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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2019
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
I think the issue is that, to no one's surprise, a majority of applications and applicants are ungenuine and don't sincerely want to help the server. I don't believe this majority deserves to receive elaborated and personal feedback. The most I would give them is a few sentences stating why they've been denied but nothing too extensive
I believe that substantiated feedback should only be given if the applicant has all the minimum requirements and has taken the application sincerely. If not, I think only a short answer should be given to inform them about which requirements are not being met. (Which is more than enough, there's no need to provide extensive feedback on every application..)


Forum Professional
Jul 6, 2015
I believe that substantiated feedback should only be given if the applicant has all the minimum requirements and has taken the application sincerely. If not, I think only a short answer should be given to inform them about which requirements are not being met.
Pretty much summarizes what I meant :P


Novice Member
Jan 16, 2020
With the new changes that have come to the staff team, new changes should come to recruitment as well. I was excited about writing a thread on this topic for a long time and this seemed like the perfect time!

But do you need those reports on the site, or is /report also fine?


Dedicated Member
Sep 6, 2019
Catalonia, Spain.
With the new changes that have come to the staff team, new changes should come to recruitment as well. I was excited about writing a thread on this topic for a long time and this seemed like the perfect time!

Minimum Requirements

The current minimum requirements are 50 successful player reports, 100 forums messages and 3 months of activity on the network.

I genuinely think these are fine, but they’re just a bit hidden in the thread itself. I’ll just link you to this thread instead where I elaborate on the issue: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/put-stress-on-minimum-requirements.219650/

Completely agree, besides, I think the messages should be evaluated for their quality over the quantity, it makes no difference if you have 95 or 100 messages on the forums, you'll be the same person. Besides, I believe age requirement is going to be removed or lowered.

So-called “mini-modding”

Ok, so this is a rather big one. Although plenty of staff members have said that you should be yourself instead of trying to make yourself look like the best, most mature and most typical staff member. Unfortunately, aspiring applicants don’t really take this into consideration, yet a handful of applicants do just that and it has got them accepted.

I think the recruitment team is sending out wrong signals here: being a wannabe can get you staff.

If the mindset of the recruitment team actually changes, then so will the mindset of aspiring helpers. I would not appreciate random strangers come up to me in-game and telling me that I am swearing or doing anything else against the rules (obviously it’s understandable if the rule breaker is blatant. But if it’s just a person using offensive language to a friend then I do not feel like a regular member, that is equal to them, should go robot-style and say “Please do not swear because this is against the rules. Read the rules here: blah blah”).

It feels like the recruitment team is expecting aspiring helpers to behave like helpers already. I don’t think they should be. They should rather just enjoy the server and just act mature and be themselves.

I don't specially agree with the example you put: people isn't able to know if you're someone's friend and if they defend your friend I see it as a good action. But I agree, mini modding is just out of control, and this is linked to my thread (the forums are not the same anymore), where I say that people isn't being themselves anymore. For gods sake, there's people that even has already written messages that with only pressing a key warns a player..
Besides, I do think the recruitment team should try to find people who has qualities that a helper would have, and the ability to learn new things. However, I think that helpers shouldn't necessarily have to be the perfect helper already when applying, and as you say later, it seems they're only seeing the helpers as future moderators; it's ok if a helper takes 9 months to become a moderator, cause when the helper does become a moderator it'll be ready for real.

Subforum for applications

The idea has been around for a while, but even the translation team gets to manage applications via a subforum so why doesn’t the helper recruitment team?


  • Applicants will now instantly know when they’ve been denied due to a [DENIED] prefix in the application thread title instead of having to wait a month
  • In addition to the previous point, applications can be moved to subforums (“Denied”, “Considered”, “Accepted”, “Pending”)
  • People can’t apply in the name of others to troll. Don’t think this is super common but I’m sure it has happened
  • Feedback can be given to this thread straight away - and a possible conversation can follow
  • It’s easier to keep track of which applicants do meet the minimum requirements and which do not, by clicking their profile and checking it directly that way
  • Easier and more convenient to make edits to the application thread. I literally have not a single clue as to how I should make edits to a sent google form. I know there’s an explanation but it’s just so inconvenient
  • It’s on the forums and people aren’t directed to other sites. It’s Google, I’m well aware but why not have everything on one main website?


