maintaining the fun image the people have of him, and not associate him with the more serious dirty work behind the scenes.

Appearance: Desiderata is someone of short stature. She has long, wavy golden blonde hair sporting a laurel wreath. She has green eyes, and a fair complexion. She wears a fluffy knee-length wool toga with a loose purple silk shirt beneath. She goes barefoot, to avoid making a noise in the library and to be able to put her feet up easily whenever she reclines her chair backwards to sleep. Occasionally, a thick, red hardbound book that says “Naturalis Historiæ” on the cover could be spotted on top of her head, serving as a hat of some sort.

The lethargic librarian of the Public Library of Archiva, the biggest library in the overworld. Nothing much is known about her besides the fact that she looks incredibly lazy– often sleeping on the job– and she would often be seen malding and rambling in video games and in online forums whenever she's awake. Despite that, she gets the job done somehow. Hey this sounds familiar-

Whatever. Anyways, she won't be an important interesting character or anything nor be in Cubecraft in the first place. Probably a self-insert that won't be a Mary Sue but instead a caricature of how lazy the writer is. She's just there so the total character descriptions won't add up to 13, which may bring misfortune to the story if we hadn't done this.

Thanks for reading, everyone! Stay tuned for the release of chapter 1 in a few days/weeks 🎉

P.S. If you guys would like to suggest someone notable from the forums to be a part of this, DM me their names, and I'll try to ask for their permission to be in this project.
This is just beyond amazing!!!!


Forum Expert
Oct 31, 2023
anywhere but here
Part 2 of the remaining character descriptions has been finished! Thank you once again to those who applied and showed their support to the story 💜

Click on the spoilers below to reveal more about these characters that you'll see in the story ✨


Appearance: Eli has a somewhat tall stature. He has curly blonde hair, hazel colored eyes, and a pale complexion. He wears a variety of clothing.

Eli is often silent, however, when he feels like saying something meaningful, he isn’t afraid to speak out. He often addresses people and talks to them in a formal, respectful manner, however, he can overestimate himself and his own abilities, making him somewhat arrogant or confident at times. He enjoys seeking the thrill from things and wouldn't back down on challenges. The selection process, and the global games itself if he ever makes it, is just another life lesson to him.


Appearance: He has fair skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. He wears a variety of clothing.

Samir is a very dedicated individual. When he wants to get something, he will work his way until he gets what he wants no matter what. He is quite frank, speaking to people in a brutally honest way even if they don’t exactly deserve it.


Appearance: Privated has blue eyes and a fair complexion. He often paints his face in some sort of war paint. He wears a green military uniform which he made himself, as well as a matching soldier's helmet he dug up somewhere.

Much like Wild, Privated is a fun, silly fellow you’d like to have around. He is quite entertaining and he never fails to put a smile on everyone’s faces. He might be unhinged at times, letting out war cries and often challenging Wild to a fight, much to the dismay of other moderators. His main hobby is collecting war memorabilia, mostly things from a fallen district participating in a war before their district title gets stripped away. Maybe one day, he will be able to piece together something sinister with his prized collection.


Appearance: Hoshi is someone of a short stature. She has pale skin, long lavender hair, magenta eyes that glow in the dark, and rather pointy ears. She wears a variety of black and purple clothing. She also wears a black mask that covers the lower half of her face.

Much like Nightmare, Hoshi isn’t originally from Cubecraft and was taken into the district within the ranks of the Royal Guard, thanks to the kindness of the royals. She came from a faraway land in which Nightmare hailed from as well. Unlike Nightmare, she is slightly more outgoing and open, present in almost every situation she’s needed in. She is dedicated to helping others out, which really suits her job as a moderator very well. Perhaps she is working her hardest for everyone to avoid the same tragedy that befell her homeland.

I hope you enjoyed the remaining descriptions! tysm for reading allat :D

By the way, Chapter 1 is currently in the works, and will be released in a few days 🎉

Stay tuned for the release of chapter 1! ✨

Also, the form will remain open forever. Yes, you heard that right, you can now apply to become a character in the story anytime you want!

You can apply here!


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2020
Hiii everyone!

The prelude to the story, Cubecraft’s Foresight, is FINISHED!

We spent a lot of time on it and worked really hard, so I hope that all of you enjoy it! <3

Click me to read!

Cubecraft’s Foresight takes place before Chapter 1 and tells the story of Cubecraft District’s leader, Sena, as she struggles with the other big event in the world of FHG. It gives very important context to the upcoming story!

Dual(ninja), Wild(d), Nightmare, (Other)Worlden, Lyra, (casual)Polar(bear), Hoshi

Don’t worry if you are not in this story, as Chapter 1 will be coming out very soon!

Thank you so much everyone! Enjoy the story! 💙


Forum Expert
Sep 11, 2022
Somewhere in the North pole
Finally read all of it. That was great.

Also good to see that me in the story have the same luck as real life lol Wild was just getting bullied so he was basically on discord again. And as usual everyone like Lyriie. Nightmare is completely epic. Sena is a pretty likeable protagonist but I'm pretty sure the story isn't only going to be told from her view as we had a Wild Pov as well so I'm exicted to see who Pov we will be seeing in the future

I'm going to post a story prediction but I can't post two spoiler tags in one comment so I'm doing it in the next one to make it look nice and not to spoil anyone.
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