You totally looked at the staff page on the website :PDivvy1, Joel_Lucas, Dean_Warner_1995, TechyByte, LaserDolphin77, General_Claudia, Catzilla24, SGTkuzey, minimooseha, jinjo90, Efcluke94, musemat, Lukey_Dude, halothe23, rubik_cube_man, Dai_Matsumoto, rhinoscooter1... and that all the staff I can think of.
Im not counting builders cuz they cant actually ban.
Nope all of them are on the staff page LIKE YOUYou totally looked at the staff page on the website :p
I think he lost his mod and builder for being inactive.And isn't bubble widely a mod
Oh and sorry for the wrong name autocorrect :)I think he lost his mod and builder for being inactive.