I completely agree, besides the current applications are just not too personal and you can't really explain a lot about yourself. Sure, there is the "Anything else we should know?" but sometimes you don't even know what to write, and I think more personal questions should be asked to the players, to see what kind of personality they have and how they would react to certain situations as a helper.
And obviously I also agree with the part of making the answers to the applications extense and elaborated; if you're denied you want to know why and it's extremely confusing and irritating to not know why you've been denied, you can ask but there's a limit on what they can tell you and it's pretty much annoying.
Wrong and strict mindset of the recruitment team

It seems like the recruitment team only accepts applicants if they are ready for moderator. I genuinely do not believe there’s a whole lot of training going on for helpers, other than obviously getting used to working with certain commands and other business. But more in the sense as in, there’s no training to their actual behaviour or flaws.

Out of 91 accepted moderating staff members on the server throughout its history, a staggering 85 made it all the way to moderator. With the remaining 6 being helpers that did not make it through - which should not necessarily be a bad thing but it does look like it because, as I said, nearly all helpers will become a moderator eventually.

* I excluded the current helpers as they are still undergoing their ‘training’. Though we all know it’s incredibly likely all 6 of them will get promoted eventually

Reach out to players instead. Invite them for an interview or ask if they would be interested in a position on the team. People that could make great helpers don’t always have the courage or self-confidence to apply for the position.

Give elaborated, personal and extensive feedback to well-written and high-quality applications. I’m well aware that applicants can ask for feedback themselves but this isn’t something they should have to do. As a ‘thank you’ and gesture of appreciation this is something the recruitment team should do themselves. It should be a given.

I completely agree, as I said before it's fine if a helper takes nine months to become a moderator, cause when he/she becomes one he/she'll do great as a moderator, and will be fully ready for the task; don't take me wrong, I ain't saying the current moderators aren't ready for their role, they are, but when applicating you shouldn't be forced to know how everything works when you're applying for a rank that is basically a era where you learn the essential stuff.
About reaching players I don't really know if that's a good idea, it's a volunteer position after all. However, I do believe that some players should be given encouragement to apply, but shouldn't just be a guarantee; the application should show them if the player is really a nice, mature person as they thought or prove them wrong and not take the application seriously.


Reset the cycle every 3 or so months. Plan the dates out throughout the year so applicants can prepare and really take time to evaluate themselves. Now it’s just like SURPRISE APPLICATIONS RESET YOU CAN APPLY NOW GOOD LUCK

Anyone's feedback is much appreciated, as long as it's elaborated and fair - obviously. Specifically tagging a few people whose feedback I am more than excited to hear! @IceScreams @AnimalTamer1 @Buuuddy @Prileyfanboy01 @Oreoino @Bruni @Spuuuni @Keanu

I believe reset's wouldn't be needed if the subforum was added, after all they could say "you're allowed to apply after one month" or "you're allowed to apply as long as you fix the things we've listed above". Not everyone has the same mindset, the same ideologies and basically the application answers should be wayyy more personal and dedicated to the other person. Besides, there could be a perk where everyone who's posted an application can post another thread on the subforum for one month, to avoid spamming applications from people who have no clue on how it works.

A last opinion: I think the helper application thread should be translated too, it just makes no sense to expect people that don't understand english to try and translate everything they see, and not just go ahead and click on the giant words that say "APPLY HERE", translating the application thread, the Q&A could make players that don't understand english realize that they can't apply without the knowledge of english, and stop spam applicating. Maybe it wouldn't reduce drastically the amount of bad applications, but it could for sure reduce some.

Besides, thanks for doing this thread. I was really happy when you told me you were making it and I am glad you haven't dissappointed me. Love ya xx and I completely agree with everything <3

Deleted member 492126

I think more personal questions should be asked to the players, to see what kind of personality they have and how they would react to certain situations as a helper.
This used to be a thing 2 years ago, but they changed it because people tended not to be genuine with those questions. Aspiring helpers are asked personal questions if they are accepted, during the interview, so they don't have so much time to prepare a fake/exaggerated answer


Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018
I think the issue is that, to no one's surprise, a majority of applications and applicants are ungenuine and don't sincerely want to help the server. I don't believe this majority deserves to receive elaborated and personal feedback. The most I would give them is a few sentences stating why they've been denied but nothing too extensive

I think that's fair enough. Maybe copy and paste answers for those who have really easy denial reasons but elaborate extensive answers for well-known members of the community who are at the boarderline of being accepted.


Forum Professional
Dec 31, 2015
The Netherlands
Minimum Requirements

The current minimum requirements are 50 successful player reports, 100 forums messages and 3 months of activity on the network.

I genuinely think these are fine, but they’re just a bit hidden in the thread itself. I’ll just link you to this thread instead where I elaborate on the issue: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/put-stress-on-minimum-requirements.219650/
I think the requirements are fine as they are right now. Also, if you have 3 months of activity on the network, then you'll probably have more than 100 forum messages. Though, (probably many people said this already), I think the age could be lowered a bit because I think some people who are not 15 yet could fit as Helper.

