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Jul 18, 2019
I think this would be a great addition to eggwars, at least in my opinion. All other servers have this feature and it makes things more fun for me, and adds another level of risk to the game, which i enjoy.

example 1: Say there's a guy at mid that's been collecting diamonds for a while, so you go to kill him before he can buy stuff. You kill him and now he no longer has the diamonds but you realize you yourself want some too, so you have to wait a while for more diamonds to spawn.

example 2: Say there's someone good at pvp heading towards you. you have much better armor than him, but he's a better player. Currently, there's not really a risk of trying to fight him because he doesn't gain anything but xp for killing you, and you lose your resources, but they're relatively easy to get back. However, if the other person gained your items, there would be a much greater risk and therefore more strategy. If you go to fight him you might lose and he gets your good armor.

I just think it would be a great addition to the game because it adds more risk and strategy to the game.


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
meow meow
I personally think it'd be a bad thing to drop all 100% of your collected materials. It'd result in a lot of people getting extremely stacked in a small amount of time. It would be quite saddening and unfair to other players - for example who aren't good at PvP. In my opinion, everyone should be able to have an equally as good chance of getting items as players with incredible PvP skills, or similar. It would also come with a risk of players who are breaking the rules to be able to get even more stacked:
- Players who are (sky)basing, and shooting others off continuously.
- Hackers who for example fly around and break all eggs or kill most people and therefor gain so many items, one person wouldn't be able to gather all by themselves.
It would result into more toxicity in my opinion. A player could start swearing or arguing with another person about it being unfair that they got all their items. Also, other servers having this feature doesn't mean CubeCraft also needs it. CubeCraft's EggWars is the original concept, and it needs to stay like that. This EggWars is different and original. No need for it to be the same as other, non original, servers'.

However, it does kinda make sense what you're suggesting. And I definitely understand where you're coming from. And if they were to add this, I suggest it being more balanced and nerfed. Being able to get around 20% of the gathered materials the player that got killed had would seem like a reasonable idea. If this was the case for the suggestion, I would definitely consider thinking about it being a good feature to add. It's just currently a no.


Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2016
The North Obsidian Pillar in The End
Adding to the post above. Loosing everything when you die is risky enough. It’s hard enough to fight off invaders on your island after they kill you but having them pick up your items and resources will make it that much harder to get rid of them. Waiting for diamonds isn’t that troublesome and all players are potentially a risk if left alone for a while. I think it should stay exactly the way it is


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
I personally think it'd be a bad thing to drop all 100% of your collected materials. It'd result in a lot of people getting extremely stacked in a small amount of time. It would be quite saddening and unfair to other players - for example who aren't good at PvP. In my opinion, everyone should be able to have an equally as good chance of getting items as players with incredible PvP skills, or similar. It would also come with a risk of players who are breaking the rules to be able to get even more stacked:
- Players who are (sky)basing, and shooting others off continuously.
- Hackers who for example fly around and break all eggs or kill most people and therefor gain so many items, one person wouldn't be able to gather all by themselves.
It would result into more toxicity in my opinion. A player could start swearing or arguing with another person about it being unfair that they got all their items. Also, other servers having this feature doesn't mean CubeCraft also needs it. CubeCraft's EggWars is the original concept, and it needs to stay like that. This EggWars is different and original. No need for it to be the same as other, non original, servers'.

However, it does kinda make sense what you're suggesting. And I definitely understand where you're coming from. And if they were to add this, I suggest it being more balanced and nerfed. Being able to get around 20% of the gathered materials the player that got killed had would seem like a reasonable idea. If this was the case for the suggestion, I would definitely consider thinking about it being a good feature to add. It's just currently a no.

I win games within 5minutes LMAO doesn't matter, but id like those extra pieces of iron and gold when i kill people off their bases


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
meow meow
I win games within 5minutes LMAO doesn't matter, but id like those extra pieces of iron and gold when i kill people off their bases
Well, you might. But not everybody is as much of a tryhard - or skilled player - as some others. New or fairly good players should have an equal chance of winning a game. Like I stated above, it will only spread toxicity. You sure you want that?

You're not even replying to anything I said in my message above. What about rulebreakers in someone else's game for example? It's not fun and only makes people rage and be toxic. But no, you're not thinking of that. It doesn't matter as you're only thinking you winning is the only thing in the world. It's not. Think of the other players, that's how you improve a server. You're honestly just making it seem like you're one of those toxic tryhards who are very selfish and only care about winning.

You're also not even replying to @TheZigbot9000's message. Which honestly proves that you don't care about what impact it would have on other players, since it was an addition to my message which I totally agree on.


Novice Member
Apr 15, 2018
Good idea but maybe not all the iron, gold , diamond and emerald, maybe if you halved it or something like that it might balance it a bit better.


