Hello Cubecraft family, wannabes and CNN viewers! Last time I made a very good tip on how you can spend your time visiting the Veluwe without tryharding Eggwars! Now your favorite Goefy has made a thread full with things you need to do to get helper (and things you don't need to do).
= do
= don't do
Step 1
Join the forums, otherwise, you can't apply :(
Do not apply via discord lmao
Step 2
Make a nice profile, add a profile picture and a description, now you're ready to become known in the community
Don't apply immediately after you joined the forums bc it doesn't make sense
Step 3
Be active, but not too active. React on suggestions with constructive feedback, make suggestions sometimes.
Do not farm posts, everyone finds post farmers annoying. Also, 'welcome to the forums' will not boost your application at all. Also, mini-modding will never help you so just don't do lmao. Btw making reports is a good thing but don't stand afk in games to farm reports, there are better things in life like watching Swedish crime movies. Tbh Swedish crime movies are so weird that I kinda like them.
Step 4
After a few months of following step 3 you can apply! Not much to say here, just give constructive answers on the questions and be honest!
Don't be afraid of the recruitment team although they're very scary, especially Kinu :(
Step 5
If you followed the previous steps you'll most likely get considering stage. Omg omg omg I'm getting helper omg omg omg. NO! Considering means almost nothing except that the recruitment team will watch you with a magnifying glass. Very scary! But just be yourself like you were before applying.
So nothing to add here but do not swear and DDOS people in calls.
Step 6
If you've done everything well, you get the interviewwww! Again very scary!!! Yea no, it's not scary or hard or anything, that's it. Again just be yourself and not a dumb Goefy
The chance is big that you get denied after considering. A lot of people start to get immature, swearing, threatening and some just casually leave the entire server and after 2 months they come back ''for the community, not the helper'' lol.
Step 7
After the interview, you'll be excited of course, you're almost there. You can smell the pink rank.
Don't tell people you got interview btw that's very stupid.
Final step!
SUCCESSFUL!!! You followed last steps and you're helper. Not even that, the community thinks that you deserve the helper rank, something quite rare last months. No massive wannabe, no post farmers etc. A helper that is respected by the community! Good job!
If you're helper you want get moderator later on of course! If you want mod, don't be like @Quis sorry Kwies, still love you!
I hope I have helped you to get helper!!! This post is sponsored by VisitVeluwe.com and Sourcy Vitamin Water.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Final step!

I hope I have helped you to get helper!!! This post is sponsored by VisitVeluwe.com and Sourcy Vitamin Water.
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