The amount of reports isn't that high/low either, you cannot just get 50 reports in a day so that's fine imo.

So-called “mini-modding”

Ok, so this is a rather big one. Although plenty of staff members have said that you should be yourself instead of trying to make yourself look like the best, most mature and most typical staff member. Unfortunately, aspiring applicants don’t really take this into consideration, yet a handful of applicants do just that and it has got them accepted.

I think the recruitment team is sending out wrong signals here: being a wannabe can get you staff.

If the mindset of the recruitment team actually changes, then so will the mindset of aspiring helpers. I would not appreciate random strangers come up to me in-game and telling me that I am swearing or doing anything else against the rules (obviously it’s understandable if the rule breaker is blatant. But if it’s just a person using offensive language to a friend then I do not feel like a regular member, that is equal to them, should go robot-style and say “Please do not swear because this is against the rules. Read the rules here: blah blah”).

It feels like the recruitment team is expecting aspiring helpers to behave like helpers already. I don’t think they should be. They should rather just enjoy the server and just act mature and be themselves.
Sí, sí!

Subforum for applications

The idea has been around for a while, but even the translation team gets to manage applications via a subforum so why doesn’t the helper recruitment team?
Ohh yea, this would be a great idea. Makes it easier for both parties and it takes less time for everything and everyone to to check out things and such. This would be even better than Google Forms, not only for filling in but also a possible reaction/feredback.

Wrong and strict mindset of the recruitment team

It seems like the recruitment team only accepts applicants if they are ready for moderator. I genuinely do not believe there’s a whole lot of training going on for helpers, other than obviously getting used to working with certain commands and other business. But more in the sense as in, there’s no training to their actual behaviour or flaws.

Out of 91 accepted moderating staff members on the server throughout its history, a staggering 85 made it all the way to moderator. With the remaining 6 being helpers that did not make it through - which should not necessarily be a bad thing but it does look like it because, as I said, nearly all helpers will become a moderator eventually.

* I excluded the current helpers as they are still undergoing their ‘training’. Though we all know it’s incredibly likely all 6 of them will get promoted eventually

Reach out to players instead. Invite them for an interview or ask if they would be interested in a position on the team. People that could make great helpers don’t always have the courage or self-confidence to apply for the position.

Give elaborated, personal and extensive feedback to well-written and high-quality applications. I’m well aware that applicants can ask for feedback themselves but this isn’t something they should have to do. As a ‘thank you’ and gesture of appreciation this is something the recruitment team should do themselves. It should be a given.
Like you said yourself, being yourself and enjoying the server - that is better than already behaving like a Moderator.

That could be a possible idea instead of letting the (good) applicants apply again. I am sure that some eventually lose motivation because they have been denied for several times now and in the past.

Agreed so hard, would increase motivation (if it's not that bad feedback) and people will eventually try to improve the things they have received feedback for.

I think overall, with the other Helper recruitment suggestions as well, they could use some things to let Cube have more staff in the future (especially their goals for the end of this year).

Deleted member 469419

Yeah, good idea, in other servers (that I'm not gonna name it) to apply for staff there are some sub forums and I think can facilitate the life of staff (recruitment team), I like so much your idea of sort out the applications (depending of the status) - ["DENIED", "CONSIDERING", "ACCEPTED"] I think this can help to clasificate better the applications (Although I heard that they are currently using a scheme with ordered colours {Red, Orange and Green}).

But, of course, It's a very good idea, and I think this can be calm down the people that apply, because in the formulary you can't see the status of the application (and if you don't save the link, you cannot edit it)


Forum Professional
Jul 23, 2016
Chicago, Illinois
The only problem with telling each individual person accepted, denied, or escalated or whatever the middle option is, is that it would require many staff working around the clock to supply that info, currently the staff need to expand dramatically, so I can see this slowly take form with the more staff that enter with the more time they can dedicate to this.


Forum Professional
May 13, 2014
Hey, thanks for the suggestion Riley, and everyone who has written replies. It seems like this thread has gotten some traction, so I’ll do my best with going through what you all have said.

Ok, so this is a rather big one. Although plenty of staff members have said that you should be yourself instead of trying to make yourself look like the best, most mature and most typical staff member. Unfortunately, aspiring applicants don’t really take this into consideration, yet a handful of applicants do just that and it has got them accepted.

