Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
This discussion focuses on SkyWars, try to stay on topic!


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
I'd like to see all the old maps and the stuff that was in each chesttype come back. For example: random armour and weapons, not just one set but the old diverse chests, the strong difference between OP chests, normal chests and basic chests, such as punch 3 bow, stacks of golden apples, overpowered gear, enderpearls etc. In the normal chests all the regular gear we had back all like 2016 and the same stuff in the basic chests for the hardcore pvp'ers. I'd also like to see old maps such as the original pokemon map, biomes map, mystic map, the old rainbow, the gravity map and all other maps we had back in 2014/15', not all these maps we have now with all the extra islands between the middle of te map and the spawn islands. Back in the day reaching mid was an accomplishment and the way to it gave you a lot of adrenaline because it was really risky, there was just more emotion and fun in the game overall. Players miss that feeling and CubeCraft is starting to really feel like a bad copy of servers such as Hypixel. The server really was at it's prime back around 2014/2015 and I (and a lot of my friends and a lot of the people I meet on the server) think the same way about it and really miss what CubeCraft was like in that era. Nowadays ranks are worth way less than before. For example, we only have one lobby right now, Emerald and Obsidian ranks can only see the builds in that lobby when they fly and they always have the same ambiance. The server is just getting more boring an more boring, we need a classic update, even if it's for a short time. See it as an experiment and look for yourselves what kind of impact it will have on the community.

Kind Regards,

An old member that misses old times and just wants the best for CubeCraft

(Edit grammar/spelling)

Same goes for the old kits by the way, bring them back please, like the old swordsman kit with an sharpness 2 iron sword (8,5 damage) etc. You have to think like the old players and the way you thought in your prime times, not the new community of course because it decreased a lot and isn't growing back much...


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
Hello, I'm here again to ask you guys for your suggestions!

SkyWars is one of our networks' biggest games and is loved by most CubeCraft players. Today I'm here to ask for you to help us with our next SkyWars update. Suggestions must be reasonable, possible and must not majorly change the concept of CubeCraft SkyWars. The last thing we want is to make SkyWars completely different and change the mechanics of the core game, which most people will not like. If you have any suggestions for the following topics, comment on them below:
  • Quality of life features (Things to make the game nicer and better to play).
  • New kits.
  • Kit re-balancing.
  • Additional chest loot.
  • Changes to chest loot.
  • Map/design improvements.
  • Other small general improvements.
  • If you want a Lucky Islands map in SkyWars, suggest and give your reasons why it should be added.

I'd like to see all the old maps, the hidden secret chests and the stuff that was in each chesttype come back. For example: random armour and weapons, not just one set but the old diverse chests, the strong difference between OP chests, normal chests and basic chests, such as punch 3 bow, stacks of golden apples, overpowered gear, enderpearls etc. In the normal chests all the regular gear we had back all like 2016 and the same stuff in the basic chests for the hardcore pvp'ers. I'd also like to see old maps such as the original pokemon map, biomes map, mystic map, the old rainbow, the gravity map and all other maps we had back in 2014/15', not all these maps we have now with all the extra islands between the middle of te map and the spawn islands. Back in the day reaching mid was an accomplishment and the way to it gave you a lot of adrenaline because it was really risky, there was just more emotion and fun in the game overall. Players miss that feeling and CubeCraft is starting to really feel like a bad copy of servers such as Hypixel. The server really was at it's prime back around 2014/2015 and I (and a lot of my friends and a lot of the people I meet on the server) think the same way about it and really miss what CubeCraft was like in that era. Nowadays ranks are worth way less than before. For example, we only have one lobby right now, Emerald and Obsidian ranks can only see the builds in that lobby when they fly and they always have the same ambiance. The server is just getting more boring an more boring, we need a classic update, even if it's for a short time. See it as an experiment and look for yourselves what kind of impact it will have on the community. I know you can’t do all of these thing of course, but maybe some of them. Even one or two of these changes will change the skywars majorly in a good way.

Kind Regards


Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
Since you’re done with the upgrade, I’ll give some feedback on it:

-Lava is removed from basic and I don’t like that at all, lava was a part of the game. Did you guys do it because lava killed the player too fast? Just reduce the damage taken from lava, or add flint and steels to the chests (low durability) to still give the fire damage.

-The three new maps on solo Skywars are amazing, I love the more flat parts. It adds more space to PvP which is amazing.

-Bomber kit has blast protection X now, which I absolutely love! I don’t die of TnT explosions in basic anymore! Maybe the feather falling should be upgraded one more level but I guess doing horizontal tnt jumps works as well.

-The kit achievements aren’t that original, but oh well, at least there is a way to obtain more achievements now. I like the other achievements that have been added though!

-The speed potion kit potions lasts less long now which is amazing. It’s finally possible to outrun people that splash themselves with speed.

That was my feedback for now. I hope it helped!

