This horrifying scene...
Reference to The Walking Dead (Or lamenting the absence of OrangeGE)
This massacre
The green colour scheme...
It was obvious that Infection was coming from the very beginning. So, what could the new game be? Here's what I've found:
A rubik_cube_man, being very stingy with the information he has
Fiery colour scheme
Army of gingers (More than twenty!)
Bow-spamming Batman (REEE BOW SPAMMING IS FOR NOOBS!!!)
Cute photographer
A mad fight scene
New game - theories:
-It probably involves lava or fire in some way, hence the Ginger Legion and the molten colour scheme
-Potentially involves a dragon. Maybe it's to escape the Enderdragon amidst a fiery inferno, or possibly to kill it in a big team!
-Bows are probably the main weapon in this game
Could be completely wrong, but wanted to make a prediction just in case. That way, I can brag about how psychic I am if I'm actually right.
Reference to The Walking Dead (Or lamenting the absence of OrangeGE)
This massacre
The green colour scheme...
It was obvious that Infection was coming from the very beginning. So, what could the new game be? Here's what I've found:
A rubik_cube_man, being very stingy with the information he has
Fiery colour scheme
Army of gingers (More than twenty!)
Bow-spamming Batman (REEE BOW SPAMMING IS FOR NOOBS!!!)
Cute photographer
A mad fight scene
New game - theories:
-It probably involves lava or fire in some way, hence the Ginger Legion and the molten colour scheme
-Potentially involves a dragon. Maybe it's to escape the Enderdragon amidst a fiery inferno, or possibly to kill it in a big team!
-Bows are probably the main weapon in this game
Could be completely wrong, but wanted to make a prediction just in case. That way, I can brag about how psychic I am if I'm actually right.