I think the recruitment team is sending out wrong signals here: being a wannabe can get you staff.
I can definitely understand your concerns - the thing is that these are minimum requirements for a reason. This is so we can weed out the people who are wanting to become a helper who has no knowledge of the server and the rules itself. We're trying to clamp down on the whole helper cycle process, from recruitment to mentoring to the requirements themselves, we're pushing for a greater amount of helpers, but a greater amount not passing the trial. The helper recruitment process is pretty scrutinous; looking at the basic requirements stated in the thread takes up a small amount if they exceed it, but we examine how they act on the server, Discord, other servers, and discuss with the entire moderation team to ensure that we're choosing nothing but quality into the team. Hypothetically, they could get staff, but it would be difficult.
Subforum for applications

The idea has been around for a while, but even the translation team gets to manage applications via a subforum so why doesn’t the helper recruitment team?


  • Applicants will now instantly know when they’ve been denied due to a [DENIED] prefix in the application thread title instead of having to wait a month
  • In addition to the previous point, applications can be moved to subforums (“Denied”, “Considered”, “Accepted”, “Pending”)
  • People can’t apply in the name of others to troll. Don’t think this is super common but I’m sure it has happened
  • Feedback can be given to this thread straight away - and a possible conversation can follow
  • It’s easier to keep track of which applicants do meet the minimum requirements and which do not, by clicking their profile and checking it directly that way
  • Easier and more convenient to make edits to the application thread. I literally have not a single clue as to how I should make edits to a sent google form. I know there’s an explanation but it’s just so inconvenient
  • It’s on the forums and people aren’t directed to other sites. It’s Google, I’m well aware but why not have everything on one main website?

I'd definitely love to see something like this added personally. But as the helper recruitment team would need to filter through loads of responses a day, it would be time-consuming. The current Google form method we use is pretty efficient as we colour code people who we're considering; orange means they have enough to pass the basic requirements, and red meaning they do not. As a general rule of thumb, if you do not have enough messages, reports or activity as stated in the application thread, you are most likely rejected. I do see the concerns about how the Google docs method works though (cc. @Nikoshka @komododragon 2002 ), so I'll try and look into how we can logistically make them a bit more personal, we'd need to discuss logistics amongst the admin and recruitment team. :3
As there is a small percentage of people who do pass the requirements, we'd spend a lot of time copy and pasting messages to those who clearly do not pass the requirements. Something we're aiming to change is message people who are active and close to an interview, but need a final push to get over the final hurdle. We're trying to keep people in the community but not scare them away if they do not make the staff team. :]

Reach out to players instead. Invite them for an interview or ask if they would be interested in a position on the team. People that could make great helpers don’t always have the courage or self-confidence to apply for the position.

I could name countless people that I know in the community that I feel like would be fit for helper, but do not want to apply for personal reasons or about them not having faith in the server. I can't fault them for that, nor can I change their opinion, so I don't think it would be appropriate to reach out to them without them applying as if they do accept, they may not be motivated to do the work required. So I'd personally wait until they apply themselves, so we know they're prepared to put the work in.

I especially want to comment on the subforum thing because I've been annoyed by this for a long time. In the Google forms you can only say if you have experience yes or no. You can't explain anything about it. Were you staff on a handful of smaller servers or were you staff on a few really big servers? Imo that's important information.

We tell them to expand on this in the interview. It doesn't necessarily put you at an advantage, but knowing the core values about what a moderator does really helps so we don't have to teach you them. They learn this if they become a helper anyways. :3

I completely agree, besides the current applications are just not too personal and you can't really explain a lot about yourself. Sure, there is the "Anything else we should know?" but sometimes you don't even know what to write, and I think more personal questions should be asked to the players, to see what kind of personality they have and how they would react to certain situations as a helper.
And obviously I also agree with the part of making the answers to the applications extense and elaborated; if you're denied you want to know why and it's extremely confusing and irritating to not know why you've been denied, you can ask but there's a limit on what they can tell you and it's pretty much annoying.

When I personally applied, there was a lot of questions that required written responses and it stressed me out a lot. I took almost 2 weeks writing and refining an almost perfect response, which I think is good that we changed. If someone were to type "I'm a very likeable person and I'm kind to everyone" but looking at their forums posts and see they call people names, have multiple warning points, we can tell that they're being ingenuine. We can assess their personality, so we don't need a fabricated, sugar-coated version of it on their application.
We're shifting focus towards the interview stage to assess their personality. It's more of a casual conversation about the server and themselves, so it's not like a formal interview, but we assess their personality and ensure what they're saying is genuine from there instead of writing a response for 2 weeks like me, hahah.

I appreciate everyone's responses and I'll be glad to answer any more questions! <3
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