BringMeTheHorizon ♠

Forum Expert
Mar 29, 2017
United Stairs of America
-Lava is removed from basic and I don’t like that at all, lava was a part of the game. Did you guys do it because lava killed the player too fast? Just reduce the damage taken from lava, or add flint and steels to the chests (low durability) to still give the fire damage.
The removal of lava in Basic was a great idea. The reasoning behind it was being too OP on Basic. It had side effects that no one expected or thought of though, which is every tryhard voting for Basic. Only Basic... I'm really not sure what to do to fix this. Maybe add heccin' fire protection 4-5 on most armor pieces? Flint and steel won't do much difference tbh.
-Bomber kit has blast protection X now, which I absolutely love! I don’t die of TnT explosions in basic anymore! Maybe the feather falling should be upgraded one more level but I guess doing horizontal tnt jumps works as well.
I don't think making feather falling higher leveled would be a good idea. It would make TNT jumping too OP. I don't really feel like it.
-The speed potion kit potions lasts less long now which is amazing.
smh I bought that kit for no reason
I do like the fact it got changed, I just need a new OP kit to overuse until they change it again. that's if I play minecraft again. xP
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Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
The removal of lava in Basic was a great idea. The reasoning behind it was being too OP on Basic. It had side effects that no one expected or thought of though, which is every tryhard voting for Basic. Only Basic... I'm really not sure what to do to fix this. Maybe add heccin' fire protection 4-5 on most armor pieces? Flint and steel won't do much difference tbh.
Well, there are two types of damage you get from lava: the lava that hurts you and the fire damage. The lava that hurts you does way more damage than the fire damage, that’s why flint n steals would definitely make a change.
I don't think making feather falling higher leveled would be a good idea. It would make TNT jumping too OP. I don't really feel like it.
Gotta have water ready then, I guess it’s fine
smh I bought that kit for no reason
I do like the fact it got changed, I just need a new OP kit to overuse until they change it again. that's if I play minecraft again. xP
You know what to do then : )


Apr 23, 2017
I miss the old CubeCraft, where the "Swordsman" kit had an Iron Sword w/ Sharpness II ; Also, the knockback enchant should be re-added, as well as the good old maps, like Mystic.
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Forum Expert
Jun 3, 2017
What do you mean?
You would regen 3 hearts, instantly, or you would get 3 extra heart slots?
If that's so, that would be very unfair to players that have less kills as well as armor.
He means gaining a regen boost

Ding Junhui

Novice Member
Oct 25, 2017
location, location
Firstly you've added some really good changes that I have wanted for a while:

1. Decreasing void height to give pearls time to land
2. Adding build height to stop skybasing esp. in no proj
3. In OP, starter island containg and full set or armour and nerfing/rebalancing swords
4. Removing lava from baisc mode it was too OP
5. TK with lava in team mode
6. Adding enchanting tables and anvils. Always found it weird to have xp bottles and lapis in chest but no way to use them.

Feedback on new maps (ALL IN MY OPINION)

Ancient - 6/10
+ nice flat intermediate islands
+ islands close so not much bridging
- intermediate island bit crowded with large stone structures, better if removed or made smaller
- Temple thingy at mid is a bit annoying, stairs give anyone attacking you low groud advantage and its easy to get knocked off and take fall damage
- TNT traps arent necessary (see point 6 below)
- Remove gold blocks from mid or disable notch apples (applies to any map)
Pirates - 8/10
+ big, open intermediate islands and mid island
+ The single TNT traps from the intermediate island to mid I dont mind because its only one tnt block, so vey little gets blown up, and there are five of these bridges to cross so if one or two blow up its no big deal
+ Short bridging from starter island
+ Chest placement good overall, esp. on the ships - if you wan to rush you have to not loot the chest below deck
- Remove TNT traps at mid (point 6 below)
- Make mid a flatter
Dust - 9/10
+ very open and flat, any elevation change has stairs
+ very little bridging
+ broken bridge between intermediate island and mid mean you can use it as a chokepoint but its not too OP as a chokepoint
- holes at mid make fighting near them awkward
- minor tweak to move the chest on the intermediate island closer to the starter isalnds maybe at the bottom of the stairs. Where they are now is a bit too far and the stairs give you a disadvantage in having the high ground.
Generally I prefer open, flat maps with little bridging required e.g. field, pokemon, valentine, snake. Intermediate islands are also good as they stop mid from getting rushed by everyone and becoming clean city

However some more suggestions and minor tweaks:

1. I think the Iron Golem kit is too OP especially in basic mode and considering some islands have a block of iron on them so you could easily be full iron. Could alter it so in basic mode its only helm and legs.

