Great minds think alike :)Half of the hearts they had at that specific moment or get them down to 5 hearts or something?
Great minds think alike :)Half of the hearts they had at that specific moment or get them down to 5 hearts or something?
Such as? :D
Thanks! It will be great! :3Such as some of those ideas. (No, I wont narrow it down.)
And make the lust for blood irresistible!Yea, it will give people more to kill for. :D
This is too op I mean what people are going to do is get 24 kills, then start a massive fight with a bunch of people and get 1 more kill and do the Zeus thing. Also if people nuke the map, it wouldn't be a refresh unless they clear the ground too
*everyone dies*
*stone spawns*
*spawns in a pile of donor loot*
And the cycle continues
You might think so but the nuke killsyreak has been implemented in this server (dont want to say ip incase if advertising) and it works great! Ehen the nuke goes of everyone dies and no on complains! Yes it might be op but it shoukd be super hard to obtain! It gives the game a much mire intense and exciting feeling and you may want ro play a little bu more cautious as you will always wonder when the nuke will go off!!! In time you will inderstand xDI don't like the nuke, killing everyone just seems OTT.
Then it becomes the zeus kill streak and think about it... How often does a stone buy all diamond amour from the shop?Perhaps the nuke should do a finite amount of damage. It would be unfair if a stone just bought some armor and then got insta-killed or someone else had like a 100 killstreak trying to beat their record and just died for no reason. Maybe it should just do 50 hearts of damage or something, so not everyone dies.
You have no idea.Then it becomes the zeus kill streak and think about it... How often does a stone buy all diamond amour from the shop?