I really hate hackers. They are a plague and ruin the server for other players like myself and my friends who just want to play the game normally and have fun!
Now I've read somewhere that to try and tackle the hacker problem, Cubecraft has changed the punishment system, and that instead of a perm ban, you get a one week ban, then get another warning before you're perm banned? I don't know about you guys but this makes no sense to me at all...
So to try and increase the deterrent to stop hackers hacking in the first place, they've reduced the punishment? Surely a zero tolerance policy whereby any signs of hacking whatsoever is an instant perm would be a better system? It would prevent the people who hack just to be funny because they wouldn't get a second chance.
The idea of a 3 strike policy is ridiculous. 90% of people will hack again guaranteed. It will also teach people to be more sneaky and start toggling their hacks on and off more, so it's much harder for them to be caught. In addition, a very small number of people actually take the time to record, edit, upload and link videos of rule- breakers, therefore you're just increasing the amount of innocent players that are exposed to said hackers.
I really love this server and it pains me to see 4 hackers in every game. If you guys really want to be lenient with people then may I suggest a temp ban of say 3 months? 1 week just seems way to short to me...
What do you guys think?