2. Potion of harming and blindness too OP if you learn how to use them properly

3. Achievements - in general achievements dont reward enough
- I think there should be a big prize for getting all the kit achievements considering how much they cost to purchase and how little they reward you. I'm lvl 75, so 150 experince isnt much and you actually get more (250) from the daily bonus and only 10 points reward when some kits cost 1000+
- Not the most important but some acheivements are easily completed by loopholing. e.g. antilooter (win without opening chest) - just break them, Axellent (100 kills with axe) - fight with sword then last hit with axe, pin cushion (lucky blocks) (shoot someone 25 times) - shoot yourself 25 times
- On the other end of the scale some are too hard, namely 10 kills in one game (unless you hack) and 10,000 wins (only 3 people have this and one person on 9999). By the time you have 10,000 wins, 10,000 xp is nothing. I only have 2500 wins and im already lvl 75
- There should be a reward for levelling up as at the moment there is no incentive to do so apart from to flex on noobs​
A good reward could be super or uber cublets cause after all they are just cosmetics but still better than just xp
4. More enderpearls at mid to speed up games and stop people camping starter/intermediate islands. In general mid loot should be much better, i.e. dia armour, gaps, etc, compared to elsewhere when they refill. Also perhaps faster refills three minutes is quite a long time.

5. Remove basic mode
- fights are over too quickly, basically first hit/combo wins
- regen takes too long without gaps
- close fights just encourage cleaning​
Could make a new mode there is only the essential items (armour, sword, rod, bow, blocks, water bucket, gaps) and they are all really balanced and maybe you get health for every kill to encourage fighting and deter camping and cleaning. idk really but basic sucks.

6. Remove any tnt traps at mid. After a few games on a map you figure out where they are and you just avoid them/ break them so they are pretty much pointless. Also setting them off just destroys the map and makes pvp awkward.

7. Remove punch bow from OP, its isnt skilled based and people just spam them.

8. Minor tweak to decrease the number of gaps in OP mode, you end up with stacks in your inventory and I dont think I've ever eaten more than 10

9. Quite a major issue I have experienced is that sometimes during skywars (and lucky bocks) other players are invisible and invulnerable. This normally only lasts for the first 5-10 seconds but if they rush you than its rip but I have had it last all game as well.

10. First chest lags in OP mode but youve probably already heard that 100 times

11. Bring back the ability to choose maps, there doesnt need to be a choice of 8 like it was before but being able to pick between 3 or 4 maps would be nice and they would still fill pretty quickly.

But obviously the biggest problem, which if you fixed I wouldnt really care about any thing else (apart from the kb), is hackers

Lastly, unrelated quick question what do the red particles you sometimes get when you hit someone mean and how do get them? lvl 75 and still dont know what they mean
Last edited:


Novice Member
Oct 24, 2017
Waiting for you in the lobby ;3
What I think should be added are different kits for different gamemodes what I mean with gamemodes is Basic, Normal and Overpowered should have different kits.
For example: It's not useful to use the swordsman kit when it's Overpowered but you do want a sword, and nobody uses a stone sword with 6,5 damage on overpowered. And it should be the other way around to if you understand what I mean. And this is not the only kit that needs to be changed on specific gamemodes.
It's not only swordsman maybe iron golem too but it only ruins the name if it is going to be changed with better armor on Overpowered for example.
Let me know if this is a good idea.


Forum Expert
Mar 1, 2019
Hello, I'm here again to ask you guys for your suggestions!

SkyWars is one of our networks' biggest games and is loved by most CubeCraft players. Today I'm here to ask for you to help us with our next SkyWars update. Suggestions must be reasonable, possible and must not majorly change the concept of CubeCraft SkyWars. The last thing we want is to make SkyWars completely different and change the mechanics of the core game, which most people will not like. If you have any suggestions for the following topics, comment on them below:
  • Quality of life features (Things to make the game nicer and better to play).
  • New kits.
  • Kit re-balancing.
  • Additional chest loot.
  • Changes to chest loot.
  • Map/design improvements.
  • Other small general improvements.
  • If you want a Lucky Islands map in SkyWars, suggest and give your reasons why it should be added.

We might not reply to all suggestions, but do not worry, we are reading them and considering them. Not every suggestion will make it into the game, so don't worry if your suggestion isn't implemented.

Thanks for reading!
Everyone from the CubeCraft Team.
Please return all the maps that were removed because they aren’t perfect but they are very beautiful and nice to play overall
Also you can try to return the 2016/2017 mode with kits and abilities or No kits or abilities wich will be great to play


Forum Veteran
Jan 5, 2017
Maastricht, the Netherlands
Please return all the maps that were removed because they aren’t perfect but they are very beautiful and nice to play overall
Also you can try to return the 2016/2017 mode with kits and abilities or No kits or abilities wich will be great to play
No, no, no, no, no.

The maps were all removed for a reason, same goes for the no kit thingy. The no kit thingy was removed because just a few players played it, maps got removed bc of multiple reasons, and yes its fun to play them for once but having this as a permanent map will be a pain in the ass.
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