Jan 18, 2020
This has been suggested before, here is why it is bad.
There are 2 playing styles,
1: A fast player, rush mid, get all eggs, finish the game as fast as possible.
2: Slow players, getting stacked, wait with everything.
Good players usually play fast, and slow players like to take it cautiously.

A good player can just bridge fight a stacked player and tbh probably win. He'll get free stuff. While it would make life better for sweaty players, it will just ruin the games of Slow players. (Not to say they already aren't ruined XD)
And as said above a hacker can get a lot of stuff, especially kill aura hackers, they can just get soo much stuff and become unbeatable. Again, I am not 100% against it. But it would be bad for more players.


Apr 28, 2017
Basically taking drops from a player in eggwars might result in a game not being fair, as a team could be spawnkilled for their kits. This would result in players being really toxic.


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
Well, you might. But not everybody is as much of a tryhard - or skilled player - as some others. New or fairly good players should have an equal chance of winning a game. Like I stated above, it will only spread toxicity. You sure you want that?

You're not even replying to anything I said in my message above. What about rulebreakers in someone else's game for example? It's not fun and only makes people rage and be toxic. But no, you're not thinking of that. It doesn't matter as you're only thinking you winning is the only thing in the world. It's not. Think of the other players, that's how you improve a server. You're honestly just making it seem like you're one of those toxic tryhards who are very selfish and only care about winning.

You're also not even replying to @TheZigbot9000's message. Which honestly proves that you don't care about what impact it would have on other players, since it was an addition to my message which I totally agree on.
Its not toxic, whats toxic is kids jumping on a generator when you are clapping them cheeks, i go to mid and naked people be jumping on diamond gens in center when im slapping them with my sword


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
meow meow
Its not toxic, whats toxic is kids jumping on a generator when you are clapping them cheeks, i go to mid and naked people be jumping on diamond gens in center when im slapping them with my sword
I don't see how this post is relevant at all. Please avoid this commentary.


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
meow meow
Its not toxic, whats toxic is kids jumping on a generator when you are clapping them cheeks, i go to mid and naked people be jumping on diamond gens in center when im slapping them with my sword
It is relevant, you just do it and think its an epic gamer move to yoink resources from center before you die
I don't even get what you mean here. Could you be clear and tell my why what you're saying even is relevant to this thread, or even this suggestion?
Jul 18, 2019
I think what he's trying to say is that there's some situations where you're killing someone and they grab all the diamonds from the generator. It's really annoying because in the end no one gets those diamonds.


Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2016
The North Obsidian Pillar in The End
You get the resources back if you spend some time on the gen so getting them from the kill shouldn’t even be necessary. Let’s compare the two for a bit. In BedWars, the Diamond and Emerald Gens are much slower and some are even scattered around the map making it difficult to farm for them. Plus they don’t yield to you becoming completely stacked as the stuff you can buy for them in the shops are very general stuff that’s still powerful but not OP. In some versions, Some items like basic armor and a sword are permanent meaning you won’t be completely helpless upon respawn. Since this is the case, one player can go around killing players around middle, taking their resources, and can get the best gear possible, but still won’t be impossible to kill, which is why taking resources off kills aren’t immediate game changers. However In Eggwars, There are a lot more resources you can acquire in a short amount of time and a lot more OP stuff you can buy from the shops, especially with the introduction of the Emerald Gens which will be even worse if you got those off a kill. The gap between a player with basic gear you can buy with iron vs a player with elevated gear you can buy with enough diamonds and gold and even emeralds is far too great hence the reason why getting resources off a kill is not possible in Eggwars
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Jul 18, 2019
you must be talking about java edition because there are no emeralds on bedrock, the edition this thread is about


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Oct 17, 2016
As mention a few times, the idea in itself is not bad and I’m not against it but getting all the items is a little to overpowered.
As already given, a few examples:
  • Bridge fights, easy to loose with a small mistake and if the opponent is skilled you won’t be able to stop him because of a small mistake. This would be very annoying!
  • Bows, you can get very easily bowspammed and if you would loose all you’re item because of that, that’s just sad. Think about just one person, no armor with a punch bow...
  • Hackers, obviously, hackers could get too stack and then the change of killing them is close to 0.. And maybe a bit less important, but if they get stack fast and the game finished faster because of it, you’ll have less time to record and/or use /report.
With that being said, it would always ague against getting all their item. Getting the [unused] resources could work, maybe not all of them to keep the balance and making sure that just getting a bow and waiting too shoot people in the void is better than getting things yourself. We could then propose getting 1/2 or 1/3 of the [unused] resources. And you could also let it drop meaning that if they fall into the void, all the items are lost. Solving a few but not all of the mentioned problems.

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