Alright, I’m going to explain it once again..
In Tower Defence, there is a tactic, when you place a archer tower on in the middle of 4 plots, you claim a lot of space
As you can see, I’ve claimed 4 plots.
‘’W..What? Why would you do that! That’s why I want this suggestion! This is ridiculous! We should stop this behaviour!’’
We should stop the trollers, but not the people who are actually good at the game.
‘’What? You can’t be good at the game if you place towers like THAT!’’
Yes.. Yes you can. Because now, nobody can place ANY towers in the 4 spots I claimed. Meaning I that I’m choosing what ever is going there. When you do this a few times next to each other, you can place a whole entire row with, for example, Sorcerer towers or Zeus towers.
When you don’t do this, people are going to place the towers they want to have their. Which isn’t always bad, except when people want a full row of archer towers.
I’ve played a game of Tower Defence and I saw another few things:
Castle under attack - 5x5 tower on 3x3 plots.
Castle under attack:
If you’re castle is under attack, you want to place some towers real quick and you don’t really care if it’s in the right place. It’s annoying if you can’t, so you have to place it right but your castle is still under attack.. This doesn’t mean the tower will stay like that. They can fix their misplacing themself afther their castle isn't under attack anymore.
5x5 tower on 3x3 plots:
Somebody already said this, but placing 5x5 towers on 3x3 plots is also a tactic.
There aren’t much 5x5 plots but 5x5 towers are pretty powerful. So if you place this on a 3x3 plot, you can have more of them.
5x5 tower on 3x3 plots
You better understand this, because I ain’t explaining it any different then this..
"Stay on topic! This has notbing to do with my suggestion!"
I'm EXPLAAAAAAINING why I do not want this to be added...